
Another Grimoire

Read Authors Note


Zoe and Fenris spent the next hour sitting at the table trying to decode the magical language, but every time they attempted to read the script the symbols seemed to come alive and switch places with each other. With a great sigh, Fenris slouched in his chair and glanced at Zoe, " I think we should stop now clearly we don't have the skills to read the spell " with an equally loud sigh Zoe stood up and started leave not before remaining Fenris to take a break once and a while.

When she was out of sight Fenris smiled and took out the second wooden book cover he had made this one especially for Zoe. Fenris took the white ash wood cover and quickly began the process of binding paper into the wooden cover when the deed was finished Fenris enchanted ten more scrolls with Incarcerous. After a quick meal with Zoe both of them found themselves in bed cuddling before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Fenris spent the next few days working on his quest while Zoe practiced her magic more and started to take an interest in alchemy and magical healing. Fenris had readily joined her and they both started to learn basic potions and alchemical solutions, one night Fenris and Zoe found themselves in the basement looking at the Zoe unfinished grimoire. Fenris repeated the process of taking seven dragon heartstrings and placing them on the wooden cover, Zoe watched in wonder as the heartstrings formed a circle as if they were alive.

Taking the final step Fenris had Zoe prick her finger and watched as her blood quickly vanished into the wooden cover. Just like his, the tome started to change and a prompt appeared in front of Fenris and Zoe's eyes.

( I forgot to add Fenris's grimoire in the last chapter )


[ Congratulations: Grimoires Successfully crafted ]

You have bonded with a magical artifact called a grimoire. Rejoice as the first and second wizard bonded to a grimoire your grimoire has gained a perk. Grimoires are magical artifacts used by wizards to hold their spells for any purpose. With the correct materials, a wizard or witch can inscribe the spell into the tome so they can cast it at will by calling out the magical word. Be warned that inscribing the spell will drain a considerable amount of magical energy from the wizard. Grimoires are heavily attuned to magic and different materials may or may not affect the spells cast.

[ Grimoire of Natures Boon ]

This grimoire has been baptized in a source of nature this has greatly changed the tome's nature. All spells cast through this grimoire will have a certain elemental aspect depending on the true nature of the spell. All spells of that deal with forces of nature and the elements will receive a considerable boost.

Bonded: Fenris, ???

Spells: Incarcerous

[ Grimoire of Phyiscal Seduction ]

This grimoire has been baptized in a source of blood and illusion greatly changed the tome's nature. All spells cast through this spell will have increased accuracy when targeting a being of blood and flesh. All spells that aim to confuse or misdirect the target will receive a considerable boost.

Bonded: Zoe, ???

Spells: None


Closing the prompt Fenris looked at Zoe and smirked, " It weird we don't have a lasts name do we " Zoe shrugged, " We might want to fix that it raise questions later we might not want to come up. " Fenris pursed his lips in thought before speaking again, " How about we create a house name for ourselves, eventually well probably be involved with some of the noble houses so we should have our own house names, I'll be Fenris Yggdrasil "

Zoe struggled and failed to hide a smirk at his last name, " I guess that appropriate seeing as you can control plants and all... I'll be Zoe Eros " Fenris looked at her raising an eyebrow, " The god of love how original " Zoe frowned at his comment, " Like yours is any better, Yggdrasil the world tree really. " Fenris shrugged and opened the new section of his system right under the option to view Morrigans status, clicking on the magical artifact option his grimoire now listed him has Fenris Yggdrasil. Zoe also had hers changed but that was in the back of her mind what she really wanted to do was inscribe her first spell.

When Fenris had told her that he had almost finished her grimoire she started to go through the spells she knew and which one she wanted to inscribe. While Zoe was thinking Fenris pulled out a vial of enchanted ink and a metal quill so she when she made up her mind Zoe would have the needed materials. Fenris only had to wait a few minutes before Zoe picked up the quill and wrote two words Arresto Momentum, with a flash of light the two words were transformed into lines of sprawling text that encompassed the entire page the spell would slow the descent of the target making it very useful.

Like the prompt warned Zoe was drained of her magic energy and was incapacitated, catching her as she stumbled Fenris picked her up in a princess carry and walked up the stair placing her on their bed. Fenris then spent the next half an hour tending to Zoe making sure there were no further complications. When she recovered her strength the sun was almost gon so they decided to stay in bed falling asleep in each others arms.

Sorry I wasn't able to upload the past few days the internet was down so I wasn't able to get on. the other thing I wanted to say is that I am dropping my other novel The Kitsune demon and starting another fanfic based on That Time I was Reincarnated as a slime. Only expect a few chapters next week as I'll be using that time to plan and write then the new novel.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts