

"Come on Ethan and Zyair, it's Friday, we have early classes." Kaden said.

"Uhh fine." Ethan and Zyair said. 

Once they got to the great hall they were greeted by someone. 

"Hello, my name is Randy, Randy Thomas." Randy said.

"Hello Randy." Kaden replied.

"Do you like quidditch?" Ethan asked. 

"Yes I'm hoping to be on the team at one point." Randy replied. 

"So do I." Ethan said. 

"I also do." Zyair said.

"Do you?" Randy asked.

"No, but I'm looking forward to flying lessons." Kaden replied. 

"How about we go to Mr. Henry's office, to ask him for brooms." Ethan asked.

"Fine, I guess we will need brooms." Kaden replied. 

Once we got to Mr. Henry's office we were invited with a warm welcome, 

"Hello, come in!" Mr. Henry said. 

"So when you asked if we wanted brooms, we came to ask if we could have three please?" Kaden asked. 

"Oh yes, here are three Firebolt broomsticks, top of the line." Me. Henry said.

"Oh sir we can't take that, give us a Cleansweep Eleven." Kaden replied.

"Oh just take them." Mr. Henry said.

"Thank you for being so generous." Ethan said. 

"Your welcome, now go on, you need to go to classes, you will be late." Mr. Henry said.

"Wow I was surprised that he gave us three Firebolt broomsticks!" Zyair exclaimed.

"I was too, but it was too much." Kaden said.

"Okay let's put our brooms in our dorm." Zyair said.

"Okay." Ethan responded. 

"Then we go to classes." Kaden said. 

"Yes." Zyair said. 

Once they put the brooms in their dorm they were off to transfiguration.

"Hello all, I hope you will learn much about transfiguration, my name is Mrs. Dewey." Mrs. Dewey said. 

"Hello Mrs. Dewey." Ethan said. 

"Today we will be learning how to turn a needle into a mouse. And if you do that you can turn the mouse into a cat. You got that?" Mrs. Dewey asked.

"Yes." Everyone said. 

"Okay, start!" Mrs. Dewey exclaimed. 

Once they got their needles Ethan and Kaden already turned the needles to a mouse, so did Mason., the other Gryffindor.

"Mrs. Dewey, can we turn the mouse into a cat?" Kaden asked. 

"First let me inspect your mouse, then you may." Mrs. Dewey responded. 

While Mrs. Dewey was inspecting the mouse Kaden asked,

"Do you think the mouse was good enough?" 

"Definitely." Mason said. 

"Yours was perfect, I think mine had different color whiskers." Mason said. 

"Thank you. I think yours was great too." Kaden responded. 

"Whatcha doing?" Ethan asked.

"Talking." Mason said. 

"How do you do this?" Zyair asked. 

"It's simple, just wave your wand and it should become a mouse." Kaden said. 

Zyair did what he was told but the mouse was pink. 

"Good job Zyair." Mason said. 

"Nice job Ethan, Kaden and Mason. Fifteen points to Gryffindor. You may now go onto the cat." Mrs. Dewey said. 

"Okay." Kaden said. 

When Ethan, Kaden and Mason tried, Kaden and Ethan yet again did it perfectly. James' cat grew to four feet tall. 

"Good job Ethan and Kaden." Mason said. 

"You did a good job too, except the cat grew taller!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"I wonder if I could keep the cat?" Mason questioned. 

"Oh my, here you go." Mrs. Dewey said. 

Mrs. Dewey wove her wand and the cat shrunk to regular size.

"Can I keep the cat please?" Mason asked. 

"Yes you may." Mrs. Dewey said. 

"I'll name him Bubbles!" Mason exclaimed.

"Also Eighty points to Gryffindor." Mrs Dewey said.

"Wow, that's the first students to do it on the first try and do it perfectly in all my years teaching. Nonetheless three of them." Mrs. Dewey muttered under her breath.

"Well that's class today." Mrs. Dewey said. 

And everyone grabbed their books and left. 

"What's next?" Zyair asked. 

"Divination." Kaden replied. 

"I thought we didn't take Divination." Ethan said. 

"Oh yeah, I have Divination you have a free period then History of Magic. 

Well bye Ethan and Zyair, I have to go." 

"Thanks and bye." Ethan said. 

Once Kaden was at Divination he was welcomed with, 

"Hello all, are you ready to see the future?" Someone asked. 

"Yes." Everyone said. 

"My name is Mr. Reggie." Mr. Reggie said.

"Today we will be looking into crystal balls." Mr. Reggie said. 

"Okay let's begin." Mr. Reggie said. 

By the end of the class Kaden walked out and found Ethan and Zyair eating in the Great Hall. 

"Hello Kaden. How was Divination?" Zyair asked. 

"Horrible." Kaden replied. 

"Oh well we just had food and walked around." Ethan said.

"Let's eat and then get ready to go to History of Magic." Kaden said. 

Once they were finished eating they were walking towards History of Magic, Ethan said "I heard that a ghost teaches History of Magic." 

"Really." Zyair said. 

"Yeah, I heard he died while teaching and nobody said that he died to him." Ethan responded.

"I want to be the one to tell him!" Zyair exclaimed.

When they got to History of magic and walked in they looked at the teacher's desk, and yes Mr. Binns was a ghost.

"Ok students just read from your history of magic books until the end of class." Mr. Binns said.

A few seconds later students were already banging their heads on the table.

"Why am I here?" A student asked.

"I like it here." Kaden said.

"Well class is about to get better, Mr. Binns did you know you're dead?" Ethan asked.

"I'm not dead, and I will prove it." Mr. Binns said.

Mr. Binns stood up and walked straight through the wall and then came back.

"See you're a ghost." Said Ethan.

"Ohhhh I quit, bye." Mr. Binns said as he walked through the wall. 

"So I guess class is over?" Ethan questioned. 

"Finally." Said every student in the room except Kaden.

"We didn't get to finish class." Kaden said.

"Well I don't think we will have History of magic any time soon." Ethan said

"Freedom!" Most of the students yelled while running out of class.

"Well that was a disaster." Kaden said. 

"No, it was amazing!" Ethan and Zyair exclaimed. 

"Well we have flying lessons in 30 minutes because of that so what are we going to do?" Zyair asked.

"We could do our homework." Kaden said.

"Sure, but I'm just going to walk around the castle because I don't have homework." Ethan said. 

"Okay, bye." Zyair responded.

While Ethan was walking around someone said, 

"Hello Ethan, isn't it Ethan Potter? Well my name is James." James said. 

"Hello James." Ethan said. 

"What are you doing all the classes are still happening? I'm just going to the bathroom?" James asked. 

"I have a free period because my teacher jumped out of the castle, so yeah." Ethan said.

"Well bye I still have to go to the bathroom and then I'm heading back to class." James responded.

"Bye." Ethan said.

"Expecto Patronum!" Kaden exclaimed. 

Then a fox appeared running around.

"Third try, let's go!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Okay so just say Expecto Patronum." Kaden said.

"Okay." Zyair responded. 

Then a bat was flying all over the dorm. 

Once it was time for flying lessons Ethan met up with Kaden and Zyair.

"We finished our homework with no time to spare." Kaden said.

"Nice job." Ethan said.

 "Look my Patronus is a bat, Expecto Patronum." Zyair said.

And yes out of Zyair's wand came a bat flying all over the hall.

"No magic in the hall!" Someone screamed. 

"Henry oh Henry we have some troublemakers. They're doing magic in the halls. It's a huge hazard!" He said

"No it's not Peeves." Mr. Henry said.

"Continue on your way." Mr. Henry said. 

Once they got to the field they were welcomed with, 

"Hello all, are you ready to have flying lessons?" 

"Yes!" Everyone exclaimed. 

"Okay, my name is Professor Dexter and I will be your flying instructor." Professor Dexter said. 

"Now here are your brooms." Professor Dexter said. 

As 18 brooms appeared. 

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed. 

"So now say up, and the brooms should go to your hands." Professor Dexter said. 

"Up." Ethan said. 

"Up." Everyone else said. 

Only Ethan and Beatrix's broom went to their hands. Then finally everyone had their brooms. 

"So now mount your brooms and push up." Professor Dexter said. 

Everyone did as they were told. 

"Wow this is so fun!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"I agree." Zyair and Kaden said. 

"Hey show offs." An unknown voice said.

"Were not show offs were just better." Zyair said.

"Oh I see you guys think you're better because your family is so important ." Said the unknown voice.

"No we don't, well maybe Zyair but not us." Ethan said.

"Who even are you?" Kaden asked.

"You don't know my name, I'm in all your classes." The voice said.

"Sorry." Ethan said.

"My name is Atlas." Atlas said.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, I don't remember you at all." Ethan and Zyair said.

"Wooooooow, that's just sad." Atlas said.

"Well bye whoever you are, I already forgot your name, sorry." Ethan said.

"MY NAME IS ATLAS!" Atlas screamed while Ethan, Kaden and Zyair ran away.

"Atlas has to learn how to control his temper." Ethan said.

"Yeah bro just turned into a volcano with that voice." Zyair said.

"Well he seemed friendly." Kaden said.

"Were you even listening? Atlas was just trash talking us and you're saying he's nice." Ethan said.

"Yeah." Kaden said.

"Are we sure those books are good for him?" Zyair asked.

"We'll see when Kaden goes mad from his books." Ethan responded.

Then Kaden started to run away.

"That's it, Kaden's gone mad." Zyair said.



"Oh shoot he's right." Said Ethan.


When they got to Beast class they were greeted by a familiar voice.

"Blast my bagpipes, it's good to see you guys again." Hagrid said.

"Hagrid, what are you doing here?" Ethan asked.

"I'm the beast teacher here at Hogwarts." Hagrid responded.

"Are we late, I hope we're not late, ARE WE LATE?" Kaden asked.

"No you are not late you're early the beasts are what are late." Hagrid said.

"What do you mean?" Zyair asked.

"I got permission to let you and your classmates go to the forbidden forest and let you observe the beasts." Hagrid said.

"That's going to be awesome." Kaden said.

"Well let me just announce it to the rest of class and then we'll be on our way." Hagrid said.

When Hagrid announced it to the rest of the class they headed to the forbidden lolforest.

"Look over there, there's some demiguise." Hagrid said.

" Where." Said one of the students.

" Over by the tree." Hagrid said.

"They look like a white monkey." Said another student.

" They do but they take care of baby animals, and they can turn invisible." Hagrid said.

They walked in the forbidden forest for a while then on the way back Ethan saw something in the glimpse of his eye.

"Wait Kaden, did you see that?" Ethan asked.

"See what?" Kaden replied.

"I don't know but follow me." Ethan said.

"But we're going to get in trouble." Kaden said but Ethan was already gone.

"Fine, wait up Ethan." 

When Kaden met up with Ethan, Ethan was hiding behind a log.

"Get down." Ethan whispered.

Kaden did what he was told and looked past the log.

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" Kaden asked.

"Yes it is a unicorn." Ethan replied

"Ohh my gosh." Kaden said.

The unicorn heard him and ran away.

"Look what you did." Ethan said.

 "Well we better head back now." Kaden replied.

On their way back Kaden heard a sound.

"Did you hear that?" Kaden asked.

"Yes it sounds like a snake." Ethan said.

Then out of the bushes came an Ashwinder.

"What the heck is that thing?" Asked Kaden.

"That's an Ashwinder, An Ashwinder is a snake with very strong fangs filled with venom." Ethan said. 

"Ohh that's great to know." Kaden sarcastically said.

The Ashwinder pounced at Kaden and then.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Ethan yelled.

Then Ethan threw the snake into a boulder.

"Come on, let's go." Kaden said.

"That's fine with me." Ethan said.

When they got back to the Beast classroom Hagrid was looking for them.

"Where have you two been?" Hagrid asked.

"We got lost, but we're fine." Ethan lied.

"Well now you have missed a few minutes of dinner." Hagrid said.

When they got to the great hall Zyair asked.

"Where have you guys been?"

"It's a long story." Said Ethan.

"We'll tell you when we go back to the dorm." Kaden said.

"But first I need some food." Ethan said.

But after Ethan said that the food disappeared.

"Ohh come on!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Well now we can go back to our dorm." 

Once they got back to their dorm Kaden explained what happened in the forest. 

"Wow." Zyair said. 

"Well do you want to read? I have plenty of books." Kaden asked. 

"Sure, I could learn new spells." Ethan replied. 

"No, but do you want to play Wizarding chess?" Zyair asked. 

"Sure." Kaden replied.

Once Zyair got the chess set and chess pieces he opened up the board. 

"Pawn forward one." Kaden said. 

And then the game went on. Finally Kaden beat Zyair. 

"Good game Zyair." Kaden said.

"Great game." Zyair responded.

" Zyair I betted on you." Ethan said.

"What with who?" Zyair asked.

"No one, I just wanted you to win." Ethan said.

"That's nice." Zyair said.

"I guess so but if you say that to anyone I will deny it." Ethan said.

"Harsh." Kaden said.

"You say that's harsh History of magic is harsh. Why do you think I told Mr. Binns that he was dead." Ethan said.

"What's with all the fighting can't a ghost get any sleep." Said a ghost.

"Wait, I know you, your Nearly Headless Nick, my dad told me about you." Ethan said.

"That's me." Nick said.

"Why do they call you Nearly Headless Nick?" Zyair asked.

"You want to see?" Nick asked.

As he tilted his head to the side a little.

"Ewww what's keeping it up?" Zyair asked.

"One inch of skin." Nick responded. 

"Now let me sleep in peace, I would advise you to go to sleep too." Nick said. 

After Nick left, Zyair asked,

"How were you guys not grossed out?"

"Parents and grandparents told us about Nearly Headless Nick and their descriptions were a lot more terrifying, so we're used to it." Kaden and Ethan said.

"Well now I'm going to have nightmares so I'm going to sleep before I think about his neck more." Zyair said.

"Same but I'm not going to have nightmares." Kaden said.

"Goodnight." Ethan said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kaden_Ethancreators' thoughts