

Zevent unleashes an attack skill against Shindow while Zevent and Nt run away.

[Sword flame art 1st form: blazing dance]

A sword dance faster than Zenus and Nt can even see occurs.

Shindow is capable of blocking all of it with one slash grazing his cheek.

"Wait, let's stop here, I won't chase after them for now in exchange we stop fighting"

"You're not the type to do that so why should I believe you"

"If we fight and injure each other here it only serves to help those generals"

"Alright then let's go out separate ways"

Shindow and Zevent separate with Zevent going back to the desert area and Shindow going to the crimson area.


Nt and Zenus stop running

"I told you not to use your sun abilities in public aton"

"I couldn't help it there was a sneaky opponent and I had to destroy the surroundings"

"You got lucky this time, I'm going back to Astro"

Zenus and Nt split up, Zenus heads back to Ashura who just got done fighting Granger.

Ashura tells Zenus some new info

"Alright when you lunched me I saw tons of areas this island may be near infinite, the mountain we have to climb up goes farther up than we can imagine, instead of immediately heading towards the mountain we should explore around"

A few hours have passed since they started traveling through the desert, while walking another sand golem which Ashura splits in half appears.

"These sand gems keep appearing but what do they do"

Another sand golem appears and Ashura kills it again.

[50 sand gems have been collected, forming core now]

The sand gems he had collected are taken out of his inventory and a core forms.

Ashura puts the core in his inventory for later.

They continue walking but a desert storm happens and a gust tosses them into the sky, to brace for impact they all enhance their bodies with their respective power and land on a pyramid, they then tumble down and land on the ground.

"Owe that hurts"

Tweaky exclaims as his power isn't as strong as Zenus and Ashura.

To enter the pyramid it requires a core so Ashura places the sand core in it and it disappears, they try to enter the cave when a notification pops up "only one can enter" Ashura and Zenus both look at tweaky.

"This is a chance for you to grow stronger who knows what's in there for you to obtain"

Tweaky is scared at first so Zenus and Ashura get the bright idea of just forcing him in there.

Tweaky is forced through the door and the pyramid sinks into the ground, Zenus and Ashura are scared for a second.

They are about to start arguing but footsteps start approaching.

Zenus and Ashura get serious.

When the Man approaches within site Zenus and Ashura let their guard down.

"Oh he's just blind nothing to worry about Zenus"

"But this is a game disabilities in real life don't translate to here"

"Oh yea yo-"

Before Ashura can finish speaking a slice grazes his cheek.

Man has already unsheathed his sword.

The man speaks

"I had aimed for your head yet you didn't die, I'll grant you the honor of knowing my name, my name is Polaris"

Ashura is about to unsheathe his sword and attack him but his arm gets cut off.

"Boy do you not know what I did to obtain his power, I had to use a special item that allowed me to trade my eyesight for a senses and stat boost"

Ashura regenerates his body parts and uses his boiling shoot attack attack.

Polaris slices it in half and cuts ashura's legs.

Ashura prepares his compressed hydra blast attack, While Ashura is charging it Zenus distracts him.

Zenus uses sun Mana to enhance his body, the aura radiating from it starts turning the sand into glass.

A quest pops up for Zenus

[Kill the player "known as polaris"

Reward: 110 points]

Zenus is still worried about what happened to tweaky so it's hard for him to focus on what's happening while fighting Polaris.

Polaris aims his slash at Ashura but Zenus blocks it for him

"Step aside Zenus I only wish to go after Ashura"

"Unfortunately for you my relationship with him is better"

"Alright then I shall not be afraid to go all out"

Polaris slashes Zenus hard enough to cut his chest.