
Guardian Titan: Hero Titan System

In a world enjoying a fragile era of unprecedented peace, an unforeseen threat emerges from the cosmos, shaking the very foundations of nations. Massive meteors, hurtling perilously close to Earth, send panic across the globe. In a desperate bid to avert catastrophe, nations unite to unleash their most destructive arsenal - the formidable sky missiles. The collective efforts succeed, averting the immediate danger and eliciting worldwide relief. However, the jubilation is short-lived. The missile strikes trigger an unforeseen consequence that unleashes an unknown and cataclysmic force - the Kaiju. About MC : normal person with heroic thoughts, no harem.

AmouxCreationsX · ファンタジー
8 Chs


In a time of unprecedented global tranquility, the serene skies were shattered by the impending doom of colossal meteors hurtling ominously towards Earth. Nations of the world, setting aside their differences, united in a desperate accord. Skyward missiles, feared for their destructive might, were launched to shatter the cosmic threat. A collective sigh of relief swept through humanity as the immediate catastrophe was averted, and jubilation reigned.

Yet, little did they fathom that their salvation had unwittingly birthed an even more dire peril. The remnants of the celestial invaders plunged into the depths of the sea, a realm beyond mankind's reach. Here, the interplay of volcanic heat and oceanic pressure catalyzed an unfathomable transformation. From the crucible of these forces emerged an entirely new species - the Kaiju.

These monstrous beings, born of fire and water, grew and mutated at an alarming pace. Adapting to both land and sea, they quickly became the ultimate predators, insatiable and relentless. Modern weaponry proved feeble against their indestructible forms, as they cunningly turned the tide by attacking human settlements, leaving destruction in their wake.

In the face of this dire threat, humanity's newfound freedom was swiftly confined behind towering walls. Nations redirected their collective efforts towards combating this unprecedented menace. It was in the crucible of adversity that mankind's ingenuity and resilience shone brightest.

A breakthrough emerged from the crucible of necessity - the Titan Mecha. Through relentless innovation and unwavering determination, humanity birthed colossal mechanical giants. The triumph of man over monster was realized as a Kaiju fell before the unstoppable might of the Titan Mecha's onslaught.

This victory marked a pivotal turning point. The method was clear, the path forward illuminated. The era of Titan Mecha had dawned, and humanity stood ready to defend its existence against the new devourers of the world.