


Tweaky entered the pyramid and can feel it sinking, he gets scared

"How am I going to get out of this"

Tweaky continues going through the pyramid.

After a while of walking he stumbled upon his first enemy, a mini sand golem, he's able to defeat these little guys and actually obtains 2 quests.

[Defeat 50 mini golems

Reward: +5 stats]

[Defeat the tanuki boss

Reward: +10 stats

Hidden condition]

Tweaky looks at the hidden condition and thinks about what it could be for a while.

"Well I can't figure it out so let's continue"

Tweaky destroys tons of sand golems as they are just gems controlling the sand to form bodies.

Tweaky completes his quest [defeat 50 mini golems] and fighting the golems also raises his stats a bit.

Tweaky looks at his stats.


Attack: 39

Agility: 30

Stamina: 40

Defense: 38

Qi: 30]

"Hm she's still aren't great but I'll have to continue"

While walking Tweaky spots a crack in the wall and realized there's a room behind it.

He breaks the wall revealing a chest, Tweaky opens the chest revealing a tanuki egg.

The tanuki jumps out and runs away

[Hidden condition fulfilled, boss changing]

Tweaky continues through to the end where there's a pillar with a portal.


Tweaky enters the portal and is teleported to a cavern with sand on the ground.

The sand gems in his inventory are taken out and form into a sand core, the tanuki from before drops into the sand core.

All the sand in the ground starts coming together and forms a giant boss made out of sand.

The cavern opens up and it's like all around him is a world of pure sand.

The boss launches a hardened sand ball at him but tweaky dodges it.

"With no strategies how do I beat this, if it were Zenus or ashura…"

Tweaky launches a Qi blast at it and it explodes the bosses head.

The boss uses sand and regenerates it.

Tweaky uses a burst of Qi to move fast enough and punch the boss but its like if he was punching through sand.

The boss then hardens up and attacks tweaky.

Tweaky uses Qi to block it.

"Damnit, I'll never beat Nt at this rate not only did I lose to him in type soul but I'll lose to him here too"

In the midst of thinking tweaky is about to be punched again but this time he counters by punching the fist with his own attack breaking it.

"So I can attack it when it hardens up to attack me, but it's still going to regenerate"

Tweaky continues thinking

"Wait the core, the sand surrounds it so if I break that then it falls"

Tweaky prepares himself.

For a while he leads the attacks of the boss around until the chest is finally exposed.

He fired off a blast at the boss to expose the hardened core, then while the boss is regenerating, Tweaky charged up Qi then jumps up and punches throughout the core.

[Sand tanuki leader defeated]

[Quest: defeat the tanuki boss defeated

+10 stats acquired

Hidden condition fulfilled

Skill: sand territory acquired]

[Boss drop: sand body and Sand manipulation acquired]


Attack: 49

Agility: 40

Stamina: 50

Defense: 48

Qi: 40

Trait: sand body

Skills: sand territory (active), sand manipulation (active)]

[Trait: sand body,

Your body now turns into sand when hit by a physical attack (capable of turning into sand whenever you want) (Qi is consumed)]

[Diamond rank skill: Sand territory: open a domain of sand around the enemy (80% of Qi is consumed) the domain inside leads to the sand realm]

[Diamond rank skill: Sand manipulation,

Manipulate sand around you using Qi]

A portal opens up in front of tweaky

[Exit the sand realm]

"So this is it an endless realm of sand"

Tweaky goes through the portal.


Ashura had finished charging up and blasted at Polaris just for him to slice it in half.

Polaris slices off Ashura's arm but he regenerates it.

"It seems as if I don't kill you I'm one go you'll continue to regenerate"

Polaris bursts forth and is about to cut Ashura's head off.

"Sand spikes"

Spikes rise up against with one grazing Polarises cheek.

Polaris jumps back.

"It seems you have gotten lucky with that pyramid, but it's time for your end"

Polaris goes to slash tweaky but it just goes through him as his body turns to sand.

"I have to test this new skill out on you"

[Sand territory activated]

The sand around them swallows tweaky and Polaris.

"What th-"

Tweaky sends a blast at Polaris before he can finish.

"You won't be escaping this"

Tweaky creates multiple giant sand golems which Polaris slices into pieces.

"Well you're right there's no normal way out of this"

Polaris pulls out an item.

"You may not know what this is so I'll explain it, you say a player name then you'll teleport to them"

Tweaky tries to send sand spears at him.


Polaris is smiles as he's lifted away and shoots into the sky.

"Damnit he got away"

Tweaky exits the domain and rushes over to Ashura who's trying to help Zenus.

"He isn't dead but he might die once sun is down"

"Why is that"

"Well he gets weaker during night so we don't know if his mana will be strong enough to keep him alive"

"Isn't this just a game"

"Well if he fully restarts then he'll have nothing and he won't be able to access heaven's island"


**In Zenus's head**

"I'm not dead?"

[Mana realization has started, once this is completed prime energy source cannot be changed, do you accept]

"Of course I will"

[Mana realization started, solar energy detected, absorption has started]

[Divine energy has been detected absorption starting]