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God_Of_Brutality · 映画
210 Chs

Chapter 31: Simulations

Arias watched each of their training sessions on separate screens. Shazam had the slowest times in each level which Arias understood as Billy had only gotten this power recently and was still learning the ropes. The other two however cruised through the first levels like they were nothing. However, their pace slowed down around level 23 of 100.

Raven flew in the air dodging multiple lasers while also destroying the battle robots that barraged her with attacks from random directions, unlike the prior levels that had certain attack patterns this level required her to adapt to any situation that popped up.

As for Starfire, it showed that she had at least some degree of battle experience. She adapted quickly to changes during the battle and worked fast to counter them managing to clear the level first. The next level however exposed her weakness as it tested one's perception in battle. Starfire although powerful overestimated herself and always attacked using fast and powerful attacks which would normally work except this time the robot she faced now had an extremely solid defense.

It only defended until it saw its opponent growing tired after which it would replace its defense with the offense. The way to beat this thing was to also go on the defensive and think of a plan of attack since the first wasn't showing any results.

Arias watched the battles intensely analyzing any weaknesses he could see. After a while, he saw none of them make any more progress and spoke into a device mounted on the wall and transmitted a message to all three simulation rooms.

He first wanted to end the simulations but instead gave each of them a hint.

Raven was the first to understand her hint and used her teleportation to the fullest, fighting in one position for only a moment before teleporting to a clear area and launching long-range attacks. After reaching the same level as Starfire she cleared it without needing a hint as she didn't even bother to attack after a few beams failed to penetrate the robot's armor. Once she saw the robot shifting and exposing a weak point she quickly teleported behind it and blasted it from point-blank range ending it with one attack.

Starfire soon got hers as well. She started flying in a circular motion going round and round the robot and when the robot began to shift, her eyes glowed green before she shot a powerful beam to destroy the robot instantly.

As for Billy although his efficiency improved it couldn't make up for his lack of practice with his new power so he had still failed to clear the level.

Arias then told them all to cease training and come out. Soon they came out and went to an open area were Arias stood waiting for them.

Once in front of Arias Starfire immediately got down on one knee and yelled.

"My Lord!".

Arias could only sigh at her dedication to be whatever she had to be for the sake of her people.

Raven hesitated for a moment but went down on a knee as well and removed her hood.


Leaving only a confused Billy who also quickly got on one knee and yelled.


Arias closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and turning to look at the three with an extremely suffocating aura

"Although I find the dedication to your goals admirable...do not address me with a title you do not mean thinking it makes me feel exalted in some way. It is simply insulting. Only address me by something you truly mean".

Arias wore a casual expression on his face and his words carried no particular tone but the aura he was radiating at the moment made them all feel different emotions toward it.

Raven was reminded of the gap in strength between her and her father and how she could only bow her head in the face of such power. However, this time she raised her head and spoke with confidence and a burning desire in her eyes to be as powerful as the man that stood in front of her

"I see as someone who can help me grow stronger, someone who can help me defeat my father...I see you as...My Master".

Starfire on the other although she felt inferior ain the presence of his aura as it was surpassed by a much larger emotion she felt towards it. Faith. Faith that the man in front of her had not only the power to one day save her people but bring them to new heights should they gain his favor. She too then raised her head with her eyes gleaming. This was her show of resolve. The resolve to do anything required of her for the sake of her people and her...

"It's been years since I felt this hopeful that my people could finally be freed. You are the hope of my people now... I see you as...My Savior"

Billy, however, didn't feel even the slightest bit of fear. What Billy saw and felt when he looked at arias was something he had lacked growing up a role model, mentor, and protector. Someone who he could not only look up to but count on as well. He raised his head and looked at Arias with big resolute eyes. He resolved to follow Arias on whatever path he took as he yelled...

"I don't have a big goal like everyone else...I just want somewhere to belong...you've given me that home...I uh...see you like an older brother"

Arias smiled as he looked into each of their eyes each showing their acceptance and then directed his gaze solely on Raven.

"If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind".

He told her as he retracted his aura from her before turning his gaze to Starfire alone.

"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It has to happen inside first".

Starfire could only fall into deep thought as Arias retracted his aura and moved his gaze on last time towards Billy.

"Don't just jump into action just because someone is taking action. Know and understand the next real action and reaction that will follow the action before you take any action."

Arias retracted his aura from the boy leaving him in pure confusion before turning and leaving the area with only a few parting words.

"It is a pity that doing one's best does not always yield results, that changes today. Welcome to Leviathan."

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