
Harem pirates

The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates

Jonas89 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Harem Pirates 2: Chapter 5 - Daughter of the Divine Sea Dragon

"I don't believe it."

After Vanessa revealed the ghost ship was actually a Carlotta warship called the Soaring Spirit, Ricardo immediately contacted Evaline and held a strategy meeting.

They gathered in the King of Pirates' meeting room while anchored near the Ocean City of Brakia. Ricardo, First Mate Marshel, and Guest Advisor Rose represented Etruria. Evaline, First Mate Bonnet, and Evaline's wet nurse Amanda represented Laurance.

The first thing out of Evaline's mouth was a rejection of the idea.

"And why is that?" asked Ricardo, feeling miffed. He was known as quite a gentleman for his young age, but he tended to get emotional with this girl and he had an edge to his voice when he replied here.

Despite her fiancé's scorn, Evaline lifted her shapely chin and looked down on him with a cold smile.

"Carlotta is one of the primary kingdoms along the Jade Sea's coast. This is not something an entire kingdom would do. No matter how much trouble they've had recently, that plan falls apart the instant their allies start to suspect them."

How did this girl always find a way to get under people's skin when she spoke? Ricardo was too furious to avoid arguing.

"We corroborated her claim. For one thing, there isn't any other reason why they would have a ship capable of sinking a warship in this area. Add in all the other circumstantial evidence and the Soaring Spirit commanded by Carlotta Admiral Dartanis is the only possible identity of the ghost ship."

"Says you. When people are desperate for an answer, they tend to only trust the information that supports their pet theory."

Evaline's mocking attitude remained intact and Ricardo found he could not hide his irritation any longer.

With the top-ranking members of both kingdoms spitting venom at each other, the mood of the meeting could hardly have been worse. Amanda must have wanted to fix that because she nonchalantly interrupted the argument between two royal families.

"Now, now, Princess. They might be our allies, but you are always complaining that they're only a bunch of crooks playing at statehood."

Evaline glared at her most trusted aide.

"Yes, but piracy is a step too far. That's more than being uncooperative. It's a blatant betrayal. If the ghost ship is part of Carlotta's navy, we need to leave this region of sea at once. They could slaughter us in our sleep at any time."

Finally, a constructive opinion, thought Ricardo in relief.

"I don't think we have to worry about that. It sounds like public opinion is split even within Carlotta."

The Jade Sea's costal kingdoms tended to have a strong independent streak. Among them, Carlotta was an especially large kingdom, so they had just as many large ships as Etruria.

The complex power balance between the coastal kingdoms was maintained by their loose alliance against the Double Kingdom, but the kingdoms that did not directly border the Double Kingdom did not see it as an immediate threat. They were willing to join the alliance, but a lot of them were not happy about how it felt like they were subservient to Etruria.

"They apparently fear Carlotta will become an Etrurian vassal state if things continue like this. Dartanis has gone rogue in his desire to break free of that, but it sounds like a lot of people in Carlotta support his actions. They're feeling a lot of schadenfreude seeing Etruria running around scared of a 'ghost ship' that keeps getting the better of us."

"Then the situation is even worse than I thought. If we sink the Soaring Spirit now, a lot of their people will go nuts. They might even leave the alliance. That would affect the ocean power balance a lot more than the ghost ship."

Evaline was right.

The first mates' exasperation at their captains' lovers spat was replaced by a grim look.

But Ricardo smiled fiercely at them all.

"That is why, politically speaking, the ghost ship is not the Soaring Spirit."

"Eh!? What's that supposed to mean?"

Evaline's eyebrows rose and she clearly wanted to call him an idiot for contradicting himself, but he calmly continued.

"The Soaring Spirit will only be sunk as the ghost ship."


She gulped when she realized what he was trying to say.

She looked overwhelmed when she noticed the fierce conviction hidden behind the boy's kind face. But she didn't want to admit it, so she brushed back her soft blonde hair, lifted her chin, and glared triumphantly at him with her malachite eyes.

"Hm, I see what you're planning. Fine, I'm in. But if it turns out you were wrong about the Soaring Spirit being the ghost ship, then our engagement is off. Falsely doubting your allies is a scummy thing to do."

Evaline pointed at Ricardo and made her challenge, so he responded with confidence.

"You have a deal."

She snorted with laughter and turned away from him.

Amanda smiled and interrupted the two of them.

"My, my. Then how about this? If Prince Ricardo turns out to be right, then you reward him with your virginity."

"Wh-what are you saying!?"

Evaline blushed bright at her trusted aide's shocking suggestion.

"It isn't much of a bet if he's the only one risking anything, is it?"

"Kh, fine. I wouldn't want to be unfair."

The aide convinced Evaline to reluctantly accept.

And thus, if Ricardo was wrong, they would break off their engagement. But if he was right, they would have sex for the first time. And Ricardo apparently got no say in the matter.

(Um…can we really just do this?)

Unsure what expression to wear, he looked to the others in the room, but they all politely bowed, thus hiding their own expressions.

The meeting then shifted to a discussion of their strategy for eliminating the ghost ship once and for all.

"As elusive as the ghost ship has been, it isn't hard to deal with now that we know the trick."

The next morning, Ricardo's King of Pirates and Evaline's Sea Dragon Princess both set sail.

Carlotta Admiral Dartanis's Soaring Spirit was out on patrol again.

And at just the right moment, the King of Pirates left its original patrol route to secretly tail the Soaring Spirit.

They watched from a distance until the Soaring Spirit boarded an Etrurian merchant ship in the name of a surprise inspection. Martha's farsight magic allowed them to monitor the situation more carefully, so they saw the Carlotta sailors suddenly change their tune and begin stealing the ship's cargo.

It was an obvious act of piracy. Their usual routine would be to set fire to the merchant ship and eliminate all witnesses afterwards.

Ricardo was disgusted by how they abused their official authority to commit such repugnant acts, so he immediately ordered his ship forward. First Mate Marshel relayed the command and the King of Pirates slowly advanced.

The Soaring Spirit was clearly shaken by the King of Pirates' appearance.

"Use the signal flags to call for a ceasefire."

Marion climbed the mast with simian nimbleness and displayed the ceasefire flag signal at the very top, but the Soaring Spirit abandoned the merchant ship and attempted to flee.

"Looks like they had already decided to run away if they encountered us," spat Ricardo in disgust.

Running away suggested they were up to no good.

"They know exactly what happens if they take on a bigger ship like ours," said First Mate Marshel. "If we hadn't caught them in the act, I bet they would have denied any knowledge of what had happened."

As a naval officer, Marshel was just as furious with the Soaring Spirit's actions. His anger was clear despite his cynical tone of voice.

"Do not let them get away!"

The King of Pirates answered Ricardo's resolve by sailing past the victim ship and pursuing the Soaring Spirit.

"Hey, look!" shouted Jimmy. "It's Captain Scarlet!"

Surprised, Ricardo ran to the side of the ship to see a familiar woman in a showy pirate hate aboard the victim ship.

When their eyes met, Scarlet doffed her hat and gave him an exaggerated bow, her red hair blowing in the sea breeze.

"Ah ha ha ha. Thanks, Scarlet."

Ricardo laughed and waved his right hand.

He had appreciated the perfect timing of the merchant ship's appearance, but that had apparently been Scarlet's doing.

Even Rose had a full-face smile next to him.

From there, it came down to a naval pursuit between the Soaring Spirit and the King of Pirates.

The Soaring Spirit snaked through the sea in its attempt to escape. It was probably trying to rock its pursuer with its serpentine wake, but the King of Pirates was not a small ship. In fact, it was one of the largest ships in the Jade Sea. It plowed right through the midsized ship's wake like it was nothing.

"It's not called the Soaring Spirit for nothing. The damn thing's fast. They're real good at catching the wind and riding the currents. It really does have the speed of a spirit soaring through the sky. But…"

A high-speed warship's speed was as much a product of the crew's skill as it was the quality of the ship itself. This showed just how good a captain Dartanis was.

"They are taking exactly the course we predicted," plainly stated Rose.

"Then it's about time for the star to make her appearance," smiled Ricardo.

Meanwhile, Evaline clicked her tongue aboard the Sea Dragon Princess.

"God, what a boring bunch. They're doing exactly what he said they would."

The Sea Dragon Princess, one of the Laurance Kingdom's prized ramming ships, was hidden within a reef.

The Soaring Spirit seemed to be directly approaching the Sea Dragon Princess in its haste to escape the King of Pirates.

A ship as large as the King of Pirates might run aground in shallower waters, so the Soaring Spirit was probably trying to take advantage of their hull's shorter draft. But when an escape route so obviously gave them an advantage, it was also easy to predict.

"Congratulations on your soon-to-be-lost virginity, Princess."

Amanda's good cheer was a contrast to her princess's bad mood.

The King of Pirates had already fired a magic bullet into the sky to inform them that the Soaring Spirit was indeed the ghost ship.

"Shut up!" snapped Evaline with a blush on her face.

But Amanda could tell this was only meant to mask the girl's embarrassment, so she was not cowed at all.

"Everyone knows you and Prince Ricardo are betrothed, so no one will have any problem with you enjoying some premarital sex together."

"Th-that may be so, but you didn't need to do this!"

Evaline looked even more desperate as she shouted back again, but Amanda was not remotely afraid.

She raised her index finger and continued with a composed face.

"But you have so much trouble being honest about your feelings, so I thought you needed a little help or you would never get physical with Prince Ricardo. And with all the rivals around him, that is a step best taken sooner rather than later."

Seeing the bitter look on the princess's face, Amanda gasped in realization, placed a fist at her mouth, and asked a hesitant question.

"By any chance…did you always dream of losing your virginity on your wedding night?"

"I-it's not about that!"

That was when Milet, Evaline's guard captain, joined in with a grin.

"Eva, the first time is crucial in a relationship. Especially with someone like Prince Ricardo. As cute as he looks, rumor has it he gets around. A lot. So if you don't teach him who's boss that first time, you will regret it afterwards."

Milet wore skimpy bikini armor, but she was the same age as Evaline. The two of them were old friends who had trained in the martial arts together. She was also First Mate Bonnet's daughter.

She of course knew about Ricardo and Evaline's bet. In fact, the entire crew of the Sea Dragon Princess knew. Why? Because Amanda had told them all. Thanks to that, this operation had become known as Operation Pop Evaline's Cherry.

"It's true. And if we win big in this battle, you will be more confident in the bedroom later today. And that will greatly influence your future." Looking triumphant, Amanda looked to the rest of the crew and raised her fist. "Now, everyone! Let's win this to help the princess pop her cherry!"

"To help the princess pop her cherry!" repeated Milet and the rest of the all-female crew.

"Please don't shout that at the top of your lungs!"

Evaline grew bright red and swung her giant battle axe around, chasing away her aides.

The aides fled across the deck but in a playful way.

It could look like Evaline played the arrogant tyrant aboard her ship, but her crew actually teased her and toyed with her a lot.

First Mate Bonnet spoke up over the racket.

"Princess, it is about time."

The ghost ship was entering firing range.

"Understood. Move us out."

The Soaring Spirit panicked when a ramming ship suddenly appeared up ahead of them.

They were trapped between two ships now. They attempted a frantic turn to port, but it was too late.

A ramming ship was like the cavalry of the navy. They could not match a high-speed ship over long distances, but short-range was another matter.

The Sea Dragon Princess raced forward like a bolt from a crossbow.


With a deafening crash, the ram on the bow stabbed into the side of the high-speed ship as it tried to turn.

The Soaring Spirit was bent into a shallow V at the middle.

Even at a distance, it was obvious the ship would need to be scrapped.

Not even a high-speed ship could gain much speed with a gaping hole in its hull.

The standard tactic would be to move away and wait for the King of Pirates to arrive, but Evaline was having none of that.

"The Laurance people are descendants of the Divine Sea Dragon. Let's show those pathetic Etrurians what true bravery looks like!"

The energetic princess immediately ordered her crew to board the enemy ship and she charged in with them.

"Tch, to hell with this!"

Evaline nearly tripped over her camisole dress, so she sharply clicked her tongue and tore most of the long skirt away with her axe.

With the entirety of her beautiful warrior woman's legs showing, she jumped board the enemy ship with her battle axe raised.

Milet and the rest of her guard followed and Amanda stayed in the rear with her crossbow.

"You stupid little girl!"

The Soaring Spirit 's crew was made up of trained soldiers, so they quickly recovered from their surprise and put together a competent defense.

Spears, lances, axes, and swords clashed together and the deck grew slick with blood.

The Soaring Spirit's crew was larger, but they had been caught by surprise and the Sea Dragon Princess's attackers had been prepared for combat.

The Soaring Spirit's crew was pushed back and they did not have long to resist anyway. The King of Pirates arrived soon thereafter and that clinched it.

"Laurance Princess Evaline has personally slain the enemy commander!"

Guard Captain Milet's announcement spread across the ship an then they set fire to and sank the ghost ship. They destroyed all evidence that it had been the Soaring Spirit.

"Disgusting!" spat Evaline as she watched the ship sink from the King of Pirates where they were receiving a post-battle report. Ricardo agreed with her.

Dartanis may have been a skilled soldier, but Ricardo could find no sympathy for the man after he slaughtered so many innocent merchants. Same for his crew.

Once the ship had vanished below the waves, Evaline turned toward Ricardo.

"Now I've fulfilled my obligations to Etruria. Amanda, we're leaving. The ocean is nice, but I have been dying to soak in my giant bath back home."

"Um…what about the bet?"

Ricardo could not deny he had been looking forward to that, so he quietly called out after Evaline as she started to leave for her own ship.

"Did you say something!?"

"No, nothing at all."

She gave him a glare so sharp he could almost hear it slicing through the air, so he ended up looking away and backing down.

(I kind of expected this. I wasn't really taking that bet seriously either.)

The dirty boy grumbled silently, but he didn't want to come off as desperate.

Evaline gave a triumphant snort of laughter and instantly regained her good mood, but then her aide betrayed her.

"Now, Princess. I believe the next order of business is popping your cherry♪"

"Amanda!" snapped the princess like a bristling cat, but the young woman only smiled softly back at her with a finger on her cheek in thought.

"It seems appropriate for the daughter of the Divine Sea Dragon to lose her virginity out at sea, but the ships are rather drab, aren't they? I'm sure you want your first time to be somewhere romantic, don't you?"

Evaline recoiled and sweated when Amanda stared so intently at her face. Her eyes wandered, but once they landed on her fiancé, she realized she could not escape this and responded quietly.

"F-fine, whatever."

Amanda nodded in satisfaction.

"Oh, and come to think of it, there is a beautiful island near here."

On Amanda's suggestion, the crews of the King of Pirates and Sea Dragon Princess disembarked on a nearby island for some R&R after completing their mission.

And on Amanda's orders, one section of the beach was reserved for Ricardo and Evaline.

"No one will enter this area until tomorrow morning, so enjoy yourselves as much as you like. We will be on the beach just outside this area, so just give a shout if you need anything."

Didn't that mean they would be listening in on everything that happened?

Ricardo decided to hold his tongue there. Royals never did have any real privacy.

And as she left, Amanda whispered in Ricardo's ear.

"Take good care of the princess. Knowing her, she will lob a lot of verbal abuse your way, but I assure you she has been looking forward to this."

Once busybody Amanda had left, Ricardo and Evaline were all alone on a large stretch of white sand.

(It really feels like Amanda forced this onto her. Should we really do this?)

The shining sun, white beach, and green sea made for a truly breathtaking scene. The island was a true tropical paradise.

A white table, white deck chairs, and a beach parasol had been set up on the sand. A drink and some fruits were prepared on the table.

"You didn't have to go to all this trouble, Amanda. God, that woman."

Her battle axe on her shoulder, Evaline complained and brushed her blonde hair back when the sea breeze blew it into her face, but her cheeks were tinged with pink.

(Looks like she really does expect something to happen.)

Ricardo's heart pounded with excitement when he noticed the subtle difference in his fiancée's behavior.

The two teens walked toward the white table and viewed the refreshments while overly conscious of each other's presence.

The drink was contained in a large crystal glass resembling a fishbowl. It was decorated with large hibiscus flowers and had two straws in it.


Evaline stared in shock but then decided to pretend she hadn't noticed. She ignored the drink and sat in one of the deck chairs.

Ricardo felt awkward just standing there, so he sat in the deck chair across the table from hers.

They were alone on a gorgeous beach, they were engaged, and they had even promised they would have sex.

Ricardo could barely contain his excitement, but Evaline poured all her willpower into feigning calm.

(It would be pretty pathetic to just go for it right away, wouldn't it?)

He scratched at his cheek and glanced over at her, wondering what to do next.

She kept glancing over at him in the same way, but they would both quickly look away whenever their eyes met.

(I wonder how she really feels about me.)

He wondered that while staring at the shapely line from the selfish princess's cheek to chin.

But he also did not know how he would answer if she asked him how he felt about her.

(I don't dislike her. We grew up in similar situations, so I feel like I can just be myself around her. And I like sailor women a lot better than a lady at a fancy ball. She can piss me off sometimes, but I do like her frankness. And she's definitely good looking. I wonder what those boobs look like out of her clothes.)

Her breasts swelled out immediately below her slender collarbones, pushing out her dress so far he thought they would burst through the thin fabric.

Not wanting her to notice him staring at her chest, he moved his gaze down her body. Her long, skinny legs were resting on the deck chair and he realized he could see a lot of her thighs.

A closer inspection, revealed she had cut away her skirt, giving her dress a miniskirt.

(The plump legs of an adult woman like Sigrain are great, but the skinnier legs of a girl are attractive too.)

Evaline noticed his gaze and glared at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"Well, um…your skirt. Did you cut it yourself?"

He panicked and made an excuse and she pinched at the roughly-cut end of the miniskirt.

"Oh, this? Amanda kept begging me to change into something 'more presentable', but this is so much easier to move around in. It wasn't so you could leer at my legs, you perv!"

Despite her words, she smiled happily and kicked her bare legs for him to see.

Then she hopped out of the deck chair and did some stretches in the pleasant sea breeze, leaving her axe leaning against the chair.

"Ahh, the weather here is perfect. The breeze is nice and the sea is calm. This really is the ideal island for getting some rest."

From Ricardo's perspective down on his deck chair, the stretches pulled up her short-cut skirt enough for him to see up it.

(Ooh, light green panties.)

He started adjusting his position to get a better view, but he had to quickly look the other way when she turned around.

"With a beach this pretty, we might as well take a dip, right?"

Whether she noticed her fiancé's suspicious behavior or not, Evaline decided a change of pace might help break through the awkwardness between them. She gave him a smile as bright as the summer sun and removed her fashionable shoes.

With her slender ankles and toes visible, the barefoot princes left footprints in the white sand and ran toward the green ocean.

"Kyah, it's so cold♪ Yes, there's nothing like the Jade Sea♪"

She scooped up some seawater and threw it into the air.

The drops sparkled in the tropical sunlight and fell back down onto her. Her wet camisole dress clung to her body, showing off her figure even more than usual.

(I hate to admit it, but she is truly beautiful. Everything she does looks so picturesque.)

But beautiful as she was, she was in her mid-teens like Ricardo, so she had yet to fully mature as a woman. Still, she was showing signs of the beautiful woman she would one day be.

Her long, slender arms and legs, her fit belly, and her tight butt all gave her the look of a sea sprite only found in girls who were starting to grow into women.

"How can you just sit there and watch on such a beautiful beach? Come on over here."

"Oh, okay."

The instant he was in the ocean, she splashed him with water.

"Take that, and that, and that! You're a weakling. A wimp. A perv."

"Okay, you're on. You're so stubborn. And violent. And a faker."

The childhood friends casually insulted each other while splashing each other like they were young children again.

"Ah ha ha ha! You're incompetent, an oaf, an idi- kyah!"

Evaline got carried away, so a receding wave caught at her foot and she landed right on her butt.

"Are you okay?"

Ricardo ran over, took her hand, and prepared to pull her to her feet, but then he froze.

Her hips were soaking in the seawater, but her wet dress was also clinging to her upper body, revealing the shape of the naked body below.

A sudden urge came over him, so he crouched down in the water with her and kissed her.


She did not resist, but she did widen her eyes and stiffen.

Her youthful lips were springy, soft, and a little salty.

Time froze for them.

Ricardo pulled his lips away after the waves had crashed against them ten times or so.

She blinked twice and then her mind seemed to reengage. A moment after that, she belatedly exploded with anger.

"Wh-wh-what do you think you're doing!?"

"Y-you were just so cute I couldn't help myself."

"So what, you kiss any cute girl you come across!?"

He was so very thankful she had left her axe on the beach. If she had it now, she might have raised it overhead and swung it down at him.

(If she's this mad, that must have been her first kiss.)

He was excited to think he was her first there and he thought back on what his fiancée's lips had felt like while he made an excuse.

"Sorry. But being on this beautiful beach put me in a romantic mood."

The blood was rushing to his crotch. Driven by animal desire, he did his best to convince her to let him do the deed.

"You're even more of a perv than I thought. I can't let my guard down for a- !?"

Her angry yelling ground to a halt when her eyes landed on his crotch.

She had noticed the change to his body there. Whatever was going on in her mind, she immediately circled behind him and reached her arms around his hips.

"U-um, Eva?"

The next thing he knew, she was rubbing at his crotch with both hands.

"W-wait, what are you doing?"

With his weak point in her grasp, he felt like she had absolute power over him. He also felt her breasts pressed against his back.

"Hee hee. You've gotten so hard. I've heard about this. Men get big and hard when they want to do it with a woman. That means you want to do it with me, doesn't it?"

She poked her head out below his arm to give him a grin of challenge.

Charmed by those shining malachite eyes, he answered honestly.

"Yes, I do. So let's have sex."

"Well, if you insist. I did promise, so I guess I'll let you do it."

She kept the grin of challenge as she forcibly pulled down his pants. His dick sprang out at full erection.


Her eyes widened and she stared at the energetic manhood for a while, but then she came back to her senses and snorted with laughter.

"Hmph. I was expecting something bigger after the stories I'd heard. …They were messing with me when they said it was long enough to go in my crotch and come back out my mouth, weren't they?"

Her muttered complaint made it sound like her aides had been lying to her for fun.

"Well, whatever. This is what you wanted me to do, isn't it!?"

She refocused her mind and tightly gripped his penis in her pearly hands.

"U-um, Eva? Th-that's too tight. Don't squeeze so hard."

Her chilly fingers squeezed like she was wringing out a rag, so Ricardo made a pathetic protest.

"Hmph. Doesn't take much for you to complain, does it? I'd heard boys' penises were as hard as steel, but this is nowhere near that hard."

"Y-yeah, that's more a figure of speech."

She loosened her grip at his request. Instead, she curiously squeezed it more lightly in different places to get a better idea of what a penis was like. The awkward caress was adorable and it stimulated the male heart perfectly.

She worked her way down the shaft, held the sack in her right hand, and massaged it.


"Huh, there really are two balls inside here."

Ricardo could not contain his arousal any longer, so he made a hesitant request.

"Hey, Eva? I-if you're that interested in my penis, come look at it from the front. And…maybe you can lick it while you're at it?"

"Ew! No!"

She immediately refused.

"I promise it isn't dirty. When a someone licks and sucks a penis, it's called a blowjob. People do it all the time."

A handjob would be nice, but he knew a blowjob would be even better.

(And I'm dying to see what she looks like sucking dick.)

Evaline glared at him for his refusal to hide his desire.

"You know, I think I need to make one thing very clear here. I am marrying you to support my kingdom. I am not like those girls you sleep around with. You should be thankful I'm even doing this by hand."


He could not force her if she didn't want to do it, so he backed off.

(But just her hand isn't enough.)

No matter what she said, she was curious about the penis throbbing in her hands to ask for greater stimulation. She massaged the balls with her left hand and stroked the shaft with her right hand.

"Wait, there's something coming out of the hole. Is this semen?"

"N-no. Pant, pant…it's called precum a-and it comes out when a guy feels pleasure."


The realization that she was actually bringing him pleasure brought a happy glint to her eyes.

Her curious pointer finger poked at the hole producing the precum.

"Ahh!?" Ricardo groaned when she touched his sensitive urethral entrance.

When she pulled back her finger, a sticky string came with it before snapping.

She watched it all carefully and then placed her finger on the urethral entrance again. Precum flowed out onto her finger and she played with the sticky fluid by rubbing it all over the swollen head. Before long, her entire hand was sticky and she had coated the shaft and balls with precum.

Her chilly fingers had warmed up and now felt like they were a part of his dick.

"Um…Eva? I, um…can't stand much more of this."

"Then go ahead and shoot out your semen. I am having sex with you as promised, after all."

That was not what he had meant. He meant this was insufficient and he needed something more before this teasing drove him mad. He was really saying he wanted to push her down and start having actual sex.

But she thought he meant he was close to ejaculating, so she was telling him to go ahead and do so.

(Ahh, I want to put it in her so bad!)

She could not hear those unspoken words.

"I'll watch it all, so hurry up and cum!"

She had the perfect personality for sexually toying with men, so she kept stroking his cock with a sadistic grin on her still youthful face.

It was certainly pleasurable, but Ricardo realized he was never going to actually cum from the virgin girl's handjob and he gave some instructions.

"Hey, Eva, can you stroke it a little more rhythmically?"

"Like this?"

She did as he asked, her handjob growing more intense.

Ricardo had a lot of sexual experience for his age, but his dick was just as sensitive as any other teenager. Especially when a girl he liked was playing with it.

"God, you look pathetic right now. You work so hard to act all princely and perfect, but that goes out the window the second I rub your penis a little."


He could not help but feel even more turned on as she insulted him. Even her soft breasts against his back increased his arousal.

"I can't help it when you rub it like that."

"Hee hee. I hope you're thankful. And this is such a strange feeling. It's like I have complete control over you through this one body part. Ha ha, and it just got even bigger. It's throbbing like crazy. It's kind of cute, really."

Evaline sounded delighted. Her arousal had synchronized with Ricardo's.

She was aroused by sexually teasing him and he was aroused by being sexually teased by her.

Sticky sounds came from her hand while the shaft in her hand grew bigger and thicker. The head spread wide and her hand kept bumping into it because it caught at her hand like a sword guard.

He could hear her breathing growing hotter and heavier behind him.

"Kh…I-I'm about to cum."

"Then cum. I'll watch!"

She had obvious arousal in her voice and began rubbing all the harder.

It felt like she was going to rub right through his skin and then he hit his limit.

"Ugh," he groaned while pushing his hips forward. A hot fluid raced from his balls and up the shaft. She must have felt the change in her hand because she squeezed tight. And then the cock exploded in her hand.

The milky liquid soared through the bright tropical sky before the sea breeze swept it away.

His penis had stood tall like a roaring dragon, but now it lost its strength and shrank. It finally slipped right out of her hand.

His hips went limp and he ended up on all fours.

"Wow, it really flew."

Evaline sounded impressed and she held her hand up into the sunlight to get a better view of the cum soaking it. Then she brought it to her nose and sniffed.

Once she noticed him watching, she quickly washed her hand off in the sea.

"That stuff stinks. Don't pollute my ocean like that ever again. At least you should be satisfied now."

She turned her back as if to say that was the end of it, walked through the water, climbed onto a nearby rock, and sat down.

"Phew, I'm exhausted."

She clasped her hands and stretched her arms upwards.

Her wet dress clung to her young body and the sunlight shining on it made it nearly see-through.

She had also cut her skirt so short that he could see her long bare legs and her green underwear.

Ricardo felt faint faced with that kind of healthy sex appeal.

"Eva, I…um…am not."

He crawled over to her in the water and looked up at her on the rock while still soaking up to his shoulders in the water.

"Not what?"

"Satisfied. L-look."

He pointed at his crotch in the water.

His arousal had yet to cool, so his dick was as erect as ever.

This came as a complete surprise to Evaline, so her eyes widened and she shouted out loud.

"Eh? No way! But I heard guys were done after they came once! Why is it still so big!?"

"This just happens when there's such an attractive girl nearby."

She looked down at him in exasperation, but then her mischievous side had an idea.

"Ohh? So you're still not satisfied, are you? Fine, then. I will grant you the privilege of licking my foot."

She brushed back her blonde hair, put on a haughty look, and lowered her right foot while still seated on the rock. And she pressed the sole of the foot against Ricardo's face.

She had been trained as a sailor, so her long legs had plenty of muscle tone, giving them a look not found on the dainty court ladies.

(Her legs are a work of art.)

He rubbed his cheek against skin that shined like pearl and he gladly placed his lips around her toes adorned with nails like pink seashells. That made Evaline freak out.

"W-wait! Don't actually lick it! Have you no pride at all!?"

Ricardo calmly answered his angry fiancée.

"If having pride means I can't lick such a beautiful foot, then I want nothing to do with pride."

"You like licking feet!? You really are a pervert!"

She looked horrified and even shuddered while trying to pull her foot away, but he held her ankle to prevent her.

He was addicted to her silky smooth skin.

"If that makes me a pervert, then call me Mr. Pervert."

"I don't want a pervert for a husband!"

Evaline protested and kicked at him with her other foot, but he kept licking her foot all the same.

He looked to her calf, her inner thigh, and her silk panties soaked with seawater. And thanks to the bright tropical sun shining on her, he could even see the golden bush and the slit through the underwear.

Sensing the scent of an animal in heat, he licked that slit through the thin layer of cloth.

"Hey! You idiot!"

Surprised, she tried to escape, but she lost her balance on the round rock and fell onto her back.

Ricardo focused on the flavor of her pussy. It was salty and he could tell that was more than just the seawater.

Unable to wait a moment longer, he stood up from the water, moved between her legs, and grabbed her breasts through her dress.

As expected, they were large but stiff. They were so bouncy they felt like they would bounce back and knock him away if he wasn't careful.

"S-stop! That hurts!"

Her still-growing breasts were apparently sensitive. He quickly switched to a much gentler touch, but she had struggled long enough for her right shoulder strap to slip down.

The one exposed breast was on its way to growing very large indeed and it retained its shape even while she lay on her back. The areola and nipple were small for the overall size and they were both a beautiful coral pink.

(It's big, but it's like an unripe apple. I bet it would still taste sour if you bit into it.)

Faced with that tasty-looking fruit, Ricardo started sucking it.


Evaline cried out loud and clung to him.

When he flicked and rolled her nipple around his mouth, it quickly grew stiff.

"Ahh, ahh, I-I only said y-you could lick my foot. And that…is not a foot…"

"No, boobs definitely aren't feet. But I like licking boobs even more than feet."

He removed his mouth from her nipple to speak and pinched it with his fingers instead.

"S-stop trying to look cool while saying such pervy things!"

Her nipple was erect, so she shouted more strongly to hide that she was enjoying this.

"But it feels good when I lick you here, doesn't it? And it will feel even better when I lick you here."

He reached down and rubbed up along the crotch of her panties.


She arched her back and trembled.

(Wow, she's sensitive.)

His eyes shined bright as he observed her.

"Hey, I know you don't want to suck my dick since you think it's dirty, but I want to lick your pussy so bad."

"D-don't say that out loud. It's embarrassing. Kh, but okay. If you want to lick me there that bad, I'll let you."

Once he had permission, he hurriedly pulled down her light green panties. She lifted her hips to help him do it. He didn't want the panties swept away by the waves, so he left them on her left ankle.

Then he lifted both her ankles overhead.

She immediately protested.

"H-hey, you don't have to do this. I was giving you what you wanted."

"But I can see your pussy better this way."

Ricardo's face was composed, but Evaline's was bright red. She squirmed for a bit, but it was too late now.

The naughty boy held her hips in place, placed his fingers on her labia, and spread them.

"Ah! Nooooo!"

She screamed in embarrassment, but he carefully observed what he had revealed.

The bright tropical sun was now shining directly on her secret flower.

It was a beautiful pink. A true virgin pink.

The petals were covered in a clear nectar and the whole thing was somewhat small, reminding him of a bud that had yet to bloom. Her clitoris was entirely hidden in its hood.

(Ha ha. I can see her anus, vagina, and urethra.)

That obvious fact delighted and aroused him, so he moved his nose toward the exposed vulva and took a long sniff. It smelled like the sea.

That would be due to soaking in the ocean. He did not sense much of the usual pussy smell, but there was a distinct feminine aroma.

"D-do you really think you can treat me this way!?"

"I do. Because I love you and you love me."

"Kh," she groaned, but she did not argue the point.

Then he stuck out his tongue and licked her exposed vulva.


She could not contain the loud moan that escaped her lips.

He ran his tongue thoroughly across every part of her pussy to fully taste his fiancée.

"Kh, th-that's where I pee from. Do you actually like licking there? Ahn♪"

"Yeah. A lot."

It was incredibly cute how she struggled to behave like her usual strong-willed self while she writhed in pleasure.

He scooped up plenty of her nectar on his tongue and then began kneading the clitoris in its hood.

"Ahh, not there!"

Even through the hood, her response was incredible.

He wondered if she had ever even touched herself there.

(Maybe she's never even masturbated. I probably shouldn't pull back the hood right away.)

Instead, he carefully kneaded his fiancée princess's clitoral hood with the tip of his tongue.

"Eek, ahh, wait, please…"

Even though she begged him to wait, her lower body was trembling with pleasure.

Realizing she was experiencing pleasure, he moved his tongue even faster, flicking her clit around.


"Ah, wait, I'm cumming. What? It's so much. I'm cumming…"

Her mouth opened so wide it seemed to cover her entire face and she moaned so loud drool flew out with her voice.

"I'm- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

A tremor ran through her lower stomach and left leg and then a wet mist squirted from her slit.


That may have been her first ever orgasm. Even after he lowered her legs, she just lay there limply on the rock.

(Damn, she really is cute when she keeps her mouth shut.)

Evaline finally seemed to have caught her breath.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the penis standing tall at Ricardo's crotch.

It curved back like it wanted to pierce the heavens and it was dripping with precum. She blushed and looked away but then gave him a sidelong glance.

"You want to put that thing inside me, don't you?"

"Yeah. Do you not want me to?"

She blushed bright and kept glancing over at it as she responded.

"I didn't say that. I'm going to marry you, so it belongs to me."

"That's a yes then."

Ricardo rejoiced and moved his erection toward her honeypot, but she quickly stopped him.

"W-wait a second. There's something I want to ask you first."

"What is it?"

He could not imagine what she could want to ask at this point, but she looked deadly serious.

"You're plotting something with the White Fox's support, aren't you?"


The unexpected subject made him tense.

The White Fox was a nickname for Etruria's Admiral Sigrain. She was Ricardo's guardian and also his first woman.

"You're my fiancé. Of course I'm going to do my research." Her malachite eyes bore into Ricardo's eyes. "I can guess what you and the White Fox are planning together. But I want to hear it from you."

Sigrain's plan was to place Ricardo on the throne and switch Etruria's diplomatic policy from anti-Double Kingdom to pro-Double Kingdom.

"Answer me. If this fails, it drags me down with you, so I have a right to know."

She was right about that, so he sighed and spoke.

"But if I tell you, Eva, there is no going back."

His life was not the only one on the line. So many lives were at risk, so she had to be prepared to be killed if she betrayed them.

"That is fine with me."

She could tell how serious he was, so she agreed without teasing him.

Hearing that, he explained their top secret rebellion plan.

"Yes, I had a feeling it was something like that." Evaline gave him an ambitious smile. "I'm in. Laurance will give you our full support."


"Don't let that surprise you. You're marrying me because the string-pullers wanted Laurance's support. We call ourselves a kingdom, but we're really just a wealthy family with some territory of our own. We're nearly an Etrurian vassal state already. So if I marry you, this ocean will finally be mine. And the Jade Sea is a more beautiful than even the largest jewel."

"I don't like to think of our marriage as that blatantly political. I don't want to sleep with a girl who doesn't actually love me."

He looked disappointed, but she smiled as bright as the midsummer sun.

"Oh, come on. I've always loved you. I've wanted to marry you for as long as I can remember. …Oh, god. You just had to make me say it, didn't you?"

"I've always loved you too."

He only realized it was true as the words were coming out of his mouth, so he climbed on top of her and kissed her. When the time came to penetrate her, a large wave hit them, rolling them over.


The tide appeared to be coming in.

Evaline frantically clung to the rock with both arms, unintentionally sticking her butt out behind her. Ricardo grabbed that butt and pulled up her skirt.

The water was halfway up her thighs, so her small and tight butt was visible up above the water.

"W-wait, you're really going to do it like this?"

"Yeah, I can't wait a moment longer."

He brought the tip of his dick to her labia that were wet with something stickier than seawater.

"I-I'd always dreamed of my first time being in a castle with a view of the beach…"

"We can do that later."

He could not stop his desire at this point, so he pushed his hips forward.


He felt her virgin flesh tearing open as his head pushed inside.

(Wow, she has a lot of folds in there. It's so rough.)

But before he could enjoy that, her honeypot squeezed tight.

"Owwww. You idiot, I thought you'd slept around a lot. Why do you suck at this?"

"Sorry. Just bear with it."

He pushed further inside her tight flesh cave.

"Eeeeeek! Y-you're tearing me open…"

She screamed in a way rarely heard from her, but that only turned Ricardo on more as he continued deeper inside her.

And he finally made it all the way in.

He embraced her from behind and whispered in her ear.

"It feels good inside you…so good."

"Well, it only hurts for me, idiot. Hurry up and finish."

As hard as it was to believe, she actually had tears in her eyes as he clung to the rock.

As tough as she always acted, she was still young. The pain of losing her virginity was still hard to bear.

The sight stirred up some feelings inside Ricardo, but he also felt bad being the only one enjoying it.

"Should I pull out for now?"


Maybe it was her pride as a woman, but she wanted her first time to be a success no matter how much it hurt.

Now that was the Evaline he knew.

In the hopes of counteracting some of the pain with pleasure, he caressed her body without moving inside her.

He removed the shoulder straps to reveal her back to his eyes.

She had a lithe but muscular back.

He reached around and grabbed her youthful breasts. Breasts always grew bigger when hanging down like this. They had already been decently large for her age, but now they were a size larger and were almost too much to fit in his hands. He could not resist teasing them.

"Ah, ahh…"

She moaned in a bit of pleasure.

(Her breasts must be sensitive.)

He enjoyed learning these things about a girl he loved.

He thoroughly massaged her breasts and kneaded the swollen nipples.

"Ahh, ahh…hh…"

Her breaths were growing hotter and sweeter. The virgin tightness of her vagina loosened some and plenty of love juices filled it.

"Eva, are you ready for me to continue?"


He gave a light thrust of his hips and she gave an unbelievably meek response.

"Then I'll start moving some."

Driven by his dominant side, he stood up, grabbed her hips, and gently moved his hips back and forth.


The many folds inside wrapped around his dick.

He pulled out all but the head and then pushed back in.


He listened to her cute moans while parting her inner flesh to return to the deepest part.

(Wow, she really does have a lot of folds. They all wrap around my dick, which feels great.)

He had started off moving slowly out of concern for her, but as he lost himself in the pleasure of his childhood friend's honeypot, he forgot all about that and began moving as his instincts demanded.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah."

She moaned in time with the rhythmical thrusting.

Seeing that rude girl enjoying his cock excited him in a weird way.

The slapping of his hips against her butt rang across the beach.

"Ah, y-you idiot. That's too rough."

"But it feels so good inside you. I can't stop."

He did feel bad doing this to a virgin, but he really couldn't stop himself now that he had started. Her pussy was just that good.

The best he could do was finish as soon as possible, so he actually sped up the thrusting.

"Ahh, you idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot! Don't think I'll forget this, you idiot!"

None of her insults could stop him.

She was still feeling some pain, but her body was awakening to the womanly pleasure. Her vagina repeatedly squeezed to massage the thing inside it.

(Kh, she isn't just tight. She keeps getting wetter and wetter. And hotter too. My dick is about to melt.)

Love juices flowed out like a hot shower, providing a lubricant to help him continue excavating that virgin flesh.

"W-wait, don't make it even bigger…ahh, you idiot, wh-what is this? I can't believe it!!"

His penis grew even bigger as it thrusted in and out of her and it throbbed like crazy.

It apparently felt like a major change inside her, so her eyes widened in surprise.

It felt so good he thought his dick was fusing with her pussy, so his mind went blank and he clenched his teeth.

"Eva…I-I'm going to cum!"

"Y-you're what!?"

Her mind could not keep up, so she shouted back at him while he grabbed her hips and thrusted as deep as he could.

"I'm cummiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!" he roared while his hot goop shot out toward her womb. It spread out to fill her vagina.


The experience must have triggered some kind of instinct inside her body.

She arched her back and cried out like a dragon roaring toward heaven.


Her vagina squeezed his penis again and again.

The strength drained from her tensed body as the penis inside her grew soft.

Then the two of them sank into the ocean.


Afraid she might be too out of it and drown, he picked her up in a princess carry, walked to the beach, and lay her down on a deck chair.

"Are you okay?"


In the afterglow of her first time, she gave an embarrassed and meek response.

"You are loud when you have sex, Eva."

"Shut up…"

Once Evaline had recovered some, she sat up and used one of the straws to take a sip from the fishbowl of a crystal glass on the table.

She eventually looked up.

"Don't just sit there. You must be thirsty too, so drink some."


Ricardo used the other straw to drink alongside her. The drink had plenty of sweet honey inside.