

The next morning Kaden woke up early to wake up Ethan.

"Ethan wake up!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Uhhh, fine but let me wake up Zyair." Ethan replied.

"Okay." Kaden said.

"WAKE UP ZYAIR". Ethan yelled.

Zyair didn't wake up.

"Fine, you asked for it." Ethan said.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Said Ethan

Ethan picked up Kadens book and dropped it on Zyair's face.

"What the heck." Zyair screamed.

"Why, just why. I thought we were friends." Zyair said.

" You didn't wake up soooooo yeah." Said Ethan.

"Okay, just don't do it again." Zyair replied. 

"Let's go, I want to eat breakfast and get ready for classes." Kaden said.

"Okay." Zyair said. 

"Get all your books for charms, Ethan and Zyair."

"Fine." Ethan said. 

"Let's go!" Kaden exclaimed. 

While they were walking towards the great hall they stopped in front of the door where they heard the scratching noise. 

"This door has been silent since the first encounter." Ethan said. 

"Yeah that was weird." Zyair said. 

"Come on, we have to keep going." Kaden said. 

"If we keep this pace and eat slowly we will be late for Charms." Kaden said.

Once they got into the great hall they all saw delicious breakfast at the tables.

"Let's go!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"Yeah!" Zyair replied. 

They raced towards the table and quickly sat down and they dug into the food with extreme speed. 

"Yum this is the best food I've eaten!" Kaden exclaimed.

"I agree." Ethan said. 

"Now do you want to find out what is in the door?" Ethan asked. 

"Not really, once classes start we will get loads of homework and there will be no time." Kaden replied. 

"I agree." Zyair said. 

"Fine you have me convinced, but as soon as classes are over at the end of the year we go to that door." Ethan said.

"Okay." Zyair replied. 

"Now that we're done with breakfast, let's go to charms class." Kaden said.

"What! We will be 30 minutes early!" Ethan exclaimed.

"It's better to be early than late, and also it takes 15 minutes to get there." Kaden said. 

"Fine, let's go." Zyair replied.

"Once they got to the charms classroom there was only 5 minutes until class started. 

"Oh hello class." Someone said,

"Hi." The class responded. 

"Okay class, are you ready to learn about charms!" The voice said.

"Yes!" A few kids said. 

"I love that determination. My name is Professor Harp now all students pay attention and flip to page 48 and 73 in your book." Professor Harp said. 

"Today we will learn the spells Alohomora and Reparo." 

"Does anyone know what these spells do?" Professor Harp said.

Kaden immediately raised his hand. 

"Kaden." Professor Harp said.

"Alohomora is the spell that unlocks any lock unless there is a very strong enchantment on it. And Reparo is the spell that fixes a broken object." Kaden said.

"Very good, very good indeed." Professor Harp said. 

By the end of the lesson Kaden and Ethan have perfected both of the spells. But Zyair only perfected Reparo. 

While they were walking towards their next class, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Kaden said. "That was easy, only 1 foot of parchment on how to do both spells."

"What do you mean!" Ethan exclaimed.

"I agree!" Zyair exclaimed.

"How am I supposed to do 1 foot of parchment in 3 days?" Zyair exclaimed.

"Oh don't worry, I'll help you both." Kaden replied.

"Just focus on Defense against the dark arts." Kaden said. 

"Okay." Zyair and Ethan said. 

When they got to the defensive against the dark arts classroom someone met them at the door.

"Hello good evening." Said an unknown voice.

"My name is Ted Lupin, I will be your defense against the dark arts teacher." 

Professor Lupin said.

"Hi Professor Lupin." Said Ethan.

Then Ethan,Kaden and Zyair walked into the room.

"Excuse me class, my name is Ted Lupin but you can call me Professor Lupin, today we are going to learn the spells Expecto Patronum and Expelliarmus, now open your book to pages 26 and 73, and let's get started."

The whole class was just wands flying everywhere due to Expelliarmus, and a bunch of little glowing shields. 

"Well done Ethan, and nice job Kaden." Said Professor Lupin.

"20 points to Gryffindor." Professor Lupin said.

"Attention class, look how Ethan's Patronus is, that class is a full patronus." Professor Lupin said. 

"Oh a doggy." Said a bunch of classmates.

"Oh and good job Zyair and Kaden for doing half a patronus." Professor Lupin said.

As a fox was appearing and disappearing, same with the bat. 

"Now class work on your patronus." Professor Lupin said 

"And Ethan you are spared of homework." Professor Lupin said.

Once they got out of class Ethan said "Yes sir!"

"Now let's go to lunch, I am starving." Zyair said.

"That's why you should have had the chocolate yesterday." Ethan said.

"Really you're going back to that." Said Zyair.

"Yep." Ethan said.

When Ethan, Zyair and Kaden were running towards Lunch a voice yelled "HALT."

"What did we do?" Zyair asked.

"You were running when you could have been riding a broom." The unknown voice said.

"But I thought we were able to, wait what, you're encouraging us to run." Ethan said.

"Of course." Said the unknown voice.

"But we should still walk." Kaden said.

"Kaden why, just why, you were just running to." Said Ethan.

"Ohhh, no I wasn't." Kaden replied.

"Wait you said something about brooms, we're first years we wouldn't have brooms." Said Zyair.

"Yep if you want a broom you can come to me in my office and I'll give you a steal." The unknown voice said.

"We don't even know your name." Zyair said.

"Oh, sorry my name is Joe Henry but call me Mr. Henry." Said Mr. Henry.

"Well bye Mr. Henry, we have to go to lunch." Kaden said.

"Bye." Said Mr. Henry.

When they got to the Great Hall Ethan and Zyair said "I want a broom."

"No, we don't need a broom." Kaden said.

"Maybe we do?" Ethan said.

"No,we don't." Kaden firmly said.

"Fine, the last one to the Gryffindor table is a dragon's breakfast." Said Ethan.

Ethan and Zyair got a head start while Kaden was walking he thought "maybe a broom would be nice."

"What took you so long." Asked Ethan.

"I was just thinking." Kaden replied.

"About what, brooms." Zyair said.

"Ummm, no classes." Replied Kaden.

"Sure." Said Zyair.

"Guys the thing we should be worried about right now is this food, we haven't touched it yet." Ethan said.

"Before we eat Kaden, what class do we have next?" Asked Zyair. 

 "Herbology and Potions." Responded Kaden.

"Ohhh, I forgot to mention that my dad is the potions teacher." Zyair said.

"Cool I wish one of my parents works here but my grandma is the minister of magic." Kaden said.

"That's amazing." Ethan said.

"Yeah it is, but still Ethan your grandpa is Harry Potter." Responded Kaden.

"Yep and each time I see him he tells me a story of all the adventures he's been on and he teaches me new spells too." Ethan said.

"Well we better start heading to herbology, we don't want to be late." Interrupted Zyair.

"Yeah we should start heading to class." Kaden said.

When they got to herbology they sat down at their seats.

"Good morning everyone my name is Neville Longbottom but please call Mr. Longbottom." Mr. Longbottom said.

A few students started laughing. Zyair chuckled a little.

"Ok class I know my last name is funny but I didn't think it was this funny." Mr. Longbottom said.

When the students that were laughing stopped, and then Mr. Longbottom started the class.

"Ok today we will be learning how to plant a Mimbulus mimbletonia, Can anyone tell me what it does?" Mr. Neville asked.

Kadens hand shot up in the air.

"Kaden." Mr. Longbottom said. 

"The Mimbulus mimbletonia shots out a sticky and stinky substance that is called 


"Correct ten points to Gryffindor." Mr. Longbottom said.

When all the students planted their Mimbulus mimbletonia Mr. Longbottom said. 

"Well those are going to need time to plant but I have a bunch of full planted mimbulus mimbletonia that we can look at, but whatever you don't poke them over and over they will shoot out there stinksap all over you and the people around you." Mr. Longbottom said.

"Yes Mr. Longbottom." Said the students.

But a few seconds later there was stinksap all over the place. Only Ethan and Mr. Longbottom was clean at the end of class because they used protego.

"Well it's time for you guys to go to your next class but I'll send an owl to Professor Malfoy saying that some of you will be late." Mr. Longbottom said.

When Ethan, Zyair and Kaden walked out of herbology, Kaden asked

"How do you know protego that's a sixth year spell?" 

"Remember I told you my grandfather teaches me spells when I see him well, That was one of them." Ethan responded.

"Well you have to teach me." Kaden said.

"Not right now first you guys have to get changed and then we have to go to potions." Ethan said.

"Fine." Kaden said. 

"I hope I'm not late." Kaden said.

"Well, go run in the hall then." Ethan responded. 

Once Ethan got to potions class he was greeted by Kaden. 

"Hi Ethan." Kaden said. 

"Wait, how did you get here so fast, and clean?" Ethan asked.

"Oh I used Aguamenti to get me clean with water, and used Impervius to dry my clothes." Kaden said. 

"Smart." Ethan said.

"And Ethan, can you teach me Protego later this evening?" Kaden asked. 

"Sure, but it may take a while, it took me three days." Ethan said.

"Okay." Kaden replied. 

"Hello all, my name is, oh hello Zyair, I heard you had to come late. Oh yeah right my name is Scorpius Malfoy but call me Professor Malfoy." Professor Malfoy said. 

"Now can anyone tell me the ingredients of the Amortentia and what the potion does?" Professor Malfoy said. 

"Yes, Kaden." Professor Malfoy said. 

"Well the ingredients of a Amortentia potion is Ashwinder eggs, Rose thorns, Peppermint, Powdered moonstone, Pearl dust and rose petals. An Amortentia potion is one of the most powerful potions and it is a love potion. Kaden answered.

"Very good, ten points to Gryffindor, now may you grab your needed ingredients and start. Oh I almost forgot, turn to page 178 for instructions." Professor Malfoy said. 

After one and a half hours Professor Malfoy said, 

"Okay finish up, I will examine your potions." Professor Malfoy said. 

"Good job Zyair and Ethan, not perfect though. Ahh great job Kaden, almost perfect." Professor Malfoy said. 

"Okay are you guys ready to head back to our dorm." Kaden asked. 

"Sure, also do you want me to teach you Protego?" Ethan asked.

"Yes!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Do you want me to teach you too?" Ethan asked. 

"No." Zyair said. 

Once they got to the fat lady Kaden said,


"Okay so stay focused and say Protego." Ethan said.

"Protego." Kaden said.

As a little silver shield appeared. 

"Wow great job, you did it!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Are you sure you don't want to do it, it's fun?" Kaden asked. 

"No, but do you want to go to the great hall, I'm hungry?" Zyair asked. 

"I'm hungry too." Ethan said. 

"Sure." Kaden replied. 

While they were walking towards the great hall they heard the scratching noise again at the door. 

"What do you think is in there?" Ethan asked.

"It has to be something large." Kaden replied.

"I'm too hungry, so let's keep going." Zyair said. 

"They were racing down the hall to eat when a teacher came up and asked them 

"Are you first years?" The teacher asked. 

"Yes!" Kaden exclaimed. 

"Well tomorrow there are flying lessons and my name is Professor Dexter." 

"Okay, see you tomorrow Professor Dexter." Kaden said. 

"Let's see what there is for dinner now, I'm starving!" Zyair exclaimed. 

"Okay." Ethan said. 

Once they got to the Great hall they saw lots of steak for dinner and hundreds of kids digging into their food. 

"Hello." Someone said. 

"My name is Beatrix." Beatrix said. 

"Hello Beatrix, we're Kaden, Zyair and me, Ethan." Ethan responded.

"Okay, and are you ready for flying lessons?" Beatrix asked.

"Yes!" Ethan exclaimed. 

"Well, by. I'm going back to my dorm." Beatrix said.

"By." Zyair said.

Once Beatrix left Ethan exclaimed,

"Yum, that food was delicious!" 

"Yes it was." Zyair responded. 

"Let's go up to the dormitory, you know how much homework you have." Kaden said.

"Fine." Zyair and Ethan said. 

While they walked towards their dorm Kaden asked,

"Do you want me to give you a template?" 

"Sure." Ethan and Zyair replied.

"Okay so let's see we have Defense against the dark arts, Zyair and I have to work on our patronus, that's easy enough. On charms we need 12 inches on how to use Reparo and Alohomora. I'll help with that. There is no homework for potions and Herbology, sounds good enough." Kaden said. 

"Okay, let's get started." Ethan said gloomily. 

Once Kaden had finished his homework and helped Zyair and Ethan it was nearly 12pm. 

"Goodnight Zyair and Ethan." Kaden said. 

"Goodnight." Ethan replied. 

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