
Hanma blood in one piece

A boy named Pride who is fan of Yujiro Hanma's strength and also like one piece manga gets reincarnated into the world one piece with some none system based cheats~ With those cheats Pride is determined to stand at the top of the world.

md_rizvi · ファンタジー
16 Chs

CH-5 : First Fight

After handing over me to Rebecca Tsuru stayed for one more hour and chatted with Rebecca.Then she decided to leave for marineford as she has many works to do.

Before leaving she gave me a kiss on my forehead and said good bye to Rebecca and David.

Like this I who was a orphan in my past life got a family.

Time skip~~ (Not a big one)

Sea Calender Year-1500

It's been 7 months since I started living with Rebecca and David.Few day ago I became one year old.Even though I was one year old I looked like two year old which is result of the growth that came from hanma and D bloodline.

I already have the strength of a normal adult.I can already walk and run.Not only that I can also talk very well but I still talk in broken baby language as I don't wan't anyone to know that I was a child with adult soul.

In those 7 months I got very close to Rebecca and David.I now think of Rebecca as my grandma and David as my grandpa.

Rebecca and david were also shocked by my growth as I was many time stronger then a normal child.But that's it they were only shocked nothing else instead they were happy from my healthy growth as they love me very dearly.

Right now Grandma Rebecca and Grandpa David were sitting on the backyard of there house or restaurant which is very big and they were looking at me with a amused smile.As for the reason they were amused was...

I was sitting in the middle of the backyard and was tapping my baby chin with his baby finger like an adult would do and it looked very cute.

I on the other hand didn't notice the amused expression and continued my thinking, "I am already as strong as an adult but I still should not start any excessive training as my body can not keep up with those training.I should still wait for two more years.Then what should I do in this two years"

After thinking for sometime my eyes suddenly lit up as I got an idea about what I should do, "Yes!!that's it.I should run while making the gravity around me ×1.5 times heavy which will not only increase my stamina but will also improve my physic"

Think this Pride started running,after one hour of running he fell on the ground fully exhausted.He did not have any strength left.

Grandma Rebecca came to me and picked me up while asking, "Why is my little Pride running so hard?"

Grandpa David also looked toward me as he also want's to know why?

I replied with broken baby language, "Pride become strong"

Grandma seems to became amused and asked me with a smile, "Ho~,So Pride wants to become strong and why is that?"

I made a wide grin while lifting my hands up in sky and shouting, "Pride Be King of Sea!!"

Rebecca and David pov:

After hearing what pride wants to become Rebecca and David became surprised but then they started to smile as it didn't matter to them what Pride wants to become as long as he was happy with it they will support him.

David rubbed Pride's head and said, "So our little Pride will become King of sea,then after you become the king of sea be sure to take care of your grandpa and grandma"

I just nodded while muttering : "Hmmmm~hmmmm~hmmmm~~ "

Then grandma Rebecca took me and returned to the house while grandpa followed behind.Like that I kept training and also increasing the amount of training little by little.As time passes my strength was also increasing.Rebeccca and David sometimes tried to stop me from doing too much training but they were defeated by my puppy eyes skill and so Two year passed~~~

Sea Calender Year-1502

East blue,Neko island.The island was like a circle and this circle like island was divided into two part.One half of the island is Town where the people lives and the other half is forest where dangerous beast lives.

Right now in the middle of the forest a little boy with short black hair and bright red eyes was looking at a tiger like beast with wide grin and excitement.

The boy was wearing short black pant and white T-shirt.Even though he looke like he was five years old in reality he was only three years old.

The little boy was of course me, Pride!!

One month ago~~

Rebecca : "Happy birthday Pride!!"

David : "Happy birthday"

Pride, "Thank you grandma and grandpa."

Grandma hugged me and said, "Well today is my little Pride's birthday,so is there any wish or any thing that you want?"

Hearing what grandma said I didn't waste anymore time and asked for permission of going to the forest as I really wanted to do myself there, "Grandma-Grandpa can i go to the forest to train and play"

"No" ×2

I made a sad expression trying to convince them, "But why?I already have the strength of more then ten adults,I can look after myself"

but the answer I got was still the same,

"No means no" ×2

like this our argument continued for few minutes but then I used my legendary puppy eye skill and got the permission~

Rebecca, "But you are only allowed to roam the outer area of the forest and you can not go any deeper,Ok?"

I knew that she worried and said, "Ok,Ok~~"

one month after the argument,

Standing outside of the forest I thought, "Sorry grandma~ i really want to fight with some beasts just like Yujiro.So,I will go deeper into the forest."

Saying that I started to walk deeper into the forest and after few minutes a tiger like beast came infront of me.

Back to present-

Looking at the close to two miter tall Tiger like beast I could feel my blood boiling and I let out a wild laugh, "hahahahaha~~ congratulation you will be my first hunt and kill."


Seeing that I was was laughing instead of being scared the Tiger like beast got angry at me and made a slash toward me with it's claw.

I just moved to the side narrowly dodging the claw.The claw landed on ground where I stood before.


After dodging the claw I stomped on the Tiger's pawn with all force and then I jumped up to it's head and caught it's ears and forcefully bought the tigers head to the ground while pulling it's ears.

After that I stomped on the tigers head and jumped up the made a spin and stomped with both legs while using full strength and making the gravity ×3 times heavy to increase the force of my weight so that the stomp could do more damage to the tiger.

When the stomp landed on the tigers back there was a *BANNGG!!!* sound and the tiger fall flat on the ground.

I did not give it anytime to recover and came infront of it's neck and gripped a part of it's neck with my hands then I pulled it with full strength and teared that part of meat from the tigers neck which created a hole on tigers neck but the tiger still didn't die.

I then inserted my right hand into the neck hole and pulled the tigers neck bone with all force and dislocated its neck and finally the tiger died.

I looked toward the tigers dead body and said "Well it seems that i won my first fight in this world"

But the I looked toward my cloths and shouted "Fu*k!! my cloth got stained with blood.Shit!! if grandma learns about this then she will get angry,I need to wash it quickly"

Then I lets out a sigh~~ and started to walk toward the shore of sea as I need to wash my cloths before I return home.