
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

Kayako · 映画
85 Chs

Wizard Rules

The training is still in full swing. After this period of crazy training, Loki has successfully advanced to the standard of a third-level magician. Malfoy and Lillian have also stepped into the ranks of official magicians, and their intake of knowledge has greatly improved. , Augustus had to spend a lot of time instructing him. The confrontation training of the three was based on Loki suppressing the realm and dueling the two. This kind of training did not help Loki much, so Augustus also Occasionally suppress the realm shot to put pressure on Loki.

There is room for requests. In the duel arena, Loki looked at the expressionless Augustus breathlessly. He didn't understand that ice spells were theoretically restraining fire spells. He has the same starting line, and he is still so embarrassed. Every time Augustus makes a shot, it is like measuring the distance and angle, which can always consume his greatest defensive strength, without wasting a little bit of his magic string energy.

In the sky, another fireball rose into the air. After careful calculation, Augustus had already released two fireballs. The first fireball was assisted by a blasting spell when he was about to attack Loki, and he was caught off guard. It consumed Loki's primary ice armor technique. The interruption effect of the burst spell made Loki unable to switch other magic defenses at all. The second fireball was accompanied by a secondary magic bomb, which Loki thought was possible When the ice storm counteracted the fireball and even threatened Augustus, the invisible bomb hit Loki again. If it wasn't for the instant casting of the ice ring technique to avoid the direct attack of the fireball, he might have left the field for the second fireball technique.

Now is the third fireball technique, and Loki's tense spirit is already in a trance. He even has a disgusting feeling when he sees the fireball technique. The combination of two magic is not a simple one plus one at all, Augustus The shot is imaginative and unpredictable, the combination of several low-level magic, and the precise shot, so that Loki has no room to breathe at all. Now, the third fireball has lifted off. Loki didn't care about the huge fireball rolling in the sky at all, and his amber pupils were still staring at Augustus to guard against his secret hand.

It's a pity that Augustus' second-hand preparation was not directed at him this time. He waved the wand in his hand, and a long flame of flame loomed at the front of the wand. When the speed of the fireball flying towards Loki reached a critical point, the second-level magic flame whipped. He shot, with a long whip with a violent heat wave hitting the fireball in the sky. In an instant, the slow-moving fireball rushed toward Loki with a shock that could not hide his ears. When Loki was stunned, he directly hit the primary ice armor. The potential energy brought by his speed easily pushed Loki out of the field.

"You lost," Augustus said lightly. Loki looked complicated. In these few fights, he was like a mindless puppet. He was led by Augustus to manipulate his long line, and he easily played with applause. Moreover, the spells used by Augustus were all It is fire magic that should be restrained by ice. This kind of failure made him stunned for a while, and there was no excuse to comfort himself at all. This was an obvious ability to suppress. If he had an excuse to think that Augustus was mastered by his innately huge magic reserve and a new system of foresight, magic, but now Augustus has suppressed the realm to the line with him, and the magic he shoots is only a simple third-level magic skill. At this time, he can only completely surrender to Augustus's superb skills. He had to admit that Augustus had surpassed him too much on the path of magic.

Lillian's eyes lit up, the duel just now touched her a lot, the combination of magic that came to her, her strong understanding of fire magic, and the precise fighter when she made a shot so that every time she made a shot, the wind was clear The fierce style without a trace of firework is the realm she has longed for a long time. Augustus's perfect interpretation of fire magic in the low realm made her suddenly feel that a world she had never seen before had opened up, just like a lamp The bright light on the sea set up a clear goal for her. She believed that one day, as long as she continued to follow Augustus closely, she would reach such a state. Maybe that day would not come too late.

There were a few smiles on Malfoy's face, and he couldn't be happier when he saw Loki so embarrassed. From the moment Augustus was preparing to teach Loki, Malfoy sat and waited to watch the show, and Loki was the first to reach The realm of the third-level magician was indeed a blow to him. They all trained together. In such a short time, he and Lilian had just been promoted to the official magician, and Loki had already broken through the third-level magician. Now he sees the arrogant Loki With such a depressed expression and taciturnity, he was as refreshing as drinking a dozen butter beers in dog days.

"You have just entered your realm, and the realm is not very stable. You must guard against arrogance and impatience. You must not act too hastily. Magic is comprehending. Every spell shot is intended to achieve the greatest goal with the smallest energy, so you must not neglect it. For any magic, no matter how small a spell is, it has its proper function. As a magician, you should use your best judgment to play the meaning it has. Only when you apply the rules with confidence to each spell is the real thing. Magical manipulation." Augustus said lightly with a faint light in his eyes.

Now, the sun is shining faintly on Hogwarts again. In the castle, the mood turned upbeat. There have been no more attacks since Justin and the nearly headless Nick. Madam Pomfrey is pleased to report that Mandrakes have become moody and taciturn, which is to say, they are rapidly leaving their childhood.

"As soon as their acne heals, they can be replanted," Harry heard her say to Filch softly one afternoon. "Then, it won't be long before we can cut them off and put them on the fire. Your Lady Norris will be back soon."

Gilderoy Lockhart seemed to think he stopped the attacks. One day, as Slytherin students lined up for a Transfiguration class, Augustus overheard him say this to Professor McGonagall.

"I don't think there will be any more trouble, Minerva," he said, tapping his nose tacitly and blinking again, "I don't think the Chamber of Secrets will ever be opened this time. Those criminals must already know that sooner or later I'll catch them, it's just a matter of time. It's wise to stop now before I start to get rid of them.

"You know, there needs to be a morale booster in school right now. Erase those things from the last term! I can't say more now, but I think I'm pretty sure.." He tapped his nose again and took big strides. walked away.

The mystery of the secret room is like a huge black hole, attracting the attention of countless people. Now everyone is talking boldly because there are no more attacks. Augustus silently listened to the words of the people around him, but he was indifferent to them.