
Harem Pirates 2: Chapter 2 - Ocean City of Brakia

"It is evident that the ghost ship is either a Double Kingdom ship or a pirate ship."

After landing at the Carlotta Kingdom's Ocean City of Brakia, Ricardo and Evaline were led to the Governor-General's residence by Governor-General Vanessa. There, they held a meeting with Dartanis, captain of the Soaring Spirit high-speed warship and Carlotta's most well-known naval commander.

Carlotta provided all the information they had, but that was not much and little of it was new. Ricardo tried to hide his disappointment as he started back to his ship. But he did not make it far before Vanessa said she would be holding a small dinner party to apologize.

He was not obligated to accept the invitation, but since refusing would have been rude, Ricardo's 200 sailors and Evaline's 100 joined them on land.

To host so many people, they had a standing cookout in the Governor-General's residence's garden, with a view of the sunset.

(Whatever that ghost ship is might be out there slaughtering innocent people and sinking their ships right now.)

That was a depressing thought, but it was still breathtaking to watch the emerald color of the sea turn to ruby as the sun sank.

"C'mon, eat up, Prince. Jimmy seasoned this, so you know it's good♪"

Marion brought him a lamb skewer dripping with sauce, which he gladly ate.

"Mm, this is good!"

He truly meant that.

It was quality meat and the plentiful sauce was a nice mixture of sweet and spicy, but the festive atmosphere created by all those people was the greatest spice of all.


"You didn't make it, so stop looking so proud," pointed out Martha.

Marion made some kind of rebuttal, but when Ricardo noticed Jimmy spying on them while helping serve the food, he waved her way.


She gave a beaming smile in return.

(She's so cute. …I guess we can't be on guard every second of every day. We need to rest sometime.)

He noticed a denser crowd with Evaline in the center.

That willful girl was accompanied by her wet nurse Amanda and her bodyguard Milet. She had prepared the perfect social smile while she chatted amiably with Brakia's VIPs.

She looked all the world like a bright and lively princess. Her natural cheer was so charming that people could not help but like her.

(God, she's good at faking it. All those ladies and gentlemen following her around would fall right on their asses if they saw her swinging around that axe.)

His thoughts turned in a bitter direction while he finished off the skewer.

"Hey, Marion and Martha? I hate to ask this of you, but could you wrap up some of these skewers, grab some of that ale, and take them to First Mate Marshel and the others keeping watch on the ship?"

"Aye, aye, captain♪"

They could not leave their ship abandoned, but Ricardo did not want the skeleton crew still on the King of Pirates to feel left out. Marion and Martha were soon running off to the ship with their arms full of food and booze.

Hoping to get to know his crew a little better, he grabbed a bottle of ale and went around pouring drinks.

He did not drink himself, but most sailors did.

After pouring drinks for his gluttonous crew, he spotted a girl standing all alone in one corner of the garden.

"Feel free to join in, Rose. There's plenty to go around."

"I have had enough already."

His guest advisor remained cold as ever when he approached.

He smiled bitterly at how unsociable she was.

(She must really hate me.)

Ricardo and Rose had first met two years before. He had been forced to meet her when the pirate named Scarlet had taken him prisoner.

Scarlet had taken an interest in him and Rose was infatuated with Scarlet, so she had always glared at him with such displeasure he could only assume she viewed him as an enemy. He had to focus on the fact that things had actually improved between them since then.

He could have left her alone then, but he really wanted to use this party to chat with his crew and get to know them better. So he stayed and tried to find some opening for conversation.


She was so uninterested in him she ignored him and stared into empty space, so he used that opportunity to carefully observe her face in profile.

She looked like a pale doll with soft cheeks. Her lack of expression almost felt mystical.

She rarely showed any emotion and remained calm at all times. He was fairly certain she was older than Evaline, Marion, and the others, but she looked younger since she was shorter and lighter than any of them.

She stood out from the rest even more by wearing an old-fashioned dress covered in lace despite living on the tropical sea. She had to be hot in that thing, but it never seemed to bother her, which made her seem almost inhuman and set up a barrier none of the crew dared cross.

In every way, she was different from anyone else by his side.

(She's Scarlet's lover, isn't she? Knowing Scarlet, they must have some mind-blowing sex, but I can't imagine her losing herself in the heat of passion.)

The pervert boy started imaging what that short older girl would look like while having sex.

Maybe she sensed some change in his gaze because she turned the dark glass beads of her eyes toward him.

He was briefly afraid she had detected the indecent fantasy in his mind and he asked a ridiculous question in his panic.

"Um…did you always know you disliked men, or was it only after meeting Scarlet?"


He regretted the question as soon as it was out of his mouth. Her cold glare was so awkward he ended up bowing and apologizing.

"Sorry, I know that's none of my business."

She took a sip of her apple juice and responded with irritation in her voice.

"Your question itself is flawed. I have never claimed to dislike men. I simply love my mistress more."

Did that mean she was bi and the person she had fallen for just so happened to be a woman?

Not that it mattered to him. She was here on Scarlet's orders and showed no interest at all in him.

"Phew, I'm stuffed. Cutting loose like this is nice from time to time."

They were not leaving until the next morning, so they were free to enjoy the port until then. After stuffing themselves at the party, the crew made their way to various bars and disappeared into rooms with the women they met there, or they returned to the ship to get some sleep.

Marion, Martha, and Jimmy were so excited by this first port that they decided to head out exploring together.

Ricardo wanted to join them, but his position required him to meet with various important figures in the port town. He ended up having to spend the night alone in a guest room at the Governor-General's residence. But the Governor-General's residence was a fairly ordinary naval port building, so the guest rooms were nothing like the lavish rooms at the royal capital he was accustomed to.

The room only contained a bed, a small table, a sofa, and a cupboard containing a selection of wine and wine glasses.

"Any bedroom looks empty without a woman in it."

It had been a while since he had a bed to himself. With nothing better to do, he took a shower with magically-pumped water, changed into his nightclothes, and prepared to climb into bed.

But he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it!?"

Hoping it was Marion and the others, he opened the door to find someone entirely unexpected standing there.

The young woman wore a golden monocle and left the front of her black uniform open like a delinquent soldier.

"Vanessa? Do you need something?"

He was puzzled, but she lifted and shook a bottle of alcohol and winked with her non-monocled eye.

"I was hoping to get to know the boy known as Lady Sigrain's protégé. Mind if I come in?"

"N-not at all."

She clearly knew her way around the room because she immediately pulled two faceted wine glasses from a cupboard, placed them on the short table, and filled them with wine.

"Enjoy. This is Bluary wine."

"I don't really drink…"

"Not a problem. Dilute it with some water and you can handle it just fine."

She swiftly added water, ice, honey, and lemon to his glass to make a simple cocktail.

He sat on the sofa across from her and tried a sip of the final product.

It was sweet but refreshing.

"Oh, you're right. I actually like this."

His response put a smile on her face.

"Glad to hear it. I respect Lady Sigrain a lot."

"Y-you do?"

He enjoyed hearing that another kingdom's Governor-General respected the same person he did.

"I do. Any woman working as a naval commander sees her as the example to follow."

Having a topic in common helped them keep the conversation going and Vanessa drank a significant amount throughout. She appeared to be quite the drinker.

She was a good conversationalist, so he enjoyed the experience. But once he noticed how she touched the monocle over her right eye every so often, he noticed every single time she did it. He finally asked about it, even though he knew it was none of his business.

"Um…was your right eye injured in battle?"

"Oh, this? The eye was damaged during a certain naval battle and its vision never fully recovered."

"I see."

He was not sure what to say, but then a grin spread across her face.

"Or so I tell everyone. The truth is more embarrassing, but I feel like I can tell you. This monocle is fake. Men have a way of underestimating women in positions like mine, so I use this and the story to make up for that. I considered cutting my face to leave a scar instead."

"I'm glad you didn't. It would be a shame to leave a scar on such a pretty face."

The womanizer of a boy replied nearly on reflex.

She smiled in response and leaned her face in close while brushing back her dark brown hair.

"You know just what to say, don't you? You must be popular with the ladies."

"No, um…not really."

Given Ricardo's history with women, most men would want to kick him clear across the room for saying that, but he was trying to be modest.

Looking tipsy, Vanessa casually reached out, grabbed his hand, and nodded in a meaningful way.

"Hee hee. But at your age, you are interested in women, aren't you?"

"Well…as much as anyone."

Her hand was warm and her face was close enough for him to feel her alcohol-tinged breath, so he blushed.

"But I get the impression your fiancée Lady Evaline is the chaste type. She has not let you sleep with her, has she?"

That indecent question left him flustered.

"Well, um…no."

"Hee hee hee. Royal women can be such a pain since their pride gets in the way. They do not understand how men work."

She let go of his hand, chugged the rest of her glass's contents, slammed the empty glass down on the table, and stood up.

"Now, then. I think it's time we had some fun."

"Eh? Fun?"

She smiled down at the confused boy.

"Surely you know what it means when a woman visits your room late at night."

The cool young woman undid her crocodile skin belt while he watched.

(Eh? Ehh? Wh-what is she doing?)

His eyes widened as she lowered her slim low-rise pants past her knees.


The full hips of an adult woman were covered by reddish-purple panties. Extremely skimpy ones.

A small patch of fabric covered the bare minimum with thin strings on either side to hold it up, but the back was even more extreme. The back only drew out a V-shape starting from the hipbones. That design was apparently meant to ensure her underwear would not be visible when she wore those low-rise pants.

"Hee hee."

She moved her crotch right in front of the boy's face, spread her legs a bit, pressed both hands against the crotch, and then rubbed upwards.

The small patch of fabric stuck to her crotch and the contents were vaguely visible. Her bush was readily apparent.

"U-um, Vanessa!?"

"Oh, is this in the way? How rude of me."

With a triumphant look, she untied the strings to her skimpy underwear.

The fabric fell away, revealing her amber-baked skin and the dark brown hair.

The perfect upside-down triangle of the bush meant she maintained it. She looked like a wild person, but she still paid attention to such details.

(Wow. The hair is standing up some.)

Ricardo knew that was a sign of arousal in a woman, so he audibly gulped.

Enjoying how much he was staring, the young woman slowly turned around.

She showed him the plump upside-down heart of her ass and made sure to make it wiggle as she walked toward the bed. Then she leaned over, removed her boots, and sat down on the white sheets.

"Come, join me so we can enjoy the night."

Very aware of his eyes on her, she put on a seductive smile and beckoned him over.

"Eh? But, um…I only just met you."

He struggled to suppress the animal lust trying to take hold of him, but she leaned back on the pillow and spread her legs wide.

"That has nothing to do with it. I want to help you however I can and it so happens my body can do just that."

His position gave him the perfect view of her crotch. The slit remained shut, but her inner labia were poking out a bit.


His bloodshot eyes stared at her mature pussy and she continued her seduction.

She opened her naval coat wide, reached for the black shirt that only covered her chest, and pulled it down for him.

Her large breasts popped out. Their ever so slight sagging was really nice.

She rubbed her hands up her breasts and licked her lips.

"Don't you want to touch my boobs?"

"I-I do."

He could not bring himself to lie and answered like a dog drooling in front of some delicious meat.

(Ahh, why does her tanned skin make her look even sluttier?)

He was fond of women who were up front about their desires, so he was about ready to jump into that bed.

(But why is she here seducing me? This feels too good to be true. Something about it feels dangerous.)

The rational part of his mind was ringing the alarm as loud as possible, but smiling Vanessa did not hold back.

"Then get over here and touch them♪"

She brushed back her dark brown hair in a sexy and decadent way before delivering the finishing blow.

"Come and get it♪"

Her left hand spread her labia while her right hand beckoned him over.


The sexy pose took complete control of his male heart.

(I love horny women!)

After so much teasing, he leaped into the bed like a dog forced to wait for a treat. He grabbed and squeezed her large breasts before burying his face in them.

(Wow, they're so big and soft.)

They were even softer than normal.

He massaged them in his hands and sucked at the large nipples at the tip.

"Hee hee. Settle down. They aren't going anywhere…ahn♪"

She laughed like he was a playful dog and held his head in her arms.

"Ha ha♪ You really were thirsty."

She licked her lips in triumph while he sucked at her nipple.

He could feel the nipple growing erect in his mouth, so he rolled it around with his tongue, sucked hard, and even pinched and stroked it between his fingers.

"Ah, ahhn♪ You're not going to get any milk out that way."

She tried to keep a teasing tone, but some concern leaked through.

(Wow, they aren't just big and soft. They're sensitive too.)

Ricardo was in love with her sexual breasts, so he never thought he would tire of teasing them.

"Ahh, ahh, ahhn♪"

She moaned in pleasure, but she finally grabbed his right hand and guided it to her lower body.

"Boy, aren't you interested in this part of me too?"

His fingertips rubbed past her wet bush and entered the flesh gate below.

"Ahh," she moaned, throwing her head back.

(Wow, she's so wet already.)

Aroused by the touch of her heated flesh, he made a request.

"Can I see inside?"

"Hee hee. Go ahead. Think of it as a special show for visiting princes."

Her cheeks flushed and she smiled with an adult's confidence at how adorably desperate he was. She bent her knees to spread her legs further.

Then she used her left hand's index and middle fingers to spread the labia.

It made a lewd wet sound and some strings of silver stickiness bridged the gap between the labia.


Her labia looked a lot different from earlier.

The flesh within was flooded with love juices.

"Ha ha♪ Not quite as pretty as you were expecting?"

The tension in her voice and the trembling of her sexual flesh told him the bold act was turning her on as much as it was him.

Her reddish-brown labia were large and dripping with love juices. The most notable feature was how much of the inner labia spilled out from the slit.

(Wow, she always looks really cool, but each part of her body is really hot!)

He stared intently while she placed her middle finger over her vagina.

"Well, boy? Don't you want to put your penis in here?"

When he hesitated to respond, she stuck her index finger inside her fleshpot.

"Ah♪ I promise you sticking it in here will feel good. Don't you want to try it?"

She fingered herself just enough to work up an indecent sticky sound and she really seemed to enjoy showing off her sexuality while he watched.

He could not bear to just watch any longer.

"I want to! I want to so bad!!!"

"Well, you can't."

She flatly rejected him with a grin.


That hardly seemed fair after working him up so much, but she put on a thin smile and clarified.

"Not yet, anyway. First, lick me here. Lick my pussy like a dog. If you can pleasure me enough, I might just change my mind."

Her topaz eyes glittered on her flushed face. She was having fun teasing what she thought was a virgin boy.

Ricardo had no problems with her plan.

(I was curious what a pussy like this tastes like.)

He always wanted to pleasure his partner as much as possible and enjoy her in every way possible, so he happily buried his face in Vanessa's crotch, stuck out his tongue, and got to licking.

"Ahhn♪" she moaned.

Her glistening vulva was coated with sticky love juices and he licked and sucked so thoroughly he seemed intent on licking off all of those juices.

"Hee hee. Even a prince is no more than a boy. Promise to fuck him and he'll do anything you ask♪"

This skilled Governor-General seemed to get off on making a foreign prince lick her pussy.

Ricardo, however, did not feel remotely humiliated as he licked her sensitive flesh.

"Kh…don't just use the tongue tip. Use the entire tongue to lick every last part of it. …Ah, yes. Just like that. Hee hee. You really like doing this, don't you? You young boys are so horny."

She stuck her left hand's little finger in her mouth to suppress the moans and she looked down at the boy licking her crotch with a look of unbearable arousal.

"Ah, ahhhhhn♪ Y-yes, there♪"

Assuming he was a virgin and thus she was in complete control, she openly revealed where she liked it best.

He only had to obey her instructions to keep her pleasure growing. Before long, her pink jewel had emerged from its hood.


After eliciting plenty of sexy alto moans from the young woman, he moved his head down and poked his tongue against her twitching anus.

It had no real scent or flavor, but her reaction was dramatic.


She cried out in surprise, using a higher pitch than before, and love juices gushed from her vagina.

"Boy, don't do it there! It's dirty!"

She tried to warn him away, but he kept at it.

(She's definitely the type to enjoy anal.)

That was one of the most variable erogenous zones on the female body. Among his mistresses, Martha loved butt stuff, but the other two didn't get the appeal.

Once a man found something a woman liked, they couldn't help but go on the attack.

Ricardo licked at the young woman's tightly-shut hole.

"Ahhhhn! Ahhhn! Ahhn!"

Her face grew bright red with embarrassment, but she made no attempt to stop him. Her lower stomach and thighs trembled and she finally orgasmed.


Legs spread wide, she arched her back with her lower stomach trembling wildly.

Her labia spread and a shower of love juices erupted from within, soaking his face.

Done with the oral, he sat up and took a look at her.


Her mouth hung open, drool dripped from it, her eyes stared off into space, and the tension gradually faded from her body.

Once she finally calmed down, she was embarrassed enough to glare at him with some anger on her face.

"You really shouldn't do that, boy. It's impolite to touch that area."


He apologized, but his heart wasn't in it.

(What a shame. She's really sensitive there, so I just know she'd like it if she let me show her how.)

Feeling she had been too harsh with him, she lifted her lethargic body from the bed and smiled.

"You didn't know, so just be more careful next time, okay?"

Meanwhile, she casually rubbed at her own crotch and whispered to herself.

"I-I had no idea that could feel so good."

He had apparently introduced her to something new.

"B-but anyway, it's time for the main attraction. You want to put it in me, don't you?"


His dick was about to explode, so he gave an enthusiastic response. She wiggled her own hips in a way that suggested even that important Governor-General wanted it bad.

"First, lie on your back."

"O-okay. Like this?"

Hoping to do it as soon as possible, he did as he was told. Satisfied, she nodded.

"Yes, just like that. Leave the rest to me."

She was still convinced he was a virgin, so she must have thought it was pure coincidence that he made her cum from oral.

The horny woman was still convinced she had the upper hand as she undid his pants and pulled out his dick.

Once it sprang out, she wrapped her hands around it and let out a sigh of ecstasy.

"I-it's so hard. And hot too. Exactly what I like in a penis."

It was not especially large, but not small either. It was of average size, but it had already penetrated more than 200 women.

Oblivious to that, Vanessa looked him in the eye as she straddled his hips.

"Hee hee. I'l put it in for you."

She gave him a fierce smile as she spread her legs wide and guided his erection toward her labia.


Hot love juices dripped down onto the head.

She licked her lips and wiggled her hips in longing.

"Don't you dare blow your load right away. Hold it in as long as you can."


With only the jacket of her uniform still on, she looked down at the boy with lustful eyes, gave one last shudder of anticipation, and slowly lowered her hips.


Her inner flesh was wet and soft as it surrounded the penis head and swallowed gradually more and more of its length.

Eventually, the full length was inside her.

"So what does it feel like inside a woman?♪"

"It feels really good!"

Recently, he was more used to the honeypots of younger girls like Marion, Martha, and Jimmy, so a mature young woman's was nice for a change.

(Maybe it's because they're around the same age, but her pussy reminds of Isis and Scarlet. She's a little looser than them, I think. But it really wraps around me nicely. Ahh, and it sucks a lot too.)

Unaware he was comparing her to other women, Vanessa began slowly moving her hips.

"Hee hee. If you promise to do what I tell you, I'll let you do this anytime you want."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

Her large tits jiggled as she smiled sexily down at him.

"I mean you would be my slave♪ Ah ha ha ha♪"

She laughed as she placed her hands on his stomach and moved her hips up and down with her legs still spread. She was showing him what a horny young woman like her could offer him.

(Kh…my dick is so hot I swear it's going to melt away. And she's so hot and cool at the same time.)

She had worked her way up to the position of Governor-General at her age. She looked like the kind of woman who would scoff at any man making advances, but now she was moaning with her mouth hanging open and working her hips hard with her soft breasts jiggling wildly.

"Ahh, yes♪ Your dick is…ahhhn, it's stirring up my pussy♪"

When it nearly pulled out of her, love juices flowed out and some of the inner flesh peeked out.

(Wow, that's lewd.)

The visual effect of the girl-on-top position and the rough inner flesh squeezing at his dick brought him close to ejaculation in no time.

Something similar was happening to her body. She was working up a sweat and she looked somewhat surprised.

"Y-you have a lot of stamina."

She must have thought a virgin would blow his load almost immediately, yet now she was about to cum.

"B-because you told me to."

"Yes, and a boy with lots of stamina is a wonderful thing♪"

"But I don't think I can last much longer."

His cock swelled out as if to confirm this. The ridge of the head stuck out further, increasing the friction between them.

"Ahh, I can tell♪ Ahn…I really can. You're about to cum, aren't you? Ahh…y-you're at your limit, aren't you? Go ahead. Cum inside me♪ Go ahead and cum. Ahh…because I'm close too!"

Realizing he was so close, she gathered all her strength to keep her hips moving while drool dripped from the corner of her thin lips.

His penis started trembling and her vagina began squeezing just as much. They were both about to climax.

"That's it! I'm cumming!"

Just as he surrendered, she too cried out.

"I'm cumming tooooooo!!!"

A hot liquid raced up his dick inside her trembling pussy.

When the first shot of hot stuff hit her cervix, she spread her legs as wide as they would go and leaned back her head.


It almost looked like a spear had pierced her from vagina to mouth.

A great tremor ran through her lower stomach in that pose, but she went limp once he had finished ejaculating. She collapsed on top of him and their chests pressed together, squishing her breasts between, like they wanted to feel each other's warmth.

"Pant, pant, pant."

She worked to catch her breath and calm down before she gently rubbed his cheek while he too tried to catch his breath.

"Y-you came a lot."

Her face was melted from the sensation of all that thick semen inside her.

(Wow…she really is cool. Not many women look like a work of art when they cum. I want to have lots more sex with her. I want to fuck her silly.)

He was eager to get started on round two.

"U-um…c-could we do it again?"


She stared in surprise, but then she noticed how hard the cock inside her still was and she smiled in exasperation.

Her reproductive organ softly wrapped around his once more.

"I should have expected this with a young boy. But don't worry. We can do it all night long if that's what you want."

She must have decided the same position again would be boring, so she rotated herself around on his dick.

She was now riding his dick with her back to him.

Her plump ass stuck out front and center in his vision.

(Wow, she has a nice butt. It's so big and jiggly.)

Young girls like Marion, Martha, and Jimmy didn't have butts like this. That kind of fat only seemed to build up after a certain age.

"Ah, ah, ahn♪"

She bent her legs to raise the knees and placed her hands on those knees while moving her hips.

His previous semen acted as a lubricant, so there was less resistance than last time, allowing her hips to move more smoothly.

A mixture of male and female fluids flowed out to soak his balls and ass.

(Her butt might just be the star of the show here. Oh, her butthole is twitching.)

Unaware he was watching her asshole, she worked her hips and enjoyed the pleasure until she brought the dirty boy to orgasm.

"Pant, pant, pant. Satisfied now? Pant, pant."

She came again while he filled her pussy with more semen than she would have thought possible for a second time. After two orgasms so close together, she had trouble hiding her exhaustion.

Her shoulders rose and fell, her voice had grown huskier, and she was soaked with sexual sweat.

(That's pretty good, but I want to see her really lose it.)

He licked his lips.

"I can keep going."

He sat up while making sure his dick did not pull out of her. That meant pushing her onto all fours on the bed.

"Y-you must be joking."

He had definitely ejaculated twice, yet the penis inside her was still as hard as steel.

First, she stared in wonder, then she grew flustered, and finally she shuddered. Then he started using his hips.

His hips slapped against her butt. He was now completely in control.

"Ah, ah, ah. I had heard, ah, that young boys, ah, were wild in bed, ah, but this is more than I ever imagined, ah, ah."

Even now, she failed to realize what kind of experience he had.

"You're just so hot I can't help myself."

He whispered in her ear and unleashed the technique he had learned from so many women of the sea.

"Ah, eek, ahh."

Overwhelmed and unsure what was even going on anymore, she could only let him continue pounding her from behind.

The confidence born of being the experienced adult had completely vanished, so she only moaned and writhed in pleasure with drool dripping from her mouth.

(I bet she doesn't have as much experience as she lets on. And she's definitely an anal virgin. …Oh, I know.)

He stuck his right index finger in his mouth to get plenty of saliva on it, placed it on her twitching anus, and pushed it inside.

"Eek, n-not therrrrrrre!"

Pleased she reacted as much as he had hoped, he pushed the finger entirely inside her and then resumed moving his hips.


With both holes penetrated at once, her beautiful body wriggled like a sea serpent.

"Hh, ahh, ahhh."

She could not stop cumming as he had his way with her.

Her usually sharp face was now colored by nothing but sex and her body was flushed red and scattering sexual sweat.

And most of all, her vagina was squeezing like crazy.

(Wow, she's so sexy. I love hot bodies like this.)

Her sexual appearance aroused him further, so he started thrusting faster like he was testing the limits of his stamina.

With the rough inner flesh squeezing so tight, he soon reached his limit.

"Vanessa, I'm about to cum."

"B-but I'm already full. There's no more room in there. Any more and I'll go crazy! I will! It'll be so good I'll go crazy! Ahhh!"

She tearfully asked for forgiveness, but he could not stop himself now.

"It's too late for that!"

His swollen cock started to throb and she shuddered because she knew he was about to cum inside her for a third time.

He thrusted as deep inside her as he could to do so.

"I'm cumming!"



As even more hot cum squirted into her, her mature body had to climax yet again.

Her powerful body trembled from this third time in a row and she finally pissed herself.

"Ah, ahh…"

She went slack as the clear liquid flowed down her amber thighs and grew a large map on the fancy white sheets.

His penis finally ran out of steam, but he kept it inside her and waited for her to come back to her senses. Then he whispered coldly into her ear.

"You just wet the bed, didn't you?"

The Governor-General flushed red from the neck on down to the rest of her body and her sweaty body trembled in embarrassment.

"S-sorry. I can't believe I did that."

She was so shaken this had to have been her first time pissing during sex.

"I can't believe you did either. I'm disappointed."

"S-sorry…" she sobbed.

"I'm just kidding. I'm actually glad you did. It means you really enjoyed that, right?"

He licked his lips at having her under his control now.

(Hm, now she looks more cute than cool. And I really want to tease her some more.)

This new desire breathed new life into the penis still inside her.

"You're not getting any sleep tonight, Vanessa. You promised to do it all night long, remember?"


Doing it three times in a row and then pissing herself had broken the rational part of her mind, so she could no longer even respond properly.

Their positions had entirely reversed from when they started.

He had thought she was a beautiful and wonderful person, but he had only met her today.

Lust won out over love. He wanted to pleasure her to the absolute limit.

(Now, how about some anal now? I just know she'll love it.)

With a devilish smile, Ricardo pulled his dick out of her pussy and pushed it into her ass instead.


"That was not nice, Prince. How was I supposed to know such a cute boy was such a womanizer?"

After a full night of fucking, he had won Vanessa over.

"I'm not a womanizer. I just happen to love wonderful women like you."

"Hee hee. If that's what you want to call- ah."

Vanessa fixed her clothing and get out of the bed, but she nearly fell and he had to prop her up.

She leaned against his chest with equal parts embarrassment and seduction.

"I always thought being fucked too hard to get up was a figure of speech."

"Sorry. Did I overdo it?"

He apologized, but the Governor-General responded lovingly.

"I was trying to use sex to use you as a pawn, but you turned the tables on me. I never knew it could be so much fun to be dominated like that."

The praise was nice, but he blushed a little.

He took her to the door.

"I can walk on my own now."

He let go and she opened the door. And before he could say anything, she draped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Nh, nhh."

The long, passionate kiss finally came to an end.

"Bye. Until next time."


She was still a little unsteady as she walked down the hall, but then he sensed a powerful presence from the other end of the hall. He turned to find Evaline standing there.

"E-Evaline? What are you doing here?"

This was terribly awkward and she spat out a response with her eyebrows lifted in anger.

"Amanda insisted I invite you to breakfast, but it looks like I was interrupting."

She started to leave, but she stopped after a few steps and looked back just long enough for a parting insult.

"You disgust me!"

Next chapter