
Brotherly Temptations

The streets of Konoha were alive and well with the sounds of peaceful villagers going about their days. Banto was currently walking these streets towards his destination.

He had received a message from one of Kakashi's dogs to meet him at training ground seven. Banto decided to take the scenic route through the village, it had been a while since he had been in the village, and he wanted to enjoy it. As Banto passed through the busy streets of Konoha he couldn't help but smile at the peacefulness of the village.

He may be a pervert that was going to corrupt his innocent little sister until she was his personal slut, but he still was a dedicated leaf ninja who would give his life to protect the village.

I suppose Kakashi has also been told about Lady Hokage's plans to reform team seven once Naruto gets back to the village and he wants to go over a few things since I am going to be his second.

It's been a while since I've worked with Kakashi, usually our skillsets have us assigned to different sorts of missions. Kakashi is a good ninja though and definitely someone I don't mind following the lead of. Hell I know he doesn't like it but he is one of the few on the shortlist if the village ever needs a Sixth Hokage, so I suppose I'm lucky that I have such a capable leader on my team.

After an hour of casually walking towards training grounds seven, the place Kakashi had told him to meet in his message Banto had arrived. The only problem was that Kakashi was no where in sight.

Huh I guess some things never change. Looks like Kakashi is late to his own meeting, guess I shouldn't really be surprised. Well might as well catch up on some sleep if he is going to keep me waiting, knowing Kakashi he could still take a while to show up.

Banto found a soft patch of grass and laid down and closed his eyes, hoping to get a good nap in before Kakashi showed up. Serval hours passed before Banto was awoken by a voice standing over him,

"You know a ninja shouldn't drop his guard like that in the open. You're not really inspiring confidence as my second right now" stated Kakashi but by the tone of his voice Banto knew he wasn't being serious. Banto opened his eyes and stood up to address Kakashi.

"Yh and you showing up serval hours late to your own meeting doesn't really make me feel too good about my new team leader, so I guess were even" stated Banto in the same tone of voice that Kakashi had addressed him with.

"Well you know me; I get lost on the path of life easy" responded Kakashi showing his trademark smile behind his mask.

"You know I think in all my years of knowing you, I've heard like maybe the same three excuses for being late from you. Piece of advice, if you insist on being late all the time come up with a couple more excuses, so people don't start to catch on" responded Banto in the same tone of voice to let Kakashi know he wasn't serious about his mocking.

"Noted, thanks for the advice" responded Kakashi while still smiling behind his mask.

"So what was the reason why you wanted to meet up" asked Banto who already had a good idea on the reason why.

"Well just wanted to touch base with you, since you already know that we are soon going to be on the same team and all. Figured my second should be on the same page as me" stated Kakashi who talked in a more serious tone.

"Right that's what I thought, so what do you need to let me know about then" responded Banto in a serious tone as well.

"Well as you might have guessed this really isn't your typical squad, this squad is very important to the leaf village. You were chosen for among many to be my second for a very special reason" stated Kakashi.

"Yah I kinda figured this squad was special in some way, the talent certainly seems overboard if it was just a normal four man squad. So why was I chosen to be your second then? I assumed it was because we have a history of working together with our old days in the ANBU together and I would work well with Sakura given we are brother and sister.

What you said tough makes me wonder that there's something more to it" responded Banto wondering why he was chosen for a special reason.

"Well all those reasons you listed are part of it, but yes there is something else that made you be the one that was chosen. What I'm about to tell you though cannot be spoken to others who are not privy to this information. Sharing this information without permission will result in server punishment for you, at the least you would be imprisoned for life" stated Kakashi to Banto in a dead serious tone.

"Well you certainly have my curiosity now. Must be serious if those are the punishments for breaking the vow of silence" responded Banto.

"Do you understand then" asked Kakashi needing confirmation from Banto that he understood the seriousness of the conversation they were having.

"Yes, I understand. I would never release vital information that could endanger the leaf if it were to get out" responded Banto.

"Well tell me then what do you know about the nine tailed fox" asked Kakashi. This question caused Banto to react in surprise, this was not the direction he thought the conversation was going to go.

"The nine tailed fox? Nothing much besides what most people of the village know. I know that about 15 years ago the nine tailed fox attacked the leaf village, and it was only thanks to the Fourth Hokage that the village was saved that day" responded Banto.

"Know anything else about the nine tails" asked Kakashi

"Well I know the about the general practice of Jinchurikis since I was an ANBU if that is what you're asking. I assume that someone in the village has to be the Jinchuriki of the nine tails since the balance of power between the villages remained even after the nine tails attack" responded Banto.

"Yes, that is precisely why you were chosen to be my second on this squad" responded Kakashi.

Suddenly things clicked in Banto's mind. Kakashi was talking about the Jinchuriki of the nine tails because someone on the squad was likely it.

"Wait a minute, then you're telling me that" responded Banto before he was cut off by Kakashi.

"Yes, Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox" stated Kakashi. There was silence for a moment before Banto began to chuckle to himself. Banto felt stupid for not seeing it sooner, it was obvious now that Kakashi had said it.

"Sorry I know this is supposed to be serious and everything, but I feel stupid for not seeing this sooner. I mean it makes sense now how that kid can make like a thousand shadow clones and not keel over" responded Banto.

"Yes, well in hindsight I guess it can be obvious if you know what to look for" responded Kakashi.

"Okay so Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the nine tails, I still don't get why I was selected special for this squad. I'm talented and all and I know the Jinchuriki falling into enemy hands would spell the end for the village but if its protecting Naruto you are worried why not get one of the few others whose battle skills are better than mine. Why not have Guy be your second, he certainly has a stronger punch than me and you two work well together" asked Banto.

"It's because you weren't just selected to be a good ninja to help protect Naruto. You were also selected to help in the case he loses control during a mission" stated Kakashi.

"What do you mean loses control" asked Banto curious to what Kakashi meant.

"I mean that Naruto is attempting to harness the power of the nine tails but that is difficult, and he may lose control. If the losses control and isn't stopped than the nine tails could break free" stated Kakashi.

"Damn I didn't know it was that serious, so what do you think I could do against the nine tails" asked Banto. He was good but he knew that he wasn't good enough to take down the nine tailed fox.

"Well if Naruto does lose control, we hope to stop him early before the nine tails emerges, and more importantly we want to stop him without killing or harming him" responded Kakashi.

"I see, so you think my ability with Genjutsu will be able to do the job" asked Banto who was starting to get why he was chosen special for the squad.

"In short yes. It's known that people in the past were able to subdue and even control the nine tails in the past due to powerful Genjutsu. You currently are the most skilled in Genjutsu in the entire village so that's why you were chosen" stated Kakashi to Banto.

"Listen I'm flattered by your confidence in my abilities and your right I am very good at Genjutsu, but I don't know. I know that the nine tails has been controlled by Genjutsu in the past but last time I checked my last name isn't Uchiha. I'm good but I don't think I'm good enough to control and subdue the freaking nine tails" responded Banto.

"Well like I said, we hope to stop Naruto long before it gets to that point. I'm told when he loses control the transformation is gradual, if we act quickly, we can stop Naruto before he sprouts too many tails" stated Kakashi.

"You make it sound easy, that would still be a lot of Chakra to subdue. Way more chakra than I have ever attempted to control with Genjutsu" responded Banto.

"Well you would have me to back you up and we do have other methods to attempt to subdue Naruto. You are just one of many contingency plans" responded Kakashi.

"Well that makes me feel a little better about the situation" responded Banto.

"So do you think you would be able to do it then" asked Kakashi.

"I'll certainly try my best, but I just don't know for sure. The only Genjutsu users who have been able control a tailed beast are Uchiha, and my Genjutsu is not on their level. I certainly have a few high level Genjutsu techniques that can subdue powerful foes, but I've never tried it on a rampaging Jinchuriki" responded Banto.

"Well don't forget you will have my Sharingan to help you out" responded Kakashi.

"That's true. Okay I think I should be able to do the job as long as Naruto doesn't grow too out of control. I would feel better though if I was able to practice beforehand, so I don't have to do it for the first time in the heat of battle" responded Banto.

"That might be a good idea, I'll speak with Lady Hokage about setting up something once Naruto gets back into the village" stated Kakashi.

"Well anything else I should know about" asked Banto.

"Yes actually, our squad is going to be the target of a powerful group of ninja due to having Naruto on the squad" stated Kakashi.

"And the good news just keeps on coming. So what group are we talking about here" asked Banto

"Have you ever heard of a group of rouge ninja that call themselves the Akatsuki" asked Kakashi.

Serval hours later Banto found himself laying down on his bed back home thinking about his conversation with Kakashi. To think a rouge group this dangerous was going to be coming after the squad he was in. Normally Banto would not get worried about combat considering his level of skill but some of the names that Kakashi threw around were certainly frighting.

Not many ninja would make Banto pause but Itachi freaking Uchiha was certainly one of them. Kisame Hoshigaki was the other name mentioned as part of the Akatsuki and he was no small fry either. Both of these people were top ranked s class rouge ninja, each mentioned in the Bingo Book to approach with extreme caution.

The scariest thing about this is just how little we seem to know about this group. We only know about two of the members and if the rest are of the same caliber, then this could mean a lot of trouble coming our way soon. Why would they want to gather the tailed beast? Whatever it is it can't be good for anyone to have a bunch of rouge ninja having that kind of power. I'm going to have to be ready at all times for the fight of my life. I won't fail, not when this much is on the line. The Akatsuki are going after a comrade, and to make matters worse Sakura is on the same squad so she is likely going to be caught in the crossfire as well. I can't fail, I won't fail.

Banto thought more about the coming troubles before he noticed the time. It was nearly five in the evening and Sakura would be back in about a half hour. If Banto wanted to continue with his plan to corrupt his little sister until she was his personal fuck toy, he would have to get ready for the next step.

Banto had already implanted an incestuous attraction for him in Sakura's mind. The next step was to tempt her by having her see him naked, that will ensure her fantasies about her brother drive her crazy. It was only a matter of Banto framing the flashing as an accident, so Sakura won't get to freaked out right away, and he had just the plan.

Banto rose up from his bed and walked out from his room and headed towards the house bathroom in order to take a shower. He made sure to not bring a towel with him, as his plan was to appear to be steeping out of the shower just when Sakura gets home. Sakura would get home and likely go to the bathroom wanting to shower after a long day of training with Lady Hokage. She will certainly be in for a surprise when she sees her older brother steeping out of the bathroom with no towel and completely naked.

With this plan it will be simple for Banto to claim he didn't know Sakura was home yet and thought it was safe for him to walk the house naked since he was home alone.

Banto quickly disrobed and turned on the shower. After waiting a moment for the water to warm to an okay temperature Banto stepped into the shower. Knowing it wouldn't be much longer before Sakura got home, Banto simply enjoyed the warm water running over him. He could barely hold his excitement for what was to come soon.

Hehe it won't be much longer until Sakura gets home. She sure will be in for a surprise when she sees her big brothers cock. Don't worry Sakura I'll make sure it will be nice and hard for you. Once you she sees my hard cock, she will be driven crazy with lust with the changes I made to her this morning. She can't help but be turned on by the sight of me.

With the changes I already made my sweet little sister now has a massive brother and sister incest fetish and she can't help but lust after her sexy older brother. This should push her over the edge and force her to start to indulge herself with images of me.

As Banto was in the middle of thought he heard a pair of keys unlocking the front door. Taking a moment to thank his shinobi skills for allowing him to hear such a subtle detail he turned off the shower. After waiting to hear the front door open and close and the sound of Sakura climbing the stairs to the second floor and toward the bathroom, Banto then stepped outside the bathroom. His timing was spot on, as Banto stepped outside the bathroom and began to head towards his bedroom.

He was meet with a stunned Sakura who had just reached the top of the stairs.

Banto smirked to himself as he stood in front of a stunned Sakura. She was too stunned to make a move or say anything. Her eyes were wide and focused on her naked older brother whom she now shamefully lusted for. Banto noticed with glee that her eyes roamed his naked body before stopping and staring at his hard ten inch cock.

He had made sure he was nice and hard for when his little sister would see him, he wanted to make sure his little sister knew exactly how big her big brother was.

Sakura's heart was beating a mile a minute with the sight of her older brother naked before her. She couldn't believe her own brother had such a nice and hard cock. Just this morning she had begun to think of her own brother in ways a sister never should and now she is starting at his cock. Her arousal could be felt with the growing wet spot in her panties. Sakura imagined how good it would feel to have her brothers cock in her tight wet pussy. She imagined her own brother bending her over and fucking her with his big cock as she screams his name like a good slut. Sakura thought of her brother cumming deep inside her pussy, claiming her as his own and she became even wetter at the thought.

After another moment in her fantasy of her own brother fucking her like a wild animal, she realized what she was thinking and mentally scolded herself. How could she be thinking this way about her own brother? What makes it worse is that she is thinking these things with him right in front of her naked. Her brother is naked in front of her and instead of reacting in shock and disgust all she can do is stare at his perfect cock. The sound of Banto's voice brought her attention outside of her own thoughts of guilt.

"As shit sorry Sakura" said Banto in his best impression of an apologetic tone while covering his cock with his hand. While Sakura was somewhat relived to have Banto cover his cock, she also couldn't help but feel disappointed at the same time. She thought her brother had a perfect cock; he shouldn't hide it. Once again Sakura has to shake herself from thinking such things. Banto is her brother, she shouldn't want to see his cock no matter how perfect it is.

"I didn't know you were home yet. I forgot a towel and figured it would be safe to just walk to my bedroom naked since I thought I was home alone" stated Banto, giving Sakura his rehearsed excuse. It took another moment before Sakura could gather a response.

"I-its fine. You didn't mean to; it was just an accident. It was just shocking is all" responded Sakura who turned her back to Banto to give him some privacy.

"Haha yah I can imagine it was shocking. It certainly was shocking for me, I didn't expect to be showing my little sister my cock today" teased Banto knowing that talking to her in this lewd manner would tempt her further.

"Y-yah I wasn't expecting to see you big cock toady either" responded Sakura before she clapped her hand over her mouth in shock. Had she really just said out loud that her brother had a big cock? It was the truth, but she was still embarrassed she had said it out loud for her big brother to hear. Despite her shame her pussy was continuing to leak her arousal, as if she got off on the shame of being a naughty little sister.

"Huh? What was that Sakura? Did I hear that right? Did you say that I have a big cock" asked Banto, who knew what he heard he just wanted to tease his little sister even further.

"W-well yah but it just slipped out. I'm still pretty shocked and can't think straight is all. Sorry for saying that, I just made this whole thing more awkward" responded Sakura who was now sporting a deep red blush on her face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it I understand that it just slipped out" stated Banto as he walked past Sakura and towards his room. Just as Banto was about to enter his room he turned back to Sakura who was still standing in the hallway trying to compose herself and spoke to her.

"Besides it's not the first time some slut has marveled at my cock" stated Banto in a teasing voice. Once Banto said this he entered his bedroom and closed the door.

Banto's last words had an immediate effect on Sakura. Once she heard her big brother refer to her as a slut, she briefly though she should be furious at him. That small amount of anger however was quickly overpowered by a powerful orgasm that ripped through her body. Sakura feel to her knees as she rode out the waves of her orgasm. She had to cover her mouth to keep herself from being heard with her moans. Sakura couldn't believe it, her own brother had called her a slut and instead of punching him across the village she had one of the most powerful orgasms of her life.

As she was shaking from her orgasm, she imagined being her brothers little slut. She pictured herself on her hands and knees sucking his cock as he calls her a cock sucking slut. The thought only served to prolong her orgasm as she imagined herself receiving a hot and sticky facial from her big brother. After she was covered in her brothers cum, she would spread her legs and beg him to fuck her. Banto would smile and shove his huge cock in her pussy, and she would scream in incestuous ecstasy.

After what seemed like an eternity in bliss, her orgasm finally subsided. It took a moment for Sakura to register what happened as she began to think clearly again. Here she was lying in the middle of the hallway after having a powerful orgasm after her brother called her a slut. Her panties were soaked through, and she could smell the arousal on her. Sakura felt shame about her reaction. She thought that she'd better rush into the bathroom to wash up. Hopefully a cold shower would calm her down and wash the smell of her own shameful arousal of off her.

As Sakura stood up on her now weak knees, she took a moment to look towards her big brothers closed bedroom door. She felt conflicted, Banto was her own brother and yet she couldn't stop staring at his cock. Instead of being angry, she had came like a whore when he called her a slut. She knew what she was feeling was wrong, incest was wrong on so many levels. Despite this she found that she desperately wanted to enter her big brothers room and get down on her knees so she can suck his perfect cock. Knowing that what she wanted to do was wrong and that her brother would be disgusted with her, she quickly rushed into the bathroom before she gave into temptation.

Meanwhile Banto was standing in his bedroom smirking to himself. This step in his plan to corrupt his little sister had gone perfectly. He wasn't able to see her, but he knew she had orgasmed once he had called her a slut. Banto knew she had orgasmed because of two main reasons. The first was the obvious one and that was that he was still breathing. Knowing the old Sakura before he changed her with his jutsu, she would have punched him with the same frightful strength of Lady Hokage. The other reason was that Banto was able to sense a large disruption in her chakra signature. Few things could cause that sort of disruption and the only one that made sense in this scenario was that his sister orgasmed when he called her a slut.

Things are going perfectly, and I couldn't ask for better timing. With the week off I've been given to wait for Naruto's return, I have the whole week to slowly corrupt Sakura. At this rate it won't be long until she is begging me to fuck her. Soon Sakura you will forget all about that traitor and will live to please me however and whenever I want.