
Hanma blood in one piece

A boy named Pride who is fan of Yujiro Hanma's strength and also like one piece manga gets reincarnated into the world one piece with some none system based cheats~ With those cheats Pride is determined to stand at the top of the world.

md_rizvi · ファンタジー
16 Chs

CH-4 : Meeting New Family

After laughing for few minutes by myself inside my head I calmed down and clicked the YES button on the message screen to accept the gift.

After clicking yes I could feel that my body was getting stronger and I also started to feel very sleepy which seems to be happening because of the power merging process.After 5 minutes I couldn't hold back any more and fell asleep.

After 2 or 3 hours i woke up and felt that my body has become stronger.

"I should be 10 time more stronger then a normal baby and my vision has also been improved" I thought after examining my body.

Thinking this I became very happy.Because I knew that this is just the start I will become more and more stronger as the time passes and doing training will speed up the process.

I was very exited about training as i wanted to become the strongest in this world and I also wanted to become king of sea as I wanted to create my own rule and system.But I knew i can not start training now because I was too small for that.I let out a sigh and stoped thinking about it.....

Then i opened my eyes and looked around and found that i was still in Tsuru's embrace and it seems like we were approaching an island which seems to be the place where my soon to be guardians are liveing.But then I felt something and started crying.

I shouted in smy mind, "WTF!!why do I feel so hungry all of a sudden and why hell am i crying is it because i am a baby?"

Tsuru look at me or i should say the baby who was crying and said to a marine, "Bring some hot milk it seems that the baby is hungry"

Then she attempted to soothe me by gently patting my back and said, "just wait a few minutes little one the milk is coming~~"

After a few of minutes I saw the marine returned with a feeder full of milk and gave it to Tsuru.Tsuru took the the feeder and brought it toward my mouth.It was little embarrassing but I was Immensely hungry to not drink the milk, So I stoped being embarrassed and started drinking.After drinking all the milk from feeder I still did not stop crying as it seems that my hunger wasn't satisfied yet.

Tsuru saw that I was still hungry so she ordered the marine to bring more milk.

The marine continued to bring more and more milk, while I continued to drinking more and more milk.After drinking close to two liter milk my hunger calmed down and I let out a burp.

To which Tsuru made a amused expression while saying, "It seems that you are quite the glutton"

In reply I could only let out a baby like giggle and thought to myself, "It seems that because of hanma and D bloodline I have become a glutton.Not that it's a problem, if I need more food i will just hunt some beast or sea monster for food"

After another 30 minutes we reached the island named Neko island.Tsuru took some of her marine and started to look for Rebecca with me in her embrace.After 15 minutes we where now standing in front of a Restaurant which seems to be owned by Rebecca and her husband David.

Tsuru looked at the restaurant and walked into it,after entering she found that a man was serving everyone food and a woman or to be precise Rebecca was cooking food.

Tsuru walked toward Rebecca with a warm smile and said to her, "Hello,Rebecca.Have you been well? haven't seen you in a while~~do you still

remember this sister of yours?"

Hearing the familiar voice Rebecca stoped working and looked up toward the voice and became surprised when she saw Tsuru warmly smiling at her.

After coming out of her surprise she ran toward Tsuru and hugged her while shouting, "Sister Tsuru!!"

It seems that the relationship between Tsuru and Rebecca was good.After hugging Tsuru for few minutes Rebecca let her go and brought her upstairs of the restaurant where she and david lives.

Then with a excited expression she asked Tsuru, "Sister Tsuru how have you been and why are you here?"

"Well as you can see i am well and i need your help with something." saying this Tsuru looked toward me in her embrace while I was looking around the room with my bright red eyes, which seemed really cute to both of them.

Rebecca also looked toward me with a confused gaze then looked toward Tsuru with a questioning gaze.

Tsuru noticed her gaze and explained everything after hearing the child's story Rebecca became sad and look at Pride and thought, "Poor little child,fate has been cruel to you."

After explaining Tsuru continued, "I want to look after him but as you can see because of the revelation of one piece pirates have become very active and marineford has become very busy and I also have works to do.So i can not look after him,that's why I want you to look after him.Rebecca can you plz look after Pride and rise him like a family"

Rebecca looked at Tsuru and replied with a smile, "Sister Tsuru do you know that because of the Internal injure I could not became a mother and now i am too old to have a child.But it seems that fate is giving me a chance to rise a grandchild"

Then she looked at me with a warm smile stretched her hand and continued to speak, "I would be happy to look after him as my grandchild"

Tsuru sigh in relief and gave Pride to Rebecca.After getting into Rebecca's embrace i was able to get a better view of her.Rebecca looked like she was in her early forties she had brown hair with some white hair and blue eyes which looked very beautiful.

Rebecca warmly smiled at me and said, "Welcome to family Pride~my name is Rebecca and from now on i will be your grandmother"

Looking at Rebecca who was smiling at me warmly and said that she would be my grandma from now on i felt warmth in my heart.So i also let out a baby smile while looking toward Rebecca and thought, "It's not bad to have a family and it seems that I got a good new grandmother"