

I have been staring at the big screen since I got here. I moved around in circle and still the view didn't change. It was always focused on the woman standing still at the center platform like a robot. The only movement she displayed was blinking her eyes and looking at the time.

No matter where you view it from, you would always see the same thing as anyone else viewing it from other place. That is the recent technology developed by IRIS, one of the core company under Lux Corporation. It is always good to get first hand experience like this rather than just reading a report or testing a prototype in a controlled environment.

This new technology purpose is of course to let everyone have the same high quality viewing no matter your location. Whether it is the neck breaking front screen row which doesn't exist anymore because of our aim to make everyone satisfied or even the back-end corner where only a glimpse could be seen that have been fixed.

A number of cameras are installed in various strategic point to indentify any individual viewing whatever is projected. The data is then sent to a super computer to manage each and every different individual location and viewing angle. The data is also live meaning each time you move it is immediately sent to the super computer which changes the previous location to your current position without a mistake. The correction is done less in a second.

Some might say this is a great waste of resource and time. Others would say it is impossible as your eyes sees whatever is in front of us and others would see it in a different angle. The later might be true as if you weren't detected by the cameras, all you would see is a big screen with nothing on it. The image is projected to every person meaning we could also choose to project a different image for other person. It is a highly advanced technology closer to a hologram rather than a television.

Rather than projected I would rather say hijacked or hacked. The true working of this technology is to directly send a message to the brain. My true aim is to control everything the citizen sees. That would be the next program and it is already being researched. Soon this would be installed in every digital media as a high tech camera.

The screen part is difficult to justify as we know everyone loves their privacy. Why would you want other person 10 meters away from you to see what you are doing in your phone. TVs are easier to control. Hmm what should I do about their phones. No solutions yet. Brainwashing everyone is going to be difficult and slower.. but it will be done.

Oh yeah, the main reason they are enthusiastic about it is the full individual scan at live time with no limits set on the number of crowd scanned. It makes it easier to catch criminal. Imagine it being installed in every major entrance, the super computer would be able to recognize suspicious individual in seconds. Still how do I hijack their brainwaves. Imagine everyone being able to witness the everyday life of the great me. Ah they would marvel at the sight of me.

"Stop being full of your self puppet. I imagine half the city would be covered in vomit and people would experience a mental breakdown whenever they see you."

"Shut up Soul. You know how great I am."

"I wish to complete this assignment as fast as possible. Please don't come looking for me ever again."

Haha Soul is a great guy. He make funny jokes sometime. He is not serious right?

*Ding Ding Ding*

"Everyone, now that the registration for the day have been completed, please take a seat. Anywhere you are comfortable sitting will do. Only around 10 000 people have registered today so there is plenty of open space. Take your time, the introduction would begin in 5 minute."

I tend to get lost in my thought often. Taking out my fancy pocket watch, It is 1.15. Afternoon I guess. Now that I think about it I'm.. hungry. Don't they provide any lunch? *sigh* I hope my stomach doesn't rumble.

"Alright, first I need all of you to view this academy intro video."

Then all I saw was black.