
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. However, something different awaited him on the other side. ... After his death, due to unknowingly saving the lives of billions of people, God adopted him as his son and gave him the job to purify the multiverse from sin. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Damn, I miss Jesus, why did I send him there" ***Warning - No Harem, Extremely OP protagonist, more of a slice of life story.*** ___________________________ 2 Chapters daily [1st major world - Harry potter. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] [5th mini-world - Star Wars - 302 - 329] [6th major world - Naruto - 330 - 402] [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] [10th major world - Full Metal Alchemist Bro. - 529 -584] [11th major world - Dragon Ball - 595 - 663] [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. Thank You.

MisterImmortal · 書籍·文学
704 Chs

49. Glanpa

After letting Brandon free, Alexander headed to the Throne room to deal with the king. But midway he heard some noise coming from a distance. Alexander had his eye of judgment open at all times these days as most of the people had committed crime in the world, he would kill those who had committed crimes too heinous. Due to his eyes, his senses were always on alert. He saw more and heard more.

"Quickly, this way" A voice sounded.

Alexander got interested and walked towards the voice and saw a beautiful black-haired woman coming out of a room, following a fat hooded man. She had a babe in her arms and a 3-year-old little girl following behind her.

As soon as they saw him, they got scared. Alexander was wearing his full body armor to look scary to other men, but his looks backfired in this case.

The woman scaredly yelled at her daughter to run back into the room and hide. The little girl did as ordered and hid under the bed. The woman also ran back into the room and closed the door. The fat man stood outside, seemingly ready to defend with his small knife.

Then the fat man took down his hood and a memory resurfaced in Alexander's brain.


In the streets of Myr, a 13-year-old bald boy sat on the side of the street, begging. His eyes looked lifeless and yet determined to live.

Alexander, who was passing by the boy, felt interested and looked into his mind. He was shaken by what he saw. The boy was sold to a sorcerer who only wanted to paralyze his body without dulling his senses and cut his manhood to use it in a blood magic. Then the sorcerer threw him back on the streets. Since then the boy developed a deep hatred for all magic.

Alexander walked to the young boy and threw gold coins in his money bowl. There were more than ten gold dragons. 5 gold dragons were enough for a smallfolk family to live for a year, so the money was a lot. The bald boy looked up in confusion.

He was taken aback by the kindly smiling old man. He felt no ill intentions from him.

"Do you want to learn sword fight my boy?" Alexander asked.

The boy really felt that the man would teach him if he said yes.

"Holding a sword only gets you killed faster. I want to live," the boy replied.

"Hahaha... Wise beyond age. Good, then how about being a spymaster? A person who knows everything and gives that knowledge to one who pays the most."

The boy had stars in his eyes. This skill sounded so perfect.

"B-But, I don't have money to pay you," he sadly said.

"Haha... Look down, son," Alexander said.

The boy noticed his bowl which was now filled with gold coins and smiled.

"Valar Morghulis," Alexander said.

The boy had heard the greeting before, though he didn't know what it meant.

"Valar Dohaeris," he replied.

Alexander nodded, "What's your name?"

"Varys, and yours?" he replied,

"I am Alexander, but people call me All-father"

"Like, the God?" Varys asked.

"Yes, like the god. Now, let's go and get your manhood back," Alexander said and put a hand on Varys's shoulder and apparated to the sorcerer's place.

When they reappeared, Varys felt his stomach weird and then he looked around. He scaredly got away from Alexander. Fearing magic.

Alexander shook his head. "No, my child, do not fear me. Do not fear magic. It's people who define magic and not the other way around."

Then Alexander lifted his palm and a beautiful tree grew on it, "see, the magic is a gift from the gods. It can be used to help create life and also destroy it" suddenly the tree burnt down.

"It's on you, whether you choose to use it for good or bad." As he said his last words he sent out many Patronus charms. Many different animals started to circle around Varys. The atmosphere turned happy and warm. Varys started to see the magic in a new light. Though, still a bit scared.

"Let's go and punish the one who used dark magic on you," Alexander said and opened the door behind him.

Varys scaredly followed him behind. Then they found the sorcerer with the dead body of a toddler.

"Death is too little of a punishment for you." Alexander angrily roared. He put the man in Time-torture and made him go through 500 years of hell's punishment. Being skinned alive, limbs being chopped, blood being drained, nails being pulled off. He also slowly burnt his body. The man went through mind and body pain at the same time.

He was a Category 4 evil man. His soul would be tortured in hell for eternity.

Alexander slowly walked to the mutilated dead body of the toddler and fixed it. Then he picked it up. Alexander and Varys's body flew in the air and they flew to the outskirts of the city in a jungle. Varys was too scared to say anything. Flying was scary.

In the jungle, Alexander buried the body, as he had no way of finding the family of the dead toddler.

"What are you?" Varys asked.

"Haha... Now now... Is that the right way to talk to your teacher? Okay... There are a lot of birds here, let's start your training and teach you to really talk to the little flying birds and use them for information gathering. After this training, you will go to Braavos with this coin. The house of black and white will teach you the art of disguise." Alexander said and threw a coin.

[Memory ends]

Alexander slowly took down his helmet and said in a warm voice, "Valar Morghulis, son"

Varys recognized the voice. He had been trying to find the old man for so long. Alexander was always under strong notice-me-not-charms so no one in Westeros even knew what he looked like, except the Starks. As long as he didn't actively allow people to recognize him as All-father, no one can ever recognize him.

The blade slipped off Varys's hand and he fell down on his knees. "All-father, you really were the one true All-father."

"Get up my boy, tell me what's going on," Alexander said while helping him get up.

"I-I was trying to save the princess and her kids from the attackers." He said.

"No need to do that. It was me, I've been living with the stark for thousands of years. I am their patron god. The Mad King has gone crazy and there's no place for Targaryens on the Iron Throne. I've decided to actively participate in worldly affairs and make the world a better place for all," Alexander briefly said.

"Then, are you taking the throne?" Varys excitedly asked.

"No, my boy, not yet. Only you know that I am All-father. Even if I come out now, people won't believe me. I will remain in the north and slowly start taking over all the great Houses while bringing economical development. When people start seeing me as their King, I'll officially take the throne. But that's not the problem right now.

The Lannister army is headed to the city. They will sack the city. You go take the princess and her children to my ship in the harbor. I'll join you shortly. Please make her understand that there will never be another Targaryen monarch ever. I'll give her a nice place to live and good food to eat in the north. But she must stay hidden until I take the throne, I don't want to cause unnecessary bloodbath."

Varys nodded his head multiple times. "Yes, a god sitting on the throne as the King of Westeros is the best thing that can happen."

"Not just Westeros, Varys. The whole world. But you have a part to play. Robert will take over the throne and I don't have much trust in him running the Kingdom. You will remain here as the master of Whisperers and inform me of all doings here and in the world. Take this mirror. Call my name when you want to talk to me. Only you can see it, so there's no danger of someone finding it. Now, take me to meet them. I need to change their looks so they don't get caught."

Varys excitedly took the mirror and put it in his secret pocket like it was the most precious treasure in the world. Since the fateful encounter with Alexander in his young days, he had started to love everything magical.

Varys walked back to the door and knocked. "My princess, there is no danger. Please open the door"

The door slightly opened and Elia peeked out. Seeing that Varys was unharmed and there was no sword on his throat, she opened the door.

"My princess, let me introduce, Alexander Stark. He's the one who saved me many years ago from dying of hunger. He's a very kind man..." Varys started to blabber like a fanatic.

"That's enough Varys. We have a more pressing situation. It's nice to meet you, Princess. You look weak. It must be due to childbirth. Here, drink this." He handed her a rejuvenation potion.

She confusedly looked at Varys, who nodded at her. She gulped down the potion. She didn't know why she trusted the old man but her guts were telling her to trust him.

As soon as she drank it, she started to feel like her lost strength was returning. Breathing became easier. Her pale skin once again became a bit tanned like Dornish people.

Alexander's eyes then fell on the little head peeking out from under the bed. The dark-haired blue-eyed girl was too cute. Alexander quickly conjured a dragon teddy bear and showed it to her. She slowly crawled out and sheepishly walked to Alexander.

When she got close enough, Alexander lowered himself.

"You can have this if you tell me your name" he warmly said.

She looked at his face for a second and then smiled. "My name is Rhaenys, Glanpa"

Alexander felt a ticklish feeling in his stomach for being called Grandpa by such a cute one. Rhaenys looked like a real-life doll.

"Hahaha... Yes, I will be your Grandpa from now on, sweety. Here take this and this and this as well" Alexander gave her a plushie dragon doll of half her size and also a chocolate and other candies.

"Okay, princess. You need to get out of here. You can not go anywhere in the world without the fear of getting caught or poisoned by assassins, not even Dorne. I'll give you an option. I can change the way you and your children look. I'll take you to Winterfell with me and you will live there as my secretary. I know you are a smart one, so you'll easily be able to do this job. Winterfell is a huge castle, and it'll need someone to manage it," he suggested.

"But, why are you doing this? Won't we bring danger to your house?" She asked.

"Simple answer, I am too strong. You might not believe it but if I wanted to, I can take over the whole Westeros easily, but that would not be productive." Alexander bluntly said.

Varys continuously nodded his head while Elia weighed her options.

"Okay, I'll do as you say," she said, hoping that she wouldn't regret this decision.

"Believe me, by the end of this day. You'd be thanking me," Alexander said and waved his hand. All three, Elia, Rhaenys and 3 month old Aegon's hair turned brown and their eyes became black. All their skins turned white. Matching the northern people.

Elia looked at the changes happening to her daughter and son and then herself. She freaked out a little. "H-How?"

"No time to answer, Varys will tell you on your way," Alexander said and looked at Varys.

"Please follow me, my princess" Varys led them out.

After they left, Alexander created fake dummy bodies of them and left them in the room, with a strong illusion charm. Anyone who would see them would think that they were the real deal.


Alexander once again became invisible and headed to the Throne room. In the middle of his way, he saw Grand Maester Pycelle. Alexander saw his sins and read his mind. Sure enough, he was a Lannister spy and a pedophile too.

||Grand Maester Pycelle - Category 3

Murder - 17

Pedophile - 309

Torture - 39

Sin Percentage - 55%||

~Well, I won't kill him yet, but I will save the children from him.~

From that moment on, Grand maester Pycelle lost his manhood. There was nothing there but smooth skin, like a plastic doll. He would need to pee and poop from his butthole from now on.


24 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

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