
chapter 49

Tai looks back at the ape creature, it was hairless, with large blood red veins covering it's whole body and had to be a good 12 ft tall.

Wei looks at what Tai was looking at, his face paled a little when seeing it, he tightens his hands on his swords.

" blood Apes !! Elvenia set up a barrier formation quickly, we'll watch you and get their attention on us" Wei said while pulling two large shields, that are almost as long as Tai. He slams one in the ground in front of Elvenia, then hands one to me and I glance at Elvenia.

I slam it in the ground behind her then pull out the small one that attaches to my forearm to allow both my hands freedom.

Elvenia looks at the shield and shakes her head, she was about to pull the shield up. I grab her hand, I lean in kissing her quickly and then I take my fighting stance again.

" no babe you need to get that formation up, watch your surroundings, do not let them close to you and remember they control their blood as weapons." Tai said

Shae shadow jumps bringing herself closer to their camp, the apes start throwing projectiles of blood that look like spears at them, Wei spins one of the swords on the chain using a wind spell breaking apart six of the 15 blood spears. Tai uses her roaring flame against the others and it boils the blood away to nothing, wei looks at Tai and his eyes are like saucers.

The apes are not going to give them time to talk or think, Tai sees Shae and the woman nods her head at her and throws two daggers hitting one ape in the chest piercing its heart, while the other ape tried to dodge and the dagger missed its heart, but lands in its shoulder. The daggers come back to Shae, thirteen Apes charge in from the front and eight charge in from the back.

" I'll keep the ones off our backs, while you and your new friend take the ones at the front" Wei said earning an eye roll from Shae, she shadow jumped beside Tai and in front of Elvenia.

" I'll have it up in two minutes" Elvenia said while Tai runs forward meeting the Apes halfway, she slashes at the two closet to her, a horizontal slash across ones neck and a vertical slash on the other cutting it down the middle. Tai continues forward to the next apes, the ones that she came across first, ones head fell off, while the other ones body fell to the ground in two pieces.

Shae threw her daggers then pulls out her bow gun firing short black arrows hitting four apes in chest, even if she missed the heart the black magic will kill them. When she sees her daggers coming back after slicing two of the apes necks, she fires the two arrows that is left in her bow gun. Hitting one in its throat and another in its head, she catches her daggers and noticed two apes that got passed the man. Shae shadow jumps beside each Ape burying her dagger in their hearts and then helps the man with the apes.

Tai comes to a top in front of the ones remaining, she screams out [ dragonic roar] a piercing roar comes from her mouth and the apes grab their heads and after a couple minutes they beat their heads against the ground and trees killing themselves.

The roar affected the other apes causing them to stop their attacks, Shae helps Wei walk back into camp and the Barrier goes up.

" shit I-I dont know if I done it right" Elvenia said

Wei watched the other apes go back up into the tree tops, when Shae tried to shadow jump out of the barrier next To Tai, the barrier stopped her.

" no we can't get out and Tai can't get in" Wei said looking at the runes that Elvenia used, Wei sighed while drinking a healing potion to save his energy.

" Tai you'll have to set up your own barrier, this one won't be down for a few hours and even your friend is stuck here. I guess we'll get to know one another, just come back over here" Wei said while patting Elvenia on her shoulder, they all look at Tais back and then at one another.

" Babe come over here, I'm sorry I messed up I couldn't pay attention while watching you" Elvenia said moving to the end of the barrier, Tai stood there amongst the dead apes bodies.

They didnt notice any change around her or the bodies, until Shae noticed the tiny black tendrils that were coming from Tai entering all of the dead apes around her. Shae seen them trailing around the barrier stabbing into the dead apes behind them, Wei followed Shaes eyes seeing the same thing she was.