
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · 映画
51 Chs


Alex ate the feast on the table and is continuing to eat desserts. After he is full he looked around and found many also finisehd eating. Ater a few minutes Dumbledore stood up and clapped his hands and the good disappeared.

Then he turned to students and said," now we're going to sing the school song. Everyone stand up and sing loud", Alex smile froze. The songs in this wizarding world are very weird.

So Alex don't even listen to them. He just listens to the melody and sounds of the instruments and now there isn't any music it's just singing. So he is trying his best to hold off his laughter and moving his mouth.

Cassandra looked at him while he winked at her. She is also doing the same, she isn't singing the song and just miving her mouth randomly along with many Slytherin seniors, only some freshman are singing.

Even after the song is sung by everyone the twins are still singing and dancing in a the tone of a funeral March which made Alex irritated a little. After they finished Dumbledore rubbed his eyes and said," music, it's very special".

Alex don't know why but he felt if what Dumbledore is related to fluffy and the saviour plan as fluffy's weakness is music. Alex shook his thoughts off while the Slytherin prefect started to take them to the dorms.

Alex followed them to the dungeons while the prefect Gemma Farley, a pure blood witch. She took them towards a brick wall and shouted," pure-blood", the brick opened immediately while she said," those who aren't that must brace themselves this year".

She looked at Alex then frowned but she didn't say anything while Malfoy smirked but Alex looked at him with half smile which confused him. Alex has few plans for these school bullies. Like them who tied the Slytherin students that they hate he'll also tie these up in astronomy towers without mercy.

Cassandra frowned but she moved forward while all freshman are gathered at a place. Alex looked around while snape arrived with his Cloak is waving in air. Alex raised an eyebrow looking at Snape's Cape.

This guy enchnated his Cloak to flow like that. Snape looked at him while Alex smiled, Snape then turned to all the freshman and said," as usual this year let's decided the leader using the same traditions".

Many freshman knew what is happening, they took out their wands and scattered then waited for Snape to say begin, Alex winked at Cassandra then at his girls. As soon as Snape said begin he immediately cast an iron armour curse around himself then started to cast experliamus.

A few curses are stopped on his iron armour curse, his experliamus first knocked out the wand of Theodore nott, then he again followed the same strategy and get the wands of Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe.

His girls didn't make a move as they're not interested in this and simply gave up. Alex then turned to Cassandra then winked. He looked at Snape then said," I give up professor".

Snape frowned and asked," are you sure Mr Potter? Ms vole is the oniy student left, defeat her and you'll be the leader", Alex smiled and said," no, sir. I only want to duel. Now it's not fun anymore so I'm giving up".

The pure bloods who are defeated by him have a red face due to shame and glared at him. Alex didn't care while Snape announced," Ms vole will be the leader of first year, from now on every freshman has to follow her orders".

He said then glanced at Alex one last time who smiled at him and then exited the stage, Alex glanced at Cassandra who nodded at him. She followed Daphne, Tracey and Pansy. Alex then approached the door of special dorm.

It's only assigned to the leaders and as Cassandra now isn't interested in this he naturally got this room. Leader's rooms are not divided to boys or girls. They're just separated from other students and will have privacy even from others.

That's why he wanted to this dorms to have more privacy. He will further improve it using the items from shop. He opened the door and grabbed his luggage from the ring then placed it on the bed. The room is normal one with a single bed and table with chairs. It has few closets for clothes and shelves for things. A few decorations of Slytherin house.