
HA\LF: Dead nor Alive

There was no warning and it took them by surprise when the meteorite hit the earth. They thought they were doomed, but they managed to survive the apocalypse. They lost billions of lives because of that incident, and it took them decades to be able to stand on their own feet, but when they thought that they were fine, they were wrong. They found out that the meteorite brought something with it, they discovered a species and they called them Extrateressterial Parasite. It devoured and consumed anything that was alive, and they realized that the apocalypse was just the beginning of their suffering. After centuries of trying to survive, Archie Lancaster the one who believed the end of humankind could be changed decided to do his best and tried to become one of those people that prevented humankind from extinction. His path wasn't easy nor peaceful, nothing could be described what kind of experiences he had been through.

Iqfauli · ファンタジー
188 Chs

Clash between the Chosen. (4)

"You're not only turning your body into a parasite but your brain as well, huh?" The Adam asked as he chuckled mockingly while staring at Archie who was still chewing the parasite's flesh in his mouth.

Archie swallowed the flesh down to his throat and The Adam could see the bulging in Archie's throat. They both were staring at each other for quite a while and suddenly The Adam's confidence disappeared after realizing nothing happened to Archie and his clone couldn't control Archie's body.

"It can't be! How?!" The Adam stared at Archie with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

Ever since he turned himself into a parasite form, he had been feeling burning hot inside his chest and up to his throat. He didn't know why but his instinct told him to eat something to reduce the burning feeling inside of him.