
Chapter 2

Geetha, started her car raging the speed while she dialed a number. It started to ring and then it became switched off.

" Is Anitha and Pavan are in danger?" she thought.

The thought made her more worried and increased the accelerator.

" Renuka! where is Prakash?!" Amreesh asked.

"He went to a camp Brother. There was an urgent meeting for him, and he tried his best to be here for you all, but it was an important meeting for him so he left to Delhi."

"Oh, it's okay Renuka! we can understand. And Geetha resembels like Prakash. She is so work holic and even you," Amreesh commented.

" Thats why you all are work holics, see even the genes of them are like you all," Chandini added.

"Chandini, do you think Brother Amreesh and your son's aren't work holics?" Renuka remrked.

" Everyone are work holics, but please come and have dinner, we both are hungry," the twins said in unison making the elders into laughter.

" Rithu! Ketu! sorry children, forgetting you two we were talking,. Come we will now have our dinner," Amreesh spoke.

They all sat to have dinner while Renuka started to serve.

"Renu! we can serve and no more formalities," Chandini said making her friend sit in chair.

" We are also a part of family Renu!" Amreesh added giving a small smile.

" Mom! Geetha, didn't had dinner right? let's call her Ketu said and got up to take her mobile which was kept in living room.

" Ketu! she must be busy, let herself call and inform what she is up to dear." Renuka adreesed.

Geetha car halted near a gloomy house. The lights were off and even the watchmen was not there. The neighborhood has power cut. She thought it as normal powercut.

She got down from the car and passed through the gate which was opened. Taking quick glances at other sides, switched on the flash light on her mobile.

" Anji Chacha! Anji Chacha!!" she called out the watchman name aloud, but she didn't get any response.

Climbing the steps which lead the way into the passage. She halted as she noticed a figure on the floor. She ran there to notice the watchman lying there.

" Help! help!" he was muffling and trying to get up.

" Chacha! Chacha!! it's me Geetha, What happened?" she asked trying to make him awake from the dizziness.

" Geetha beta... bet..." he laid unconsiously.

She called the ambulance and ordered them to be here as early as possible, and emergency.

" Anitha! Anitha!! pavan! Pavan!!" she showed their names as they might respond.

Walking to the right, she noticed the door was open. It was her office room. The whole room is messy. All the files were dismandeled and spread on floor.

Her hand unconsiously dialed a number. It started to ring for a few minutes and they lifted.

" Jatin! please, it's urgent, come to the firm," and cut the call.

She went through the other cabins and noticed everything messy. All the files scattered on floor. The broken flower pots and even there was breakage of the computers.

Walking uninterruptedly, climbing the steps to the house. The door wasn't locked and it was also messy like the other ones.

Stepping forward, she noticed the Racks and some damage in the house too.

Sudden seriens roared in front of the firm making the neighbors come out. They all are surrounded the Jeep's and the police were trying to control them.

Jatin got down from the Jeep, ordering the contestables to search in the firm, and asked them to call the power employees to know why there was power cut. They all nodded and started exploring the firm in every side.

Jatin, directly walked to the second floor which was dark. He noticed the watchman lying. The helper boys took the watchman in ambulance while the doctor put the oxygen mask and dressing his wounds.

" Geetha! What happened?" Jatin questioned while he entered.

" Jatin. they...they..." she collapsed on the floor thinking about pavan and Anitha.

"Geetha! please, I came here, so don't worry, I called the CCTV footage to know who did this and don't worry," he assured her.

" No. No. Jatin, they would have done something to Anitha or pavan, please... please,search for them," she shouted controlling her tears.

" Geetha, you are panicked, Please take few breathes" he spoke and got up to get water for her. He made her drink some water and made her sit on couch.

" Be relaxed, everything will be fine," spoke.

" Geetha" a faint voice called her making both of them glance at the entrance.

She noticed Anitha standing at the door who was robotically moving towards them.

Geetha ran to her and hugged tightly making Anitha unconsiously hug her back. Anitha sobbed like a child who lost her chocolate.

" Anitha! are you fine? and..and where is pavan?" she enquired.

" They took him Geetha! they took him and asked to give the file or they will kill pavan" she utterd making them gasp.

" Who are they Anitha? who are they? " she shook her questioning.

" They are Malik Bhai men" she slowly said sitting on the couch.

" Where were you Anitha? and how did this happen?" Jatin enquired.

" Kumar left to hospital to check on Ansari. we both were having dinner and we heard watchman shouting. Then suddenly they came in throwing everything and took away my pavan Geetha! My pavan!" she wailed out narrating what had happened.

Geetha pressed her hands on her shoulder making her sniffle a sob.

Jatin turned around to move, Geetha noticed it," Where are you going Jatin?" she questioned in her hoarse voice.

" To search for them Geetha" he replied.

" I will also come along with you Jatin, please take me along with you" she pleaded.

" Geetha, please be with Anitha. She is stressed out and you should Stay with her," he said waiting for her response, but no one some a word for a minute and he continues," watchman was admitted in hospital, you should look over to him."

"Jatin, I will go to hospital and Geetha will accompany you," Anita stated making Geetha snap a quick look.

" Anitha? you can't go to hospital at this position and please, take some rest," Jatin suggested.

" Don't worry Jatin, Geetha and you will get my son back, so please let me go to hospital to check for Anji Chacha," she spoke.

" Anitha, take my car," Geetha said handing the keys to her.

" Okay, a contestable will drive for you," he said and they all walked out of the dark room.

Anitha got in the car while the contestable drove and Jatin gave strict instructions to him to give updates Everytime.

They both stared at the disappeared car on the road and the people started to gossip around the neighborhood.

Eevn the news reports were taking quick clicks of the firm while the patrol were stopping them.

Jatin and Geetha got into the Jeep and drove fast. Geetha was in deep thought not even noticing the surroundings which were passing by.

" Renuka aunty! Renuka aunty!!" shouted a person barged in not even pressing the door bell.

" Ravi!" they all glanced at the person and noticed he was panting.

" Ravi! what happened?" Amreesh was the one to ask him.

" Uncle, firm...firm..." he was panting and stuttering.

Renuka gave a glass of water and he guzzeled up and wiped his mouth.

" Aunty, Geetha firm was surrounded by police and a lot of damage occurred in the firm," he said.

" What are you talking Ravi? how could this happen? an hour back she left hurridly as Ansari was stabbed and how come the firm was damaged? Amreesh fired questions against him.

" I don't know uncle, the news were scrolling and it became talk of the Town," Ravi delivered the message.

krithika, switch on the TV to notice the flash news showing Geetha firm. Geetha and Jatin getting into the car, while the police were ceasing the people,not to enter.

" Mom! Anitha and Pavan are not there? " ketu asked making Renuka stare at TV.

Chacha: Uncle

" For every fear, there is a strong opinion on you which makes you collapse"

hanu023creators' thoughts