
Goliath [ MHA/SL]

All Might is the number one Hero to Izuku, always has been and will be. He was the one he always wanted to look up to! However, it's also true that the All Might isn't the only idol for him... There's another one. Always positive and prone to pathos, his giant uncle Andre, better known to the public as Goliath. *** [ I'm warning you. There will be mistakes in the text. English is not my first language, and I would appreciate it if you could point out my mistakes. It won't be perfect, and even below average, but I want to improve, so your criticism would be helpful. Be my guest, and point out my problems in the fanfic to me. ]

MasterBoner · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

2.Go on.

What battle?

Why a battle?

All Might's golden smile trembled. His plan was to neutralize the villain, not engage in battle with his fellow heroes! Now was not the time for that. First he needed to evacuate innocent bystanders, get the villain to jail, discuss with the police squad, and complete the operation. How did fighting the hero fit into this plan? After all, he was a hero himself!

Mixed feelings overwhelmed him. On the one hand, he had missed a chance to demonstrate his strength and protect the community, bringing him closer to his dream. Sitting idle would not make him a Symbol of Peace; being a mere observer was not his desire. He knew he had the strength to accomplish the impossible.

On the other hand, however, he was almost relieved that this unknown Hero had neutralized the villain. It showed him that there were mighty heroes in this world, willing to protect society and put justice above all else.

Even so, getting into a fight in the middle of the city with a crowd gathered around and police approaching was inappropriate. Not that he was against a good fight, but it seemed to him that this man would present him with a worthy challenge. Someone who could knock out a twenty meter tall monster with one punch could only be called strong.

He was relatively new to this city, so he needed to make a good impression.

As he stood there, something told him that New York was about to become the center of something big. All Might hesitated, carefully considering his choice of words. He couldn't afford to appear weak in the eyes of those present. If he refused, he risked being labeled a coward, which would tarnish his reputation as a Fearless Hero. But if he accepted the challenge, it would demonstrate his willingness to fight no matter what.

For a moment, he looked at his closest friend David, seeking reassurance from him. He shook his head, apparently sharing his thoughts of unnecessary worry. When they exchanged glances, he gestured with his eyes to the crowd and shook his head again.

"Heh, we really do think alike, and he said we don't have a brotherly bond!" Toshinori mentally smirked, recognizing David's actions as confirmation of his previous thought.

All Might looked around at the gathered people, which included children and their parents, students and common laborers. He noticed that some of them had their phones on, and not just for selfies. The last thing he needed right now was paparazzi.

People are always hungry for action. They need excitement and thrills. He didn't mind giving them all of that, but first he needed to finish what he had come here for.

Toshinori shifted his gaze to the source of the summoning. His eyes scanned the muscular figure, immersed in the atmosphere of the coming battle.

As he looked at the man standing before him, Goliath's eyes widened with awe. The towering figure, four meters tall, radiated unstoppable strength. His muscular arms, hidden in the pockets of his shorts, trembled with a surge of energy. Tattoos adorned his neck and chest, depicting ancient battle gods, and every feature of his face betrayed his wild nature. When his thick hair swayed in the wind, it looked like a lion's mane, ready to become a seductive weapon. The power and potential hidden in this man dominated the atmosphere, piercing the air with invincible martial energy.

Goliath's smirk, forced to look up at him from below, only grew wider as he rejoiced at the opportunity to engage in battle with this man. "I would be honored to accept your challenge..."

"FINALLY A WORTHY OPPONENT! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!" The giant paused, pulled his hand out of his shorts and raised it to the sky, clenching it into a fist as if gathering the power of the entire world.


"This world is amazing, and yet it sucks at the same time," Goliath pondered as he watched the police officers try to surround the massive body of the colossal green creature. To his surprise, the giant's body began to shrink, emitting a small amount of vapor. The once monstrous facial features were disappearing, giving way to more humanoid features. The giant's tall stature shrank to a standard human size.

His beady eyes returned to eye sockets and the hair on his head grew back. The green skin and titanic six arms were gone.

The science fiction creature was gone, replaced by a middle-aged man with a bare torso and pants that had somehow appeared on his body. He lay unconscious, as did his partner in the multi-colored pants.

Goliath had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't going crazy. "And all this time it was a man... These quirks...

"It's the biggest piece of dog shit I've ever seen," Goliath muttered to himself, returning the expensive glasses to his face to hide his emotions. Eyes never lie, and he didn't want anyone to think he was surprised by this transformation.

He needed to maintain his image as an unshakeable hero who is not afraid of even Mother Nature herself. "I've lived in this world for so long, but I still can't get used to this kind of human evolution." His thoughts wandered back to the time he had learned of the 'quirks'.

Simply put, they were superpowers that humans inherited genetically. However, even that had its problems. Sometimes both parents possessed quirks, but their offspring were not endowed with anything of the sort. This meant that a certain percentage of humanity lived without these "quirks".

Goliath is familiar with those with unusual abilities. However, calling them " quirks" are more original than just "superpowers". Sometimes these abilities can't even be considered "super", as lady Luck may decide to reward your sinful soul with the simple ability to lengthen your fingernails without increasing their strength. Or worse, when you become a prisoner of your own quirk.

When you are a human, an intelligent being at the top of the food chain, and suddenly at the age of 4 you have a hammer instead of a head, or you become completely invisible, acquire more animal traits, or simply because of a genetic mishap you can't breathe like a normal person!

Yes, in such cases, the quirks stop being quirks and become a poison, a curse that turns your life upside down.

Just imagine, the first 4 years of your life are simple and happy, because you are a child and even the most insignificant things bring you joy. You live quietly, the days go by unnoticed, and then one Sunday morning you wake up feeling different, stiff and weak.

And when your parents come in to wake their child, your childish brain can only react to your mother's scream of terror when she sees you. Your "quirk" has changed you beyond recognition, turned you into a monster your own mother doesn't recognize.

Goliath knows of such cases, and he genuinely feels sorry for these people who are simply an unfortunate product of life. It is not only genetics that is harsh on them, but society as well. Society can be both friend and foe.

We live in society.

As Goliath watched the police officers work, his thoughts wandered, thinking about the two bank robbers he had caught. . He couldn't help but wonder what their motives were for committing such a crime. Were they driven by greed or desperation? He knew that life could be harsh and unforgiving, and sometimes people made choices they wouldn't normally make.

Goliath know that life is unpredictable and you can never tell what the future holds. He knew that sometimes people find themselves in situations where they need to make difficult decisions. It was quite possible that these two robbers were in such a situation and their actions were a consequence of it.

Life was like a journey, and each person had their own path to follow. Some paths were smooth and easy, while others were rocky and treacherous. Everything depended on luck, and sometimes people found themselves in favorable environments where they received encouragement and comfort. Other times, the closest people in their lives could be the ones who pushed them to the brink of despair.

And again, we all live in a society, and sometimes we have to deal with the consequences of other people's actions. Goliath hoped that the bank robbers' motives were more significant than just wanting to get rich quick. He tried to imagine what their plans were and what they hoped to accomplish.

Looking at his upcoming sparring partner, All Might, who was being interviewed by the press people, Goliath couldn't help but praise his colleague's charisma and skill. Despite being new to this, All Might exuded confidence and strength. His aura was golden and seemed to radiate hope and positivity.

Goliath knew that All Might had the potential to become America's next top 1 hero, "Heh, If he's going to that, I'm afraid to disappoint him."

All Might, as he prefers to be called, speaks good English, but he has a noticeable accent. If one were to guess, one would assume he comes from either Asia or Eastern Europe, but he's not very knowledgeable in geography. Science isn't his thing either, but he's no fool.

He's master at show business and entertaining mass audiences. This has always been his desire, whether in this life or in previous lives. However, in the past, he had to follow in his parents' footsteps because there were too many expectations placed on him.

Not that he is against their decision, for he knows that a stable job with a high income and respectability is necessary to support a family.

But being an entertainer, bringing smiles and joy, laughter and fond memories, was his secret desire.Not that he couldn't achieve part of it while working as a dentist, but now, with such a powerful fad and a job that was once only a figment of the human imagination, he can achieve what he desires. From now on, he will live life on his own terms.

He doesn't know how he ended up in this strange world, but the higher powers have clearly given him another chance, and he'll be damned if he doesn't live the life he wants!

The only parent he had in this world was an incredibly kind orphanage caretaker who has been in charge since he was born. She is the whole world to him, and she he affectionately calls "Nana" which translates to "Mother" from the language in his past life. Also "Nana" was called grandmother. And that's exactly what she was to him. Not a day goes by when he doesn't call his Nana, just like he called his mother in his past life. Their well-being was a top priority. Like his Mother, Nana wanted only the best, and did the same to make life only sweeter for Goliath.

He grew up, became independent, left the orphanage, went from being a baby that Nana cradled in her arms to a four-foot tall giant whose face was often on magazines. Nana herself told him about how as a baby he would often fall asleep next to her and she would carry him to his bed. Another plus is that he doesn't remember what he did as a small boy. Because being the opposite, he wouldn't allow himself to act too childish, and from the outside it looked incredibly suspicious. Of course one could write it off to maturity at such a young age, but it was not without further proceedings.

Though Goliath has become the man he dreamed of becoming, he never forgets those who helped him. He never leaves his family, and curses those who can't send a even a "Gif" to their mother, ask about her well-being, about the past day. He calls them "unworthy children."

Nana has become a grandmother to him, for he would not call her a mother, for he has only one, there, at home. Goliath knows she's in a better place now.

Back to Nana. She's far past her old age, but she's still working at the orphanage. And that makes Goliath's heart warm, because they can't find a better person to replace their parents for a while.

She didn't work there for a good paycheck, but for her soul. For as she told him: "Let these little ones know a little love before they go on their way. Maybe they'll become like you, my little lion. "

"My thoughts took me to the wrong place.... It's a good thing I called Nana before the chase. Now, Action is coming! "


Taking a breath, All Might felt a sense of calmness overwhelm him. He needed to talk to David about the situation and find a way to end this battle without further violence.

"David, maybe you can talk to him and

somehow reschedule our battle. It's just that if I waste time on this fight now, there could be a crime somewhere else. I've got patrols to do! " Toshinori said quietly, holding his arms at his sides, standing in his proud stance and also watching as the 4 meter tall hero, Goliath, with dark glasses over his eyes was talking to one officer. The conversation was clearly heart-to-heart, as these ones laughed.

Apparently, this was the Falcon 1 who had led the task force chase.

David couldn't help but smile at Toshinori's words, knowing that there was no hidden agenda behind them. He wasn't looking for excuses to avoid combat, and fear had nothing to do with it. After all, the Toshinori he knew well wasn't afraid of anything.... well, except maybe a certain teacher who taught him how to fight, but that didn't matter now.

David was confident in his persuasion skills, but he knew that words alone would not be enough to convince Goliath. It was clear from the imposing figure and stern expression on the man's face that he valued strength and hardness of character above all else. "Toshi, I think you'll have to talk to him yourself," David said, adopting his friend's signature move. "We're professional heroes, and we don't have time for leisure. We have to patrol and protect the public. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" - David quoted his friend, laughing at the end. It was their joke, a sort of local meme.

"Yeah, very funny..." muttered Toshinori, not really paying much attention to the fact that David was imitating him. He was fixated on Goliath, his gaze unwavering.

Anticipation hung in the air as the two titans approached each other. They stood at opposite ends of the field, their movements filled with boundless power. The first warrior stretched out his arms, ready for action, and a cocky smile graced his lips. He wore a Hawaiian shirt that fluttered in the wind like a flag flying in battle, and his hair resembled a lion's mane, ready to fight a worthy opponent. The low-slung sunglasses on his forehead were strategically placed so that their gazes could meet.

All Might also moved from his seat. He thought that making someone come all the way to him was a sign of disrespect, and for him, the most important thing was to honor his opponent. His cloak fluttered behind him like an impressive storm. His mighty gaze stared upward, radiating indestructible power, and the gravel beneath his feet crumbled and crumbled, testifying to his unparalleled strength. The earth beneath him shook like a divine thunderbolt, and the wind obeyed his every command.

Meanwhile, under the skillful direction of Goliath, the spectators could not take their eyes off the spectacle. He was a true giant, inspiring fear for his enemies and awe for the common people.

Every step he took left massive footprints on the ground, embodying the unstoppable power of nature. His gaze, filled with confidence and composure, held the entire world in an iron grip.

As they approached each other, the police officers (junior officers whom Falcon 1 would later reprimand for their unprofessionalism), appreciating the enormity of the moment, quickly pulled out their phones to capture this epic event.

All attention was riveted on these two defiantly moving titans, and no one could turn away or move away from this incredible sight. They were in close proximity to each other, and there was a moment of tension.

All Might and Goliath fixed each other with their gazes, as if trying to penetrate the depths of their rival's soul. In that moment, their gazes created an invisible lightning bolt that tore the air around them.

Seconds passed slowly, but everyone's attention was focused on them. Goliath, towering over All Might by two meters, carried dangerous strength and confidence.

His rough voice echoed out, piercing the space. On the other side, All Might, with a face reflecting strength and unwavering determination, looked at Goliath. His two-meter stature was equally impressive in appearance and confidence. All Might's gaze pierced space and seemed to shake the very foundations of creation. In that moment of calm before the storm, their inner strength collided within them. The audience held their breath, capturing the genuine sense of epicness that permeated the air. This moment of eye-to-eye confrontation was the pinnacle of strength and power, undeniable proof that the upcoming battle would be incredibly epic. All Might and Goliath perfectly embodied their roles as unruly giants ready to shake the world with their power. The suffocating atmosphere was broken by Goliath's rough voice: "Catch."

With incredible speed, too fast for the human eye to register, he struck - his hand was a hammer and his opponent a nail. All Might, confident in his strength, readily accepted the challenge. In an instant, All Might grasped Goliath's fist in his palm, raising it above his head. This powerful blow created an air current, and the ground itself shook violently.

Pushing with his fist, All Might struggled to stay on his feet. Like a game of tug-of-war, both were pulling, only up and down. Ten minutes passed, maybe more, maybe it was just a second; All Might couldn't tell. His head was foggy and all his strength was concentrated in his arms and legs. He wasn't supposed to fall in front of so many people; he wasn't supposed to show weakness. The asphalt beneath him began to crack, and All Might slumped slightly. It wasn't the groan that gave him away, but the road beneath him: it simply couldn't take the strain.

But as suddenly as the blow was struck, it was just as suddenly released. Withdrawing his fist, Goliath laughed, and All Might was finally able to exhale. Everything had to be thought through to the last detail....

"Not bad!" roared Goliath, throwing his arms out to the sides. "Now, Let us continue..."

He was interrupted, however, by a bell ringing from the pocket of his shorts. The two titans exchanged glances, and then Goliath said quietly: "Hold on a second."

Tapping the touch screen, he brought the phone to his ear. In a displeased tone, he shouted: "What?!"

All Might had a hunch that they would become good friends, and if that happened, he would have something to remember, because the way the expression on the giant's face changed from anger to fear was something else.

Once a fearless warrior, he was now muttering in a low voice, holding onto the other side of the phone's microphone, creating a makeshift shell so he couldn't be heard.

But All Might was not only strong and fast, he also possessed keen hearing. His eyes widened in surprise when Goliath's voice trembled a few moments after he pulled out his phone and quietly said: "Oh-okay, okay, I hear you, my dear. Don't be mad, I'm finishing up."

What's going on..." - A mischievous thought flashed through his mind, unprepared for this turn of events. What made such a giant so frightened! "My friend, perhaps we could continue this another time? Time is running out and I have to patrol, maybe there are other crimes going on in the streets? We are professional heroes and we can't have free time, we have to patrol and keep the public safe!" All Might said this with a smile, not noticing David's laughter in the background.

Goliath looked at him, putting his phone away in his pocket, and his smirk once again graced his rough but refined face, " I'll look forward to it, All Might, you're strong, I'll give you that. Here... " he pulled a card from his shirt pocket, " call this number, my secretary will answer you. "

All Might nodded approvingly, glad he could put the battle off for the future, but he was interested in one question. He raised his fist to his face, coughing it out, lowering the volume of his voice with each word, and hoping Goliath would hear him, "Very well, my friend, I will be in touch. And pardon my curiosity, and I apologize if this offends you, but who called you? " Toshinori really didn't want to insult the person in front of him, but curiosity overpowered him.

"Well you see... it was my secretary, Inko Midoriya. "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

If there are any mistakes (and they will definitely be) , let me know

MasterBonercreators' thoughts