
Outcast Ayashi

Mizore met with the other friends of Gabriel and Moka, his girlfriend, her eyebrow twitched when Moka presented herself, but she didn't care, at least she will try to be Gabriel's lover or something.

She even cut her hair to make herself more beautiful, which worked with Gabriel, but he wouldn't admit it when Moka was near, or Mizore too, who knows what would happen if she hears it.

Now they were in classroom to see who would become the Class Manager, and Gabriel's desk is broken in two, why?

Because at the blackboard it's written that he would become the Class Manager while Moka would be the Vice Manager. Honestly, he didn't cared if Moka became a Vice Manager, because she doesn't have any problem with it.

When Gabriel became the Class Manager, he broke the desk with his physical strength, making everyone stay silent.

Gabriel: 'Just wait I will devour you… One after another…'

Suddenly, everyone got a shiver in their spine, and stood away from Gabriel who was trying to put holes in everyone's bodies with his glare.


The entire group except Moka was eating something in the cafeteria, there was even Mizore… Even if she was under the table, undiscovered from everyone except Gabriel, whose eye twitched when he found it out.

Kurumu: So you became the Class Manager.

Gabriel: I hoped I wasn't… At least I would give the job to Tsukune… Even if he is weak as a pile of shit.

Tsukune: Hey!

Gabriel: You know it too. 'If you had any trace of Nen I would help you… But you don't have it…'

Everyone laughed at his words, and Moka arrived at the table too.

Moka: Hello guys!

Everyone: Yo/ Hello/ Hi.

Moka: Hey Gabriel, our teacher was looking for you, she said that she has some work for you as a manager.

Gabriel: Fuck me…

While they were talking, a bunch of people were over them, at the roof, watching them, no one of them was familiar with anyone of the group, and they looked menacingly at Gabriel.

Gabriel didn't sensed them because he wasn't worried about any problem and limited his En to 10 meters.

Some time later, he and Moka were taking some documents in the furnace, to burn them, just like Shizuka asked.

Gabriel: Hey Moka… There were many things happening in the previous 4 months…

Moka nodded and was curious about what he meant.

Gabriel: ...Fuck this shit, I'll be direct… Do you want to go in a date? at the weekend?

Moka registered his words and accidentally made fall the documents she was carrying for his bluntness, she started to blush and smiled before she answered.

Moka: Yes!

Then Gabriel crouched to help Moka gather the documents but he stopped, Moka noticed this and asked Gabriel.

Moka: What happened?

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice inside her head.

Inner Moka: It seems that he sensed someone hiding, and it isn't the Snow Woman.

Gabriel: *Sigh* Come out…

Then 3 people stepped out from the trees they were hidden in, one had a bit long hair, that stretched to his neck, and had cat-like eye. Another one had short hair and was wearing an hat. And the third one was a really tall and slim guy.

They didn't talked and immediately rushed towards Gabriel, he seemed as if he didn't moved, and two of them already lost their heads, Gabriel's movements were too fast for everyone except for Inner Moka, who was watching from the rosary.

Only the tall man remained, and he was afraid of Gabriel's tail, which was slowly waving around, Gabriel slowly walked towards the man, and said with a pissed off tone.

Gabriel: You know, I hate when people look down on me… Like you, even if you are afraid of me, I know you are laughing at my size…

The tall man turned around and tried to run, but he immediately lost his head with another swing of Gabriel's tail, Moka was get used from Gabriel's methods, so she just sighed, and picked up the other documents before she and Gabriel burned them and left together.


They were in the Newspaper Club, and Gabriel talked about what happened before for some informations, and Yukari and Kurumu had some things to say.

Yukari: They are the Outcast Ayashi, they are hybrid monsters, so there's a lot of them. In addition, a lot of them like to scheme things, so if you make them your enemies, it's going to be really bad, but with your strength you should be safe.

Gabriel: So they are just a rip off of me?

Moka: Now that I think about it, you said to be a Chimera Ant… Does it mean that your entire species are monstrels?

Gabriel: Yup, but that is what makes us strong, the Chimera Ants have a Queen, the other Chimera Ants give her good nutrients, the stronger they were when they were alive, the stronger will become the Chimera Ant that got out from her eggs.

Yukari: You said there's a queen, but you are a male and said to be the King of them… You are…?!

Gabriel: NO!! I don't have multiple genders! I am 100% Male, I was born with some mutations and one of them was to be able to breed with other species. Now, let's stop talking about how my mating works and let's turn back at the Outcast Ayashi.


Gabriel was at the roof, and was using his En, but there still wasn't a trace of Moka, this morning he waited for Moka, but she didn't came, so he looked at her room in the dorm to see if she was there but no, she wasn't.

Then he looked around the academy but didn't found anyone, it was really strange that Moka would suddenly leave without warning him, other people were at the roof, they were his friends, Gabriel told them about Moka's sudden disappearance, so they helped him search.

Gabriel: Found something?

Tsukune: No… She wasn't anywhere…

Gabriel: Tsk… I need to use it…

Then Gabriel used his full range for En in one instant, and his head was hurting him due to the sudden map of the entire place that appeared in his head, but he didn't found Moka anyway, she wasn't anywhere in the radius of 600 meters.

Gabriel: She isn't in the academy…

Kurumu: How do you know it?

Gabriel: En, it gives me informations of what happened in a certain range, and I checked just now…

Then someone opened the door, it was a dog with a letter in its mouth, it came to Gabriel and gave him the letter, he raised an eyebrow and opened it, then he started to read.

"Gabriel Brace, we kidnapped your girlfriend Moka, come at this building in the map, alone, if you do something that we don't like, we will kill Moka.

Here are the photos of her"

Then Gabriel took out some photos from the letter, and looked.

There was Moka, unconscious, chained in a wooden pole, and was completely wet with water, she even had some bruises in her legs.

Tsukune, Kurumu, Yukari, and Mizore were incredibly worried, but Gabriel stood in his place, looking at the picture, the dog was still there, sitting.

Tsukune: What are you doing Gabriel?! Come with us! We just need to make a plan!

Gabriel didn't answered, but something happened, the dog's higher half of the body disappeared, while the lower half, became a bit humanoid, but still retained the dog's fur.

Yukari: That… That was a monster…

Gabriel: I will go alone…

Kurumu: No! We will go toge-

She was interrupted when a massive killing intent covered the entire roof, Gabriel didn't even held back with his Nen, making his friends fly some meters away, but they didn't tried to get up, they were frozen in fear.

No one in the range of 50 meters couldn't breathe anymore, suffocated from the killing intent.

Gabriel slowly turned towards the direction the place should be, while he turned, his friends saw something horrifying, the killing intent was so strong that it completely covered Gabriel's figure, leaving only a black silhouette instead of Gabriel.

Suddenly, Gabriel disappeared, and the instant later everyone could breathe once again.

Kurumu: What…

Tsukune: He's a real monster…

Meanwhile, Midou, the leader of the plan to kidnap Moka, was suddenly covered in a heavy aura of death, invisible to anyone.


At the world where Gabriel once was, Billy and Marco received a strange letter,,they opened it and read the contents.

"Dear friends,

Hello guys, I'm Gabriel, the guy which you killed with a fucking laxative gone wrong! Now, I want to say that I don't care about what you two did to me, because I'm literally reincarnated in an anime, precisely Rosario+Vampire.

It may sound stupid, but it's fucking real, I'm currently possessing the King of the Chimera Ant's body, you know, from Hunter X Hunter.

If you want the proof for what I said, we got our revenge on that fucker from middle school before we ran away and played somewhere else, then you did the 'Joke'.

From, Gabriel"

Billy/Marco: What the fuck?!

Marco: That son of a bitch!


There were two corpses in an abandoned house, they were dangling from the ceiling, they had a rope in their neck, they were Billy and Marco.

They tried to die so they would reincarnate too, and they were successful, but that will be a story for another fanfiction…



Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

Author's note: Moka will NOT get raped, she was only hurt and chained.

General_Paragoncreators' thoughts