
Death is just the next great adventure

In a void floated a lonesome soul who was reminiscing about their life. Said soul's name was Mason black. He was a 24-year-old welder who lived a simple life. He had a normal family and lived a standard childhood. As a teenager he watched a tv show known as "Gravity Falls". He sympathized with the main character because they were alike in many ways including their first name mason. He loved the show, so he remembered it fondly as he grew older. As he lived his adult life, he grew a passion in the welding industry. So, he went on to college for it and got a nice job. One day he rewatched the show on a Sunday before work for old times' sake. It was late by the time he went to sleep, so he was tired the next day. This made him careless and caused him to not hear the warning that one of his coworkers dropped a gas tank. By the time he realized what was happening it had already exploded. When the flames were devouring him, his last thought where I have no regrets.

In a sudden flash of light, the scenery changed from a void to an all-white office like setting with comfortable Victorian style furniture. Sitting behind a desk was a visage that would best be described as death. A pitch-black robe covers its skeletal body with eyes made of black flames. He spoke with an ethereal voice: Mortal you have died a tragic death. For you I have chosen a plane of reincarnation. The world is similar to your old one, but more mystical in comparison. It's one you watched before your death called "Gravity Falls". You will be reincarnated as the main character's older brother. Now as everything is being set up, I will give you three wishes and 3 boons. Choose wisely for they will help to guide your fate. As mason was contemplating on what to choose, he came to a conclusion.

He then looked towards death and spoke with determination: For my first wish I would like unrestricted shapeshifting. This would allow me to shapeshift into anything by truly becoming them, and anything I would want. My second wish is to be able to create things from my imagination, but it takes my mental energy. My third wish is to have instant comprehension, so that I will instantly gather the knowledge and ability on how to do so. Now onto my boons I would like to have an eidetic memory. Then I would like to have the god of the wild's blessing. This would make me an ally of all those who are wild, and a friend to nature. For my last boon I want limitless potential.

Death: These are acceptable, but for your shapeshifting abilities you will have to create a base form. It may not seem important, but this form will be the one the gods shall recognize as yourself. Also choose a new name.

Mc: My new name shall be Leonidas Grim Pines. As for my appearance I want the build of a warrior with auburn curly hair. My final height should be 7ft 2inchs tall with piercing bright green cat eyes. {A/N: Imagine a young Jason Momoa, but with these changes. I know I use him a lot, but he's handsome Bruh.} What age am I gonna be?

Death: You will be sixteen years old when you go. It will be the start of the show.

Leo: Ok may I get my memories of that life when I get there, please?

Death: yes, you may. Goodbye for now.

In a flash of light once more he went into the realm of Morpheus.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>Scene Change<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On a bus there would be three people in the passenger seats, two of them were twins, and the third was asleep. With a jolt of energy Leo was awoken by the swarm of memories he had gotten. With instant comprehension he knew how to control all of his abilities without a mishap. His eyes then glowed as he smiled and changed his teeth into fangs giving him a bestial look. From what his memories told him he was sent to live with his great uncle stan for now on because of all the fights he was getting into. They were mainly because his siblings were being bullied, so he wasn't too heavily punished. His siblings were sent along for the summer, so they could spend some time with him before the school year started. He was transferred into gravity falls high, and he was all set for the remainder of his school years. His parents did this to set an example for his younger siblings. He was fine with it though because he stayed with stan when he was a little kid before. So, they knew each other, and had him a room ready before this anyway. {A/N: The room that the twins fought over when they switched bodies in season one.} At the moment his appearance was of him being 6ft 5 inches tall with his hair in a Viking braided ponytail. That went down his back, and a goatee the same auburn as his hair. He was wearing a black denim jacket with a green t-shirt, black denim jeans. As Well as black combat steel toe boots. He had on runic silver rings on every finger, and a couple of bracelets on each wrist. There was a steel chained silver amulet of oden's knot around his neck that went down to the middle of his chest. To complete his appearance, he had silver cross earrings in both ears, and a black Bullhide leather Australian cowboy hat on his head. After looking over himself he was pleased with how everything went regarding his choices. Then he looked towards his siblings and saw what they were doing. Mable was being silly distracting herself by annoying Dipper, and Dipper was just sitting there annoyed. As twenty minutes went by, he saw the same sign as he did all of those years ago. It said in big letters" WELCOME TO GRAVITY FALLS OREGON" {A/N: Que the intro!} seeing the sign he got his siblings attention by saying: Hey you two look to your left!" They then looked left and saw the sign. Their faces immediately brightened like a Christmas tree. After all such a long bus ride would bore anyone. Once the bus came to a stop in front of an old cabin that said "Mystery Shack" in big letters. They got their luggage off of the bus, and then it zoomed off as if it was in a hurry. Out of nowhere smoke appeared in front of them carrying with it an old man wearing a suit and Shriners hat. He looked at the twins first then he saw me. A shocked look appeared on his face before he pulled me into a hug. The old man then said: ``You've gotten big kid; it hasn't been the same since you left."

Leo then responded with a smile: Yeah, it hasn't grunkle stan. These two are the twins you should know their names."

Grunkle Stan then looked the two over and said with a smile: ``Kids, I am your great uncle Stanford Pines, but call me Grunkle Stan like Leo does." They both just nodded seemingly exhausted from such a long bus ride. With Stan helping with the luggage, he then called out to the cabin: `Soos guess who's back!!!" A heavy-set man could be seen rushing out of the door wearing khaki shorts and a grey t-shirt with a question mark on it. Once the man laid eyes on Leo, he got teary eyed and pulled him into a hug. The man then said to Leo: `Dude it's been years I'm glad your back bro."

Leo then said back: Yeah, it was man last time I saw you we were little kids." They then got the luggage inside the cabin and got unpacked. The twins got the attic while he got the room, he found years ago when he first visited. An hour later they all met up in the living room to watch some tv. The tv show that was on was a silly detective show called Ducktective. Leo tapped both stan and Soos on their shoulders then gave a follow me hand motion. Once they got into the kitchen Leo created a two liter of coke, and a bottle of apple Jack Daniels. Stan's eyes lit up as he smiled and rushed to get three glasses. Soos followed suit by getting some ice from the freezer. As they got everything together and made their glasses of varying strengths alcohol wise. They then made a toast: `To coming back together!!!"X3. Once downing their glasses, Stan spoke up: ``Kid you came in clutch today, this made our reunion into a party!!!"

Soos: Yeah dude where did you even get this?"

Leo: I have my ways so don't worry about it." He said with a sly smile.

Stan, seeing this, felt a rush of pride flow through him then he said: `That's my boy!!!"

They then drank throughout the night while enjoying each other's company and reminiscing about the past.

I hope you enjoy my creation

taticuscreators' thoughts