
Harbinger Of Destruction And Misfortune

Upon opening the Pandora's Box in the year 2056 the earth went through some drastic changes that would change human lives for years to come. Many beings died and many lost everything they had to the calamity that was unleashed by Pandora's box. Mana which was sealed inside the box for tens of thousands of myriad years was released. Unable to handle Mana many humans died and animals and insects turned into giant monsters. The changes did not end there, gates to different dimensional pockets called dungeons got created due to the sudden change in the influx of the world due to mana. Due to the sudden release of high and pure amounts of mana the world caught the attention of the Sovereign races the Celestials and the Demons. The Celestials and the Demons were at constant war as they were the complete opposite of each other. signing a pact between them demons took control of the world After some centuries the mana in the world was exhausted and thus the demons left leaving some lower ranked demons to rule over the world which was killed. Living in a world where survival of the fittest applies A young boy abandoned by his parents and mistreated by everyone wants to climb to the peak of the world so that he cannot be wronged or mistreated by anyone.

oAwqwrd · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch.2- History (2)

Power Levels -

Origin Realm- 1 to 9 abilities unlocked at 1 and 5

Dominion Realm- 1 to 9 abilities unlocked at 1 and 5

Liquifying Realm-1 to 9 abilities unlocked at 1 and 5

Esper Realm-1 to 9 abilities unlocked at 1 and 5

world Realm -1 to 9 abilities unlocked at 1 and 5

Beyonder Realm-1 to 9 abilities unlocked at 1, 5, and 9.

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F grade>E grade>D grade>C grade>B grade>A grade>S grade

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About 20 years after the academy was created the heads of the union along with their subordinates waged war on the Celestial race who were ruling the rest of the planets in the solar system due to the pact with the Demons which had led to their sufferings and pain. Humans built newer spaceships and used some of the remaining ones left behind by the Demons to travel to Mars with the purpose of waging a war. Mars had a few lower-ranked Celestials and many other races as slaves for mining purposes. winning against them wasn't that easy but was possible with the help of the sacrifices of many soldiers. After the victory against The Celestials, the union heads interrogated one of the Celestials and found out that the higher-ranked individuals had extracted useful resources from all planets in the solar system and also used the core of mercury to raise a guardian beast.

After conquering the solar system the humans progressed a lot technologically and also obtained numerous low-tier breathing techniques which helped them breathe pure mana and progress quicker in cultivation. The reason they advanced technologically was because of the celestials who had set up camps with a lot of advanced technology like portals which allowed them to travel from Mercury to Pluto and anywhere between those planets if they had the specific coordinates of that specific place. Holographic devices and spaceships which traveled faster than the speed of light

Humans with the help of these technologies jumped through space to explore the uncharted territories outside the solar system. The exploration period lasted for 50 years before the expeditors came back with the shocking revelation that there were many other species and humans were at the bottom of it. " said the history teacher

The students of the class all looked disinterested in the lecture and were either yawning or were on their Holobands chatting with friends or playing games there was only one person who was paying attention to the boring lecture going on with lifeless eyes- Rian Bolivia

"Oi, you snotty-nosed bastards listen here! This might come in your college entrance exams for the written test next year" as the teacher said this all the disinterested students looked at her with a startled expression. the teacher sneered inside ' always works on these naive Lil pricks' as the students started writing down everything the teacher had written on her digital.

After 10 minutes, the teacher asked "Does anyone have any questions regarding the lecture?"

Rian Dolivio the boy who was paying attention when others weren't asked "when we joined this school the headmaster said that the onyx academy was the greatest academy throughout human history as it had given birth to many great figures who had contributed to the war between humans and demons. and that Just over the last century the academy had nurtured 4 of the 7 heads of the current union the rest being direct disciples of previous union heads who chose to take on a disciple. So that shows how much of a prestigious academy onyx is, Then why are we from a lower-ranked city on the edge of the solar system getting a chance to enroll in the academy located on Earth and how much of a chance do we from an E ranked city in Uranus have to enter the academy"

The teacher's eyes sparked upon hearing the question as she thought about it for a few seconds ' this lad is good at paying attention but if only his ability trait wasn't ranked that low he would be a tiger among men', and said "the union is in dire need of talented children, it aims to nurture the kids with the help of onyx so that the union has more power and can make use of that power to explore more of the uncharted territories outside our solar system"


"Okay, You brats times up! head straight home don't mess around anywhere. Don't want your parents calling the school up and asking about your whereabouts. Am I clear?"



On the way to the locker to get his backpack, Rian bumped into Jason who was waiting for him near the school gate. Jason was a son of a noble with a B grade trait( Noble- a status a person gets when they pass Esper rank ) Rian slowed down his speed and try to avoid eye contact with Jason.

Jason saw that and started laughing while heading toward Rian. He comes near Rian and tells him to meet him at the Pet store on the outskirts of the city near the river. Rian quickly denies him and tries to run away from Jason. Upon noticing the way Rian was acting Jason smirks and whispers in his ears "You don't want your dad to magically lose his job do u?"

Rian gritted his teeth and accepted his invitation without any other option