

=Guild of the Shield Faction=

Berdo and Nympha entered the office of the guild master. They see the head receptionist inside.

GM Esley: "I only called Berdo. What did you come here, Nympha?" He looked at the head receptionist.

Ms. Kara: "I didn't call her either."

Nympha: "I've come to report something as well, guild master."

Berdo: "Why won't we listen to her first?"

GM Esley: "Go on speak."

Nympha: "I saw some---"


She was interrupted by an electronic mail. The guild master raised his hand.

GM Esley: "Hold on."

The guild master read the email. He quickly rose to his feet when he finished.

GM Esley: "I will hear your reports later. We got bigger concern right now."

Ms. Kara: "What is it?"

GM Esley: "Pass the communication crystal! I need to inform the other guild masters of the four factions."

The head receptionist quickly passed a triangular crystal to the guild master. Nympha and Berdo listens attentively. They are quite aware that there's an emergency at hand.

GM Esley: "Berdo, gather all our tankers. On duty or not."

Berdo: "Yes, guild master!" He saluted. "Nympha, you come with me." Both went out of the office.


Berdo: "Nympha, go gather all the tankers in the break room."

Nympha: "Okay. But…"

Berdo: "What is it?"

Nympha: "I don't understand. I'm still quite not sure what's happening, Mr. Berdo."

Berdo looked at her with seriousness.

Berdo: "A raid is about to happen."

Nympha: "Raid?"

Berdo: "Yes, so go now. Tell the others immediately."

Nympha: "Un."

The two dispersed.


=Guild Master's Office=

GM Esley: "Am I connected?" They just finished getting the approval of the other guild masters of the four factions.

Ms. Kara: "Yes sir…"

GM Esley: "That lazy SSS rank tanker…She's not answering."

Ms. Kara: "Try calling again, Guild Master Esley."

GM Esley: "We don't have much time. Let's call the others for help. The four factions may have known by now."

Ms. Kara: *sigh* "Then why do we need to do it again?"

GM Esley: "It's for formality's sake, Kara. Now do it."

Ms. Kara: (Not this again.)


=Madam D's Apartelle=

*BRRR!!!* *BRRR!!* *BRRR!!!*

Lad: "What's that annoying sound?" It's coming from the pass that A.I gave him. "Geez…"

The young lad stood up and went behind the door to grab something from his black robe. He reached out the pass from his pocket.

Lad: "…and now it stops ringing." *sigh* "What's wrong with her pass?"

The young lad went back to sit on the couch.

*Brrr* *Brrr*

He felt a little vibration coming from his pass. There's a small red dot blinking on it.

Lad: (What's this?)

The moment he pressed it, a virtual image of a middle-aged women wearing a pair of eye glasses pops out.

Lad: "Miss Kara?"

The factions and nomads residing in the Underground City of Ambeist made an uproar seeing the beautiful receptionist.

The young lad focused on what the head receptionist is about to say.

Ms. Kara: "All of you may know it by now that we have a big problem that we need to resolve immediately. A horde of Viles is coming at Ambeist. I speak to encourage everyone---Fighters, Mages, Scouts, Shadows, Tankers and Nomads to lend all your strength to our beloved city…" She bowed her head to give respect. "…To everyone who will wish to participate, they will be given rewards." She has spoken with all sincerity.

Everyone that heard the statement feel motivated. The young lad stood and looked outside the window.

Lad: "Hmm…raid…that's interesting."


=Guild of the Shield Faction=

The head receptionist is beet red. She just did some embarrassing thing in her life.

Ms. Kara: "I can't do that everytime something like this happens." She covered her face. "It is too much for me, guild master."

GM Esley: "But it does a miracle everytime."

The head receptionist put down her hand.

Ms. Kara: "I just hope so…" (…because I'm afraid I can't do it again.)

Moments later…

GM Esley: "One of our personnel called me. The brave warriors are waiting in front of the guild. Let's meet them up."

The head receptionist is astonished.

Ms. Kara: "That was fast. How many are they?"

GM Esley: "Roughly five hundred."

Ms. Kara: "Is that enough to hold off those vicious creatures?"

GM Esley: "Pray that it is enough. Let's go."

Around five hundred people are now standing patiently waiting for them. The crowd consists of human specifies from the different factions.

GM Esley: "I cannot thank you all enough for taking this dangerous task. All I know that it takes great courage for you all to walk the path of unknown fate. But let us take stand today to fight for the city and for our loved ones. May the Goddess Aegis guide and protect your brave souls. Now go forth heroes!"

The encouraging speech made the crowd go wild. The five hundred volunteers marched out to the entrance including the young lad. Among the crowds were Berdo and Nympha.

Berdo: "Remember our role, Nympha."

Nympha: "Yes, Mister Berdo."

Berdo: "We will serve as a wall of defense. Never leave your position, unless I say so."

Nympha: "Un."

All of them have surfaced above the plains. Bright sunlight and tall large trees greet the large party. Berdo stood in front.

Berdo: "Everyone! I may not be good in giving motivational speech like our guild master, but I'll just say one thing. Let's beat out their asses and walk into our city gate once again!"

The crowd responds with a loud cheer.

Berdo quickly felt something in the surrounding.

Berdo: "Into your position Tanks…"

All tankers of The Shied Faction lined up straight.


The whole forest is thrown into tremor.

Berdo: (This is odd.)

The party felt a massive vibration.

Berdo: "Hold you position! A horde of habitants coming in!"

*TUG!* *TUG!* *TUG!* *TUG!*

A stampede of habitants come running at them. With the erect barrier the Shield Faction set up, the habitants are being toss aside every time they come in contact with the barrier. The party was shocked by the pack of habitants coming into their way.

Nympha: (Why are there so many of them?)

*TUG!* *TUG!* *TUG!*

Berdo: (This is endless.)

The stampede lasted for thirty milent. The forest was torn apart. The long stampede caused the terrain to change.

The tankers still stand strong and firm. A powerful whirlwind blows to their directions.


Berdo: "Tch! What now?!"

A scout from the party looked from a far.

"Thousands…" The scout said in trembling voice. "…no…ten thousands viles are coming in our way!"

The people who heard are panicked stricken.

"What?! Ten thousands viles?!" Exclaimed by a fighter in the party.

"This isn't a raid anymore! This is a suicide mission!" Uttered by a lady from the Mage Faction.

The spirits of the party are crumbling. Everyone is not sure on what to do.

Berdo: "Brace yourself everyone! Don't waver!" (Even we ask for help from the other factions, I'm afraid it will be too late.)

"We can't do this! We are going to lose our lives!" A middle-aged man shouted in fear.

Majority of the party went out to their positions and run back to the Underground City.

Nympha: "Mister Berdo, almost everyone is running away. If we also leave, I believe the city will be in great danger."

Berdo: "I know. A lot of people will die as well."

The situation is gone hectic. Berdo tapped Nympha's shoulder.

Berdo: "Go back to the city. Get some help. I'll hold them off for now."

Nympha shook her head.

Nympha: "What are you saying, Mister Berdo? I won't go back. I will stay here with you. I'm sure someone will come to help." She said quite determined.

Berdo stands to the remaining party.

Berdo: "Those who still have courage, stay! Those who don't, feel free to go back and send some help!"

The five hundred people were greatly reduced into half. The hordes of vile are ferocious that they leave no time for the warriors to recover. Sooner the numbers of the party dwindled. The hundreds were lessened bit by bit in number. The back-ups are still nowhere to be seen. Bloods are being spoiled everywhere. The forest became a mountain of dead people and viles.

A milent passed the once great party stands with only four persons remaining. Berdo, Nympha, a scout and a mage.

Berdo: "So, we're the only ones who are left."

Nympha: "Most likely."

"This is an honor finally meeting you, Sir Berdo. I heard a lot of you from my sister Lire. I'm Rena." The scout young lady introduced herself.

Berdo: "Nice to meet you, Rena. I thank you for your efforts."

Rena: "It is my pleasure to help."

"Same here." The old mage spoke. "This will be my last achievement. Instead of dying doing nothing, I will die as a hero for our city." The old man is Herm.

Berdo: "Well, this will be your greatest contribution, old man."

Nympha: *sigh* (It's seems I'll be meeting you soon, Ray.)

The four people wait for the upcoming danger. They will have to face fifty-feet tall viles with a large number of armies.

Berdo: "Let's give all what we got to kill all these dark creatures.

Sparks of energy surrounds the body of Berdo. The sparks formed some kind of armor.

Nympha: (I won't be falling behind either.) "Come, Maul!"

The earth ground breaks and a six feet tall hammer rises in the ground.

Rena instantly summons her bow. Her bow resonates with the wind. Beneath her feet are whirl of winds that levitates her feet.

Old Herm: (Hmm. Armor of Thanatos, An Azir tribe descendant and a windwalker.)"I guess I need to show off a little."

The old man gestured his hand into the air. A circular pattern starts to form and six elemental orbs appears in mid-air. Old Herm is emitting a large amount of energy.

Vibrations can be felt from the ground.

*GURU!!* *GURU!!* *GURU!*

Thousands viles are rushing to their directions.

The old mage went at the front.

Old Herm: "How about give this old man a chance to show his skill for a while?"

Berdo: "Go ahead, sir."

The old man smirked and instantly disappeared.

Nympha: "Where did he went?"

Rena pointed to the thousand viles coming.

Rena: (The old man is a higher level mage. I almost lost of sight on him.)

*Notes: Scouts are known for their keen eyesight.


The old man quickly teleported. He now elevated himself from the ground. He took a glance to the remaining party.

Old Herm: (Let's give a good expression to these children.)

The Old man snapped his finger. The thousand viles were frozen in an instant.

Old Herm: "Well my skill doesn't end like that." *wink*

He snapped his fingers again. The frozen viles shatter and burst. Shards of ice falls on the grounds.

The three who witnessed what happen can't believe what they saw. The power of the old mage far exceeds their expectation.
