

In a story of intertwined pasts and broken vows, linked by an artifact and love, they navigate a haunting curse's grasp, discovering hidden truths and unforeseen emotions, all while striving to shatter the curse and find a way back to reality. In a forgotten town nestled among ancient forests, Is the famous Grimrose house Former paranormal investigators embark on a thrilling adventure, only to find themselves unexpectedly transported into a world where witchcraft reigns supreme within the pages of an ancient book. Surrounded by diverse supernatural entities, their survival hinges on navigating this mystical realm. As they grapple with the unfamiliar and mysterious, they must harness their wits and resilience to endure the unknown forces lurking within. As they navigate perilous encounters and unearth secrets, their ultimate goal remains unlocking the path back to their reality.

S_R_13 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Upon hearing the approaching footsteps, Zhion's attention was immediately drawn to the scar on his neck, a dull ache surfacing as he instinctively reached out to touch it. The warmth emanating from the scar intensified, and he endeavoured to manage the discomfort, gingerly tilting his head upward in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the princess. As Zhion poised himself to raise his head, the resonating timbre of the king's voice once again filled the space, solemnly pronouncing:

"Each and every one among you shall embark on an arduous journey of training, with the ultimate goal of becoming the personal attendant for our esteemed princess. It is she who will intricately observe and supervise your rigorous training regimen, and it is through the discerning gaze of her watchful eye that promotions shall be bestowed upon those deemed worthy of such honor and responsibility."

As the king concluded the meeting, he graciously dismissed the guards and knights, signalling the end of the official gathering. Zhion, rising from his previously kneeling position, did so with a sense of purpose, even though he had not laid eyes on the princess. His thoughts, however, were steadfastly fixed on his current whereabouts and the various characters populating this unfamiliar realm. A recollection stirred within him, reminding him of a book he had started reading before arriving in this world—a book left unfinished, suspended in the uncertain realm of literature.

Despite the incomplete narrative, a stark realization pierced through Zhion's consciousness: an ominous event was slated to unfold precisely 25 days from this very moment. This impending calamity took the form of a planned attack on the kingdom, orchestrated with the sinister intent of assassinating the reigning monarch. The pages of the unfolding story depicted a bleak scene, featuring the spilling of blood and the tragic loss of numerous lives, including the body he currently occupied.

To make things more complicated, the princess, instead of regarding him as her personal attendant, had designated Zhion the task of safeguarding the capricious son of the king. As Zhion tried to wrap his head around this, a big challenge emerged: he had to use his foresight to prevent the upcoming disaster. However, the even tougher part was convincing those around him, especially the princess, about the imminent danger approaching in the coming days. This became even more critical as the inevitable approach of the foretold attack cast a shadow over the unfolding events.


As the grand doors of the royal chamber open, the world outside floods my senses, and a wave of dizziness crashes over me. The memories of the body's previous owner surge forth, overwhelming my own consciousness. The sudden deluge of experiences and emotions leaves me momentarily disoriented.

I stagger, my steps faltering, until the cool touch of the stone wall steadies me. Leaning against it, I close my eyes, attempting to regain composure as the echoes of another life resonate within my mind.

The man, ever-perceptive, notices the abrupt change in my demeanour. He strides over, his brow furrowed in concern. "Zhion, what's happening? You look as though the weight of the world just descended upon you. Are you well?" His hand extends to my shoulder, a gesture of both support and inquiry.

I glance up at him, recognizing the familiar face from the memories of this body—the person named Alionel. Despite the connection evident in those recollections, I maintain a guarded demeanour. "It's nothing, just a momentary dizziness. I'll be fine," I reply, attempting to downplay the intensity of the internal struggle.

Alionel's eyes search mine for reassurance. "Are you sure? You don't seem yourself. If something's troubling you, you can always share it with me, Zhion." I nod, reassuring him.

Upon regaining my composure, we chose not to head to the training ground but sought solace in a local pub to satisfy our hunger.

In the heart of the town, the local pub welcomed us with a cozy charm. Its aged exterior hinted at a history filled with gatherings and stories. Inside, soft, golden light from vintage lanterns created a warm atmosphere. People chatted amiably, and a minstrel's melody added to the friendly ambience.

As we settled into the well-worn but comfortable seats, the delicious aroma of passionately prepared meals surrounded us. The pub's menu promised not just food but a taste of the town's heritage, with dishes ranging from savoury stews to freshly baked bread.

Amidst the clinking of glasses and laughter, we caught wind of local gossip about Grimrose Palace. The tales were captivating, like stories told by candlelight. Whispers described the princess as known not just for her royal stature but also for a beauty as chilly as the untouched snow on the northern peaks.

My interest piqued as excitement filled the air regarding an upcoming engagement between the princess and the Revenant country, Valiant family's crown prince. The town buzzed with speculation and admiration. The Revenants, mysterious and powerful, added an air of intrigue to the impending union. Curious townsfolk shared stories of the palace's grandeur and the princess's poised elegance.

In the lively pub atmosphere, a group of locals engaged in animated conversation, weaving a tapestry of gossip about Grimrose Palace.

Townsperson 1: Have you heard about the engagement? The princess is marrying the Valiant's crown prince!

Townsperson 2: Really? The Revenants country, with their mysterious ancestral estate It's like a story from an ancient legend.

Townsperson 3: I heard the princess is as cold as the palace walls. They say her beauty can freeze hearts.

Townsperson 1: Cold or not, the union will boost Esceptoria's standing. The Revenants have powerful connections.

Townsperson 2: What about love? Can a marriage work without it?

Townsperson 3: Whispers say there are hidden passages, secret chambers, and a garden that blooms even in winter.

Townsperson 1: What about the princess's family? The Grimrose dynasty must have its own tales.

Townsperson 2: Their lineage is ancient, with rulers navigating wars and alliances. The princess carries the weight of that history.

Townsperson 3: A heavy crown for someone so young. Do you think she's ready for the responsibilities?

Townsperson 1: Ready or not, she's bound to them now, especially with this alliance. Grimrose's fate is tied to the Revenants.

As the conversation continued, the pub buzzed with intrigue, creating a story as captivating as the tapestries hanging on the walls of Grimrose Palace itself.

I look at Alionel and ask, "What's with those fairytale stories? Also, what about revenants?"

Alionel glanced my way, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Fairytale stories, my friend, hold grains of truth and mysteries yet to unfold." With a nod, he leaned in, ready to share the lore.

"Now, the Revenant country, as powerful as the renowned Kingdom of Esceptoria, is a realm draped in shadows and whispers. Its borders are guarded by ancient forests, where trees stand as sentinels, and the air crackles with an energy unknown to most. The Revenants have ruled these lands for generations, their lineage entwined with secrets passed down through time.

The capital, Veridora, boasts towering spires that seem to touch the heavens. Its architecture blends seamlessly with the natural landscape, creating an aura of both majesty and mystique. The city's heartbeat resonates with the power emanating from the Revenant Castle, a structurrumoureded to house not just nobility but arcane knowledge guarded zealously.

The Revenants, powerful and mysterious, excel in both diplomacy and mystical arts. Their impact goes beyond borders, forming alliances with distant realms shaped by historical trials. In Veridora, the streets narrate stories of a community deeply linked to the mysterious, a realm where secrets linger in the shadows and even the softest whispers hold significance.

Much like Esceptoria, the Revenant country is a power to be reckoned with, its history etched in the very stones that line its streets. As for those fairytale stories, well, my friend, truth often wears the cloak of fantasy."

Alionel met my nod with a knowing look as I took a sip of my drink. "What's the deal with the whispers surrounding Princess Rhoswein's marriage to the Revenant Country, Valiant family's Crown Prince?"

"Ah, the whispers of Princess Rhoswein's union with the Valiant family's Crown Prince. It's a tale spun not in the delicate threads of love but in the robust strands of power and allegiance."

Leaning in, he shared the details: "The Valiant family's Crown Prince, known as Erevan, embodies the strategic alliance sought by both land. Their marriage is a dance of politics and influence, weaving a tapestry that strengthens the ties between Esceptoria and the formidable Revenant country. Love, my friend, might be a distant companion in this union, as the weight of duty and the destiny of two powerful kingdoms intertwine."

With great power, comes darkness that can't be controlled.

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