
Settling in

The night ended well for all of those involved. The older members of the family had a night full of both nostalgia and melancholy. Add in the effects of alcohol, and you get the full recollection of their lives since their last meeting. Bits and pieces were a bit of a haze, but they were still reeling from the overload of emotions and a mild hangover. They burned the twilight away with a speed that seemed to be otherworldly to them at the very least. The twins on the other hand had a difficult time going to sleep because of a combination of the emotions, nervousness of the new environment, and annoyance at their loud relatives. The trio downstairs didn't seem to realize quite how loud they've become, but that could be blamed on the alcohol. Though with their grievances they managed to enter the realm of slumber. Thankfully they had pleasant dreams as the cabin seemed to give off an aura of home.

Once dawn broke through, the first to wake was surprisingly Soos. The giant teddy bear of man didn't leave since Leo's sound argument that he shouldn't drive while drunk, and that his Abuelita would be disappointed if he did so. Once he saw that all three of them fell asleep on the dining room table surrounded by empty bottles and glasses, he decided to clean up a bit before he left for home. After the mild clean-up Soos left onwards towards home with the idea of a long and warm shower in the forefront of his thoughts. The next to wake was Leo since the sounds of Soos cleaning up woke him. As he gathered his thoughts the idea of a heavy breakfast pushed the process forwards significantly. With all his will Leo pushed off the table fighting his hangover as if he were the doom slayer in the bowels of hell.

Forwards he marched intent on that breakfast idea to become a reality. The sheer fierceness radiating in his eyes burst forth into little flames. Thanks to his shapeshifting it wasn't just a whimsical thought, but now a physical manifestation. Looking like a man possessed by a starved spirit of vengeance he cooked with Vigor! He made omelets that were soft and fluffy like how many would imagine a cloud could be. His instant comprehension came into clutch helping to make a breakfast that could cure any hangover no matter the severity. After the omelets he made hashbrowns and bacon. Getting so into the process he never noticed the arrival/awakening of his family. They looked on in both awe and confusion as he cooked. After all, where did all the food come from? The end result of his vigorous cooking gave the food a heavenly glow. Thus, any thoughts about where the food came from vanished as the aroma entered their senses. It was a work of art and one done by a young man powered by a hangover.

As Leo turned around to place the food on the table the presence of his family finally was realized by him. Noticing that there weren't any questioning gazes about how, and why the food came to be he calmed down. With a beaming smile under his dark eye bags, he placed the food on the table. Without a word in union, they feasted on his creation like a pack of wolves who happened upon an injured deer. Other than asking for more food to be made breakfast was a silent yet happy affair. Once content with their stomachs stuffed with food, conversation was finally made.

<Stan: Kid if you made food like this every day, I'd marry you!> Stan bellowed with a hearty laugh full of warmth.

<Dipper: Leo if you could cook like this why didn't you do so at home?>Dipper questioned with a gaze full of confusion.

<Mabel: Yeah bro bro I'd make you a sweater a day just for another breakfast like this!>Mabel exclaimed in puzzled awe.

<Leo: Well, the thing is you never asked me to cook before.> Leo said with a wide foxlike grin looking quite pleased with himself.

<Stan: Hahah he's got you, their kids!> Stan exclaimed seeing the playful yet mischievous look on his nephew's face.

<Stan: At any rate kid if all your food is like this, I designate you chef for now on!> Stan said seeing a free ticket to good food that he doesn't have to pay for.

<Mabel: Yeah!!! Here, Here!> Mabel also wanting more of his cooking greatly approved of this decision.

<Dipper: All in favor say I!> Dipper seeing the direction this was going decided to make it unanimous.

3X<I!!!> They all exclaimed never giving Leo a moment to consider anything.

<Leo: Well, I guess that's that.> Leo softly chuckled, finding the situation to be funny.

<Leo: So now that's decided is there any plans for today?> Leo questioned so he can plan his day around whatever activity they may be involved in.

<Stan: Yep, for now on since you're all staying here say hello to the mystery shack your new job!!! We'll spend the day getting yall acquainted with your designated duties.> Stan said with a greedy smile at the thought of free labor.

Thus, their time working at the mystery shack began. They spent the day just goofing off and wandering around. As lunch time came around, Leo once again made food for his family. This time it was a simple meal of BLT's using the leftover bacon from breakfast. Leo seeing the opportunity for what it was decided to make a little announcement.

<Leo: Hey I'm going to go wander around the woods for a little while. I might be gone till later in the day.> Leo said with a calm voice, but the excitement was visible on his face.

<Stan: Alright but bring an ax with you just in case. You never know when you might need it.> Stan said with both a serious voice and face.

<Leo: Alright sounds like a plan.>

<Dipper/Mabel: OH! Can I come with you?> The twins asked obviously wanting to get outside of the house.

<Stan: Sorry kids but I need you two to do something for me.> Stan said apologetically, but he did so because Leo obviously wanted some alone time.

<Leo: Hey tomorrow we'll definitely go together ok!> Leo shot Stan a grateful look before smiling at the twins.

<Dipper: Alright…but tell me if you see something cool!!!> Dipper said a little put out, but not aggravated.

<Mabel: Fiiiine, but we're definitely going next time!> Mabel said a little gloomy, but with determination.

<Leo: It's a promise and i don't go back on my promises.> Leo said dead serious. It was obvious how much the twins wanted to go, so he would make sure they would have fun tomorrow.

<Mabel/Dipper: Deal!!!> The twins exclaimed happily since they knew how much promises meant to Leo. After all there was a reason Leo fought all of their bullies to the point that he got kicked out of school. He had promised to protect them no matter what, and he stood by that promise with grave determination.

Stan smiled warmly seeing the sibling interact and seemed lost in thought with no small amount of melancholic sadness contained within his eyes. His thoughts fixated on his long-lost twin brother, and what they could have had. Leo who had glanced at Stan saw his state of mind and firmly grabbed his shoulder as a sign of comfort. He did this subtly though since he didn't want to interrupt his siblings and their now rekindled happy mood. With all the gracefulness he could manage Leo guided Stan outside of the cabin leaving the twins to bicker distractedly amongst themselves. Once in some seclusion away from any may be prying ears, he sat down next to stan.

<Leo: I know that look man. It's none of my business on what's the matter, but just know I'm here.>Leo said giving his other father figure a branch of support. It was up to him to take it, but Leo was patient and knew these things took time.

<Stan: Thanks kid…. I don't want to talk about it right now, but you should know what it's about.> Stan gave Leo a knowing look since they discussed what happened to his brother once he went through his stuff the first time he came over. Though nothing about the portal was mentioned, only that he "died" in a car accident.

<Leo: Yeah, I do, but the offer still stands no matter what.> Leo said this with a firm tone in his voice. The tone of a person who will be as stubborn as a mule in their decision.

<Stan: Alright let's stop with this mushy stuff. Go on with your little hike I'll keep the twins occupied.> Stan said, obviously uncomfortable, but nonetheless grateful.

<Leo: Fine, Fine I'm going old timer. See you when I get back. Just grab some ingredients for whatever you want for dinner.> Leo said with a smirk.

After their little moment Leo left the cabin heading towards the forest. Once he got deep enough to not be seen he smirked. In an instant like a flash of light he changed into a large auburn furred dire wolf. His green eyes now glowing brightly like torches were filled to brim with the excitement at now being finally able to let loose. Getting into a comfortable running position he bolted off deeper into the forest. All that could be seen was a red streak zooming between the trees. Faster, and faster he ran like the wind. Leo felt weightless like a feather with unending strength as he continued to run onward. As he got to the Oddly shaped cliffs with an UFO shaped hole, he jumped off the edge falling into the sea of trees. Once the feeling of falling set in and he neared the ground. Leo once again transformed, and he was now a dragon gliding with his gigantic wings. He flew as if he's been flying since the day of his birth. Never lost for he could never forget anything. Getting closer to the ground he flapped his mighty wings gaining altitude. Going ever higher since the sky was the limit. Now swimming among the sea of clouds an idea came into his mind. Feeling a little zesty he transformed into a giant feather winged whale. Seeming to fit in with the narrative in his thoughts. Thus, the giant aerial whale swam in the ocean blue sky filled with absolute freedom and bliss. For what felt like hours he was at peace, but yet it was only a mere moment.

Seeing the deep blue lake beneath him he closed his wings and dived towards the water. With a mighty splash the gigantic beast was no longer there for a water horse was in its place. Said horse was moving through the water at frightening speeds. Passing by what he thought resembled the loch ness monster, or what is known here as the gobblewonker. They both studied each other from a distance till said being seemed to dismiss him as not a threat. It seemed nature's friend was at work here. Not put out he continued swimming along playing with the fish. Once he got bored, Leo transformed into what seemed like a winged snake, and flew back into the forest. He was then grabbed by what seemed like a dryad. Though not tightly but more of a soft petting. Seeing his curious gaze, the dryad let him go and giggled before she returned back into what seemed like an oak tree. She poked her head out to speak before he left.

<Dryad: See you later little friend in whatever form you may be in.> The dryad smiled and winked as she left behind a baffled Leo. It seems that she could feel him as some sort of nature spirit.

With this being the straw that broke the camel's back he decided to head back home. It was getting dark anyway, so he turned this time into a giant owl. Flapping his giant yet silent wings he soared at speeds which surprised him. It seems owls were much faster than he thought. Reaching the cabin at breakneck speeds he opened his wings to slow his momentum. At what seemed like the last second, he stopped just right before hitting one of the outside walls. With a careful look around Leo made sure he was alone before becoming "human" once more. Walking through the front door he announced his arrival.

<Leo: I'M BACK!!!> Leo yelled with a smile.

<Stan: Hey kid how was your little trek through the woods?> Stan asked with an easy-going grin while sitting in his chair watching the tv.

<Leo: It was fun I found some cool places to show the twins tomorrow!> Leo said with a smirk knowing they were listening to their conversation even though they faced the tv.

<Dipper: Heck yeah, I can't wait!!!> Dipper said with a beaming smile.

<Mabel: You know what this means!?!? Scrapbook opportunity!!!! I'm going to bring my camera!> Mabel said while giggling looking as if she won the lottery.

<Leo: Heck yeah it does!!! Ooooh is that ducktective?!?! Move over let me sit down.> Leo said to the twins who were hogging the sofa.

Stan was watching everything go down feeling at peace with the world for once. He felt whole with the kids here. Smiling to himself, Stan focused back onto the TV. The pines family continued to watch Tv together only stopping to eat the dinner Leo made them. Thus, the day concluded with everyone in the mystery shack feeling right at home with where they were. Their thoughts buzzing like excited bees on the days to come.

Well this was a long chapter. Hope you enjoy reading it! Also for the question of his obtained memories. It's basically like he lived his entire life here, and gained his past life memories. So no matter what it was still him living here making the decisions he would. So theirs no feeling of being out of place. This also explains his connection to his family. Since for sixteen years he's lived with them. It's kinda like the past life memories where in a haze but he kept his personality. Now that haze is gone he's still him, but with some future knowledge.

taticuscreators' thoughts