
Godslayer In the Comic World

Ang suddenly finds himself transported to the "Simple and Honest Gotham City," making a cameo as the "Money-Controlling Abilities Holder." If his petty cash has nothing to do with Batman, Bruce Wayne, this would be quite wonderful. Unfortunately, this is the crisis center of the Marvel and DC universes, a terrifying world where there's no such thing as a free lunch. Ang never expected that after bringing home a magical Wonder Woman, he would gain the power template of the "Godslayer." My goodness! In this world where true gods are everywhere, system, what are you even thinking? https://www.patreon.com/Godslayer_7210

Godslayer_7210 · 映画
35 Chs

Chapter 7: Being a Law-Abiding Citizen

On Ang's retina screen, lights flickered intermittently.

Wonder Woman didn't say anything, but the system considerately displayed a profit curve for him. It was quite obvious that the longer he waited to take action and defeat the villainous boss, the worse the rewards would be.

It wasn't that Diana was intentionally making things difficult for Ang, but she had crossed through time and space to reach Gotham City, seeking reinforcements. Saving lives was like putting out fires; if delayed, she feared there would be nothing left.

Ang instinctively felt that the timeline there was asymmetrical to this one. While she might spend a year or two here, things would remain the same there.

Unfortunately, he had yet to accomplish anything significant, so he had no say in this matter.

Ang rushed to the underground gym, leaving the bodyguards outside, and began training vigorously.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of rapid punches echoed through the empty gym.

"Indeed! The power of strength is addictive!" Ang murmured to himself.

Though he might have indulged in nights of revelry, his body was still young and hadn't been depleted by vice. If he had taken over a few years later, he would have turned into a programmer with eight years of experience in no time.

If Louis and the others were watching, their jaws would surely drop in astonishment.


Too quick. His agility of 22 points was more than twice that of an ordinary person.

Ang moved around the punching bag with the grace of a butterfly, launching a series of rapid and intense attacks. The sound wasn't so much like boxing but rather the rat-a-tat of an automatic rifle.

His speed wasn't limited to his arms; even his silhouette left elusive afterimages.

If it were before, he might have struggled to keep up with his own movements, even comically. The enhancement from Wonder Woman was comprehensive. His heightened perception made his previous actions seem like slow-motion, and he dealt well with the rapid flashes of light and shadow from his agility of 22.

He had no idea how many heavy punches he took, but what seemed like a solid punching bag burst open with a resounding "bang."

Feeling somewhat unfulfilled, Ang moved to the adjacent room—a shooting range.

This time, he wasn't testing firearms, but heading directly for the compound bow hanging on the wall.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

Within fifty meters, every arrow struck the bullseye. The system's assisted aiming function provided him with complete simulated trajectories based on the different levels of force and aiming for the arrows.

The only problem was that quick single-shot firing had reasonable accuracy. However, when he tried three consecutive shots with just four fingers, maintaining accuracy was quite a challenge.

The subtle differences in force application, the positioning of each arrow, even a slight deviation would result in missing the target with the third arrow.

"Phew!" Ang let out a breath. He knew this wouldn't be achieved overnight.

Seemed like triple-shot firing wouldn't become his selectable skill in the short term.

After all of this, which took over an hour, Ang felt hungry.

Ordering a late-night snack from his servant, Ang noticed that his appetite had tripled from before.

"Indeed, this is the price."

Eating more led to a relatively faster recovery of his stamina. He realized that even with the enhancement from Wonder Woman, his constitution remained his weak point.

Of course, he was still stronger than an average person, just not by much.

Ang's eyes sharpened as he made a decision—to take action tonight!


Even he found the notion crazy.

He didn't even expect it himself, let alone his enemies.

Things change unexpectedly! Destiny won't wait for you to be fully prepared before presenting a supposedly 100% successful opportunity to you.

The Black Mask had sent Black Canary to assassinate Ang. If there were no unforeseen circumstances, the Black Mask would probably only receive the news of her failure tomorrow morning.

This was a perfect timing mismatch.

Moreover, in the eyes of outsiders, he was just someone who had escaped danger with the help of bodyguards, running like a scared rabbit, taking refuge in his shell. How could he possess the power to counterattack?

This natural imbalance wouldn't improve until external forces intervened.

But before making a move, Ang needed some insurance.

Before long, he stood before the prison cell.

"How is she?"

"Very quiet," Louis answered. "If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, who would believe this pretty girl is an assassin?"

"I'll go in alone."

"Boss!" Louis suddenly raised his voice.

"You can watch through the surveillance, but no audio." Ang stepped back.

"Alright, your call." Louis relented.

Opening the thick 5cm steel door, Ang saw Black Canary. For a moment, he doubted his eyes, mistaking her for a Crawler.

Miss Lance, a beautiful woman, was in a miserable state, bound tightly in a straitjacket meant for dealing with psychiatric patients. There was no room for movement, only her brilliant blonde hair and half of her fair face were exposed. To prevent her from emitting her potential "ultrasonic attack," a mouthguard had been thoughtfully fitted in.

Ang had instructed not to mistreat her, but that didn't mean he was providing her a good time.

She looked like a squirming silkworm on a cold, hard wooden bed.

Upon entering, Ang began with a statement, "You failed the mission. Do you want your sister, Sara Lance, to get into trouble?"

Black Canary's face lost all color upon hearing this.

Ang didn't know how the chaotic world had ended up like this, but historically, White Canary was an ordinary person. Ang's search had confirmed this, so naturally, she was Black Canary Dinah Lance's biggest weakness.

Ang's voice in Black Canary's ears was like a demonic chant, "Among the Black Mask's subordinates, there's always an assistant known as 'No.1.' Whenever No.1 displeases the Black Mask, they're replaced immediately. How they're replaced, you should be well aware..."

As one of Black Mask's expendable henchmen, at least two No.1s had been killed in front of Black Canary.

One had been bitten to death by starving dogs.

The other had been dragged behind an off-road vehicle across the wasteland. Dinah would forever remember how the crimson bloodline had streaked across her vision.

By this point, Black Canary was trembling uncontrollably.

When the time was right, Ang placed his hand on the back of her head, allowing her mouth to regain its freedom.

"How, how do you want me to act?"

"Black Mask has a group of subordinates lurking underwater, right?"

Black Canary's voice trembled as she nodded.

"And he himself is still in the Black Mask Club?"

Her voice trembled, "If nothing goes wrong, he'll be at his base whenever he initiates an action. He can take cover from AK rifle fire behind any window on the second floor of his office."

Ang smiled, opening a laptop, "This is the architectural layout of the Black Mask Bar that I found. Take a look and see if there are any oversights."

She answered each question.

"Thank you, Miss Lance, for your cooperation."

"Wait! You... You'll spare my sister, right?" Her beautiful eyes were filled with desperation.

"Oh? Your plea doesn't include yourself?" Ang was curious.

Black Canary pressed her lips together, "Not everyone can live as carefree as you. In the slums of Gotham, simply enduring the 'cost of living' is a struggle! I chose to do Black Mask's dirty work; I was prepared for the price."

With a sigh, she lowered her head, concealing her sorrowful and desperate face with her brilliant blonde hair.

At this moment, Ang gently lifted her pointed chin, his gaze playful, "If I were to offer you a chance to survive, would you still be willing to give up your life?"

An incredibly complex look filled Black Canary's eyes—despair turning to redemption, from the abyss to ecstasy. She trembled, "Can... Can I really?"

"Very well, since you've made your choice, please help me put on a show." Ang's smile became even more mysterious.

Wonder Woman's missions came with clear good and evil value requirements. Black Canary's nature was inherently not evil, just like in 'history.' There was no need for Ang to harm her.

Two minutes later, Louis and the others stood at attention, watching as Ang carried Black Canary into his room like a sack of potatoes.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Ang had discreetly opened a secret escape passage in his room.

Miss Lance, as Black Canary, was dumbfounded, "You... You're going to kill Black Mask, right?"

Ang laughed, "I'm just a powerless law-abiding citizen. What concern do I have with the Joker's gang taking down Black Mask?"

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