
Chapter 50

An ominous pressure surrounded the area, Tai stood there in her demon form, but she wasnt herself. A large gaping hole was through her gut, one of the apes got a lucky shot off.

The tentacles were slowly feeding on the apes blood and flesh, her wound was slowly healing.

They looked at Tais back, the demon was looking at her hands and her mannerisms were not like her. Wei was trying to break the barrier, while keeping his eyes on Tai, Shae kept trying to use her shadow ability.

Elvenia kept talking to Tai, they seen her raise her hand to the tree tops several feet away from her and a loud popping noise was heard, a shower of blood rained down on top of the barrier and her. A few apes body parts fell right after, Elvenias eyes went large at the sight and then all the blood that fell down started pulling toward Tai. The blood started climbing up her legs like a living creature, covering her body like armor and then the fluidly substance hardened on her.

A helmet with only two slits for the eyes covered her head, just then she turned looking at the group inside the barrier.

" Tai !! please come to us, please" Elvenia said while her hand laid flat against the barrier, she tilted her head to the side and shot out three spears hitting the barrier where they stood.

The barrier shook violently, the three of them stood there surprised about the attack and if they wasnt in the barrier, they all three would of died. They wouldn't even be able to dodge or block that attack, it almost brought the barrier down and wei started quickly drawing runes to strengthen the barrier

Red and black wisps of smoke surrounded Tai as she walked closer to them, Wei slapped the ground where he drew the runes and a green light flashed around them. Vines started to grow around the barrier making a cocoon, there was still gaps that they could see through.

" Wei what's wrong with her, s-she attacked us, what do we do now and how are we going to get to her" Elvenia said while staring at her mate.

Wei sighs rubbing the back of his neck, he watched his niece standing their staring at them. She shot three more blood spears at the barrier, breaking away three large chunks of vines from where they hit.

" she is stronger than I knew and it's best to stay here until her mind comes back" Wei said while glancing over to Shae, she never took her eyes off of Tai and held her daggers up in a defensive stance. Wei seen how pale the woman got, he also can feel the fear radiating off of her.

Tai stood there for ten minutes staring at them, suddenly she makes a large broad sword out of blood and just like the armor the sword hardened too. They watch a blur come straight at them, a large explosion was made when her sword hit the top of the barrier and all the vines crumbled down around them. Wei quickly uses his earth magic building rock walls around the barrier, he leaves open spaces for them to look out of.

" Well I'm bored" Tai said in a monotone voice that was void of any emotion and walked around the barrier, swinging her sword in one hand and whistling.

Then suddenly she stops, then sniffs the air and darts off running toward the east and then takes flight in the air.

" why'd she leave" Elvenia said while staring at Wei, Shae grips her daggers tightly and tries the communication jade.

Wei drops the rock wall around them and three Dark Elves are standing in front of them, Elvenia gasped when she seen them.

" wow she's beautiful" Elvenia said when Wei pulls her away from Shae and puts her behind him.

" judging by your robes, I'm guessing your a priestess and I guess we have one of yours in our care" Wei said while raising his weapon in a attacking stance, Shae lowers her head then slides her daggers behind her waist.

" Actually you are in her care, we are not here to bicker and you'll have to stay inside this barrier longer" The priestess said waving her hand a black wisp of smoke circles around the barrier and strengthening it.

" Shae your brother already left the area so do not worry about him, what has happened with Tai" the priestess said while furrowing her brows. Wei looks at the crown on the Womans head, it kept wriggling around and its made from the demon tree.

Most people go crazy with a single scratch from one of its thorns, the ones who are strong use this to become stronger, if their souls and minds can take it that is.

" my name is Fina I am friends with Lillian and I know Tai as well, you both mean a great deal to Tai. Shae will remain with you all throughout your journey and another will join you soon, I cannot interfere with what Tai is going against. I will find out what is wrong with her, that new ability seems very powerful and can also take a toll on her." Fina said while walking away from them to a spot where Tai stood when she started acting funny, Fina bends down dragging her finger through a puddle of blood.

She then smells the blood, then licks it from her finger and her eyes go wide. She shakes her head and wails out sobbing as tears run down her cheeks, the other elves run to her and grabs both other arms.

With a flick of her wrists the two large men fly into the nearby trees, she falls to her knees and pounds into her chest.

" stupid ! stupid ! My actions has changed her, why did she have to kiss me and why didn't I notice that the thorn scratched her !!!" Fina screams.

" who are you talking about" Elvenia said while looking at the puddle of blood, the puddle of blood was large a normal being would of died of such loss of blood. Shae puts her hand up to quite Elvenia, she shakes her head no and looks back at Fina, she knows who Fina is talking about.