
Hadrian Peverell in Twilight

Harry Potter after the war became the Master Of Death,but through this he finds the deception of his so called friends and even the whole of wizarding Britain turns on him calling him a Dark feeling tired of the world he asks Death to take him away from this world.Thus he ends up in the Twilight world

Just_for_fun1997 · 映画
89 Chs

Chapter 45

After the accident Bella was taken to a hospital by the Edward,both Billy and Hadrian followed him.Charlie even if his relationship with Bella was strained didn't mean he was not worried about his daughter.While Sue tried to calm him down telling him she is okay and safe,but Charlie was still worried.

In the treatment area the double doors burst open as Charlie runs in, face slightly with Hadrian,Billy and Sue following him.Bella was sitting on a gurney, the E.R. Doctor looking into her eyes with a pen light. On the next gurney over, Tyler, the van's driver, lies with a mild head wound.Charlie walks up next to him.

Charlie with slight worry asked" Bella. Are you alright?"

Bella sighed and replied"I'm fine, dad. Calm down."

Hadrian frowned and said"You almost got into very serious accident and could have lost your life saying your Dad to calm down won't work."

Tyler who was in a bed next to her spoke up" I'm so sorry, Bella. I tried to stop."

Bella with a slight forced smile cut in"It's okay, Tyler."

Charlie with anger and annoyance yelled"It sure as hell is not okay."

Bella tried to calm her father down saying"Dad, it's not his fault."

Charlie with stern tone, cutting her off"Like Hadrian said we nearly lost you."

Bella with soft tone said"But you didn't."

Sue added"Your father was worried,when he got the call about the accident."

Charlie awkwardly hugged her,both of them knew their relationship was not that great and Charlie glares at Tyler and said" You can kiss your license goodbye."

DR. Cullen enters the room saying" I heard the Chief's daughter was here." All for them look up as DR. Carlisle cullen, mid 30's, approaches, blond, movie star handsome. His face is kind, but pale, tired.

Charlie nodded and said"Good. Dr. Cullen."

DR. Cullen to E.R. Doctor said" I've got this one, Jackie." The E.R. Doctor hands Dr. Cullen the chart, exits. Dr. Cullen reviews her chart, then feels the back of her head and said" You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion."

Tyler still worried spoke up" I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really" Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between them.

Bella added thoughts" It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way."

Charlie confused looking at Carlisle asked"Edward? Your boy?"

Dr. Cullen quickly looks back at the chart from the looks Hadrian, Billy and Sue where giving him.

Bella didn't notice Hadrian or Billy expression,but she picked up Carlisle's and her intuition flickers, sensing he knows something. She presses adding"It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me."

Hadrian hummed and thought"She picked upon that,she is definitely got somethings from Charlie."but he would later learn that these so called intuition's of her only seem work on Edward or anything connected to Edward.

As the Girl would turn out to be an idiot and she was also dense as a brick.

Dr. Cullen smiles and said"As long as you're safe."

As Carlisle was walking away Billy and Hadrian was next to him whispered"We have to talk about your son."

Carlisle looked at Hadrian with worry as Hadrian spoke up"Don't worry nothing will happen to him or your family.Just want to warn the boy,about pulling this type of heroic moves Again.Since it won't be long before security camera's are placed even in these small towns.Also we have to talk about his and Bella's connection."

Carlisle eyes widened,he had guessed there was chance that Bella was not only Edwards blood singer,but mate too.