

In a story of intertwined pasts and broken vows, linked by an artifact and love, they navigate a haunting curse's grasp, discovering hidden truths and unforeseen emotions, all while striving to shatter the curse and find a way back to reality. In a forgotten town nestled among ancient forests, Is the famous Grimrose house Former paranormal investigators embark on a thrilling adventure, only to find themselves unexpectedly transported into a world where witchcraft reigns supreme within the pages of an ancient book. Surrounded by diverse supernatural entities, their survival hinges on navigating this mystical realm. As they grapple with the unfamiliar and mysterious, they must harness their wits and resilience to endure the unknown forces lurking within. As they navigate perilous encounters and unearth secrets, their ultimate goal remains unlocking the path back to their reality.

S_R_13 · ファンタジー
7 Chs


After Zhion lost consciousness, he woke up in a strange and dark place. It felt like he was floating in a vast ocean with no clear direction. He struggled to find air, feeling like he was suffocating, and his awareness was fading away.

Just when he thought all hope was lost, a sudden beam of light broke through the darkness, and Zhion summoned all his strength to swim towards it, desperately trying to breathe. However, as he got closer to the light, something sinister from the shadows below emerged.

Creepy, unknown hands reached out and pulled him down, preventing him from reaching the surface and taking away his ability to breathe. The world around Zhion turned pitch-black once more, and the small glimmer of light he had seen became distant.

The grip of the sinister hands weakened, and Zhion's consciousness began to return. He found himself in a dimly lit, unfamiliar room with ancient and ornate furnishings. The air was heavy with the scent of old books.

"Oh, just right on time, Zhion. You woke up," the man remarked with a hint of urgency in his voice. However, Zhion's mind was racing with questions, and he could barely focus on the man's words.The disorienting realization struck him:

Where was he? What had happened to Yumi and Aziel, his friends? Panic began to swell within him, and he clenched his teeth, his brow furrowing in frustration.

In the midst of his thoughts, the man standing before him continued to speak. "His Royal Highness requests the presence of all the royal guards. By the way, have you, by any chance, pushed yourself too hard on training once again?" The man's stern expression showed a mixture of concern and annoyance as he playfully smacked Zhion's arm.

"Come on, Zhion, we don't have much time. We need to get ready. I'll linger outside," the man urged, a sense of urgency driving his actions. Zhion was left with more questions than answers, but he had no choice but to follow this person.

Once the man departed, Zhion let out a deep sigh. He needed to figure out where he was, so he began to prepare himself. On the table, he spotted beautiful clothes that bore a resemblance to the man's attire.

feeling a sense of unease wash over him. These garments, rich with royal authority, were unlike anything he had ever seen. He picked up the royal tunic, its deep crimson fabric adorned with intricate golden patterns. The weight of responsibility clung to it.

almost as if the very threads held the kingdom's history. Zhion delicately slid his arms into the sleeves, careful not to damage the finely crafted garment. Next, he turned his attention to the cloak, made of dark, almost mystical fabric that hinted at long nights protecting the palace.

Then he fastened the silver brooch bearing the royal crest, and he carefully secured it over his shoulders, the cloak draping in a regal manner. Finally, he laced up the polished leather boots, each step echoing with newfound purpose.

As he gazed upon his transformed appearance in the mirror, Zhion realized he had become a part of something much larger than himself, even though he was still unsure of his exact role. The royal knight's attire, although foreign to him, now symbolized his entry into a mysterious world filled with yet-to-be-discovered secrets.

Zhion's thoughts were disoriented and filled with questions; he reluctantly followed the man. As they started to walk through the unfamiliar halls of a magnificent palace, the grand walls were adorned with portraits of royalty. Which exuded an undeniable sense of majesty and a rich heritage.

The palace itself, a remarkable feat of architecture, left Zhion in a state of awe. Its luxurious design was evident in the beautifully detailed archways, which seemed to whisper tales of the past to anyone who passed through them. Elaborate chandeliers suspended from the high ceilings cast a gentle golden glow, making the hallways feel like they held secrets of a distant era. The marble floors, cool beneath his feet, seemed to echo with the memories of distinguished guests who had walked their surfaces over the ages.

A grand, spiraling staircase drew attention.The intricate details of the palace hinted at a history that spanned centuries, and Zhion couldn't help but feel like a mere intruder in a world he was just beginning to comprehend. After taking in his surroundings, Zhion dove back into his own thoughts.

So this is an era in an old age where kings and queens still ruled. Could this be the past of a historical era? But it doesn't align with any history books I've encountered before.

Zhion couldn't stop his thoughts:

What is this place? How did I end up here? And most importantly, where are his friends could be?

These unanswered questions weighed on him, but for now, he had no choice but to focus on the task at hand.

The man, whose name remained unknown to him, cast a look at him with a mix of concern and frustration. "You're awfully quiet, Zhion. I understand it's overwhelming, but we have a duty to fulfill."

Zhion nodded, understanding that he needed to work with this man to figure out his situation and find his friends. It was the only way to learn how this new world he found works.

MEANWHILE, in a town across the way in a place called Tranquilshire, things couldn't be more different. While the kingdom around was all about peace and serenity, inside a lavish mansion, there was quite the commotion. Nobles and aristocrats, men and women alike, had come from far and from other lands to join in the festivities. What was the cause of all this celebration, you ask? It was none other than the grand birthday of the Duke's beloved son, Lord Nesh.

Duke's voice boomed through the hall as he addressed the gathering: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here tonight to celebrate the joyous occasion of my son's birth! Lord Nesh, you have brought much happiness to our family, and it's only fitting that we mark this day with such grand festivities."

Lord Nesh, beaming with gratitude, replied, "Thank you, Father, and thank you, my friends and family, for gracing this occasion. Your presence makes it all the more special."

Within the mansion's grand halls, the air was alive with the sounds of laughter and lively conversations. One of the noble ladies leaned closer and whispered to her companion, "Isn't this grand? Lord Nesh is quite the fortunate young man, don't you think?"

Her companion nodded, sipping from a goblet of fine wine, and replied, "Indeed, this is a celebration like no other. The Duke has spared no expense in making this a night to remember."

Guests of all backgrounds and social ranks continue their conversation beneath the dazzling chandeliers, their voices filling the space with infectious energy.

The tables were adorned with a feast fit for royalty. Exquisite dishes of roasted game, delicate pastries, and towering arrangements of fruits seemed to spill from their displays, tempting all the guests to partake in this extravagant presentation.

Goblets were filled with the finest wines from the Duke's private cellar, and the clinking of glasses rang out in toasts to the young Lord Nesh.

The young lord Nesh stood there in the middle of the celebration; his eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment, as if he were lost in another world. In that instant, the shimmering chandeliers above cast an enchanting, soft glow upon him, and the air was filled with an inexplicable sense of anticipation. Unbeknownst to everyone, a subtle transformation had occurred. Another spirit had briefly inhabited Lord Nesh's being, infusing the celebration with a touch of enchantment that lingered in the air.

Aziel/Nesh: Shit, what is this, and where am I?!

Back at the palace of Grimrose Zhion, the man arrived at the throne room, where the other royal guards were gathered. Their presence emanated, and a visible tension filled the air.

Zhion, feeling a little uneasy but also full of respect for the king, lowered himself to one knee, bowing his head as he displayed his loyalty. But even as he made this gesture of respect, he was still uncertain about what exactly he was expected to do.

The commanding voice of the king echoed through the whole throne room, and the very walls seemed to vibrate as he proclaimed

"From today onwards, all shall be subject to scrutiny. One among you will be chosen by my daughter, the princess."

As the king's words hung in the air, the wide golden doors swung open with an imposing creak, the sounds of measured footsteps drawing near. The king continued, "Behold my daughter, Princess Rhoswein, the apple of my eye. Your solemn task, noble guards, is to shield her with your very lives."

Unbeknownst to Zhion, the answers to his questions and the fate of his friends would soon become intertwined with the mysterious world of court politics and the royal family's destiny.


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