

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Total destruction

Yutso kicked the ground with his foot causing the whole floor to tear open and causing a smokescreen to form everywhere

"Its begun"

Oldman was on his guard sensing where Yutso was gonna come from since he was clearly gonna launch a suprise attack amongst the whole smokescreen.


Whole blocks of stone began being shot at him with high speed one after another from his front.

He dodged towards his left and felt another load of blocks coming towards him which he also dodged to feel the blocks coming from all four directions towards him at high speed

"Where are you,boy?"

He closed his eyes for a second detaching himself from the outside while using his five senses to find Yutso as quickly as he could.

The soundwaves came back to his ears again and again and again but he did not sense his presence anywhere.

Suddenly,he felt one of the soundwaves coming back oddly and its origin was infront of him.

He shot infront of him with the speed of light destroying the incoming blocks of stone at him while the ones behind him collapsed with each other causing debris to fall all over the place.

He destroyed one block after another until he felt they had started to decrease in number.

"He is close,he is close"

He could sense him closing in.

But Yutso could also sense the oldman closing in and he wasn't worried about it in the slightest.

The last block was destroyed and there Yutso was infront of the oldman but he wasn't even worried.

He looked at his right hand to see his fist curled in the same pattern as his at that moment; The Zeus Technique.

Oldman quickly tried to change his fist to fusion two technique but it was too late.

Yutso was already infront of him ready to deal him the deadly blow with his fist.

The fists clashed causing the floor of the hallway to explode again and waves went through the hallway while both of them put everything into their fists while their screams went through the hallway.

Sugo and Getsugo fell on their backs due to the impact caused by the fists colliding with each other while the whole hallway was about to explode.

"They are almost an equal match" Sugo spoke

"They are?"Getsugo asked.

"Yutso can definitely kill him but thing is we can't be too sure so at one point there will be an opening and when that opening is there we will utilize it"

Meanwhile an explosion occurred at the battle site and both of the fighters fell back towards their directions.

Sugo ran towards Yutso who had just been thrown towards the wall near him.

His right arm had been blown off.

"Yutso let us handle the rest"

Sugo told him while looking at his arm but Yutso just smiled and lifted his left arm pointing towards the oldman lying on the other end.

Sugo turned to look towards the plasma who had raised himself up off the ground

Not only Yutso but oldman had also lost his arm and for him it was his left hand.

"Its my battle so I'll finish it"

Yutso walked past Sugo and Getsugo towards the oldman.

"Lets end this once and for all,shouldn't we?"

Both of them thought to themselves.

This time oldman took the initiative and appeared infront of Yutso with both engaging in fist fight with each other along with their legs.

"You are good you know that?" the oldman remarked.

"So are you:you really put a huge resistance even at your old age I can't imagine how strong you were at your prime"

Oldman took him by his collar

"Trust me you don't wanna know"

And threw him towards the wall causing him to vomit blood the moment he touched the wall.

"Well,is that all?"

The oldman asked while walking towards him indicating he was going to end the battle once and for all.

Yutso stoodup from the ground cleaning the blood from his mouth.

"No,it isn't"

Sugo and Getsugo looked surprised at Yutso.

They never knew he was this strong.

He had already taken a blow before in his stomach and had already lost an arm against the infamous Zeus technique user yet he stood tall ready to fight again.

Before they knew,old man and Yutso were again engaged in a fist fight fighting each other even faster than before.

The whole ground shook the moment their fists collided with each other.

Yutso finally saw his opportunity again.

Betting all his chances on this strike,he curled his fist and concentrated all his energy into it aiming for the oldmans heart but instead he was met with another blow and this time towards his heart.


It was a miracle he had managed to done it but now both he and the oldman were drained of nein altogether.

Suddenly,he feel another piercing in his chest and this time it went through his chest.

"You had another one ready?"

He asked the oldman surprised while he looked at his wound


He didn't understand.

"But how?I made sure you used it three times..."

Oldman chuckled.

"Earlier when you came towards me I didn't have the time to use it two times in a row so I just feinted it at that time"

Realization hit Yutso;he had been fooled.

"That's why I had another one in store"

Oldman took his hand out of Yutso's chest.

He had not exactly managed to pierce his heart but he was going to be dead in a while.

"Why do you look sad?"

Oldman looked at him smiling.


He did not understand his question;he was confused.

"Jin Yutso,are you son of Jin Kazuka by any chance?"

Yutso was surprised;how did oldman recognize his father?

"You are probably wondering how I know you are Jin Kazaka's son right?Well,you fight just like him and I'd say almost even at the same level as him"

He looked up at him surprised;this was what he had always hoped for to be told he was as as strong like his father was but was always demeaned.

"You are probably the second strongest person I've met in the last fifteen years so be proud,be happy not everyone gets to say they chopped off the Greeks God's arm,do they?"

Yutso had no words.

"Thank You"

Oldman started to walk away from him now towards where Sugo and Getsugo stood.

Yutso was dead.

Oldman took off the upper portion off his robe and threw it to the side while walking towards Sugo and Getsugo.

"Well now its your guys turn isn't it?"