
GOT: A Rouge Player

What happens when an unexpected player joins the game? A peasent boy joins the game and conquer the planetos. *no Harem*

iwritetoread · 書籍·文学
6 Chs


Congratulations Host! The bond name has been confirmed - 'Aero'.

The new bond has been added to your status screen.

Please check.

I dismissed the system notifications and release the sand eagle. Now that the bond is established, she is absolutely loyal to me.

"Tell me a since how long have you been living here?"

*Squawk*[it is too many long]

I chuckled at her way of Speech and thought 'As the bond is established now, Aero will improve to be better both physically and mentally. So the speech will be normal in few days.'

"Good. How good are you at getting food?"

*squawk* [very easy]

"Then can you keep bringing food to us every day the same time? you can stay here or come to my summon space"

*squawk* [but my children. No.]

"Don't worry. I can bring the 3 eggs with me to the summon space. As I can directly create a contract with them before hatching. I will do so only if you agree"

*Happy squawk*[ yes ]

After getting the mother's approval,I walked towards the nest of three eggs. I touched each one of them and created summon contracts soon.

Congratulations you have added 3 summon contracts.

As they are not yet hatched, the summon space size will remain the same.

I dismissed the notifications again and touch the each eggs and send them back to the summon space. Initially the summon space only contained grassy land of about 120 meter in radius in a circular manner. Now I could see tree tearing up from the grassy land and became a big tree. The nest I've sent to the summon space has been placed on it. As I sent the eggs to the summoning space Aero was a bit worried I felt that. I smiled a little and said to her "Don't worry your children are safe with me and you can see them again after you go to the summoning space yourself, Aero. Now can you go and hunt down a fish or some rodents for us?"

*squawk*[I can]

I saw her going out of fluttering her wings towards the river area. Within a few minutes she came back with fish large enough to fill the belly of both Aero and Skye.

Skye was excited seeing the large fish started jumping around.


I smiled at his antics and knocked softly on his head "You little foodie." But it didn't bother the little dragon.

I used the dragger that I brought from the house and cut the fish in the middle. It was hard as the dagger doesn't have any edge. But I managed to do so in sometime. I gave half to Aero and other half to Skye."All right kids have fun." I said. They both eat it happily. I spent some time together and exited the cave.

I asked Aero to fly around and inform me if somebody comes near to us. Aero agreed and took to the skies, while my little dragon started running around flapping his wings trying to fly. It is still a newborn dragon but some how managed to lift couple meters above as he flapping his wings. He kept on trying for some time and exhausted himself. But he still managed to gather some energy and ran towards me and started rubbing his nuzzle to my legs. I squatted down and placed my palm on his head and started stroking on his back I slowly lifted him up as I sat down and placed him on my lap he comfortably sat in my lap like small child and just dozed off to sleep while trying to sit straight up.

It was amusing for me to look him like that but controlling my amusement I sent him to the summon space so that he can rest more and recover faster. After I sent him back I connected my mind with arrow and told her[ Aero, you can come back now]. I can freely speak with my bonds directly through the mind. So, I'm not worried that somebody would come near us without Aero alerting me . There is no distance limitation thankfully, between me and my bonds. I can always unsummoned them and summoned them back again right beside me or contact them at large distances. However the summoning/unsummoning part will work with only my summon beasts.

In a few seconds,

*Squawk*[me back]

I gently scratched her under the beak which she seems to enjoy."You can go back to your kids now", I said as I unsummoned her

'It's been around three to four hours since I came to the forest, I guess it is time to go back.' I thought as I walked towards the manor. I saw few people coming inside the forest who seem to be the village hunters that are settled around the Manor. One of them should be the hunter that I stole from.

'sorry man, my kid's gotta eat, so I can only steal from you.'

As I walked back to Manor I saw that the children were not there in front of the open space of the Manor. I went back to the room allocated to me and my family and saw that my little sister busy eating while playing with her food.

"Tell me Lisa, have you played enough?" I asked.

She seemed startled and turned back and saw him and said " 'Ari, where were you? You did not come to play with us. We had played a lot of games like hide and seek, touch me not, we had races too. We even caught a lizard and it was huge" said excitedly.

"I'm glad you had some fun little one. Father come back yet?"

Lisa shook her head and said "No father said when he went in the morning that he would only come back in the evening and asked me to tell you that we were delivered the food in the room and we can eat it here"

I now set beside her on the table chair saw that it was again broth and bread along with some dates. Dates are commonly available in drone and it is considered regular part of daily food for most of the good to do peasants. I started eating along with my sister.

As I was thinking I suddenly thought of my dagger skills 'looks like I have a work to do after lunch.'

I looked at my little sisters dish and saw that the food was almost finished and told her "You had fun in the morning, now it is time for you to sleep. Don't go outside, it is hot now."

"I know." she said reluctantly

Gently rubbed her hair "Don't worry little sister, I will be staying home with you and I will be in my room if you need anything." she nodded with a smile.

After eating I settled the dishes and took her to her room and make her sleep on the bed I sat in the room for a few minutes making sure that she is asleep, I went out all of a room and slowly closed the door from the outside. I did not lock it as she will be afraid and cry this happened once few months ago. So, I close the door just enough and then I went back into my room.

I took the dagger from my back and started playing/practicing with it. I first started thursting, stabbing and then swiping and then reverse hold swiping, backstab etc., I was doing all these things for the next hour or two and finally the melodious voice of the system came back

Congratulations host you have created a new skill 'Dagger Arts'. It is now added to your list of skills.