
Good intentions of James Diwans

My name is Leila Cally Davidson love can hurt makes you happy be challenging and complicated But with James Diwans love is safe caring protective affection it comes with good intentions But when family comes in between with millions at risk can love wins money in this free world with a cost on everything Love only is never enough sometimes you have to fight for what you want This is Leila and James ‘s story fighting against the world

Azahizi · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter five

After James apologizing he took me for shopping as an apology even though I told him it was fine he wasn't buying it he bought me a lot of things saying it was a good idea that I can keep some of my staffs at his place 

After that he usually eats at his parents house on Saturday night so he asked me to go with him there I missed mrs Dawson she was a sweetheart but I couldn't say the same to her husband 

"Hey James oh you came with Leila welcome sweetie " she hugged me ignoring her son who just smiles it off 

"Mrs Dawson " she gave me the look she wants me to call by her first name but I always find my self calling her that Emily came she was closing arms with her father 

"Leila you came " Emily said smile at me 

"Mr Dawson " 

"I can see you are still around my son " mr Dawson said as if it's a joke since they all laughed but I knew better what he meant by that 

"Come dinner is ready " they called for all of us and we gathered at the table We started to eat it was really delicious 

"The gala that am handing over is at the end of this month next week " mr Dawson told his son 

" I know Dad but I think it could be better if we just kick him out in the board meeting on Monday " James suggested but his father was shaking his head 

"He was my friend and he betrayed me I want to pay him back " he said "so tell us Leila what have you been to" he turns to me 

"Nothing much sir just focusing on my graduation next year " I said not wanting to discuss anything 

"James you should consider getting married soon" he told him but he just stared at me which made me look down on my plate 

After dinner with the talks of the business we left that night James didn't feel like driving so he called for his driver and he sits next to me in the back sits I lay my head on his shoulder closing my eyes 

"Don't ever again have a problem like that and not tell me " he warns but he wasn't mad

" okay am sorry I didn't say anything sooner" I apologized 

We got to his apartment removed our clothes changed to something comfortable and sleep holding each other very tight 

Turned out in the morning I had work so James dropped me to the hospital I usually have to go there four days a week but luca needed my help so I just come 

To day is the worst day of my life I spent the whole day feeling dizzy my stomach feels strange the day ends I went home and fall a sleep 

I woke up on Sunday goes to the bathroom to vomit Palma holds my hair while mom looks at me as if Am crazy 

"How are you feeling " mom ask me giving me breakfast 

"Not feeling like having anything " this is the first time in my life am refusing pancakes Palma stare at me yup now I agree am definitely sick 

"Leila I think it's time you take a pregnant test " mom suggested 

"Am not pregnant am very sure maybe just stomach ache" I laughed at her there is no way I would be pregnant for real

"Just take one there is no harm in trying" she shrugs and leave to work i thought about it but there is no way I could be 

I took my phone text my girl that am in need of them and we agreed to met at Alice's place I pass at the pharmacy and buy 3 pregnant tests and goes there

"Long time babe how are you feeling now" Alice asks concerned 

"One of the reasons why am here" I answered 

I took the pregnant test out of my bag and they all gasped 

"Okay who are those for " Emily asks me staring at me in the face I point to my self standing up and going to the bathroom 

I took all the test and I just sit there doing nothing I can't believe what my eyes are showing me 

"Leila what did they say " Emily asked knocking on the door I just stand up open the door and let them see for themselves 

"Amazing am going to be an aunt" Emily screams jumping up and down Alice just muttered a wow but her eyes were on my face 

"You not happy with this" Alice said that caught a jumping Emily who stopped and looked at me 

"I really don't know what to say" I said in a low voice sitting down on the floor 

"Don't worry am sure my brother will be so happy " Emily said brimming with happiness I just shake my head muttering "I don't think so"

"Leila why you are confusing me what's going on " Emily asked now being more serious 

"I've never had unprotected sex with your brother he was always sure to use a condom he even checks if it's not broken or anything else after or make sure that am on the pill" I informed them not believing how this did happen 

"You are overreacting am sure James will be happy for the news that man loves you so much and am sure you didn't cheat on him" Alive tried to convince me 

"Why don't you tell him first and worry later" Emily said 

So after a lot of convincing and everything we agreed that I should pay him a visit They dropped me to his apartment 

"We will be waiting to hear from you " Alice said I got out goes to the last floor since that's where it's located he took the whole floor for himself since I knew he was inside and he knew I was coming I judged knocked 

"Hey why bother knocking when you have a key" he said kissing me on the cheek pulling me inside 

"Why are you like that are you sick" James asked me sitting down pulling me with him that am sitting on his laps I stare into his face 

"I need to tell you something but please promise you won't get mad" I said to him holding his face in my hands 

"Sweetheart what is it you know you can tell me anything" he encourages me to continue 

"James " I didn't know it was this hard where am I going to start from he didn't push me he just waits for me patiently to continue tears started forming in my eyes I