
Is this magic?

"Neviiille! Neviiille! Breakfast is ready!! Aren't you up yet?" I hear a loud yell. Jesus! What a bad way to wake up!

I get up from bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and go down to the dining room I saw yesterday. The table is full of food. It's a typical old British breakfast, kind of unhealthy to the body. There are bacon, eggs, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms and beams. There are fresh milk, chocolate milk and coffee too. The fragrance of the coffee is amazing. Is it a Wizard specialty? When I'm about to grab the bottle of coffee, my grandmother lightly slaps my hands "Hey, are you sleepy? This is the coffee bottle. Here, let me put your chocolate milk." The chocolate milk jar starts flying in the direction of my cup.

Fuck, I forgot I'm a nine years old boy, I think it is unusual to drink coffee at this age. But even so, It smells so good... "No grandma, I just wanted to taste it for the first time today. Futhermore, I heard you saying a strong wizard should drink a strong coffee. I want to be a strong wizard too."

My grandmother freezes and the chocolate milk jar falls on the table, dirtying everthyng. My grandmother has signs of amazement in her eyes. Yesterday she noticed something different in me. But I guess it's a good thing. It is better to start changing the way she sees me sooner than later. For our lack of servants, I suppose we are not living alongside the Longbottom family. We can not be so common being such a noble and ancient family. I remember Neville mentioning an great uncle, there must be something going on. Besides my grandmother is not a Longbottom by birth. At most she knows some of our family secrets thru my father and grandfather. Maybe the fact she forced the previous Neville to use his father's wand for so long is related to some family treasure or issue. Anyway, I need to earn her respect to be able to know more, and for this I have to show that I have at least some willpower in me.

"Are you sure? I think you should try it with some fresh milk first?" She looks at me still a little incredulous.

"No, I want it pure."

"Okay, then." She serves me a half cup. I drink it and I want to spit. It's very bitter. I think my taste buds are not yet accustomed to strong coffee. I swallow with difficulty. My grandmother notices. Then, the fresh milk jar flies and fills my cup.

" It's good you want to be a man, but do not skip steps. It's stupid. Don't be stupid. Drink it now, you are not a man yet. You don't have to drink it pure for now!" I nod and drink. Her words are severe, but her tone shows she is proud of me.

"Why are you eating so little?"

"I want to be more leaner like my father."

"Ha! You don't have to worry about this for now. You are in the growth phase. Eat more!"

"Okay, but I don't want the fry food anymore. Yesterday I heard some people saying it's bad for the body."

"Whom did you hear that from? From muggles, I suppose. Pay attention Neville, we as wizards have a physical constitution different from that of Muggles. Our blood cells have a fourth type of cell called blue cells. This cell type consumes much more energy than white cells, red cells ou platelets combined. So it is a lot more complicated for our body to store the energy of our food in the form of fatty tissue, as we spend it a lot more than the muggles. You are a little chubby because you pratically don't use any magic at all. At least, we know you are not a Muggle due to your great uncle Algie. I don't know if you have magic enough to be a real wizard and go to Hogwarts, but it must be enough to not be too fat. Of course, there must be other factors, there are some wizards with overweight but that is all I know about the subject."

"Oh, so, is there a way to get more magic cells in my body grandma?"

"What do you mean? A potion to give you blue cells? That doesn't exist. If there were something like that, squibs would not exist."

That is what I thought. Harry himself just does magic intuitively. He also never understood, in the academic sense, the process by which the body can produce magic. I'll have to research on that.

"I understood. Grandma, Have you read the newspaper?"

"Yes, You can take it. It is in the living room."

"Okay, Thanks!"

I get up, go to the living room, pick up the Daily Prophet and go to my room. First, I start by checking every corner of my room. I find 16 books, some candy, 3 galleons, 23 sickels, 65 knuts and a wand inside a case. That's all I have now, outside the Triquetra.

I've got to say, the Wand is something really magical. In the movies it appears some kind of patterned twig. But just from the looks I was terribly wrong. It is definitely an art form. The only word I can think of is sublime. I hold it excited, then I think for a bit, remembering some spells I can use. I point my wand at the door and say "Colloportus!". The door does not even flinch a little. Again, "COLLOPORTUS". Nothing. "COLLOPORTUS". Nothing. "COLLOPORTUS!". Hey! It flinched a little! What did I do differently? "COLLO" I feel a little wind on my back. The door flinches a little again. Damn it! It was the fucking wind. I need to close the fucking window!

What can I do? Grandma said there isn't any method to help me have more blue cells. I always thought Neville's only problem was the lack of trust in himself, but it appears to be wrong. Is the wand the problem? Is it I'm too young?

Nah, people use different wands all the time and can do spells, even though it is supposed to be harder. There is not much difference between 9 and a half years old for 11 years old. I should already be able to produce magic. Should I be mentally closing the door while I say the magic word?

The door is closing, the door is closing, the door is closing "COLLOPORTUS!" The door slightly flinches. Yeah, that's it! Let me do it again! "COLLOPORTUS!". Nothing.

The door is closing, the door is closing "COLLOPORTUS!". Just slightly trembled, it did not even fliched again!

Fuck! It is too damn hard! "Colloportus!". Nothing. Fuuuuck! Calm down, Neville! Calm down, Neville! Inspires! Expires! Inspires! Expires! Calm down! Inspires! Expires! The door is over there, it is closing, it closed! The door is over there, it is closing, it closed! "COLLOPORTUS!". The door was halfway thruu the way. That's the way! Let's try again... Again... Again...

"Neviiille! Come to lunch!"

Wow! I look at the clock on the desk and it is time for lunch indeed. I'm all sweaty and feel exhausted! I need a shower urgently.

"I'm going to take a shower first, Grandma. Give me about 20 minutes!"

"What were you doing that needs to take a shower before eating? Tsk, nevermind!"

I grab the less weird clothes and have a nice shower. It is invigorating, but I'm still tired. After lunch I can't do anything besides lying down. I'm thinking about magic and the reasons I couldn't close the door completely... and before I could have noticed I'm sleeping.

When I wake up, I remember parts of my dream. I remember I was flying in a broom and then I fell. My world's Draco saved me and take me to Madam Pomfrey. Over there we start to play chess again and he beat me in a dozen games. Then when I was wondering why I was losing to Draco he vanishes, then Hermione appears by my side. We start to talk as if we were very good friends. Then she starts to show signs of interest to me. She starts fiddling with her hair. She starts to unconsciously imitate some words and gestures I'm using. Is she interested in me? Suddenly, she kiss me. Then, she moves away a little and start to look at me like a woman in love waiting for her man's answer. Of course, I respond kissing her, she kiss me back. We kiss more. Things get hotter. We start to touch each other bodies, then I realize she has a grown woman body, I look at her face and see Martha.

Martha is asking me "Hey, where did he go?".

I'm confused "He? He Who?".

"The weird interviewer! What did he said to you?".

"What? What do you mean?"

She looks irritated and keeps asking "What did he said to you? What did he said to you? "What did he said to you?

What a crazy dream. I get up, wash my face. I slept a lot. It is almost 18 P.M. I'm hungry. I go to the kitchen and start eating. My grandmother passes by and says "Eat slowly! You are chewing without breathing.

A spark comes in my head. That's it! That's what Draco told me. My breathing yoga technique. I stop eating. "Thanks Grandma! I already finished! I'm going up!"

I run to my room. I close the door. I inhale through the right nostril, I hold the air, I exhale through the left nostril, I wait without inhaling, then I inhale through the left nostril... Eight full cycles later, I open my eyes and I can feel something is different. I feel myself calm and balanced. I get up and open the door. I take a few steps back. I look at the door. I imagine it closing. I imagine it closed. I raise my father's wand.

"COLLOPORTUS!" While I speak the magical word, I feel something in one of my chakra points, something runs through my body and goes to the hand holding the wand. The door closes and locks.

Is this magic? Yes, of course it is. I could feel it. This is my magic.

Before someone says something. I wanted to say that the part of the dream was meant to be confusing.

It's because when we wake up our consciousness only remember parts of our dreams. So she tries to give logic to that random set of memories, creating a sort of sequential story in your head. This is what happens when you wake up and think "What a crazy dream".

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Avdrancreators' thoughts