

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · Celebrities
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37 Chs

22: Deranged intentions

"Jiminssi?" Hoseok asked after he and Taehyung changed their wet clothes into uniforms the only thing they have on deck, fake crouse worker uniforms for incase a decide to.... inspect?

Hoseol just wanted to tell Jimin that they were going up deck again, but instead he silenced himself listening to Jimin sob from behind the curtain.

"Hey-" Taehyung tried to say but was interrupted by Hoseok telling him, "Shush, we should leave him here for now. Let him get this out of his system." Hoseok offered as quiet as he could.

Their were hanging curtains between the two rooms so that employees could separate themselves while changing into uniforms, Jimin was at the far end of the room.

"It's only been an hour, he's not going to just be fine if we let him 'get it out of his system' I can't believe you." Taehyung said in a normal voice allowing himself to become known by Jimin.

"Taehyungie?" He asked turning around still on his knees, "Yes, I'm here." Taehyung said softly holding Jimin by the waist and picking him up only until he was on his feet again.

"Come on, stop crying for now. We need to go." He wiped off Jimin's cheeks ignoring his own pain thinking it wasn't as important. It's not like he's known Jungkook since freshmen year of highschool.

"I want Jungkookie...." Jimin seemed to have lost the rest of his vocabulary having been saying this and only this since he flipped out on Yoongi, "I know, I know. But you shouldn't act weak around these people, they're dangerous," Taehyung explained continuing to wipe Jimin's cheeks clean then moved on to fix his hair, "Come on, be strong for just a little bit." Taehyung basically asked cupping Jimin's cheeks.

(Up deck)

"Jhope-ssi, V-ssi, uh-you?" A somewhat familiar voice asked, he addressed the two mafia kings by their underground codenames, however he didn't know Jimin's name and thought just saying 'you' would be less rude then ignoring him.

"Its-" Jimin was about to answer but was interrupted by Hoseok saying, "Gigi," Luckily Jimin didn't correct him and trusted Hoseok, "I'll explain later." Hoseok very seductively whispered into Jimin's ear not to seduce him but to keep up this 'we're lovers' charade.

Jimin copied Hoseok's actions and acted like a couple, he stood onto his tippie toes and whispered, "I get it, I know how to handle myself in a place like this. I was gonna say Minie, but I like Gigi more." into Hoseok's ear then bite it teasingly. Hoseok made sure not to flinch away at the uncomfortableness and tried his hardest not to react.

Watching them Taehyung couldn't help but be jealous, at the time he thought he was jealous that Jimin was Hoseok's pretend boyfriend and not his. But I think everyone here knows he was jealous of Jimin.

"Anyway, Suga had something he had to attend to and asked me to show you to his office for now, I'm his personal assistant: Rm." The slightly familiar man named Kim Namjoon, more commonly known as Rap Monster or RM, said showing them back down.

"What did Suga need to do?" Taehyung asked casually following with Jimin hiding behind him once again.

"He didn't say, just that if he wasn't back by the time you're done I should take you to his office. Uh, excuse me." Namjoon explained then saw an escape dealer they caught selling drugs on their territory running down the small hallway, he stayed calm until the dealer was right next to him.

He grabbed the man by his throat and threw him to the ground, stepping his heel onto his throat, "Who gave you permission to leave? I didn't authorise it," He spoke in English and with such a teasing voice, bending down onto his knee with his other foot still strangling this poor man.

"Let's see," Raising his hand to stop the incoming gaurds he still spoke English, "I'll give you a multiple choice for your punishment. Would prefer...." He paused for dramatic effect while taking a knife out of his pocket, "Cut off your hand, stab you lungs, or be thrown overboard?" The chuckle and smile on his face was horrifying, how could anyone enjoy this?!

"Thrown overboard! Thrown overboard!" The dealer begged rather having a go with the sharks then these guys.

"Okey," Namjoon nodded satisfaction written all over his face, he stood up and allowed the gaurds to cuff him again, "Throw him into the big spinny thing that makes the boat go VROOOOOM." This time Namjoon spoke in Korean and the excitement his voice very easily made the dealer understand he's going to die.

As he said 'VROOOOOM' he lifted up his arms and acted as if he was on a motorbike and slapped one of the gaurds's asses as he passed by.

The lack of discomfort in the gaurds face made it clear that this was not uncommon behaviour.

"What did he say?! WHAT DID HE SAY NO PLEASE DONT KILL ME!!!" The dealer begged as the gaurds dragged him updeck.

"Sorry 'bout that," Namjoon turned back to Hoseok and the others, "Let's continue, shall we?" He asked with a psychopathic smile, listening to the dealers screams fade slowly as he was forced up deck made Jimin so much more afraid.

But Hoseok and Taehyung didn't seem fazed at all, they've done this before. They know how it's like having been driven by anger and deranged intentions to kill.

"Yes, let's." Hoseok smiled at Namjoon and they soon followed him to Yoongi's office.

"Luxurious." Jimin said impressed at the old yet shiney look of it, "The more you kill the more important you are, the more important you are the more luxurious your life is." Namjoon explained walking straight to Yoongi's desk, he quickly grabbed a marker and wrote the name of the dealer down on a whiteboard on the left of the desk.

There were two names on top of the board, Yoongi's and Namjoon's.

"A competition?" Taehyung asked noticing the names and the line down the middle and the extra names on Yoongi's side.

"Yes, I hope to be as great as Suga one day, he really inspires me." Namjoon said throwing the marker back onto Yoongi's desk.

"Well, this competition is that of an act. You'll never be as good as me Namjoon-ah." Yoongi seemed to have came out of nowhere, he just appeared behind Jimin and Taehyung who were both hiding behind Hoseok.

"Ah!" Jimin jumped accidentally hitting Yoongi in the face, "Nice reflex." Yoongi said instead of being mad after he gained his balance from being thrown off of it, "I'm sorry Suga!" Jimin exclaimed immediately tending to Yoongi, checking his nose, making sure it's not broke, you know, boring stuff that's not worth reading. You know what is worth reading about? Yoongi's lust for Jimin.

Somehow Jimin managed to blush at the devilish smirk Yoongi gave him, their faces were not so close but not as far as they could be. And Yoongi was not having the 'how dare you hit me?!" thoughts you'd imagine.

"Oh wait you two are dating." Yoongi suddenly snapped out of his trance making Jimin blush even harder, "WHY ARE YOU THINKING THIS NOW OF ALL TIMES?!!" Jimin screamed at himself in his head backing away from Yoongi shyly.

Yoongi walked over his desk to get a tissue and wipe the blood on his chin and in the process he purposely bumped into Hoseok and apologized in the most passive aggressive voice imaginable.

Oh if only he knew the whole story, would he still be so jealous? Guess you'll never know🤷

"Well, hyung, I'd beg to differ. I only need three more until we're tied." Namjoon said proudly, "Kill Zukia for me, she's annoying as fuck but I don't seem to have the heart to do it myself." Yoongi explained while handing namjoon the blood covered tissue, at first he was like 'thank you' with a bow and everything but then realized what he was given.

"Hey!" Namjoon complained throwing the tissue onto the desk, "Now, how about we have dinner? I've already asked staff to set up rooms for you and we'll take you back to mainland tomorrow, along with your corpse for friend." Yoongi said sitting down on his chair and talking about Jungkook as if he was a toy.

Hoseok gave him deathiest death stare, Taehyung started holding back tears, but Jimin just calmly walked over to Yoongi's desk and sat down on one of the extra chairs that very clearly don't belong there with the table and other furniture.

He took one of the nap cins and the marker and started writing something down, he then handed it too Yoongi casually, stood up, slapped Yoongi through his face as hard as he possibly could, and left the room in tears.

"Ji-gi!" Hoseok almost used Jimins real name while trying to scold him but luckily added another 'ji' so it would sound like 'Gigi' then stopped scolding when he heard Suga say, "Leave him, it was my fault. I should've been more sensitive and observant, I thought this Jungkook fella was nothing more then an ally. I understand now that it's much closer then that and I promise I will be more sensitive about the situation."

"I can't believe it, someone like you actually said something so caring and thoughtful...." Taehyung said in utter disbelief, "Insulting but yes, I know how it's like to loose someone you care about and I will apologize when necessary." Yoongi said interwining his fingers like an anime villain.

"I should go after him." Hoseok said about to leave, "Leave him be for a little while, he just needs time." Namjoon said and Taehyung rolled his eyes annoyed, "Why are some people so clueless and inconsiderate? I'll go, knowing you you'd just make it worse." Taehyung said leaving before Hoseok could, he shut the door behind him but could still hear Yoongi say something.

"He's right, but I don't know you, I shouldn't judge so easily. Namjoon-ah, go help them find their rooms."

"Yes sir." Namjoon responded and Taehyung hurriedly sprinted a few meters away not wanting to look like he was eavesdropping.

"Hey, V. Wait up." Namjoon called and Taehyung made sure to ignore him, in return Namjoon ran over to him and pushed him into the wall.

"I said wait up, didn't you hear me?" Namjoon grinned pinning Taehyung down, he was so strong, and tall, and hard to say no to.

"G-get off." Taehyung tried to act like an alpha but ever since he had his first omega reaction he's been so submissive, "Why?" Namjoon pretended to pout getting closer to Taehyung's body and face.

In his defense he thought Taehyung was this hot new pretty boy who he thought was single and heartbroken from the death of a friend, what kind of alpha wouldn't take advantage of that situation?

But Taehyung wasn't having it, he has his omega reactions, and it's hard to control his desires. Like, really hard.

But he's in love with his step brother and is completely crushed by the death of his best friend, he's not about to be taken advantage of.

"That's what i thought." Namjoon said after Taehyung didnt reply, he without permission trapped Taehyung's lips in a kiss that lasted for about three seconds. It only ended when Taehyung swiftly lifted his knee to kick namjoon in the dick.

At first he just groaned staying in the kiss but like one second later he fell onto his knees thighs tight together, "That's why." Taehyung chuckled, placing his finger right onto Namjoon's forehead he pushed him over with a naughty smile that didn't reveal his teeth.

"You're a real bitch." Namjoon said gripping his balls in pain, "I know, next time it won't just be the dick. So don't try that again." Taehyung said lifting Namjoon's chin so he would look at him.

Taehyung gave him one last cocky "Byeeee." Before he walked away with the pride of a ten year old in a knock-off superman custom.

"I still have something to do." Namjoon said with a strain in his voice trying to get up, he needed to use the wall to help him balance himself and was walking in the most awkward way imaginable.