
Harbinger Of Destruction And Misfortune

Upon opening the Pandora's Box in the year 2056 the earth went through some drastic changes that would change human lives for years to come. Many beings died and many lost everything they had to the calamity that was unleashed by Pandora's box. Mana which was sealed inside the box for tens of thousands of myriad years was released. Unable to handle Mana many humans died and animals and insects turned into giant monsters. The changes did not end there, gates to different dimensional pockets called dungeons got created due to the sudden change in the influx of the world due to mana. Due to the sudden release of high and pure amounts of mana the world caught the attention of the Sovereign races the Celestials and the Demons. The Celestials and the Demons were at constant war as they were the complete opposite of each other. signing a pact between them demons took control of the world After some centuries the mana in the world was exhausted and thus the demons left leaving some lower ranked demons to rule over the world which was killed. Living in a world where survival of the fittest applies A young boy abandoned by his parents and mistreated by everyone wants to climb to the peak of the world so that he cannot be wronged or mistreated by anyone.

oAwqwrd · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Ch.1- History

Upon opening the tomb of the sphinx the archeologists found an ancient-looking black box which was later named Pandora's Box. The archaeologists struggled to open up the box as it could not be melted or cut by any tool known to mankind. After about 10 years of searching for a way to open the box, archeologists found a stele and a vial of blood 25 feet below the tomb which upon deciphering stated that to open the mysterious box one needed the blood of 5 people with the bloodline of the sphinx. Using various methods to find the 5 people needed to open the box the archaeologists after a total of 12 years of hard work managed to open the box.

The world changed after the opening of Pandora's Box in the year 2056. The earth went through some drastic changes that would change human lives for years to come, no one could call these changes as normal as they transformed the planet into your average fantasy world. Many beings died and many lost everything they had to the calamity that was unleashed by Pandora's box. Mana which was sealed inside the box for tens of thousands of myriad years was released.

Unable to handle Mana about half of the human population died as animals and insects? they went berserk and grew about 5 to 10 times larger than they were before the calamity, the ferocious animals that pre-calamity used to survive solely on instinct now gained intelligence and became the most frightening thing humans knew about. As for humans, about 9.5% of the population gained magical traits which were unique to each person, some traits helped strengthen their body some helped to fire spells, and some helped in daily tasks.

Due to the mana strengthening the human body the average life of a normal human increased to upto 150 years while people with traits lived up to 300 years. Technology changed drastically due to mana and the technology in the planet advanced leaps and beyond.

During that period the random deaths of people and animals transforming into berserker beasts were too much for the people to bear thus leading the government officials who had political power and were scared of the beasts, to fire missiles at the beasts undiscriminating killing millions of people and some beasts. The changes did not end there, gates to different dimensional pockets called dungeons got created due to the sudden change in the spatial barrier of the world due to a sudden burst of pressure because of dense, high, and pure amounts of mana.

Due to the sudden release of high and pure amounts of mana the world caught the attention of the Sovereign races the Celestials and the Demons. The Celestials and the Demons were at constant war as they were the complete opposite of each other, because of the high mana signature the planet was giving off the Celestials and the Demons at war found the galaxy the planet was in and found out that it was not ruled by any Sovereign race. Realizing the potential of a new galaxy and the resources it would have to offer the Celestials gave up on the planet with abnormally high mana signatures and signed a pact with the Demons that they would be given control of the planet but the rest of the galaxy would belong to the Celestials.

Happy with the pact the demons went to take over the planets, in the end the demons gave people a choice whether they would submit to the demons as slaves or would they die fighting. The majority of the human population was turned into slaves and were treated as poorly as possible while the rest of the humans were hunted down.

After about 500 years when the mana on the planet was almost all used up due to demons consuming mana too fast, Most of the demons left the planet as they thought the mana inside it was almost dried up and would be useless. While some low ranked demons stayed in place ruling the planet. the humans who took advantage of the higher-ranked, stronger demons leaving, killed the lower-ranked demons and took control of the planet as the strongest present on that planet forming the UNION which was an organization made to govern over the world.

There were 7 heads of the UNION who took care of any external threats to the planet for the next 200 years and established an academy for all awakened children called ' ONYX ' which would be the most prestigious academy for years to come it taught children traits and without traits such as researchers scientists and other normal etc.

First novel first chapter wish me luck!! gonna need it to keep myself motivated for more chapters in the future

oAwqwrdcreators' thoughts