
Harem is What I Want

Synopsis This is the story of a young man who travels to various universes to enjoy a peaceful life. He is a narcissist. He is a person who loves to show off and really didn't like to be lowkey or hide his strength, he really was a straightforward person. Some of the worlds he would visit: First world : Against the Gods Second World : One Piece Third World : Naruto Fourth World : Cultivation worlds ( BTTH, Soul Land, Martial Peak, Apotheosis, Rebirh of the Urban Immortal Cultivator, etc) English is not my main language, I am writing this to improve my English. So please forgive me if the grammar is really bad.

Harem_King19 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

I want all of you be my Empress

Everyone gathered at this time was blown away as they stared at the Black Dragon turning into an extremely handsome Man. Right now, the men felt like dirt when compared to Ray in terms of good looks.

As for the women, they looked at Ray with all sorts of different expressions. However, the funny thing is seen in the women, they all put their feet together so that the juice of love that comes out doesn't drip down their feet. It would be very embarrassing if the men saw it.

At this moment, the women wet their panties just from looking at Ray, their thoughts were the same 'Just looking at him makes me wet my panties, then if his cock gets inside me, what would it be like?? Kyaaa!!'.

'Oh my, only a person of this caliber deserves to be my prince!! Just looking at him already made me wet my crotch!!'. Qianye Ying'er's mind sank as she became even crazier.

Ray gave a small smile as he looked at everyone's condition and thoughts as they stared at him. Rubbing his nose, he said to the women.

"Hey, what are you guys looking at? Am I really that handsome? Then let me tell you that I don't have a wife yet so you all have a chance to become my Empress!!".

Ray is just a shameless bastard, he's obviously had a lot of women before coming here. If the women of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace could hear what he was saying, they would say "Hey, bastard... when you come back, we'll really castrate you".

The women who heard his statement immediately looked at Ray with sparkling eyes as if Ray was a Heavenly Treasure. The women started to show competing expressions with each other while showing off their curves in a seductive way to get Ray's attention.

'Tch, you guys are just prostitutes, you don't deserve to be his Empress! Even your beauty is far below mine!! You will never be lyrized by him!!'. Qianye Ying'er cursed the women who deliberately showed off their curves for Ray to notice.

'Looks like I have a chance, should I set him up like the guys I've played with before?' Chi Wuyao's face became somewhat sinister as she licked her lips.

Hearing that, the God Emperors also indirectly thought of their daughters and granddaughters to nominate them to be his Empress. They hoped they could curry favor with Ray through this precious opportunity.

'My daughter, you must have the courage to become the Ancestral God Empress! When that happens, the glory of the Brahma Monarch God Realm will rise to a whole new level!!'. Qianye Fantian thought as he looked at Qianye Ying'er.

But what they hoped for would never happen due to Ray's next words.

"Hey, you guys don't think about currying favor with me by nominating your daughter or granddaughter. I am only interested in mature beauties, and not girls who are still in their teens".

"Even widows who already have children, I will still accept them". He continued.

Instantly, the hopes of the God Emperors were dashed because of what Ray said. Even though their daughter or granddaughter was on average over 1000 years old, they were still like children, both in terms of looks and temperament. There was no way they would nominate their own wife who seemed to fit his criteria so well.

Previously, Ray almost had a nosebleed when he saw women showing off their cleavage and curves. However, he endured it and he immediately scanned everyone present. Instantly his gaze fell on the beauty wearing a snow white robe, she had blue hair that fell down to her hips. He naturally knew who that woman was, she was Mu Bingyun.

Sensing Ray's piercing gaze, Mu Bingyun became restless. Ray chuckled as he saw Mu Bingyun was restless and rushed over to her.

'Why did he come to me? Am I attractive to him? Does he want me to be his Empress? What should I do if he asks me to be his Empress? Should I accept it?'. Mu Bingyun's thoughts were jumbled as she saw Ray coming towards her.

"Hello miss! It seems you're having a hard time??". Ray said with a beautiful smile on his handsome face as he looked at Mu Bingyun's panicked but still beautiful face.

"N-no... No.. I'm not having any trouble". Mu Bingyun's face turned red, she felt even hotter when she was stared at by him.

"Yeah, you know I can see it with just one glance. I mean, I know you've been poisoned by someone with the Horned Dragon's Poison". Ray said seriously.

Mu Xuanyin who was across from Mu Bingyun was panicking, she naturally knew her little sister's condition, but she didn't know what the Ancestral God would do to Mu Bingyun. Her face showed an extraordinary determination, she looked ready to sacrifice her life if the Ancestral God intended to harm her little sister.

"This… sigh, as expected of the Ancestral God. What the Ancestral God said was indeed true. This lowly one had indeed been poisoned by someone possessing the Horned Dragon's Poison. At the moment, I've been helpless and just waiting for my death." Mu Bingyun sighed and started to admit what really happened to her.

"Hahaha, waiting for what? death? Who do you think I am? Do you think such a trivial poison I can't cure? Don't worry, I won't let a beauty like you die with just a mere poison". Ray replied with a smile as he as looked at her.

Mu Xuanyin heard that, she immediately knelt before Ray and said loudly.

"Please help my little sister, Ancestral God! I will do anything if you can heal my little sister!"

Mu Bingyun was slightly surprised to see her older sister kneeling, she never expected that her older sister who had always been cold and arrogant would lower herself to this point. Even her older sister begged the Ancestral God to heal her younger sister and was ready to do anything in return. Mu Bingyun began to shed tears, she was deeply moved by her older sister's affection for her.

Seeing Mu Xuanyin kneeling, Ray said to her with a playful smile.

"Are you sure you'll do anything in return if I heal your little sister?".

"Yes, I'm ready to do anything if you can really cure the poison she had suffered!". Mu Xuanyin raised her head and took a deep look at Ray.

"What a loving older sister indeed".

"I will heal your little sister first, and we will discuss your debt later". Ray said as he looked at Mu Xuanyin.

Then Ray turned to Mu Bingyun and said.

"Open your mouth, and just swallow what I'm about to give you."

Mu Bingyun immediately complied and opened her mouth. As soon as Mu Bingyun opened her mouth, Ray put the Holy Water into her mouth.

Mu Bingyun felt something very sweet slide down her throat, she knew it was something that would heal her and she swallowed it straight away. It didn't take long after she swallowed it, her body began to glow, a yellow light engulfed her entire body, until a few minutes later the yellow light disappeared and was replaced with black dirt that was emitting from her body.

Ray waved his hand and the smelly black dirt disappeared immediately.

Changes were evident in Mu Bingyun. Previously, she was already beautiful with a face that looked to be in her mid-20s, but now her beautiful face looked like to be in her late 20s. She had almost entered the ranks of the milfs. Her body became very sexy, her chest and buttocks look very tight and plump. Her body was also filled with extraordinary vitality, her lost vitality had returned even stronger than it should have been.

"Th-this... I've healed... and I'm even more beautiful!! This lowly one thanks the Ancestral God for healing me. In return, I am ready to obey all your orders!". Mu Bingyun said as she cupped her hands and bowed to Ray.

Mu Bingyun felt refreshed, she couldn't believe she was even more beautiful after being healed by Ray. But, she knew that nothing was free in this world and she told Ray straight away that she was ready to obey any of his orders. She didn't even care if she became his servant.

Mu Xuanyin had tears in her eyes seeing that her little sister had been healed by Ray. Then she looked at Ray with her beautiful teary eyes and said.

"Thank you for healing my little sister". Mu Xuanyin said as she bowed her body.

"Haha, it's just a trivial matter. There's no need to go overboard like that." Ray said as he waved his hand.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened at the change in Mu Bingyun, previously they knew that Mu Bingyun was indeed beautiful, but what they saw now could no longer be called beautiful. It was the beauty of the True Goddess.

All the women who had seen the process from the start couldn't help but feel extremely annoyed with Mu Bingyun, they were annoyed that they couldn't catch Ray's attention and Mu Bingyun had instead caught his attention. And when they saw Mu Bingyun become such a beautiful Goddess, they were extremely envious and hated Mu Bingyun even more. All women want to cry just because why such luck doesn't come to them.

'Damn, that slut got prettier and now her beauty rivals mine!' Qianye Ying'er grumbled in her heart as she saw the change that had occurred to Mu Bingyun.

"Well, now it's time for you to return to your respective territories. And thank you for welcoming me". Ray's voice broke the silence as his gaze fell on everyone.

"Especially for you, wait for my arrival in your territory". Ray said as he pointed at the people of the Dragon God Realm.

The elders and Long Bai's subordinates nodded their heads and they quickly returned to their territory while carrying Long Bai's corpse for them to bury.

Everyone from various regions dispersed and returned to their respective territories. But just as they were about to leave, Ray's voice rang in their ears.

"You, you, you, and you. Stay here". Ray said as he pointed at Chi Wuyao, Qianye Ying'er, Mu Xuanyin and Mu Bingyun.

Everyone saw the four beauties who had not been allowed to leave, they immedietly knew what Ray meant. The men raged in their hearts when they saw that their Goddess had not been allowed to leave, they felt hurt that the Ancestral God himself must have intended to make Qianye Ying'er his Empress.

The other women who were not named were envious of the four beautiful women.

Seeing that the people other than he mentioned still haven't disbanded, he couldn't help but shout at them.

"Hey, what are you guys waiting for? Should I personally send you guys home?"

Everyone who heard that shuddered in fear, they quickly dispersed and disappeared from there.

'Good luck my daughter, hahaha!!'. Qianye Fantian smiled before he burst out laughing in his heart as he saw his daughter had not been allowed to leave. He flew swiftly towards the Brahma Monarch God Realm in a good mood.

Ray nodded seeing that they had disbanded, but he narrowed his eyes when he saw someone who seemed to have a destiny related to one of the four women he pointed.

'Hmm, I see. So, he seems to have some family issues. But, he hid it from his own family." He muttered as he glanced at a middle aged man.

Then he glanced at the woman who was related to the middle-aged man, then he muttered 'What a poor woman'.

But right then and there, he realized that not only one woman had the problem but the other three had complicated problems as well.

'Geez, why do these women have so much trouble in their lives?'. He muttered in his heart as he peeked their souls straight through his souls.


Silence fell when everyone had left, only Ray and the four beauties were left there.

At the moment, the four women had no idea what the Ancestral God wanted from them. The moment after everyone left, they saw the Ancestral God staring at them with an expression of pity. They felt his gaze pierce their souls, but his gaze actually made them wonder what the Ancestral God saw within their souls that made him display such a pitying expression.

Ray knew for sure they were suspicious and wondered why he was looking at them with such a pitying expression, but he didn't want to care about that just yet. Right now he just wanted to take a closer look at the four beauties in front of him.

Ray knew for sure they were suspicious and wondered why he was looking at them with such a pitying expression, but he didn't want to care about that just yet. Right now he just wanted to take a closer look at the four beauties in front of him.

He meticulously scanned every inch of their body parts, he was speechless by their beauty. He really couldn't describe how beautiful their curves were. They were all very beautiful with their own characteristics.

They were truly the Goddesses he had always dreamed of in his previous life.

The four women were once again stared at by the Ancestral God, but this time they saw his gaze filled with admiration as he stared at them. But they suddenly feel their female hormones increase due to being stared at by him for too long. Their faces reddened, their sacred garden started dripping with juice that soaked their panties.

'Oh my, I can't take it anymore. I need a place for my release'. Qianye Ying'er muttered as she wanted to squirt.

'What's this? Why do I feel suddenly so lustful?'. Mu Xuanyin's face turned red, she felt hot.

'Where did this sweet smell come from? Why does the smell arouse my lust?'. Chi Wuyao muttered as she groped her sexy body.

"Mmm, Ancestral God... please... stop staring at us. We can't take it anymore". Mu Bingyun said with a flushed face as she watched the women groping their bodies due to the surge of lust.

Hearing that, Ray immediately stopped staring at them and stopped emitting his fragrance.

"Hehe, sorry... I'm really mesmerized by your beauty". Ray almost had a nosebleed as he saw them groping their curvaceous bodies.

The look of annoyance was evident on their faces after they woke up from their lust. They cursed Ray for making them do such a shameful thing in front of him.

"You… you actually made this Goddess do such a thing". Qianye Ying'er said in annoyance as she looked at Ray. Even so, in her heart she wanted for more shameful things.

"Yes, I agree with her. Even if you are the Ancestral God.. To make this Queen do such a shameful thing is truly unforgivable". Chi Wuyao nodded in agreement. She is known as the Demon Queen who often plays with men feeling annoyed because this time she was played by a man.

Mu Xuanyin and Mu Bingyun did not complain. Although they were also annoyed, they only kept it in their hearts. After all, they still owed him for healing Mu Bingyun.

Hearing the women's complaints, Ray pretended to put on a face full of regret and said.

"Well, I'm sorry for admiring your beauty so much that I got carried away".

"Yeah, yeah ... then what makes us so passionate? What fragrance is that?". Chu Wuyao asked him.

"Yeah, when I first saw you I also felt lust that made me wet my panties, but it wasn't as bad as what I just experienced. It's completely different". Qianye Ying'er replied, she was just about to burst out of the surge of her lust.

The sister duo also nodded, they also wanted to know the cause.

"Hehe, that's a secret". Ray smiled.

Hearing that, the women glared at him, if he wasn't the Ancestral God they would really strangle him to death.

"Speaking of which, do you know why I asked you to stay here?". Ray didn't want to continue the debate immediately changing the subject.

All the women looked away, they really didn't care about his question. They still feel annoyed with him, in fact they really want to get out of his sight and return to their respective territories.

Seeing them just ignore him, Ray returned to acting like a Hollywood actor. He immediately put on a regretful expression and said to them.

"Well, it's a shame... because you guys don't want to know.. I'd better find another woman". Ray said as he started to slowly fly away from the women.

Hearing that the Ancestral God wanted to find another woman, they couldn't help but stare at Ray. Previously, he had annoyed them and now he was saying that he wanted to find another woman while in front of him were the top four beauties in the Realm of the Gods, it really made their pride as beautiful women like being trampled by pigs.

However, they were also actually curious as to why the Ancestral God had asked them to stay. Seeing Ray getting further and further out of their sight, the women couldn't help but grit their teeth.

Mu Bingyun immediately put away her annoyance and quickly shouted at the Ancestral God.

"Ancestral God....please..wait...we also want to know the reason why the Ancestral God told us to stay". Mu Bingyun shouted as she flew over to Ray. Actually, she wanted to follow him, but she saw her older sister was just silent, she couldn't help but suppress her desire.

Hearing Mu Bingyun shout for him, Ray smiled then he turned around and turned to Mu Bingyun.

"What's wrong? It's not that you don't want to know the answer? Why do you want to know now?". Ray said while raising his eyebrows.

"That... that... actually, I wanted to follow the Ancestral God in return for my healing. But,....". At the end of her words, she looked back and looked at her older sister.

"But?". Ray asked curiously.

Mu Xuanyin who was stared at by her sister was speechless. Mu Bingyun was in a daze as she didn't get an answer from her older sister.

"Never mind". Seeing silence ensued, Ray said while waving his hand.

"I'll tell you directly why I told you to stay when everyone is allowed to leave. It's because I want to talk to you about something, do you want to know what it is?". Ray continued as he looked at the women.

All the women immediately looked at him and said at the same time.

"Yeah, we want to know what you want to talk to us about?".

All the women became very serious waiting for his answer. They thought of various scenarios, they were also afraid that they had done the wrong thing in the eyes of the Ancestral God. They didn't want to end up like Long Bai.

"Actually, I want all of you to be my Empress". Ray smiled.

After hearing his answer, the women blinked for a moment, then their thoughts returned. If earlier they wanted to strangle him to death, now they really wanted to tear him apart immediately.

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