
Gol D. Ace In Coiling Dragon

Coiling Dragon fanfiction – What if, after his death, Portgas D. Ace was reincarnated into the universe of Coiling Dragon? Will Ace be able to rise to the peak of this new world? Find out here! --- Chapter Release Schedule: Webnovel - Thursdays & Sundays Patreon: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, & Sunday - Patreon.com/AceInCoilingDragon --- WARNING – This IS a FanFiction, so certain elements of the story WILL deviate from the original, like: 1 – There are slight changes to the profound mysteries and weapon comprehension. 2 – The personalities of certain characters. 3 – The actual GOD of this series isn't Hongmeng... --- Average chapter length: Book 1 - 1000-1500 words Book 2 onwards - 1500-2000 words

DreamTales · アニメ·コミックス
196 Chs

Book 4: Chapter 36 – Final Battle (5)

Even though he couldn't follow their movements, what he could tell was that despite Ejiro and Kaymin working together, they were slowly being suppressed.

Lanke's insights into the law of wind's profound mystery of doppelgangers allowed him to create ten virtually identical clones that appeared to be no weaker than the original body, and although not as fast as elder Ejiro, who had gained insight into the profound mystery of movement of the law of lightning, the laws of wind was also one of the fastest elements granting Lanke ridiculous speed.

The fight had only just begun, and Elder Kaymin had already suffered a grievous laceration running across his chest.

"We need to go," Ace announced solemnly, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the Rohault saints ended up losing, at which point their group would become the focus of the enemy's attack.

"What are you talking about?" Chukaya snapped back. "My master is one of the strongest saints in the Empire; there's no way he'll lose!"

Although Ebeze didn't say anything, it was clear from the look on his face that he, too, had faith in his father and Elder Ejiro.

"We don't have time to arg…" Ace stopped midsentence as his head snapped back in the direction of the battle in shock before refocusing on Chukaya and Ebeze. "We need to go… Now!"

They didn't know what Ace just sensed, but none said anything as they immediately did as they were told.

Ever since they arrived on the battlefield, Ace had rarely given them explicit orders, usually leaving them to act as they wished, with him only acting to protect them when absolutely necessary, so when they received this order, especially when hearing the graveness in his voice.

"Hmph! A battle between peak saints isn't the place for a newly promoted saint!" One of Lanke's clones snorted as he looked down at Kaymin, who was gritting his teeth, clutching his armless shoulder.

Despite being filled with confidence and excitement after his breakthrough, a veteran like General Kaymin would never allow his new strength to get the better of him and cloud his judgement. He knew that getting involved in a fight at this level was foolish on his part, but when he saw Ejiro being overwhelmed by the jump, he knew he didn't have a choice.

If they lost, the war would definitely resume, and it didn't take a genius to understand that Ace and his team would be the focus of their attack. And with him unable to take part anymore, Olivier would be free to make quick work of the Ace and the others.

It wasn't just a matter of patriotism, wanting to follow the Emperor's orders to protect the princess; it was also his paternal instincts forcing him to take action. How could he, as a father, just sit back and watch as his one and only son was killed in front of him?

"To think, the day I finally became a saint would be the day I was killed as well," Kaymin muttered to himself as he stood back up with a self-mocking smile.

Still, as much as he felt it to be a shame, he held no regrets. He could sense Ace hurriedly leading his son and the others away. As a father, he was more than willing to lay down his life if it meant his son could live.

"I don't know where your Empire found that Ace boy or the rest of his friends," Lanke said, having seen through Kaymin's thoughts. "But if you think we'd let them escape, you're sorely mistaken!"

As he heard that, Kaymin's eyes suddenly bulged as he sensed General Lyrin rapidly chasing after them.

"SHIT!" Ace cursed as he turned around. "You guys keep going!"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Ace shouted when he noticed Killian, Leo, and Amira all stop to follow him.

"We're a team!" Killian indifferently replied.

"No!" Ace snapped. "This isn't a fight you can get invo-"

"We'll face whatever comes together!" Amira added, not allowing Ace to finish his sentence.

Ace wanted to get rid of them so no harm came to any of them, but looking at their expressions, he understood he didn't have time.

"Fine," Ace sighed helplessly. "But me and Leo will fight up close, Mira, Kil, you two just focusing on supporting us."

"Deal!" Mira and Killian said in unison.

"[Supersonic!]" Amira called out, insta-casting the spell for Ace and Leo whilst she and Kil jumped back.

"I really thought you were going to try and run," General Lyrin said as his body suddenly appeared in front of Ace and the others. "But I'm glad you decided to save me the effort of chasing after you."

'I've only recovered a fraction of my mageforce. So we'll only have one chance…' Ace mused.

He could sense General Murciel hurrying in their direction, but he also knew that with the difference in strength, if they tried to stall against a warrior like Lyrin, several of them would lose their lives, and that was unacceptable.

"Leo," Ace called mentally via their link. "We have to kill him in one go. Follow my lead."

"That's…" Lyrin's brows raised in surprise as he saw Ace ingeniously use his mageforce as a replacement for battle-qi to coat his weapon.

Still, that's all it was – a bit of a surprise. He could still easily react, blocking Ace's full-powered 'Thrust'.

"No wonder you were able to beat Lorne," Lyrin said as he blocked Ace's strike. "When using your mageforce as battle-qi, you're able to attack with the same strength as an early stage ninth rank warrior.

But if you think that would be enough to beat me, you were sore…"

"NOW!" Ace roared as his body transformed into fire.

"[Blinding Light]!" Amira called out as Leo closed their eyes to keep from being blinded.

"Do you think that warriors at my level still need to rely on their sight?" Lyrin sneered despite not being able to see as he swung his sword down, chopping straight through Ace's body. "Huh? Your body…"

As this was his first time actually seeing Ace fight properly, he had no idea Ace had the ability to become intangible, and that was exactly what Ace was counting on.

"[GREAT FLAME COMMANDMENT]!" Ace roared as his body transformed into a pillar of fire that surrounded the still-blinded general.

"Oh no you don't!" Lyrin barked as he once again slashed through the fire.

Even though the tunnel of flames surrounding him didn't disappear, the O'Brien general sensed that it had weakened.

"So you're still affected by Impose? That's good to know!" Lyrin sneered as his sword arced through the flames, this time dispersing it, only to find a giant fiery paw print descending from above. "You ants are really starting to annoy me!"

As he said that, his battle-qi-coated great sword sliced straight through the giant paw print like a hot knife through butter, but that was far from the end.

The moment they saw Lyrin focus on Leo's '[Divine Descent]', both Ace and Leonel timed their movements perfectly, so they would be right on top of him as he finished, and that they were. Still, Lyrin was a peak rank nine warrior; his speed was superior to anyone either of them had fought in the past.

"JUST DIE ALREADY!" Lyrin barked as he ignored the Lion coming behind him to focus on Ace, whose body was covered in his own blood.

Though Ace's ability to transform into a pillar of flame was powerful, it came with a glaring weakness – every part of the fire was a part of his body. When Lyrin had used impose to cut through it, he was effectively taking a sword to Ace's insides. Still, Ace ignored the devastating pain he was in as he focused on the task at hand.

As Lyrin's sword was nearing his neck, Ace came to a sudden stop and controlling the flames coating his polearm to billow out, he was able to propel himself back and also disperse as much of his opponent's force as possible.

As forced and abrupt as it sounded, the way in which he beautifully flowed from attack to defensive was done with such fluidity that even Lyrin was surprised.

Still, Lyrin showed that the difference in strength between them was simply too vast. His sword tore straight through the billowing flames, crashing onto the shaft of Ace's glaive.

"Ugh!" Ace grunted as he was sent flying into the distance, blood spurting from his mouth as he flew.

The sword-wielding general's legs tensed as he prepared to chase after Ace when he felt a sharp pain coming from his back, making him hiss.

As far as Lyrin had been concerned, Ace was the only person present capable of breaking his battle-qi and actually harming him, but how could he know that as impressive as Leo's fire-manipulative abilities were, his most powerful attack came from his sword-like claws?

The only thing that stopped Leo from being able to take on those of the ninth rank was his lack of speed, which would virtually make him a sitting duck. But with Lyrin having all but forgotten about him, Leo had been able to shred not only his crimson battle-qi but also his armour.

"If you're in such a hurry to die, then you can die!" Lyrin snarled as he spun around to slice the black-furred lion in two.

Leo saw Lyrin's sword whistling through the air as it neared his body. He knew that if the attack landed, he would definitely forfeit his life, but he didn't so much as flinch as he swiped his enormous paw at the general's face.

It was at that moment that Lyrin suddenly felt the gravity surrounding him suddenly spike.

"Don't worry," Lyrin snorted, glancing at Killian, immediately understanding what happened. "You're nex…"

Before he could finish his sentence, the general felt a familiar ethereal energy crash on his psyche.

Ace, who, for all intents and purposes, should be incapacitated with his wounds, had found the strength to use his [Conqueror's Haki] one final time.

He already knew it didn't have much of an effect on warriors at that level, but he wasn't trying to knock Lyrin out; he was trying to slow him down – and that he did!

It was only for a fraction of a fraction of a second, but by the time Lyrin had regained his wits, Leo had already clawed a chunk of his face off and was going for the kill.

"FUCK OFF!" The general roared, his rage dulling the pain as his foot shot forth, shattering the lion's rib cage and sending it flying in the opposite direction.

"Dammit," Ace muttered to himself as he watched the mutilated general make his way towards him, his killing intent increasing with each step. "We were so close!"

"You little bastard!" Lyrin hissed venomously as he neared the grievously injured teen lying before him. "Because of you, I've lost ev…

All of you ants need to hurry up and die!" Lyrin barked as Amira, Killian, and even Ebeze shot towards him, unable to watch as Ace was killed in front of them.


Stop…" Ace said as loud as he could between deep, painful breaths. "Please…"

"Ooh, so you want to protect them?" Lyrin asked as he casually knocked two of them out and grabbed the third by the throat, causing her hood to fall. "Haha, I guess the sovereigns are smiling down on me after all, aye, princess?

I don't know who the rest of your group are, but if I bring you two back with me, I'll definitely be able to avoid being punished. Hahaha, I might even be rewarded!" Lyrin said, as his blood began to boil with excitement, as he saw a light at the end of the tunnel when the sound of a helpless sigh entered his ear from right behind him, catching him completely off guard.

"Why is it that whenever you leave my side, you always end up provoking some sort of disaster," A dark-skinned man with dreadlocks tied in a ponytail wearing a plain white robe said casually.

Even though he had suffered severe injuries and had been distracted by his exciting new hostages, Lyrin was still a peak rank nine warrior who had comprehended impose; the thought of a mortal being able to sneak up on him was impossible to him, so when he heard the man's voice his first thought was that they had to be a saint, but when he saw who it was, he realised just how wrong he was.

Still, the most shocking thing about the man was that in one hand, he carried an open gourd of alcohol so potent that it would cause most to get drunk from simply smelling it. 

But in his other was the unconscious 22nd disciple of the War God – Lanke!

As horrified as Lyrin was, for the first time since the war began, Ace allowed for his body to relax as the corners of his mouth crept up, forming a smile of relief as his consciousness began to slowly fade.


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Currently 84 chapters ahead


Book 6: Chapter 32 – Genius Tactician

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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