

"What's up, everyone? . If you remember from the ending of the 23rd World Tournament—which, let’s be honest, I know a lot of people skipped—but you’re missing out! Anyway, at the end of that tournament, Kami did offer Goku the position of Guardian. Obviously, he turned it down, but what if he didn’t? What if Goku actually did become Kami, as in the Guardian of Earth? Because Kami is also a title, not just his name. And that’s what we’ll be exploring . With all that out of the way, let’s begin discussing what might have happened if Goku became Earth’s Guardian." (I don't own Dragonball but i own this Fanfic). And guys i am New in Fanfic pls provide your support and tell me your ideas. (ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE SO I AM USING GRAMMERlY) and guys there will be less chapter for-ex.2 or 3 chapter a week but they will be wholesome.

The_SaadKhan · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Saiyans and Powerlevel and fight


Guys This IS this week Last Chapter Next 2-3 will be on next week consist of 3500-4000words


Hey do you like this if yes then give ,e power stones(i dont know what they are but many were asking for that in their fanfics so why not give me too LOL)and also please give me some ideas to this NOOB AUTHOR.


Guys Your Gift is waiting at last 

Guys came to know that there is YouTube channel name salad who has cover this .so from now I will take points and inspiration from there .and yeal he will go to Multiverse.


Raditz lay on the ground, his energy blast charging, aiming for the Earth's core. Despite his weakened state, he threatened Goku with the destruction of the planet and the murder of his friends and family. "I'll kill everyone, Kakarot. All your friends on that island, even that kid. Maybe then you'll understand and join us," Raditz sneered, his eyes burning with desperation.

Goku, seeing no other option and hearing Kami's urging in his mind, made a difficult decision. With a swift, decisive move, he struck Raditz down, ending his threat. As Raditz lay dying, he spat out a final warning. "The other Saiyans... they'll come to avenge me. They're far stronger than I am. You haven't seen the last of us, Kakarot. They'll be here... in a year."

Goku stood in silence, absorbing the gravity of Raditz's words. Kami's voice echoed in his mind. "You've done what was necessary, Goku. But now, you must prepare for what's to come."

As Raditz took his last breath, Goku couldn't help but feel a mix of sorrow and resolve. He had protected Earth, but greater challenges lay ahead. The Saiyans were coming, and they would be even more formidable.

In the aftermath of the battle, Piccolo emerged from the shadows. He had been watching the entire confrontation, his eyes filled with a mix of astonishment and curiosity. He approached Goku, who was still standing over Raditz's lifeless body.

"You've grown strong, Goku," Piccolo admitted, his voice tinged with reluctant respect. "Stronger than I expected. I didn't know you were an alien, and now I see you have a lot more to offer than just brute strength."

Goku turned to Piccolo, his expression serious. "Yeah, Piccolo. Things have changed. I've learned a lot since we last fought. And now we have a bigger problem on the way."

Piccolo crossed his arms, pondering the implications. "So, these Saiyans... they're coming here in a year? And they're stronger than him?" He glanced at Raditz, clearly impressed by the power Goku had displayed.

"That's right," Goku nodded. "We need to be ready. We have a year to train and prepare for their arrival. They'll be tough, but we can do it."

Piccolo's eyes narrowed in determination. "I don't like the idea of teaming up, but if these Saiyans are as strong as you say, then we don't have a choice. We'll train separately, but we should share information. If we pool our strengths, we might stand a chance."

Goku smiled slightly, appreciating Piccolo's willingness to cooperate. "Agreed. We'll train hard, and when the time comes, we'll face them together."

As they stood there, contemplating their next moves, Chi-Chi and the others arrived, having witnessed the tail end of the battle. Chi-Chi rushed to Goku's side, concern etched on her face. "Goku, are you okay? What happened here?"

Goku reassured her with a calm nod. "I'm fine, Chi-Chi. But we have a lot to talk about. More Saiyans are coming, and we need to get ready."

Chi-Chi looked worried but resolute. "Then we'll do whatever it takes. We won't let them harm our family or our friends."

Ox King and the others nodded in agreement, determination shining in their eyes. The threat was real, but so was their resolve. They had a year to prepare, and with Goku leading the charge, they believed they could face whatever came their way.

Meanwhile, on a distant planet, two powerful Saiyans received the news of Raditz's demise. Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyans, and his comrade Nappa listened intently.

"Kakarot defeated Raditz without even transforming," Nappa remarked, his tone filled with curiosity. "He must be quite strong."

Vegeta's eyes narrowed, a smirk forming on his lips. "Interesting. We'll see just how strong he is. Prepare the ship, Nappa. We're going to Earth. If Kakarot's as powerful as Raditz says, he might be useful. If not, we'll destroy him along with the rest of that pathetic planet."

Goku and Piccolo soared through the sky, heading towards Kame House. Piccolo, trying his best to keep up, was determined to learn the secret to Goku's newfound strength. Despite the grudging admiration he felt, Piccolo knew that following Goku's path was his best chance to become stronger and eventually surpass him.

"So, Guardian, huh?" Piccolo asked, narrowing his eyes as they flew side by side."What do you mean by that?"

Goku glanced at him, a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, a lot has changed. I've been training with Kami and King Kai, and I've become Earth's Guardian. I have a lot to catch you up on."

Piccolo grunted in acknowledgment, his mind racing with questions. "Fine We'll talk more during training."

They arrived at Kame House, where the rest of their friends were already waiting. Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu were eager to hear about Goku's adventures and the impending threat of the Saiyans. Chi-Chi, Gohan, and Ox King joined them, ready to begin their intensive training.

"Alright, everyone," Goku said, addressing the group. "We have one year to get ready for the Saiyans. We need to train harder than ever before."

The group nodded in agreement, the determination evident in their eyes. Piccolo, standing slightly apart, watched them silently. Goku turned to him and continued, "We'll be training on the lookout, but I'll be spending some time with King Kai as well. Piccolo, you'll stay here and train with everyone else."

Piccolo crossed his arms, a hint of a smirk on his face. "Fine by me. I'll make sure everyone stays in line."

Chi-Chi stepped forward, her expression firm. "And I'll be training too. We need to be strong if we're going to protect Earth."

Goku smiled at her, his pride evident. "That's the spirit, Chi-Chi. With all of us working together, we'll be ready."

Training began immediately. Piccolo, despite his initial reluctance, found himself deeply involved in the intense regimen. He sparred with the others, pushed his limits, and even shared some of his own techniques. Meanwhile, Chi-Chi proved to be a formidable fighter, her strength and determination earning the respect of everyone.

Gohan, under the watchful eyes of Kami and Mr. Popo, showed remarkable progress. Despite his young age, his potential was undeniable. He trained diligently, absorbing every lesson and technique taught to him.

Goku, meanwhile, divided his time between Earth and King Kai's planet. The gravity training continued to push his physical limits, and King Kai's guidance helped him refine his techniques. Goku's power level soared, and he felt more prepared with each passing day.

After a year of rigorous training, the group's power levels had increased significantly:

Goku: 50,000

Chi-Chi: 5,000

iccolo: 5,000

Gohan: 3,000

Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu had also seen considerable improvements, though their exact power levels varied.

Goku returned to the lookout, his aura radiating confidence and strength. "Alright, everyone," he said, gathering the group. "The Saiyans will be here any day now. We've trained hard, and we're ready. Remember, we fight to protect our planet and each other."

Piccolo nodded, his respect for Goku begrudgingly growing. "Let's show them what we've got."

As they prepared for the impending battle, the bonds between them had strengthened. They were no longer just fighters; they were a united team, ready to face any challenge. The Saiyans were coming, but Earth had never been more prepared. The upcoming battle would be tough, but with their combined strength and determination, they knew they stood a chance.

Goku's friends, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu, were all feeling confident after their extensive training. They were eager to face the Saiyans and test their newfound strength. As Goku stood among them, he couldn't help but feel proud of their progress. He knew the battle ahead would be tough, but he believed in their abilities.

When Vegeta and Nappa arrived, Goku sensed their power immediately. He could tell these Saiyans were stronger than Raditz, and he wanted to take them on himself. However, his friends insisted on stepping up first. This was their fight too, and they wanted to prove themselves.

"Alright," Goku said, nodding at his friends."But be careful. These guys are tough."

Nappa smirked as he planted some Saibamen, thinking these creatures would be enough to handle the Earthlings. To his surprise, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu made quick work of them without Goku's involvement.

Nappa frowned, stepping forward. "Alright, enough games. I'll take you on myself."

He eyed Goku, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Listen, Kakarot. Join us, and we'll spare this planet. Refuse, and we'll destroy everything and everyone you care about."

Goku's expression hardened. "I'm the Guardian of Earth now. I won't let you hurt anyone here or neighter i can leave."

Nappa pulled out his scouter and scanned Goku. "20,000?! That's impossible!"

Goku shook his head. "Your scouter can't read our full power. It's too low."

Nappa growled in disbelief but charged at Goku nonetheless. The battle was brief; Goku's superior power level made quick work of Nappa. As Nappa lay defeated, Goku offered him a chance to leave.

"You can still get off this planet," Goku said. "You don't have to die here."

But before Nappa could respond, Vegeta stepped forward and, to everyone's shock, hurled Nappa into the air, killing him instantly.

"Pathetic weakling," Vegeta sneered. "I have no use for him."

Goku's eyes narrowed. "How could you do that to your own ally?"

Vegeta shrugged. "The weak die. That's the Saiyan way."

Goku knew Vegeta was cruel, but witnessing such brutality firsthand angered him. He realized this fight would be even tougher than he anticipated.

Vegeta, sensing that he was outmatched in his base form, decided to use his trump card. "Fine, Kakarot. Let's see how you handle this."

With a roar, Vegeta threw an energy ball into the sky, transforming into a Great Ape. His power skyrocketed, and the ground trembled beneath his feet.

"I won't let you destroy this planet!" Goku shouted, activating his Kaio-Ken technique to boost his power.

The battle between Goku and the Great Ape Vegeta was intense. Vegeta's immense size and strength made him a formidable opponent, but Goku's speed and skill kept him in the fight. Goku knew he had to end this quickly to prevent further destruction.

"I've got to aim for his tail," Goku thought, remembering how he had defeated Raditz. He dodged Vegeta's massive fists and charged up a Kamehameha wave.

"Ka...me...ha...me...HA!" Goku launched the powerful beam, severing Vegeta's tail. Vegeta shrank back to his normal form, weakened and enraged.

Vegeta struggled to stand, glaring at Goku. "You think you've won, Kakarot? This isn't over."

Goku approached him, ready to end the fight if necessary. "Leave now, Vegeta. There's no need for more bloodshed."

Vegeta, realizing he was defeated, activated his pod. "This isn't the last you'll see of me, Kakarot. I'll be back, stronger than ever."

As Vegeta's pod blasted off, Goku watched it disappear into the sky. The battle was over, but the threat of the Saiyans remained. Goku knew they had to continue training and preparing for whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Good job, everyone," Goku said, turning to his friends. *"We've won today, but we have to keep getting stronger. More threats will come, and we need to be ready."

Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo nodded in agreement. They had proven themselves today, but they knew the fight for Earth was far from over. Together, they would continue to train, grow stronger, and protect their planet from any threat that dared to challenge them.

Vegeta retreated with a devious plan forming in his mind. He didn't need to bring Kakarot to Frieza; what if he could lead Frieza to Kakarot instead? Kakarot's strength might be enough to fight Frieza in due time. Clearly, he wouldn't join Vegeta, but if Frieza could be lured to Earth, it would be a win-win for Vegeta. At worst, Kakarot dies, and that's no loss for Vegeta. At best, Kakarot could kill Frieza, achieving something Vegeta desired but knew he couldn't accomplish alone.

Vegeta knew he would need time for this plan to come to fruition. As he left Earth, he made a mental note not to go to Namek. No one knew about the Dragon Balls, not even Frieza, because they were never mentioned. Vegeta and Nappa had come to Earth solely because of Kakarot's strength, not the Dragon Balls.

Back on Earth, following the encounter with Vegeta, Goku decided to bring some of his friends to train with King Kai. While not everyone was incredibly motivated to go, those who were willing to spend time there included Piccolo, Krillin, and Tien. Chi-Chi, Gohan, and Yamcha would also train with King Kai, even though Chi-Chi and Gohan had their own training on the lookout. The higher gravity and King Kai's techniques would benefit them all.

King Kai was initially annoyed by the influx of visitors. "Goku, this isn't a hotel," he grumbled.

Goku laughed, scratching the back of his head. "I know, King Kai. But I'm the Guardian of Earth now, and I need to make sure we have strong warriors to protect it. Besides, you have so much to teach."

King Kai sighed. "You're just trying to make sure you have strong friends to spar with."

Goku grinned. "Well, there's that too."

Despite his grumbling, King Kai had a realization. "Goku, you've surpassed all the training I can offer you. You've learned my techniques, and training in ten times gravity isn't giving you the same benefits anymore. It's time for you to move on."

Goku blinked in surprise. "Move on? To where?"

King Kai thought for a moment. "There are other places in the universe with stronger fighters and tougher challenges. You need to seek out those places to continue growing."

Goku nodded, understanding the wisdom in King Kai's words. "Alright, King Kai. I'll find a way to keep getting stronger. But for now, I'll make sure my friends get the most out of your training."

With that decision made, Goku ensured that his friends maximized their time with King Kai, learning everything they could and growing stronger by the day. Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Chi-Chi, Gohan, and Yamcha all benefited from the intense training, pushing their limits in ways they hadn't imagined possible.

As the months passed, Goku continued to search for new training opportunities while ensuring Earth's defenders were prepared for any future threats. Vegeta, meanwhile, bided his time, waiting for the right moment to set his plan into motion. The Z Fighters trained relentlessly, knowing that the battles ahead would be even more challenging. The future of Earth depended on their strength and unity.

Guys as Promised Here is the Gift

[Raditz IMG]

[Nappa IMG]


Guys This IS this week Last Chapter Next 2-3 will be on next week consist of 3500-4000words


Hey do you like this if yes then give ,e power stones(i dont know what they are but many were asking for that in their fanfics so why not give me too LOL)and also please give me some ideas to this NOOB AUTHOR.
