
Chapter 1

It was around 7:00 pm, 2018

Renuka, who is working in kitchen, preparing dishes while multi tasking. Sweat beads were forming on her face which she was brushing with her hands while working.

"Mom! why don't you take help of them?" asked Geetha while grabbing the stirrer from her mother.

" Geetha, they are studying dear and you are working in your room, so I didn't want to disturb you." her mother spoke making her sigh.

" Why don't you understand mom? do you think they would be studying?"

"Geetha?!" her mom said while giving a questionnaire look.

"Just go and check what your sweet daughters are doing!"

"Geetha! they might arrive at anytime and you are still in this dress? "

" Ma?! they aren't strangers to me and more over it's aunt chandini, so you know!" she shrugged continuing stirring.

Renuka slapped on Geetha's shoulder making her groan with pain.

" Arghhh! mom, how many times I told you not to hit" she shouted back.

If Chandini is your lovely aunt or not, you should be beautiful for Ajay," she said while garnishing the dish.

" Mom! he knows me from 15 years and still you want me to be beautiful? he accepts me if I didn't get make up also!"

" Some one is talking about my brother in law here?" Krithika spoke while entering into the kitchen.

"Shut up! First we should see the special dishes today, then we can talk about brother-in- law," her twin younger sister Ketika said while inhaling the aroma of food.

" Ugh! you are such a foodie! I don't get why God had made a bad decision." Krithika mockes at her sister.

" Uff... look, how your favorite daughters started words war," Geetha said while shooking her head not believing why she has to see all that.

"Geetha! they are your sisters," Renuka added.

" Of course mom, they are! And I can bet that even world war 3 will be finished but not their words war," she stated making her mother laugh.

" Krithika!! Ketika!! is this a fish market?"

They both snapped a look at her elder sister, stopping their silly fight, who was now glaring at them.

They both stood there quite taking quick glances at her mother who was silent all the time not even siding for them.

" Have you both studied?" Geetha questioned them.

"Ah...Yeah...yeah! We studied," They both shouted in unison making Geetha give a wary look.

Switching off the stove, she walked towards them and stood before them making them nervous.

" Tell me what you have studied?"

That...that..we studied...

Umm...you studied?

We studied about History. History! isn't it Kri?! Ketika shuttered.

Krithika was now fuming at her sister, because she hates that subject.

Umm, yeah and Ketika studied Physics, Krithika answered making her twin glare back at her.

Though they took revenge by telling out each other's subjects which they hate the most, but they didn't get that they both still are in danger with her elder sister.

" Okay, then take your books and come back, I will give a test for you," Geetha stated making them gasp.

"What? a test? but why sister? don't you believe in us?" they both pouted.

Don't give those sweet looks, that won't work for me! she said eyeing her mother, which her mother very well knows why she was glancing at her.

Ding! Dong.... Ding...Dong....

The door bell was pressed making all the ladies alert.

" Geetha, they might have arrived, go and welcome them dear. And Rithu and Ketu, help me in arranging the dinning table."

Renuka shared the works while they all nodded. The twins sighed happily thanking in their hearts. While Geetha left to welcome the guests.

She opened the door to see bright smiles on the guests. She smiled back at them and welcomed giving space for them to enter.

"Geetha! Look, you have become more skinny dear! Aren't you eating well?" her Aunt who is going to be her mother in law in an year asked her.

She bent down to take blessings from them. She stood up and answered," I'm busy due to the work Aunty."

" Child! you should take care of your diet, Your aunt will be sad thinking about you when we get back." Her father-in-law added making Chandini glare at him.

Geetha smiled at her uncle's words.

Amreesh! of course!, I am worried about my daughter in law, she said stroking Geetha hair.

" Geetha! please tell to your aunt to believe that you are engaging with my son."

She gave a confused look, staring at them.

" Geetha, I'm happy that you are marriying my son dear, and I still couldn't believe it as I'm feeling that, I'm dreaming this."

Aunty!... she was about to say something but her phone started to ring. Excusing herself she left as it might be important call.

"Renuka! how are you?" Chandini and Amreesh asked in unison.

" Thank God! I'm happy that you both remember me that still I'm existing here."

" Common Renuka! still you are behaving like a college student," Amreesh commented making all of them into laughter.

" By the way where are your son's?" Renuka enquired.

"Akash is in Kolkata on a business trip, and Ajay is going to be here in an hour or so and you know about my younger son, Arjun," Chandini sighed thinking of Arjun.

Renuka, placed her hand assuring everything will be fine.

They were all talking while the twin too started to have conversations.

"Rithu! I'm bored, I will on the TV, there will be interesting show, at this time," Ketu wishpered.

Rithu nodded as she was also bored. Ketu got up and arranged the wires as they always play vedio games, so they should change the wires.

" Hello! Kumar?!"

" Geetha! it's urgent, sorry to disturb you at this moment," Kumar spoke from another side.

" Is everything fine Kumar? What happened, please tell me clearly?" she fired questions as she was anxious to know.

" Geetha! Ansari is stabbed, and he is admitted in hospital." he utterd making her gasp.

" But...but, how could this happen Kumar? we gave strict orders to the police and even Jatin was there and he too ordered them," she was now impatient knowing about it.

" Okay! I'm going to come there in 20 minutes," she said and cut the call taking her car keys.

" The victim named Ansari, was stabbed an hour back in the hospital. The police are in search for the culprit, stay tuned to know more about the flash news," came on the television while Rithu flipped a channel.

Amreesh, Chandini and Renuka heard the news and stopped their talks, keenly listening again the repeated on going news, read by a news reader.

God! Geetha was taking his case right Renu? Chandini asked.

"Of course! she was talking about him day before through phone Chandini. I think she might be not knowing this, we should tell her," Renu responded.

Just then, Geetha entered who changed her dress into formals which she wears when she goes out.

She wore white blouse which had frills on the border at the neck and and a light coffee shrugg which is laced, and an orange scarf on her neck.

Geetha! did you know about the news dear? her mom said to her making her nod.

" Mom, it's urgent, I'm going to firm and later I'm going to hospital. If I'm late don't worry," she said.

" But, Geetha, it's late and at this time..., Chandini interrupted I middle, " Renuka, let her go, she isn't a baby. She is grown up and working. She can take care if her self well."

" Chandini! I'm not talking about how well she is grown up. Im talking about her safety" She spoke.

" Geetha! your mom will be giving lectures on safety and security everytime. So, you have so mauch time to listen to her lessons later, now go and look after that stuff," Chandini stated while Renuka was looking at her friend.

Geetha smiled and nodded to her aunt's words and left.

" Chandini?! how can you make her go along at this time? it's getting more darker and days are not good."

" I agree with Renuka words Chandini" Amreesh remarked.

" I know Amreesh, but she is in hurry and Renuka was stopping her, so I let her go," she said making them all agree.
