

Celsius and Nympha looked at each other.

Celsius: "Now, I don't know anymore." He touched his temple.

Nympha: "We both saw it…It's real."

The two looks for the second time.

Celsius: "Nope. It's just an illusion. Probably, we're just tired."

Nympha: "What are you saying? I'm not tired."

Celsius: *sigh* "Look…there's no Inoki. And how could it be that small? I never heard of an Inoki that can changed size."

Celsius turned his back.

Celsius: "I'll be on my wa---"

Nympha suddenly grabbed his sleeve.

Nympha: "Oh no you won't."

Celsius: *sigh* "This won't turn good."

Nympha dragged Celsius to follow the person they saw. With the great number of crowds roaming the streets, the two finds it hard to move.

Celsius: "I don't see that person anymore, Nympha."

Nympha: "We lost track of the person because you walk slow." She retorted.

Celsius: (Why put the on blame me?) "Can't you see the crowd?"

Nympha: "Okay…okay I understand your reason."

Celsius: "Now, can you let me go? I need to go back home. I'm a busy man, you know."

Nympha: *sigh* (I wonder who that person is…) "Okay. I'll head back to the guild then."

Both went on their separate ways.


A.I and the young lad blended in the crowd perfectly.

A.I: "Hmm…I guess they give up,huh."

Lad: "I thought the hide and seek will last for a while."

A.I: "Un. I'm expecting that they would give a good fight. Well can't be helped."

Lad: "Do you happen to know them?"

A.I: "Nothing to be concern of. Just two curious fellas."

The two moves along the way until they reach the Apartelle.

=Madam's D Apartelle=

Lad: "I guess this is the only place that didn't change."

The Apartelle that is known for it's crystal towered structured stayed the same.

A.I: "It's already great. Are you disappointed?"

The lad shook his head.

Lad: "No."

At the entrance, the same cube floating device that glows and rotates greets them once again.

"You're really quick on your feet, I didn't even see you coming." A woman voice from behind spoke.

A.I: "I just went out to pick up something, Madam D."

The owner of the Apartelle stared at the box. She also noticed the person wearing a black robe with the weird mask.

Madam D: "Okay…and who is the person you brought?"

A.I: "He's with me."

Madam D: "I know. Long ago you picked up a kid. Now you brought a young lad this time. A.I you know what are the rules here, right?"

A.I nods.

Madam D: "Okay. So where's your companion pass?"

A.I: "It's already done…Show her, lad."

The lad snapped his fingers and a small rectangular transparent pass appeared. The owner of the apartelle just stared at the young lad and ignored the pass on his hand.

Madam: "I'm not really fond of that mask you're wearing. It's not pleasing to the eyes." She commented.

The lad just shrugged and made no response. The owner of the apartelle gave a long sigh and looked at A.I.

Madam D: "Hurry up and enter."

Both touched the floating cube and entered the apartelle. The interior of the place never changed. It's still preserves its elegancy.

Lad: "She's still a scary old lady."

A.I just laughed.

= Outside the Apartelle=

The owner of the apartelle stands near the floating cube. A thought suddenly comes in her mind.

Madam D: (If I'm not mistaken that pass is somewhat familiar…that young lad…) *sigh* (Nevermind.)

= Inside the Apartelle=

A.I: "You know where your room is, right?"

Lad: "I know where it is. Unless they change the room here."

A.I: "No. Here, take this." She tossed her the pass to the young lad.

A.I pass has a different color. It's red and has a crystal linings attached to it. It's a VIP pass.

Lad: "What is this for?"

A.I: "You will need it." She pushed the lad away. "Go to your room."

She paused before entering her room.

A. I: "By the way, I won't be able to accompany you. I'll be staying in my room to sleep for a week. So don't bother me."


She closed the door immediately.

Lad: *sigh* "What to expect? I know exactly what's the reason she gave me her pass."

Four doors from A.I's room, the young lad stopped and entered the room. He took of his black robe and hanged it behind the door. The young lad went to seat on a couch.

Lad: "I should take this off." He took off his mask.

The young lad appearance is quite dazzling. He has a golden eyes and a dark wavy hair. As he looked outside the window, he felt the nostalgic atmosphere in the room.

The young man closed his eyes and rested.


= Guild of The Shield Faction=

GM Esley: "There you are Kara. I've been looking for you."

The head receptionist is talking to a lost child along the corridors.

Ms. Kara: "Hold on, guild master." She called one of receptionist to lead the kid back to his companions.

The guild master seeing the head receptionist action can't helped but smile.

GM Esley: "I see you're pretty busy."

The head receptionist looked at the guild master.

Ms. Kara:" I'm just wondering on what would he become if his still alive."

GM Esley: "With his eagerness, I bet he would fulfill his dreams."

Both head to the main office.

GM Esley: "I got a strange report came from Berdo. A.I brought a visitor. Do you have an idea about this?"

Ms. Kara: "I'm afraid not. This is new to me as well."

GM Esley: "According to Berdo, the person is a young man wearing a black robe and a peculiar mask on his face."

The head receptionist recalled someone who match the guild master statement.

Ms. Kara: "A while ago when I'm lending out papers, I bumped into a person wearing the same thing…Why? Is there something wrong?"

GM Esley: "Did you feel anything strange about the person?"

Ms. Kara: "Well beside the way he dress, I don't have any particular in mind."

GM Esley: (I guess I have to see it for myself then) "I see."

Ms. Kara: "Is there a problem regarding A.I's mysterious visitor?"

GM Esley: "It's the first time she got one. Don't you think it's strange?"

Ms. Kara: "I don't know. She's an odd ball ever since."

GM Esley: "Yes. You're right. But still…"

Ms. Kara: "Yes?"

GM Esley: "It's nothing."

=The Guild of Shield Faction=

Two persons are rushing to reach the guild front door.

Berdo: "What's the rush?"

Nympha: "You're rushing about something as well, Mister Berdo."

Berdo: "Guild Master Esley called for me. How about you?"

Nympha: "I just spotted a strange person along the 2nd District, I came here to report. How about we enter first?

Berdo: (Strange person…don't tell me…) "…Okay."

Both entered the guild.

Berdo: "So who is this strange person you saw?"

Nympha: "It's a person wearing a black robe."

Berdo: "Is the person wearing a strange mask as well?"

Nympha: "I didn't seem to notice. I only saw the person's back."

Berdo: "It's probably Miss A.I's visitor."

Nympha: "A.I?" (..but I didn't notice her…probably because of the crowd.)

Berdo: "Yes. Miss A.I brought a visitor…wearing a black robe and a demon mask on his face."

Nympha: "Demon mask?"

Berdo: "Yes. With four horns on it."

Nympha: (Is it the same person we've encountered?) "Mister Berdo, did you happen to notice an Inoki on him?"

Berdo: "Inoki?" (I guess she referring to a different person) "…No."

Nympha: "We're probably referring to a two different persons."

Berdo: "Haha! I was about to say the same thing."

Nympha: "Anyways, I'll have to report this to the guild master as well."

Berdo: "Great. Let's enter his office together."


=1st District- Nomads Residence=

Therma: "So how was it? Did you two met?"

Celsius: "Yes. It's still the same every year, mother."

Therma: "Well, I guess you two had a good time."

Celsius: "Un."

Therma: "How about you go wash yourself and change your clothes. I'm going to prepare you something."

Celsius: "Yes, mother."

Celsius went up stairs and did as his mother told. After finished washing up, he went to dry his hair out. As he looked into the mirror, he saw a blurred figure on his head.

Celsius: (What's this?) He reached for his pair of eyeglasses and looked again.

When he took a good look at the mirror the figure was not there.

Celsius: (Probably just my imagination.)

When he slowly turned his back at his bed. A small creature is bouncing.

Celsius: "WAAAHHHHH!" He screamed out loud.

His mother quickly rushed upstairs and knocked on his door.

Therma: "Celsius, what happened? What's wrong?" She's quite worried.

Celsius can't believe on what he is seeing. It's a small Inoki bouncing up an down on his bed.

Celsius: "Not---nothing mother."

Therma: "Are you sure? I heard you scream." She's still in front of the door.

Celsius: "It's just…one of my experiments just broke."

Therma knows her son is quite enthusiastic on his experiments.

Therma: "Well, I always told not to bring your work at home. I will have to throw them out next time."

Celsius: "It's okay, mother. You don't have to. I'll be careful next time."

Therma hearing this calmed down.

Therma: "Well, okay. Just come down if you're finished. The food is ready."

Celsius: "Yes, mother."

Therma left her son and went downstairs. Celsius looked at the small creature on his bed.

Celsius: "I can't believe it. You're really an Inoki. But why did you become so small?" He touched the creature.


The Inoki respond with a cheerful voice.
