
Harry Potter:Flashforward

blend of the Reptilia28 and CoastalFirebird time travel challenges; Harry, Hermione and Daphne Greengrass die during the final battle and are sent back in time to set things back on track. AD/MW/RW/GW!bash. Rated M for themes and language. AU!world OOC!chars. Expect 450k

AbrahamSmith · 映画
107 Chs

Chapter 14

Harry folded the letter back over and turned to see the Headmaster standing behind those sitting opposite. He said, "I'm aware of that, Sir."

"May I ask who it's from?" the old man asked.

"As I haven't had opportunity yet to read it, sir; all I can tell you is that it's from the Ministry," Harry replied.

"Of course, dear boy," said Dumbledore. "By all means, go ahead and read it."

"Thank you, Sir," said Harry. He then unfolded the letter and read.

~ # ~

Ministry of Magic

Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages

To Mister Harry James Potter,

Mister Potter, we at the Ministry offer you and Miss Daphne Anna Greengrass our congratulations on the forming of your soul bond, late this morning, at 11.23am.

As you are both underage and still studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, please inform your Heads of House for both yourself and Miss Greengrass of this wonderful news, so that alternate accommodation can be immediately arranged, as per Ministerial law.

Once again, you have our congratulations.

Yours in magic,

Francis Weatherby

~ # ~

Looking up at Dumbledore, who appeared to be patiently waiting for Harry to tell him what was in the letter, Harry folded the letter back up and said, "Sir, I'll need to talk with Professor McGonagall... in private... about this at her first available opportunity, tonight. For the time being, it is a confidential matter for her ears, Sir." He then placed the other mail into an inside pocket of his robes.

Dumbledore frowned a bit and said, "Very well. I shall arrange for her to meet us in my office directly after the feast."

Harry shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, sir; I don't think you understood. I meant I need to speak with Professor McGonagall as a matter of urgency. Perhaps immediately after the sorting while you're giving your announcements would be best.

"We could simply duck out to the antechamber where the new first years are currently gathering. It shouldn't be more than a few minutes, Sir."

With a frown, Dumbledore said, "Very well. However, that is only one item of mail, Harry."

"Yes, sir; it was," said Harry, not reaching to draw the other items out.

Dumbledore hesitated a few moments. When he saw that Harry wasn't going to open the other mail, he frowned again before heading back to the head table.

Once Harry was satisfied Dumbledore was gone, he reached in and drew forth the other Ministry letter. Opening that under the table, he read it.

~ # ~

Ministry of Magic

Office of Births, Deaths and Marriages

To Mister Harry James Potter,

Mister Potter, we at the Ministry offer you and Miss Hermione Jean Granger our congratulations on the forming of your soul bond, late this morning, at 11.25am.

As you are both underage and still studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, please inform your Heads of House for both yourself and Miss Granger of this wonderful news, so that alternate accommodation can be immediately arranged, as per Ministerial law.

Once again, you have our congratulations.

Yours in magic,

Francis Weatherby

~ # ~

He quickly refolded that letter and stuffed it into its envelope. Putting it back into his pocket, he drew forth one of the ones from Gringotts.

~ # ~


Office of Inheritance and Marriage

Mister Harry James Potter,

Gringotts congratulates both you and Miss Hermione Jean Granger on the forming of your soul bond at 11.25am this morning.

If you wish to have Miss Granger added to the access list for your vaults, you will need to see your Account Manager, Sharpclaw, at your earliest opportunity.

Yours in business,


~ # ~

Refolding the letter and putting it back into its envelope, Harry repocketted it. Turning to Hermione, he saw her pocketing her own letters. She turned and looked at him with a smile.

Looking across the tables to Slytherin, he could not see the expression on Daphne's face through the crowds.

"I've already caught her eye, Harry," Hermione said, sotto voce. "She gave me a nod back."

In the same voice, Harry said, "Anyone, besides the Headmaster, on the top table notice we three all received mail?"

"Everyone did, Harry," Hermione replied with a smile. "Professor Snape doesn't look too happy. I think he might know what's going on."

"Maybe," said Harry. "That there are three of us that received mail, he might not."

Professor McGonagall led the new first years in through the doors. As she did, many were looking around with the same looks of awe Harry remembered on his own face; and from the sorting last year when he watched last years crop of 'ickle firsties' being sorted.

The Sorting Hat sang its little song, everyone clapped, and Professor McGonagall began to call up each of the little ones, one at a time, to be sorted.

Once she was done, she was in the middle of rolling up the parchment from which she called the names when Harry rose to approach her. Before he got there, though, Dumbledore had already called him to her attention.

Looking at Harry with a frown, the Professor asked, "Mister Potter? The Headmaster has informed me you have a most urgent matter you need to discuss with me."

"Yes, Professor; I do," he replied. "It's a confidential matter, Professor. Perhaps, we can go into the Entrance Hall to discuss it?"

"Very well, Mister Potter," she sighed, a little annoyed.


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