
Harry Potter:Flashforward

blend of the Reptilia28 and CoastalFirebird time travel challenges; Harry, Hermione and Daphne Greengrass die during the final battle and are sent back in time to set things back on track. AD/MW/RW/GW!bash. Rated M for themes and language. AU!world OOC!chars. Expect 450k

AbrahamSmith · 映画
107 Chs

Chapter 28

With a slight shrug, Harry replied, "I thought it was just so we could get to know each other better."

"It is," she said. "Physically."

She then slowly, but with greater conviction as she went on, told them what she meant. She even showed them what it said in the books. And gave certain timelines.

She also told them that, to not do what was recommended, meant the bond would weaken to the point where it would simply cease to be. And that was completely unacceptable.

"Then, we'll trust to your knowledge and the pace you want to set, Daphne," said Hermione. "What do you recommend... what do you want... to do?"

Daphne clearly thought about it for a while before she asked, "Can we... just... sleep together in the same bed for tonight? In our night clothes, of course. It's best to maintain a skin-to-skin contact during the night to anchor the bond; but, I'm not... comfortable... with that level, yet."

"Umm," blushed Harry, with a somewhat horrified expression. "I... ummm."

Frowning and looking a little hurt, Hermione asked, "You don't want to do that, Harry?"

Blushing even further, he exclaimed, "No! I-I mean... Yes!... I..." Dropping his own head and sighing, he said, "I-I'm a guy!... Ummm... things happen... while I sleep. I... can't help it!"

Understanding and blushing herself, Hermione softly said, "Oh!"

Not understanding, Daphne looked up and saw their expressions and asked, "What?"

Unable to form a coherent sentence without it coming out like a squeak, or sounding like he was a sex maniac, Harry kept his mouth shut and just blushed even deeper.

Hermione 'rescued' him from answering. "He means he has naughty dreams," said Hermione.

With a confused frown, Daphne said, "Well, that's understandable. We have those, too."

"Yes," said Hermione. "But, his make him become... aroused. You know... erect."

"Oh!" said Daphne, finally glancing up at Harry; embarrassed but amused, all the same.

Trying not to laugh, Hermione asked, "Hang on a moment. Harry... do you have... errr... I think they're called... nocturnal e-emissions?!"

Harry just blushed even further, slid to the end of the couch and softly mumbled, "Sometimes."

Daphne clearly didn't understand and glanced from Harry to Hermione in confusion.

Taking pity on her - or maybe on Harry - Hermione leaned down and whispered in her ear.

Daphne's eyes widened in surprise before her mouth opened wide. Then she blushed very red, and snorted a little.

Harry didn't know which of the two started it; but, he soon found both girls giggling away while he was uncomfortably blushing in embarrassment at the other end of the couch.

"Harry," Hermione giggled. "As you said... you can't help it. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Then, why are you laughing so much about it?" he mumbled, almost whining.

"We shouldn't; I know," she said, still trying not to laugh. Even Daphne was still chuckling away. At least she wasn't crying anymore.

"Fine!" he grumbled. "I'm going to go and enlarge the bed... a lot! Then I'm going to bed. If you want to come and join me, I... I won't stop you." And he quickly got up, grabbed his book bag and almost ran into the bedroom. "But, it's just to sleep!" he yelled back.

He couldn't focus enough to enlarge the bed right away, so went and got ready first. As soon as he exited the bathroom he enlarged the bed so it would more than comfortably sleep three people... or five... and climbed in.

He lay in the middle and tried to stop thinking what it would be like for either of the girls to join him. But his mind kept thinking about what they'd look like under their clothes. That was starting to cause him problems, so he started to think about what Dolores Umbridge would look like the same way. That helped - a lot. Almost too much, as he felt quite ill thinking about it.

He had just extinguished the lights when the bedroom door opened and both girls walked in. From the light coming in through the window, he could see both were wearing pyjamas of a sort. Hermione was wearing a tank top and silk shorts; while Daphne was wearing a sort of short, sleeveless heavy nightgown that fell to her knees.

He stayed quiet as they each moved to a side of the bed. Again, Daphne moved to his left, while Hermione moved to his right.

Not daring to say a word, he watch as Hermione, first, lifted the bed covers and slipped in. A moment later, Daphne did the same from her side. Both then eased themselves down to lie flat on their backs, just as Harry was doing.

'This is ridiculous," Harry thought. 'None of us are going to get any sleep like this.'

He willed himself to try and relax and even tried to picture sheep jumping a gate. He'd heard somewhere, once, that this was the best way to try and count sheep. And, that it was great mind action to help you get to sleep.

He had no idea both girls were doing similar exercises.

Harry woke up having such a pleasant dream. He'd dreamed he'd managed to kill Voldemort quite spectacularly in the middle of Diagon Alley. And now a pair of twins was in bed with him, showing him their appreciation for his efforts. He could only tell them apart due to their hair. One had auburn, now only slightly wild, hair; while the other had blond hair that fell in silk straight strands to her shoulders.

At the moment, he was cuddled up to the auburn-haired one - whom he called 'One' - ready for round two of their all-night session of sex; while the blond-haired one - 'Two', he called her - was snuggled up to his back. He had a fistful of one of 'One's' succulent boobs with his thumb lightly brushing back and forth over the nipple, while 'Two' had her arm around his lower middle and trapped between him and 'One'.


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