

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Race against time

Sugo and Getsugo had been dodging the oldman for the past ten minutes without managing to find an opening and on top of that without a break

He was flashing infront of them after every 5 to every 10 seconds not even giving them enough time to coordinate their attacks

They had already been exhausted been from their previous battle with Kuro which needless to say took a lot of effort and strength.

"Dammit Sugo,we're not gonna survive too long if this keeps going on"

Getsuo looked at Sugo in the 2 second time interval they had before the oldman attacked them again.

They were both fighting him side by side trying to find an opening and yet nothing

Sugo was punched hard in the stomach and thrown off his feet while Getsugo was caught off guard and kicked in his face

Both of them were reeling on the ground.

Sugo touched his stomach with right hand to check if there was any wound;if not for the concentration of immense nein in the stomach area there would be a hole down there.

He looked over at Getsugo to see the left side of his face bleeding more specifically his left eye bleeding.

It was gone.

"Fuck this oldman,he is playing with us"

He stood up and lend his hand to Getsugo helping him up while the oldman was walking towards them.

"So should we end it than?I have to get Akimitsu too afterwards"

Getsugo and Sugo got into position again but just before they were about to move he vomited blood on the floor.

He looked at his hand filled with blood running down it.

"You sure your upto it,Sugo?"

Getsugo asked in a sarcastic tone while Sugo looked at him

"Listen we only got one shot at this but I know one thing I'd rather die with pride fighting rather than crawling on the floor like a maggot"

Sugo nodded in approval.

"Are you two done planning?"

The oldman shot from afar

"Rest assured I can't hear what you are saying-"

Sugo and Getsugo were around him Sugo at his feet and Getsugo at his right arm attempting to cut both off

Sugo slashed his left foot rendering him defenseless for a moment but thats all it was while he was kicked by the oldman into the ceiling while Getsugo got himself thrown into the corner of the hallway

"You think a slash like this can render me useless-"

Blood sprayed from his left leg while he sensed Sugo jumping down from the ceiling

"Iam gonna finish this once and for all"

Waving his hand in the air his sword appeared in it out of nowhere and he threw it towards Sugo with the speed of light

Whole hallway sounded like an aeroplane with the ground literally shaking with the sound of the strike

"Feel the wrath of gods"

Sugo didn't even see the sword coming;the moment the oldman threw it he knew he had to do it

He snapped his fingers thus rendering time ineffective;he had 15 seconds before he could do it again

And he was grateful to god he had done it on time:the sword was almost 5 inches away fron piercing his skull

He had evaded death time and time again but not like this;he was scared this time but that was not gonna stop him

He went towards the oldman with all his nein concentrated in his sword

The oldman had no look of surprise or had been caught off guard but he was impressed

"You stupid kid"

He waved his sword towards himself causing the sword to change directions

"Well thats how it is kid this is how it ends'

At that moment he was suddenly alarmed

"What's happening?"

He looked at his back seeing Getsugo right behind him

"What?How did I not ever notice him??"

He raised his leg to kick him but time had turned all slow

"But why?It shouldn't be this sulow?Surely only one of them is using it-"

Thats when he realized both of them were using time control at the same time

He looked infront of him too see Sugo almost about to pierce him

Sugo's eyes were blood red with strain:

you could only use time control once in 15 seconds and he had done it twice.

Sugo also knew the oldman's sword was almost right behind him

It was a race against time


The voice rang through the hallway and both Sugo and Getsugo recognized it

It was Akimitsu covered in blood barely standing on his feet

"Was it Hagetaka or Akimitsu?"

They both asked themselves that question but it was not important right now


He was pointing towards back of the oldman but that was no cry for help;he was telling him something good

It only took Sugo a moment to realize Akimitsu wasn't pointing towards Getsugo but rather the man behind him

He was pointing towards the man behind Getsugo who had jumped at him with his sword aiming directly for his heart

It was Akiba;about to pierce Getsugo's heart

alright so ive made a few minor changes in the story Akimitsu was taken away by Akane not left in the hallway and yh next chapter tmrw

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts