
diagon alley

Kevin smiled at the window floating in air :

[ congratulations for taking down the protagonist Harley Potter. ]

[ Gift pack - gold grade has been released ]

[ do you want to open it? ]

With Harley on top off him sleeping with a smile, he opened the gift pack while caressing her hair.

[ Copy card has been obtained ]

[ horcrux absorbing feature has been added ]

[ character card - Gabriel( highschool dxd ) has been gained ]

[ Brave saint - the 13 cards of heaven ( high school dxd) and a joker card have been gained ]

[ extracted peverall bloodline and fused the host with it ]

Kevin smiled at the gifts. They're really amazing. He absorbed the horcrux using the feature and lady death sent back all the knowledge on the feature as a gift for him for the initial progress. He is happy about it and goes to the bathroom for fusing the angel card. Like gabriel in dxd he chose the king card and fused with it increasing his power. He has 12 wings behind his back and he is thinking about his brother Allen and Harley. A joker and an ace. He plans to give one to both of them.

The next day when harley woke up, she felt her whole body is aching. Although Kevin applied many healing spells on her, her internal pain is still there. She hissed in pain and lay on hed while Kevin opened the door with a coffee.

Harley looked at Kevin with her watery green eyes full of blame. But Kevin just smiled and placed the coffee near her mouth and made her sit while she drank it. After that he whispered," I'll take care of you in mean time. But this pain will become less as we do it regularly ".

Harley shivered and nodded shyly. Kevin kissed her forehead and lips then took care of her for the day. Harley barely to the toilet and returned limping. Kevin lifted Harley and gave her a bath and didn't anything except caressing her naked body in bath tub.

Although Harley is shy she enjoyed being took care by someone. He then carried her to the dining table and served her food. After they ate the food, they watched TV and have fun for the day and did it again at night. This time the pain is very less ans Harley enjoyed it very much.

The next day while they're eating breakfast two owls appeared. Kevin fed the two owls and both send a reply back to hogwarts. Then decided to go to diagon alley, they held hands and boarded a taxi.

The night bus is horrifying thing for them both. They greeted tom and walked hand in hand. As they arrived at the gringotts bank, they withdraw some galleons and goes around shopping for supplies.

On the way they met Hermione who congratulated Harley. Harley nodded with a shy smile and both girls has a discussion while the weasley's also arrived. Ron glared at Kevin after knowing harley and Kevin are dating.

He said a few bad words making Harley angry and both harley and Kevin left at th outburst of ron while molly scolded ron. Molly wanted Harley to be her daughter in law but since it's already done she can only hope her son to attract Harley somehow, if not there is nothing she can do.

Kevin and Harley visited all shops and after shopping they also gone to amusement park and movies to have fun. After returning home, Harley and Kevin once did it and Harley collapsed into his arms while taking heavy breaths.

She is fully covered in sweat, her nipples stood erected and her thighs has the leaked white subsatnce from her holes that Kevin filled up. Harley gently stroked Kevin's cheek and told him about sirius letter to visit the grimmauld place.

Kevin nodded with a smile while both of them took a bath and slipped into the bed hugging each other. Harley tightly held Kevin, he is catessing her hair and back to let her fall in sleep while Harley asked," Kevin I want to ask you something? ".

Kevin nodded with a hum, while kissing Harley's forehead and she spoke," If I tell you I have a friend who likes both men and women and she wants to also date girls while she is dating a boyfriend that showed her care like no one did, what is your opinion on that girl".

Kevin smiled and kissed Harley's lips deeply before speakjng," That girl, it's you right?".