
perfect Genjutsu

WARNING!! This story contains strong themes of incest. If this is something you do not enjoy do not continue reading.


Banto Haruno having just completed another mission was on his way towards his home village, the Hidden Leaf. The mission itself had gone smoothly, most missions do considering his skill level. Most ninja hearing his name assumed Banto was nothing important considering that his surname was insignificant. Banto belonged to the Haruno family which wasn't even a ninja clan, he had no special family jutsu or bloodline trait. Heck Banto didn't even have a family history of notable ninja, he was the first ninja in the Haruno family.

The only other ninja in the family was his younger sister, Sakura Haruno. Sakura followed in the footsteps of her older brother but was never able to live up to his shadow. Despite not belonging to a notable ninja family, Banto had shown tremendous talent at an early age. Banto had graduated from the academy at the age of seven and made the rank of Jonin by the age of 14, making him among the youngest ninja to achieve Jonin in the hidden leaf village. Not many ninja in the Leaf Village could match his skills, save for the Hokage and a few other Jonin that matched him, like Kakashi.

The skill that Banto excelled in the most was Genjutsu. Banto from a young age was always highly skilled in the art of Genjutsu, it was this great skill that gave him the nickname master of illusions. Very few ninja could match his skillset when it came to Genjutsu, this made him the strongest Genjutsu user in the entire hidden leaf. The only ninja from the Leaf that could match his talent in Genjutsu were either long dead thanks to the Uchiha massacre or currently a rouge ninja. Now that Banto thought about it, the only ninja he knew of that could best him in Genjutsu was the rouge ninja Itachi Uchiha. Other than Itachi no other ninja could match his Genjutsu prowess, maybe Kakashi could resist his Genjutsu for a time due to his single Sharingan eye.

Growing up Banto had always excelled at most things he did, this left his younger sister Sakura always trying to play catchup. Once Sakura joined the ninja academy and started her own ninja training it became clear that she was nowhere nearly as talented as her older brother. This left Sakura with a feeling of inadequacy that she would hide behind a tough act. Banto would always try and help out his younger sister with her training but even with his guidance she showed no real talent for casting Genjutsu. Despite Sakura not being able to grasp the delicate nature of casting Genjutsu, thanks to Banto's guidance she has become skilled in detecting Genjutsu and repelling it (of course she could never repel any of his serious Genjutsu).

The gates of the Hidden Leaf village were now coming into view, finally Banto was home. Banto was excited to be home after another S rank mission, after the report to Lady Hokage Banto could go home and relax. There however was another reason why Banto was excited to be home. During his latest mission Banto had a breakthrough with a new Genjutsu he had been developing for serval years. This Genjutsu would be his magnum opus if his breakthrough turned out to be correct. Banto was almost sure that this breakthrough was the one he was looking for, now all he needed was to test it.

The special Genjutsu that Banto was developing for so long is one of his own design. The Genjutsu worked similarly to other Genjutsu by altering the perceptions and mind of his target, but the key difference is that the changes could be made permanent. This jutsu if applied correctly could make subtle suggestions and changes to a persons mind and those changes would become permanent instead of only lasting until the chakra flow was halted. While this jutsu sounds like it could be unstoppable in battle, the problem with that however was that it can only work if the target is at ease, essentially it could never be used effectively in battle since one was never at ease during a death battle. Banto however was still excited to have perfected his unique Genjutsu because he had no intentions of using this Genjutsu to be more effective at battle. Banto didn't need a powerful new Genjutsu for battle, he already had pliantly of deadly Genjutsu techniques to kill someone with. The intention of this brand new Genjutsu was not to harm or kill, but to achieve his dreams.

Banto held a hidden desire that could now be achieved thanks to his brand new Genjutsu. Jiraiya wasn't the only pervert in the village, Banto's own lewd mind could rival even the legendary pervy sage. His dream was to have a harem of willing sluts that would live to please him and with his new jutsu that dream was now within his grasp. Banto intended to use his new Genjutsu to subtly corrupt the minds of his targets until they were nothing more than his personal cum sluts. Many of the beautiful leaf village women were his targets and now with his new jutsu perfected, each one will in time will be his.

Banto could hardly contain himself as he was walking the streets of Konoha towards the home of his first and most desired target. Having already sent a shadow clone to Lady Hokage to report his success, he knew that he would have the whole day to begin his plans. It didn't take much longer until Banto was standing outside the home of his most desired target, the woman he lusted after the most was inside. Banto was standing in front of his own home, the home he shared with his parents and more importantly his number one target. For a while now Banto had desired his own little sister on her knees being his perfect little slut and soon that would be a reality. Without further delay Banto stepped inside his home and announced his presence.

"I'm back" announced Banto as he stepped inside and took of his shoes before walking further inside the house.

"Is anyone home" asked Banto, but he already knew the answer to his own question. He knew his parents would be out of the village for a week. There was a festival in a nearby village that his parents went to every year going on right now. The only one that would be home was his sister, and he knew that she would still be home this early in the mourning. Sure enough it didn't take long for Sakura to embrace him in a hug to welcome him home.

Heh once I'm done with you Sakura you will be welcoming me home by getting down on your knees and sucking my cock like a good little sister should.

"Banto your home! How did your mission go" asked Sakura as she ended the sisterly hug and stepped back from Banto.

"It went well enough, took a bit longer than I would have liked but I came back in one piece so I guess that's good enough" responded Banto as he and Sakura both stepped into the kitchen.

"Did you just get home? Have you reported yet to Lady Hokage" asked Sakura knowing that each ninja had to report directly to Lady Hokage once them came back from a mission, especially an S-rank mission.

"I sent a shadow clone ahead to make the report, I wanted to get home so I can catch you before you head off for your training with Lady Hokage" responded Banto as he grabbed an apple and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Oh that's sweet of you, I don't have that much longer before I have to leave though" responded Sakura who also sat down at the kitchen table across from Banto.

"That's no problem, just wanted to catch up with you is all. We haven't really gotten the opportunity to hang out with how many missions Lady Hokage has been giving me lately" responded Banto as he continued to eat his apple while subtly checking out his sister. Sakura looked as sexy as ever to Banto, over the years his sister had developed in one sexy women, and he couldn't wait to make her his willing cum slut.

"Hehe yah Lady Hokage has been tough on a lot of the Johin lately" responded Sakura.

"Good news is that it sounds like Lady Hokage is going to keep me around the village for the week" responded Banto who just got the information from his dispelled shadow clone.

"Really? That's good news, I wonder why Lady Hokage is letting up now" wondered Sakura.

"Well I imagine it has something to do with a certain hyperactive ninja who is making his grand return to the village in a week" stated Banto to Sakura as he pulled out a small bell from his pocket and kept it hidden in his closed fist. The small bell was required to trigger the Genjutsu.

"That's right! Naruto is returning in a week I almost forgot. Why do you think Lady Hokage wants you around for when he returns" asked Sakura curious as to why her teacher would want her brother in the village when Naruto returns from his three year journey.

"Your guess is as good as mine" responded Banto who kept his knowledge secret. Banto was already told by Lady Hokage that she wanted him in the village for when Naruto gets back because he was going to be the second in command of the new team Kakashi. Lady Hokage intended to reform team 7 but the only problem was that it wasn't a full four man squad with Sasuke being gone. Banto was going to be the fourth person in the team seven, he was ideal considering that he had worked well with Kakashi in the past and his teamwork with Sakura was good with them being siblings.

"Well I guess we'll find out soon enough" responded Sakura before she heard a ringing of a small bell that echoed across the room. Sakura having been completely relaxed being in her own home with her brother was instantly placed under the spell of the Genjutsu. Sakura's eyes glazed over and become blank as she stared at Banto waiting to hear his words.

Looks like the Genjutsu was a success, I should really come up with a proper name for this jutsu. Those are thoughts for a later time though, now I have to focus on giving Sakura her first set of instructions. I can't go all out at once; I have to slowly push her into what I want her to be or else the Jutsu will fail. Can't just tell her to fuck me right now, have to take baby steps. First thing I have to do is place a suggestion in her that she is attracted to me.

"Sakura can you hear me" asked Banto

"Yes, I can hear you Banto" responded Sakura with a blank stare.

"Listen carefully to the words I am about to say Sakura. When you wake up you will remember nothing of this conversation or the fact, I placed you under a Genjutsu, do you understand" asked Banto

"Yes, I understand" responded Sakura

Well it's now or never now, I have to hurry this jutsu uses a lot of chakra and I can already feel myself approaching my limit.

"Sakura lately you've noticed that you have had feelings towards me that a sister should not have. You find yourself hopelessly attracted to your brother; you can't help it. No matter how much you try to deny it you think your bother is sexy and you can't help but fantasize about him. You know its wrong to feel this way about your own brother but somehow that just makes your sinful thoughts hotter, in fact you've realized you have a brother and sister incest fetish" stated Banto.

Each word spoken was laced with a heavy amount of his chakra. Each of his words burrowed their way into the deepest parts of Sakura's mind, changing it to suit his words. After another moment to ensure the Jutsu had taken full effect, Banto released the flow of chakra and Sakura became lucid once more.

The first thing Sakura noticed when she woke up was that she seemed hotter than she was a moment ago. Her heart was beating quick, and she could feel a dull ache between her legs. The second thing she noticed was her brother sitting across from her. Had her brother always been this attractive? Sakura couldn't believe what she was thinking but she was imagining her brother naked and the thought of her own brother's cock made her wet. She wondered how big his cock was. Sakura quickly shook herself in an attempt to brush aside her incestuous thoughts.

"Hmmm Sakura are you alright? Your face looks all flushed" asked Banto who was glad to see his suggestions had already taken effect and changed his little sister.

"Ohh yah I'm fine, nothing to worry about" responded Sakura whose heart was know beating even faster, she had almost been caught thinking about Banto's cock while talking with him. Sakura worried something was seriously wrong with her, but she couldn't help but lust after her own brother and the fact it was incest only turned her on even more.

"Okay if you say so, just take it easy with training today if you don't fell one hundred okay" stated Banto who couldn't wait to continue with his little sisters corruption.

"Yah don't worry its nothing. Well its time for me to head out, Lady Hokage doesn't like it when I'm late for training. I'll be back this evening" stated Sakura as she quickly sat up form the kitchen table and started towards the front door of the house. Sakura needed to get away from Banto for the moment so she could sort out these thoughts she was having.

"Alright then, I hope Lady Hokage isn't too tough on you. I should be around the house when you get back so we can do dinner together if you'd like" responded Banto.

"S-sure that sounds good, I'll see you later then" responded Sakura as she left the house.

Hehe this is almost too easy. Sakura could barely hold a conversation with me without getting flustered. Looks like she has it bad for her big brother now. It won't be long until she finds out just how big her big brother is. Soon Sakura you will be your brother's personal fuck toy and love every moment of it.