

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · ファンタジー
39 Chs


"Time for you to die",Shu held his sword above Akimitsu.He was about to shove it into Akimitsu's heart but then there was a blast from Akimitsu's body.

"What the_this isn't gonna push me away you fool",this time the surge of power was greater than before.

Both the Yuan brothers jumped farther away from Akimitsu's body and started looking at what happened.

Akimitsu's body stood in the air,like it was a puppet and there was a blast.Purple flames started emitting from his body.

"What the hell is that purple flame,Shao?",asked Shu.

"I have no idea!But the power is terrifying.No way,his",he was looking at Akimitsu with a stunned face,unable to believe what he was seeing.

"His whole body has healed.How can that be?"

"There's no doubt",they looked back at the third person with them who had been quiet all along.

"It's a demons power.Ordinary or support,I don't know".

"Devil or not,I'm gonna kill him right now".Shu was just about to attack when Shao stopped him.

Suddenly,the atmosphere around them changed,it became chilly...and scary.

The purple flames had disappeared,now it was all smoke

A figure could be seen amongst the smoke.

The figure from the smoke started to move forward.

When he came out of the smoke,it was not the boy they had been beating a few minutes ago.

They looked at his face,his hair was completely white.His skin had turned some white colour.Both of his eyes were glowing whole red and there was devilish grin on his face.

Meanwhile,Sora was looking in the barrier not with amusement but with fear.It seemed as if he was gonna die right there.

Ahihito was trying to process what had happened.

"Akimitsu transformed and Sora got scared",he thought.

"Lift the barrier or those three are dead",Sora ordered the one near him.

"But he_"

"Just do as I say",Sora shouted back as if he's life was on the line.

"It's no use Sora",a shrill voice filled with amusement spoke.Sora stared at the person with fear evident on his face.

"Scared,are you right now."

"You were gonna kill me,weren't you?You humans!You think you are clever.There are dozens of ways of hijacking a barrier.So now its under my control,Sora".

He looked towards the Yuan brothers.

"Amazing,what power!How did he manage to",Sora could hear the murmurs of his fellow members.

Indeed he was amazed himself.

So this is the power Subaru San was talking about.

"For now lets see how the battle goes".

He looked forward to the battle which was about to begin.

Hey guys.I hope you enjoyed this chapter.Sorry for updating after a really long time.I will be posting next chp after like 2 weeks so keep reading and drop sm comments.thanks

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts