
Mind Control

"You wanted to see me?" Grim asked as he entered Fury's office by teleporting in, he was of course invisible until after he had entered the office and confirmed that it was just him and Fury, which combined with his silent teleportation made it look like he simply appeared. Probably unnecessary but he had learnt early on that appearances can be important. He saw Fury sitting behind his desk and was a little surprised that he didn't have Coulson and Hill wit him.

"You can drop the costume." Fury said in a tired voice, Harry's suit dissolved away, leaving Harry standing in black trainers, blue jean, a grey shirt and a black jacket.

"You sound like you've had a great day." Harry said in a sarcastic voice.

"A brilliant one." Fury said in a dry voice before his voice returned to his usual serious one. "Can you track Barton" Fury asked suddenly.

"More than likely but a good question that I would like to know the answer to is why you want me to track Barton in the first place?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Fury. "Because, believe it or not, it doesn't sound good when a director of a government agency asks a wizard to find one of their best and most deadly employees."

"Barton has been compromised." Fury admitted, though he looked like it pained him to do so. "By somebody named 'Loki'."

"Loki?" Harry blinked. "Oh for fuck sakes, please tell me you don't mean the brother of Thor. It's not that Loki is it?"

"We suspect it is the very same." Fury nodded. "He tapped Barton's chest with a tip of a scepter, the next thing I know Barton's treating Loki like he was his damn boss."

"Mind control." Harry muttered under his breath before looking at Fury. "Describe it, how did Barton act? Slow? Did he always wait for orders before doing anything, even speaking?" Harry asked, giving Fury his full attention.

"No, he talked and acted like he usually did." Fury frowned as he shook his head. "It was more like...Loki had somehow managed to change his perspective. I am not sure how fully under control he is."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because he shot me but he didn't go for a headshot," Fury answered. "he could have, easily, but he didn't."

"You were wearing a body vest?"


"Hmm, I will get a sample of Barton's blood and..."

"There's a problem with that," Fury interrupted. "Barton knew about your ability to track people through blood, that's probably why this morning I received reports of our medical facilities being attacked. It wasn't just the the blood wasn't destroyed, the database was messed with so information on which blood belongs to who is probably wrong until we fix it."

"Well that's great." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Is there anything else you could use to track him? Like a hair or one of his arrows?"

"Not as effective," Harry shook his head. "if he was close range then great but it's not as effective long range since he is not magical."

"Hmm, I've sent some information to your Shield tab," Fury said, referring to the tablet that Fury had given him when he had joined. "all the information we have." Fury added, Harry mentally translated Fury's words into 'all the information we think you should know'. "I would also like you to accompany Agent Romanoff on a mission."

"Kill? Capture?" Harry asked.

"There's is someone that we would like to bring in, peacefully, we need his help and would like it if he willingly helped us out. All the information will be on your tab."


A short while later Harry was at home, rubbing his eyes, tempted to smash his tablet and throw it out of his window. He had just read up on all the information Shield had about the tesseract, or at least all of the information they had given him. Harry trusted Fury, to a degree, he doubted he would ever one hundred percent completely trust him but he respected him enough to not read his mind at every opportunity. Although now he was admittedly very tempted to do so.

The tesseract, a bright blue cube, was what Fury wanted back. Apparently Shield wanted to use it as a power source due to the fact that they believed it could be the key to unlimited energy. Harry knew that it was probably more than just that, he had learnt long ago to never take people's words as absolute truth. Harry believed in 'trust but verify', and since he didn't fully trust Shield that meant more verifying.

Harry also read up on the information of the other people Fury wanted to bring in, one of them was Steve. Harry knew that Fury had some reason for bringing Captain America in beyond an extra set of enhanced hands. Then there was also Stark, admittedly Harry understood why he wanted to bring Stark in. The man's Iron Man suit was an incredibly advanced and brilliant bit of tech, and the man behind its creation was a genius, no matter who you asked.

There was information on Barton and Natasha but Harry had skipped that as he already knew all he could about them. There was also information on Loki, limited information but better than nothing, the information included various myths and legends about him, including myths about him being the father to a snake big enough to wrap itself around the world. If that existed then Harry wouldn't really mind meeting it, providing it didn't try to eat him. But Harry doubted it, that sort of thing was kind of hard to miss, especially in a world as technologically advanced as this one. He didn't completely dismiss the possibility, mostly so he didn't look like an idiot in case he was wrong. There was also information on Thor, myths, stories and guesses, but the confirmed facts were stuff that Harry already knew.

Then there was information on Bruce Banner, a genius who apparently had seven PhDs, which Harry personally thought was a bit overboard. The man seemed to specialize in radiation, specifically gamma radiation, which was more than likely why Shield wanted him as the tesseract produced low levels of the stuff. Though Harry knew that was not where Shield's interest in the man ended, there was also the fact that the man possesses the ability to turn into an enormous green rage monster.

'The Hulk' was the name they had given Banner's other half, the Hulk was a green skinned being who stood at an estimated eight to night feet tall and was able to pick up and throw cars like they were footballs. His strength was insane and so far a limit hasn't been discovered, not thanks to a lack of trying since the army was very insistent on trying to catch him, either to kill him or study him, Harry was leaning more to the second. It was hypothesized that the Hulk's strength is related to his/Banner's emotional state, meaning it would be good to keep the guy as calm as possible.

Hulk had also fought a similar creature called 'Abomination', the two had destroyed a large amount of Harlem during their fight, though Hulk had won in the end. In a way it sort of reminded him of Remus Lupin with his 'furry little problem'.

Fury wanted Natasha to try and convince Bruce Banner to work with them but he also wanted Harry to come in case Bruce decided to let Hulk take other the negotiations. Which meant Harry had to be ready to fight the Hulk if it came down to it. 'Wouldn't that be fun?' Harry thought sarcastically.


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