

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · セレブリティ
37 Chs

23: Humiliation *18+*

"I hope somebody 'accidently' murders the most important person to you too." Yoongi read the letter Jimin wrote onto the napcin. "You've landed yourself a Jake pot with that boy, cute and feisty." He chuckled with a grin.

"I'm sorry about him, he's been through a lot recently and just needs a bit of time before he turns into himself again." Hoseok tried to defend Jimin still standing at the door now completely alone with Yoongi.

"They say a man's true colours will reveal itself when he's at his weakest, in due time I think he'll go back to pleasing everyone. Not who he truly is." Yoongi said pointing at one of the chairs, Hoseok followed instructions and sat down, business face booming.

"I take offense to that Suga-ssi, with all due respect you don't know him. I don't think you have a right to say that."

"Oh, I'm not trying to insult him, I just simply meant that you shouldn't assume he's acting out of character. He might just be scared."

"Yea, he's scared. We all are, that doesn't mean you get to to dis him like that."

"I'm not insulting him."

"Yes you are."

"Listen, I just meant that all omegas are the same. They pretend to be happy and do everything they're told but when they feel threatened they get feisty, rude, dmanding."

"He's feisty rude and demanding nonetheless, he just lost someone he loves an hour ago. You could really have been more understanding."

"I'm sorry, I really am. And I'm not trying to assume his personality," Yoongi said then noticed the discomfort in Hoseok's face and decided it's be best to change the subject, "Sigh, fine. I said I was sorry, now, let's talk business. Like I said, tomorrow we'll take you back to mainland. But for now, let's bandage those and get a good night's rest." Yoongi said pointing at the cut Jimin had made when he turned into a suicide bomber.

"Yes, thank you." Hoseok said, bowed his head then got up to leave.

"Before you go, is there something I need to know before sending you back mainland?" Yoongi asked sensing something was off.

Hoseok was hesitant but decided to let Yoongi know, he thought that he might understand. But yoongi was one out of five of the most dangerous mafia bosses in all of Eurasia. So he had to be careful of what he let on.

"Me and the others came to Hawaii as a vacation, that is what we told our parents and family. We really came here to try and fake our own deaths so we could escape our mafia positions. If it wouldn't be too much to ask would you consider giving us a boat and some supplies then pretend you got annoyed and killed us? It wouldn't be too hard to believe."

"Mm," Yoongi hummed questioningly, after a few seconds of silence he started to talk again, "I have a better idea."

"Oh god this is gonna hurt." Hoseok thought to himself regretting his whole life divisions, he thought that Yoongi would rat him out to his family.

"You work with us, out of gratitude for saving you off the island. Make it public to the underworld and make sure everyone knows you are part of The Min clan. In a few months you can leave without consequence, even if you're spotted you're completely fine because you left legally." Yoongi's idea stunned Hoseok, he was expecting to die. But this was really smart.

"What exactly will we be doing when we 'work' for you?"

"Basic stuff, a little bit here, a little bit there. Anything I need you for, I'm sure you won't have a problem with killing will you?"

"No.... I'll need to talk to my friends about it."

"Of course, I'll give you two days to decide. Any longer then that will look suspicious."

"Thank you, Suga-ssi." Hoseok said then opened to leave and find Taehyung and Jimin.

(With namjoon and Taehyung)

"You have a death wish doing that to me." Namjoon said following Taehyung who was looking for Jimin, "Why are you walking like that RM?" Some random dude asked, namjoon was about to lie but Taehyung told the truth first.

"I kicked him in the dick because he thought he could touch me."

"Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!" Pretty much everyone updeck exclaimed, in return Namjoon got cocky and threw his arm over Taehyung's shoulder. "I'm not afraid of you." He said thinking Taehyung wouldn't humiliate him in front of his crew, Taehyung of course put him in his place nonetheless of humiliation.

"You should be." Taehyung turned around swiftly kicking him harder then the first time, namjoon once again fell to the ground as everyone started laughing at him.

"You bitch...." Namjoon grabbed onto Taehyung's arm plainly to keep himself from falling over again, "Mm, I wonder what's actually hurting? There doesn't seem to be anything there." Taehyung said casually pulling his arm away.

"I'm a fucking alpha you cocky bitch!" Namjoon exclaimed feeling all the eyes on them, "Well, of course IM cocky. I'm just not sure about you." You should probably stop Taehyung.

"Ahhhh, I think you broke something." Namjoon complained falling onto his back this time purposely while massaging his member.

Nothing was actually broken or even cracked, it just hurt like a bitch. And he's never been told no, especially not in this way. So he's not used to the pain of humiliation either.

(That night)

Hoseok had talked everything out with Taehyung and Jimin about staying there, Jimin put up a bit of a fight but eventually he admitted that leaving the mafia life legally was a lot better option then trying to die.

"Knock knock." Jimin heard a knock on his door, he hesitated opening recognising the voice. But hearing him say, "Hey, let me in." In the sweetest voice imaginable, he opened the door.

"What do you want?" Jimin asked somewhat coldly staring straight into Yoongi's eyes, "I want to apologize."

Yoongi pushed past Jimin who was trying not to let him inside, "I think you've said enough." Jimin rolled his eyes closing the door.

"Nope," Yoongi said with a smirk laying down on the bed, Jimin just stood at the edge of the bed arms crossed, "Look, I didn't know that he was important to you. I'll be more sensitive I promise." Yoongi explained and was about to touch Jimin's arm but when Jimin flinched away grabbing his stomach protectively he backed off.

"Please don't touch me." Jimin asked turning away from him, "You're pregnant?" Yoongi asked, he knew what a pregnant omega looked like. Protecting their bellies, not allowing any one other then their alpha to touch them. It was obvious.

Jimin swung around to look at him completely shocked thinking Hoseok told him, "It's not Jhope's is it?" Yoongi asked remembering that Hoseok wasn't allowed to touch him earlier, that could only mean that Hoseok wasn't Jimin's owner.

Instead of answering all Jimin could do was shed tears shaking his head no, "My baby is never going to know it's father...." Jimin almost whispered dropping onto his knees.

Yoongi hesitantly started rubbing Jimin's back comfortingly, or, he thought it would be comfy. Truth be told he has no idea how to comfort anyone, never mind someone he barely knows.

"Gigi, I know this is a hard time for you. But I need you to moan for me."

"What the fuck?!" Jimin almost shouted jumping away from him, "No no, just hear me out!"

"No!" Jimin tried to walk out the door but Yoongi grabbed him and pinned him onto the bed, "If youre going to stay here for a long time you need protection, Hoseok has his reputation but he's got no authority here. So if someone decides they want you Hoseok won't be able to stop them, I want you to pretend that I raped you today and in a few days you're pregnant with my child. I'll get Hoseok to publicly breakup with you and then I'll claim you as my own, then no one would dare to touch you." Yoongi explained not allowing Jimin to move even after he stopped fighting.

"I can't.... I just want my Jungkookie..." Jimin cried not making an effort to move, he let himself melt underneath Yoongi's body.

"It's the only way I can insure your safety, you're the only omega on a ship full of horny men. Not many are alphas so they can't smell you, but they would still do anything to get laid. If not for yourself do it for the safety of Jungkook's baby."

".... I cant-...." Jimin tried to say no again but Yoongi harshly grabbed his pants and ripped them down, "If you won't do it willingly I'll make you scream in real life."

He really didn't want to hurt Jimin, he just wanted to make sure he was safe. If he has to have sex with a complete stranger to do so, then let it be that way.

"No, no!" Jimin begged completely helpless, "I'm sorry." Yoongi said removing Jimin's loose uniform pants.

"Ah-gasp!" Jimin inhaled his moans and pressed his face deep into the sheets enabling himself to scream for help from Hoseok or Taehyung while Yoongi inserted his member.

He really doesn't mean to hurt Jimin, he really didn't. But he was raised that sex solves everything, and this would solve everything. If only he had realized how much he was hurting Jimin in the present.

"Shh, it's okey." Yoongi tried to comfort him stroking his neck with his index finger, very, very, slowly he started moving.

The pleasure overtook Jimin's body and he was unable to resist anymore, he was still a horny omega. And pregnant too, you ever been pregnant? It's fucking horny for literally no reason.

"M-my sto-ah-mach, mm!" Jimin tried his hardest to fight Yoongi so he could turn onto his back again, "P-ple-please, my stomach. Please turn me aroun-ah~" Jimin begged once he gave up, he really didn't want to stay on his belly. It was suddenly so uncomfortable.

"Fine." Yoongi said allowing Jimin to turn around, he turned onto his back and lifted up his legs for Yoongi and once he did Yoongi grabbed a hold of them started thrusting again.

Yoongi tried his upmost best not to make this romantic but somehow failed grabbing Jimin's hands to interwine them with his, he started gently kissing the crook of Jimin's neck and got a teeny tiny bit rougher in order to make hickeys.

By now the whole crew new someone was being fucked but Taehyung and Hoseok didn't realize it was Jimin and just thought it was some asshole.

"I'm done, I'm done. You don't have to worry, I promise I won't do it again." Yoongi said after he felt himself cum inside of Jimin, he pulled out ever so gently and allowed Jimin to get off of him. They were in missionary and Jimin's legs barely worked so it took some effort.

"Are you okey? I'm done now, I promise I won't do it again, okey?" Yoongi asked rubbing Jimin gently trying to make it better.

"Ah..." Jimin whined unable to stop his legs from shaking, hearing someone approach the door Yoongi was quick to get into Jimin's butt again.

"You said you'd stop!" Jimin almost raised his voice feeling his body being yanked upward and fucked harshly once again, and once again he moaned loudly.

Causing the door to slam open and Hoseok to rush inside. "Jimin!" He yelled yanking Jimin's body to his, he immediately went to attack Yoongi unfortunately allowing Jimin to fall off of the bed.

He couldn't do much and and just laid there while cumming. Taehyung rushed to help him while Hoseok was forcing Yoongi's body against the wall. Nasty head injury, at least it's been made public now.

Taehyung immediately covered Jimin's fragile body with a blanket while Hoseok smashed Yoongi's head against the side of the built in night stand. Luckily Namjoon came running to the rescue when he heard the familiar pain filled groans he knew all to well.

Yoongi didn't even have time to defend himself before he hit his head so hard that his body went into shock, Namjoon luckily came to his rescue before Hoseok could actually kill him and even luckier he became more preoccupied with Jimin then continuing to murder Yoongi.

"Get a nurse!" Namjoon shouted hysterically holding Yoongi's almost dead body in his arms, he grabbed Yoongi's pants from beside him to get him dressed while some other crew mates came to see what happened.

"Are you okey? What happened?" Hoseok asked somewhat sweetly while Taehyung held him protectively, Hoseok cupped Jimin's cheeks while he couldn't care less about Yoongi. Jimin however kept trying to get to him and see if he was okey.

"What did you do?!!" Namjoon yelled at Hoseok holding Yoongi, his head was bleeding excessively and he couldn't move at all. He was still conscious and aware of everything around him but he couldn't move or talk, he was groaning and moaning at the pain and his eyes were open and looking straight at Namjoon.

The most painful thing of everything was seeing Namjoon start to tear up with worry, soon the boat doctor came he had to take Yoongi away from Namjoon. Yoongi could hear Namjoon shout, "FUCK." Slamming his fist into the wall, Yoongi couldn't take his eyes off of Namjoon shaking in fear trying his absolute hardest not hurt Hoseok for this.

He was no idiot and could tell Hoseok was only trying to protect his omega and couldn't blame him for that, but that didn't stop him from being scared to death and so angry.

"Nam....joon...." Yoongi managed to mumble and Namjoon immediately went to him laying on the bed to hold his hand, "I'm here, I'm here Suga hyung..." He placed a soft kiss onto Yoongi's hand with his own shaking from anxiety.

"Wow, I thought we had the best of the best leading us." I crew mate said, "Seonjun, could you go get an extra emergency kit for me?" Namjoon asked the same guard who's ass he assaulted earlier, "It's that bad?" Someone asked staring from the door.

"No, it's just that Jingoo's death wish is about to come true." Namjoon threatened getting up from kneeling to the ground, but Yoongi squeezed his hand so he wouldn't be able to let go. Namjoon took the hint and very passive aggressively said, "You better watch your ass, next time Suga won't be able to save you."