
A magical theory

The yoga technique definitely worked, but what has it changed in me? In my original world, when I did this breathing yoga, I felt more aligned with the world around me and an incredible peace of mind. It was a feeling of deep relaxation and peace. Here, in this world, I can feel one step beyond that. I'm not just calm, I'm serene. I'm not just more aligned with the world around me, I can feel a connection with it, like when I could feel its call.

Besides, the effect of the yoga seems to be longer here. Since I started doing this yoga at age 17. I did it every day in the morning and every time I need some piece of mind. Over the years, I have been able to notice two main things, I had become a more serene person and my intuition (inner voice) was much more present in my life. In a way that I began to feel the intentions of others in a subtle and clearer way. It was as if I could predict some attitudes and intentions towards me. This was more intense with the people whom I interacted more often or had some kind of connection, but what I'm feeling now seems way more powerfull. It is intensified in a huge way.

There is only one explanation for this. The blue cells. Somehow, my technique of meditation influenced my blue cells, so that as i said the words of the door-closing spell, an energy came out of my chakra's points, ran through my body and then ran to the wand in my hand, finally producing magic. I felt my laryngeal chakra more than the rest of my chakra's points. What does that mean?

I did more six spells before feeling empty. Three "ALOHOMORA" and three "COLLOPORTUS". I did the meditation once more. Eight full cycles. There wasn't a lot of differences in my body and mind as the first time. I feel I can do one more spell, but it would be a little beyond my bodily capacity. I'll have to test the breathing technique more so I can understand its effects better.

From my experience, I guess it will work very similarly as in my original world, because it is not supposed to change you in a day even if you do it a thousand times in a row. Repetition is good but time is needed. I don't have to do it one thousand times a day. I just have to do it every day and every time I fell I'm getting out of my calm and clear state of mind.

I suppose the immediate effect of today is related to my soul. This yoga helps to create a balance between my mind and my body. So, by doing it, my whole being becomes more balanced with this body, uniting my essence with my personality even more. In short, I will not become a super powerful wizard from day to night, but I have a way to evolve constantly. I have more than a year before going to Hogwarts, I suppose it is enough to be, at least, one of the better wizards of my age.

Time flies. Today is Christmas day. My grandmother said yesterday my Great Uncle Algie and my Great Auntie Enid will come here today. It has been more than a month I started doing the breathing yoga and with each passing day, its effects become clearer.

I don't know if this helps my body create blue cells out of nowhere yet, but I'm sure that, at least, speeds up production. Unfortunately that does not help me much to "recharge" my magical ability. I can do maybe one more spell, but this is more related to the passage of time than to the yoga by itself. The yoga just speeds up a little "my recharge".

I do not know if I'm actually able to recharge my blue cells. I don't think so. I believe my body ends up having to produce more from scratch, but it's too early to know exactly what happens now. What I really know is eating and sleeping really help in the recovery of energy/creation of my blue cells.

My main theory is that the blue cells are produced in my chakra points. I believe it because the main function of my breathing yoga is to create balance between my body and my soul, and this technique does that by aligning my chakra points. So it is very problably related to that.

By now, I can do more than 10 spells without being exhausted. My limit is 13, but i noticed it depends a lot in the kind of spell I'm doing.

By the way, I noticed some spells use one chakra point more than others.

All spells go through all my chakra points, but I always can vaguely feel the chakra point that starts "working" first. For example, most spells starts in my laryngeal chakra, but there are others like "Aquamenti" whose first activated chakra point is the umbilical. I don't know what it implies yet.

Another thing I figure it out is that I don't have to just imagine or visualize the effects of the magic I want to do. I also have to imagine my chakra points as some kind of mill whose propellers need to rotate to work. I don't need to imagine the rotation to do the spells, but when i imagine it, the spells become way stronger.

I'm eating my breakfast with my grandmother. Lately, she's been looking at me differently. It's been over two weeks since she stopped screaming to wake me up. In fact, she has yelled very little lately. She obviously knows of my current magical ability. It's not hard to know, I have eaten twice as much before and slept for at least two hours more. Outside the noise, obviously. I can only think of two alternatives: one, she is expecting me to go talk to her or; two, she is waiting to talk to my Great Uncle Algie about me.

Either way, today we are going to talk. I need to get stronger quickly without stopping studying for Hogwarts regular classes. For this, I intend to study the entire school curriculum of the first and second year. This will give me more time to focus on more important things. I'm still in doubt about what my course of action should be.

If I influence too much on the timeline, I will lose my knowledge of the future. I know that any action of mine will already trigger changes in the direction of history, but, even so, people are the same as they were in the books. Their personalities traits are the same, so they will still operate in a predictable pattern. Anyway, I will have to plan well my next steps.

After some time, Great Uncle Algie and Great Auntie Enid arrive. They appear to be over 50 years old and both seem cheerful. My uncle has some traits I saw in my father. He has an imposing aura, just like my grandma. At first glance, I can feel he is strong. They both were carrying gifts!

"Neville, my boy, you grew up a little since last time I saw you! Ever since we discovered you have some magic in your body I've been thinking in a good present to give you. So when your grandmother said you will definetely enters Hogwarts, I decided to buy you something very special"

He thens gives me his cube shaped gift. I opened it and there was a cube shaped glass cage with a frog inside.

"So, did you like it? It is a special toad of the Mediterranean region. It has a high resistance to magic and because of it, it is the the best when it comes to testing spells and making experiments. Of course, they are very good to witchcraft too. Anyway, it is your call how to use it.".

So, It is you, Trevor. Tsk, I would like an white owl, like Hedwig, but I can understand it. What is the use of an owl to a boy like me who don't have friends yet? "But Great Uncle Algie, I read somewhere that it is forbidden to do any kind of magical experiment with frogs."

My Great Uncle seems confused and then looks at my grandmother for an answer. She shakes her head. "He is right. We can't do any of it. Take the frog back. It is useless here."

My Great Uncle seems embarassed and sad. He must have thought it would be a great gift. I didn't want the frog but I really need a living being to test some spells. So I express my opinion "Grandmother, I want the frog."

"Why do you want that? It is useless." She yells sternly. My Great Uncle realize my interest and stays at my side "Let him have it, Augusta. It may be useful to him." My Grandmother wants to argue, but my Great Auntie Enid is faster.

She quickly put her gift in my hands. "Here Neville, open it."

It is something small and weird. It has the size of my hands and the texture is rough as scales but at the same time is flexible. I identify a clasp and open it.

My Great Auntie then says "It is a special bag. It has the size of a closet and has a wallet function. Hold it and think: One galleon."

I do as she says, Instantly I have a galleon in my hand. She continues "It is made of Norwegian Ridgeback dragon skin, so it protects from most espionage spells. Every wizard needs something like that. I hope you liked it!"

"Many Thanks Great Auntie!" Wow. Now that's A GIFT! Wizards really do have absurdly useful stuffs. A short time later, we lunched and my great uncle commented that I was really eating a lot. Then We talked a bit about some wizards affairs. As I'm reading the Daily Prophet everyday, I was able to comment on most subjects.

While I was talking about Quidditch with my uncle, my grandmother interrupted us. "Neville, It is time to go to your room. Go there and find a utility for your frog! We have some adults stuff to discuss".

I don't want to go, but the look of my grandmother shows that this was an order with no room for negotiations. I nod and as I'm going up stairs I hear my Great Uncle saying in a very low voice, "So, Augusta, What do you want to tell me about Neville?" As I stop and start to went back I hear some magical words and then I can hear nothing at all anymore. I guess I will have to wait.

As you all know, English is not my native language. This chapter has some theories about how magic works. If you could not understand something, comment and I'll answer you during this week!

Thanks for the support!

Avdrancreators' thoughts